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    Brandi's opus chapter 27

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    Brandi's opus chapter 27

    Dear Hostboard friends,

    Well, it’s been a year and a bit since my last post to inform you that I was taking a break from posting and writing. Time flies doesn’t it?

    Right off, I want to say thank you to everyone who sent regards. The outpouring of concern and well wishes from people I don’t really know, except in this format, was heartwarming, to say the least. After over a year of doctor visits, IV infusions, blood draws and bodily scans, I can say that I haven’t felt like doing much of anything. I have, however, become rather proficient at taking naps.

    Anyway, this chapter of Brandi’s Opus was started before all these health issues showed up. I thought that, since I’m feeling better I would take a stab at finishing it. I hope you all like this.

    Also: SPOILER ALERT!!! The sex scene contains a segment which would be considered, well, physically impossible. But, I went with it anyway because, as I’m sure you’ve all noticed by now, realism is not a major concern of mine. LOL! Enjoy…..AP



    A poem being recited in a dimly lit room…the sound of a mattress squeaking in 4/4 time…
    the dulcet tones of Kenny G, intertwined with…

    “Oh sweet night,
    thou bring-eth the body of another
    with whom my flesh becomes one
    thou a’rt…eeeyyyaaahhh!!!…..
    Oh sweet night…OH SHIIITTT!!!
    Oh dark night thou art…no no no…fuckkk!!!
    thou giveth me the tender flesh…of woman…
    OH MY GOD!”

    And then, another voice was heard…in the night…

    “Jackie! Will you please shut up and fuck!”

    “OK…” The crimson haired doctor of English sulked like a little girl with hurt feelings. “I was just trying to add a little romance to the moment with my poetry. Plus, Kenny G’s music always inspires me.”
    “Yeah well, Kenny G is fine, but your poetry sucks! And why are you invoking GOD? I thought you were an atheist.”
    “Uh…long story…I’ll tell you some time.”

    Slightly offended and slightly amused, Doctor Taylor dug in seriously, then rolled the woman on top of her onto her back. She then mashed her tits, quite enjoying the sensation of her larger breasts overwhelming a smaller pair. As for the woman beneath her, it felt like her tits were being engulfed in a sea of soft, warm flesh which, actually, they were. It was thrilling. Then, Jackie began to slowly undulate, skillfully steering her thick lady lips into the blood suffused pussy of the receptive woman beneath her, which caused her to squeal in delight and verbal proclamation.

    “That’s it! Oh yes Dr. Taylor, that’s it!”

    Two aroused clitorises emerged, then came together in their first naked embrace. Both women trembled at the sensation. Out of control, no hint of propriety, all bets off. They went wild…fucking wild…hips bucked, anatomy slapped and the bed screeched and rattled in the steady rhythm of two humans fucking.

    Stretched out on the bed next to them, a third set of eyes watched the proceedings with prurient delight as the two naked women moved their glistening bodies in alternating patterns of smooth, wave like motions and vigorous thrusts in the soft light of the bedroom. As she watched, her fingers purposefully stroked her sensitive woman flesh. In the heat of the moment, as Brandi looked on and pleasured herself, she recalled the unrequited loves of her young life. She sighed, wondering how these two women were feeling. What was going through their minds at this moment? Then again, fuck it. Who cares? The only thing that mattered was that this was finally happening.

    FLASHBACK: Three days ago. Brandi gets a surprise phone call.

    “Hi sexy! Got any plans for the weekend?”
    “I do now!” said Brandi, super excitedly.

    Then Brandi considered the situation.
    “As much as I’d like to think so, doctor, I know you wouldn’t be coming up just to see li’l ol’ me.”
    Jackie laughed. “You underestimate the power of your own sexiness, dear Brandi.”
    “Yeah, cut the bullshit Jackie…what’s going on?”
    “Actually, I’m coming up to negotiate teaching a summer literature class. And I thought as long as I’m going to be there, perhaps MY teacher might like to check out Doctor Taylor’s new and improved pussy grinding skills.”

    Now it was Brandi’s turn.

    “I don’t know, Doctor, that’s a mighty tempting offer, but my pussy’s schedule is pretty full this weekend. Let me check my book...oh wait, I might/could squeeze your pussy in at 4:10 PM on Saturday. But, be aware that due to such high demand, I’ve had to limit fucking time to twenty minutes. Does that work for you? Can you achieve personal satisfaction in the allotted time frame?” Brandi giggled.
    “Fuck you, Brandi. My appointment with Dominique is at 11 AM on Friday. I’ll see you right after that. You can take me to lunch.”
    “Dominique?” Brandi hesitated. Jackie noticed.
    “Of course. Who else would I be talking to about something like this?”

    Again, there was an awkward silence coming from Brandi. Jackie quickly deduced that something was wrong; that there was some amount of tension between Brandi and the chancellor.

    “What’s going on, hon? Is there some ill will between you and Dominique?”
    “Well, I wouldn’t call it ‘ill will.’ Indeed, in a strange way, our relationship has improved lately.”

    Jackie leaned back in her chair as recognition struck her. She put her feet up on her desk, figuratively strapping herself in for what she knew was going to be a juicy, tawdry tale.

    “Spill it.”

    Reluctantly, Brandi told her tale. All recent events were explained to the doctor; the night of hot sex with Ursula, the fight with Julia followed by the make up sex, the visits to the Urgent Care center due to fractured ribs, followed by the office exchanges with the chancellor. Brandi then told her of the last encounter she had with Marie Dominique in the shower. Jackie just shook her head as she marveled at Brandi’s shenanigans.

    “Oh my goodness! You do manage to get yourself into some shit, Brandi.”
    “Well, after the tongue lashing from Dominique, it seems the storm has passed.”
    “How is the old broad, anyway?” Jackie asked sarcastically.
    “The holy chancellor of this sacred institution has a really nice body…for an ‘old broad.’” Brandi quipped and Jackie laughed.
    “I’ve never had the pleasure of seeing her naked,” noted Dr. Taylor, sarcasm still in her voice.

    And then a thought occurred to Brandi, which germinated into several thoughts, which procreated into a clever scheme that quickly evolved into a nefarious plot…after which, she asked, “Would you like to?”


    FLASH FORWARD: Friday, 11 AM, Westlake Christian College for Women, Chancellor’s office.

    “Welcome, Doctor Taylor!” Dominique was all smiles and she was tingling at the site of her beloved Jackie. “Come in! Come in!”

    Then, for the first time ever, Dominique found herself in a full, warm embrace with her long-standing chimera. She felt a bit light-headed and instantly aroused. Enveloped in the strong arms of Jacqueline Cara Taylor, Dominique did the best she could to represent the fullness of her own body in this unexpected encounter of bellies and breasts, reactively mashing her tits into Jackie’s pair and, for a few brief seconds, wondering what it might feel like to bury her naked C cups into Jackie’s much larger pair.

    “So good to see you again, dear chancellor.” Jackie cooed.

    And then she suddenly ended the affectionate embrace, faking embarrassment and pretending to realize that this was something that, perhaps, she should not have done…that the body of a non believer was never to have physical contact with the sanctified body of a nun. She apologized for overstepping boundaries.

    “Oh, piffle, Jackie. It was a wonderful hug and I loved it. Although, I don’t recall you being the physically demonstrative type.”
    “I’m just happy to see you again. You were always very kind and understanding with me, Dominique, not to mention patient. I just felt that a big hug was in order.”
    “Indeed, it was.”

    Doctor Taylor was then ushered to the good chairs section of the office where she and the chancellor discussed the class she was going to teach. Coffee was served and small talk was lively.

    Once the details were worked out, in terms of salary, number of classes and such, Jackie rose to leave.

    “Where will you be staying for the weekend?” Dominique wanted to know.

    As casually as possible, the Doctor told the Chancellor that she would be spending the entire weekend with Brandi Sara Knowlton. This elicited a raised eyebrow and a furrowed brow from Dominique.

    “I assume that you will be sleeping on the couch.”
    “Absolutely, sister,” Jackie smiled and winked. “there will NOT be any shenanigans between us two busty women.”
    “That’s good to know, Jackie.” The chancellor’s voice dripped with sarcasm.

    But then, a surprise, casual invitation to join them for dinner was extended.

    “Really? Seriously?” Dominique gasped in bewilderment.
    “Yes, really. Join us. It will be fun to see you outside of your official context. Who knows, we might even get you drunk on some high end French wine…perhaps a Bordeaux.”
    “Oh my…gosh I don’t know if that would be proper…I am the chancellor of this institution.”
    “Tonight, Dominique, you are a WOMAN!” Jackie emphasized, observing a slight increase in the chancellor’s breathing pattern. “So please, come have dinner with us.”

    Doctor Taylor then leaned in and planted a full lipped kiss on Dominique’s surprisingly soft mouth. Dominique’s skin reddened and she asked, “What time?”


    Early that evening at Brandi’s residence:

    “Wow! What’s cookin’ baby girl? It smells fabulous!” The doctor asked. The chemical breakdown of a tasty combination of various spices and herbs dancing on the kitchen air made her mouth begin to water.

    “This is a Portuguese stew* with lots of tasty stuff like chorizo and seafood and chicken. It’s one of only a few dishes I can make consistently well. And it never fails to get rave reviews.”
    “Is that the same Portuguese stew that Cousin John made for Antoinette in chapter one of ‘Antoinette’s Big Adventure?’”
    “Yes, it is.”
    “Yum…can’t wait to taste it” said the doctor.

    She then reached around Brandi, who was gently stirring the goodness in the pot that had settled into a slow simmer. From behind, Dr. Taylor filled her hands with Brandi’s naked breasts and gently rubbed her pussy against the student’s smooth-as-silk ass cheek. Brandi noticed the wetness of desire in Jackie’s womanhood.

    “Ummm…Doctor…” Brandi moaned, “can I add a little of that pussy juice to the pot to spice the recipe up a bit?”
    Jackie laughed. “By all means, do.”

    Then, much to Doctor Taylor’s surprise, she felt a skilled finger plunge deep into her well lubricated pussy, take a sampling of her juices, then withdraw. She then watched in shock as Brandi dipped the finger into the stew and swirled it around, adding a “dash of Jackie” to the mix.

    “Mmmm…now that’s what I call seasoning!”
    “Ewww…Brandi, you are nuts!”
    “Relax doctor. The heat from the stew will kill any bacteria.”
    “I know, but…”
    “Besides, you don’t recoil in disgust when my tongue is in your pussy.”

    Brandi set the wooden spoon on a spoon rest, then turned into a full frontal embrace with the doctor. Distended nipples poked and scraped and she pushed her tits fully into Jackie’s near perfect pair.

    “Oh Brandi,” the redhead cooed, “how my girls have missed your girls.”
    “The feeling is mutual, doctor. But I’m fairly certain that your girls haven’t spent too many nights alone.”
    “Well, it turns out that the Cambridge area is full of hot, busty women who enjoy slamming tits and bodies in sweaty lesbian encounters. Indeed, I’ve had multiple come-ons.”
    “What busty woman with bi-sexual proclivities wouldn’t want to bed you down?”
    “Same thing goes for you, beautiful Brandi. I’ll bet that by now you’ve gone body to body with at least half of the student body.”
    “It’s a tough job…” Brandi quipped.

    Then, Brandi decided to get herself an appetizer. She moved gracefully downward, tracing the tip of her tongue between the cavernous cleavage on Jackie’s chest, then worked her way down the smooth, tight belly to the umbilicus, where she did a “circle the drain” and then plunged.

    “Oh!” Jackie cried out.

    It felt like forever to the doctor, but it was only a few precious seconds until Brandi’s skilled tongue crossed her mons pubis and took up temporary residence in the cleft of her swollen labia. After a couple of minutes, Brandi’s lingual probe plunged deep into the woman sauce that was simmering in Jackie’s cunt. The doctor gasped in pleasure.

    As it happened, Doctor Taylor’s clean shaven crockpot had been stewing on low heat since she knocked on the door of the college chancellor’s office. Now, with the tantalizing aromas of garlic, thyme and oregano wafting on the kitchen air, and the lips and tongue of her favorite student deeply in her thighs, she felt an eruption coming on.

    Brandi realized that she had started something that might be difficult to finish. While she was tending to the tastiness of Jackie’s twat, nobody was tending to the pot of goodness on the stove. She turned to set the heat on low so that nothing would burn or boil, and then redirected the flames of her lust to the good doctor’s vaginal stew.

    “Brandi! Will you stop with the lame cooking analogies! Just eat!” Jackie giggled, realizing she had done the same thing.

    Then, in a quick explosion of cum, it was over. Brandi grabbed a kitchen towel to wipe her face and Jackie dropped to her knees on the kitchen floor, weak from the strain of orgasm. Brandi then noticed the kitchen clock.

    “Oh my…get up girl! We better get dressed. The guest of dishonor will be arriving shortly.”

    The two women scooted off to the bathroom. They had showered a little more than an hour ago. All that was needed was a quick wash and rinse of faces and hands, a spritz with perfume and a quick brushing of hair and teeth. Then, off to the bedroom to get dressed. As they zipped zippers and buttoned the last buttons, there was a resolute knock on the door.

    “I’ll get it,” Jackie said. “you get back to the kitchen and make it look like you’ve been busy cooking and not licking my pussy.”
    “Got it!” Brandi laughed.

    Jackie opened the door then paused, confused.

    “Can I help you?”
    “Good evening, Doctor Taylor,” said the attractive, nicely dressed caller.
    It took Jackie a second.
    “Dominique! Oh my goodness! Come in…COME IN!”
    They advanced to the living room and Jackie gestured for the chancellor to make herself comfortable on the couch.

    “Damn, Dominique! As the saying goes, you clean up nicely. I almost didn’t recognize you without your habit.”
    “Wow Dominique! You look gorgeous!” Offered a surprised Brandi as she entered the room and saw the attractive college chancellor dressed in civilian clothing for the first time.

    “Thank you Brandi!” said a genuinely flattered Marie Dominique. “I should dress like this more often if it’s going to get me so many compliments.”
    “YES, you should.” Brandi and Jackie replied enthusiastically. The simultaneous response prompted a giggle from all three women.
    “Dinner will be ready in about ten minutes.”
    “It smells delicious, Brandi. I can’t wait.”

    Jackie went to the kitchen and returned with a glass of Bordeaux for Dominique, who accepted it graciously but mentioned it was a bit more than she would have poured for herself.

    “Oh Dominique, let your hair down for once.”

    Brandi brought her wine and Jackie’s wine from the kitchen in anticipation of a toast.

    “To Marie Dominique; a hearty thank you for joining us this evening.”
    “And to the both of you, for extending the invitation…thank you!”

    Glasses clinked, women smiled and wine was sipped.

    “Umm…this is a very nice Bordeaux, Jackie,” said Dominique.
    “I’m glad you like it.”

    Some preprandial small talk ensued, then dinner was served. As expected, the stew was delicious. The conversation was pleasant and, at times, quite lively. Both Brandi and Jackie expected they would have to talk judiciously in the presence of the chancellor. But it seemed that she took Jackie’s earlier remark to heart. Tonight, Dominique was a woman. Yet, laughter, good natured jokes and teasing notwithstanding, Dominique could not escape the feeling that Jackie and Brandi were occasionally acting like two teenage girls with a secret…like they had some kind of mischief in mind. She wondered if she was being set up for something. These were two women approximately half her age. Why was she here? What was the real reason that she was invited? Certainly two gorgeous young women such as these would rather be locked in a postprandial naked embrace instead of making small talk with an older nun. She decided it was time to make a graceful exit. Well…perhaps after one more glass of that delightful Bordeaux…

    One hour and two more refills later, the good chancellor could feel the effects of the wine slowly coming on. She concluded that she was pleasantly intoxicated and…so what?

    But then, 2145 rolled around. She rose to her feet, a bit tipsy. Good thing it was the weekend, she thought. Then she told Brandi that it was close to her usual bedtime. She thanked her hostess for a lovely dinner and excused herself for the night. But…

    “Where’s Doctor Taylor?”
    “Off to the bathroom, I guess.” Brandi shrugged.
    “I’m in the bedroom!” Jackie shouted out.

    Brandi knew the moment had arrived. She struggled to maintain an equable facial expression.

    “Can you come in here, Dominique? I have a surprise for you…something I’m sure that you’ll like.”

    The chancellor looked at Brandi, who shrugged her shoulders as if she didn’t know.

    “Through that door, Dominique,” the student pointed to the bedroom.

    A hesitant Dominique looked at the hostess and asked, “Are you two up to some kind of devilry?”
    “The answer to that question is just a few feet away, Dominique.” Brandi said, gesturing to the bedroom door.
    “Are you coming, Dominique?” Jackie called out. “I need you to see this.”
    “Go see what she wants, sister. And then, when you’re done with whatever it is, I’ll walk you home, since you’re a little tipsy.”
    “Oh…OK…I guess.”

    The chancellor was confused, but she took the first few steps toward the bedroom door, noting that her gate was a bit unstable. Upon crossing the threshold, Dominique advanced a few feet then turned to her left, in the direction of the queen sized bed. She moved carefully as the room was dimly lit and she was definitely intoxicated. Jackie turned on the light on the nightstand. Dominique gasped then rubbed her eyes in disbelief. On the bed was the physical manifestation of her most prurient dreams in the figure and form of a nude Doctor Jacqueline Cara Taylor, smiling at her and giving her a come hither gesture with her right hand. It was then the good and holy sister knew she had arrived at a crossroad in her life.

    She took a couple tentative steps toward the bed, stopped, placed both hands over her heart, then looked up to heaven with a plaintive question, “Lord, why are you tempting me like this?”

    Jackie waited with bated breath to see what Dominique would do, then reminded her, “You’re a woman tonight, Dominique. Remember?”

    The 44 year old, moderately inebriated chancellor of Westlake Christian College for Women took a couple of seconds to weigh the options in front of her.

    Many years ago, a young Dominique Devereaux decided to end her sinful lifestyle, join a holy order and rededicate herself to serving her lord Jesus Christ. Except for the recent shower incident, the decadent lifestyle was a thing of the past…or was it? Now, in front of her eyes was the physical manifestation of her most clandestine fantasy in the form of a naked Jackie Taylor. She must not succumb! Turn, Dominique and go…quickly! But the chancellor’s path to exit was halted, unexpectedly. In the doorframe stood a completely naked Brandi Knowlton. The buxom brunette sauntered up to Dominique, her magnificent bosoms deliciously jiggling. She stopped, then looked her squarely in the eyes with a bit of a smirk on her face.

    “Welcome to Walmart, Dominique. While you’re here, don’t forget to take advantage of the two for one special in our ‘women’s pussy’ department.”

    Brandi slowly moved past the bewildered chancellor, momentarily brushing her tits into the nun’s shoulder. She then joined Jackie on the bed. The two beauties sat on the edge of the bed with their legs spread, licking their lips while gently stroking their pussies and smiling seductively at the Chancellor.

    “Oh…what the hell, I never could resist a two for one sale.”

    In seconds, the chancellor of the college was naked.

    “Oh, wow! What a sexy body!!!” Jackie cried out.
    “I told you she was hot,” said Brandi.

    Dominique lunged, and the three women fell back into the bed, then scooted up and in. The Doctor took the lead, forcefully pushing the chancellor onto her back and stretching out on top of her, body to body. Dominique yelped in ecstasy.

    “Oh dear God! How I have longed for this!”

    Jackie moved in a way that indicated she was about to apply her tongue and lips to sensitive parts of Dominique’s body. But she was stopped.

    “What? No foreplay?” she asked.
    “Not necessary…” panted the chancellor. “Just fuck me, Jackie…fuck me!”
    “As you wish, dear lady.”

    Brandi realized that this was a special moment for these two, especially the chancellor. So she stretched out alongside the two hot and horny women to enjoy the debauchery. She politely laid back in order to let the two lust crazed women have their much awaited moment. Jackie sensed what Brandi was doing and flashed her a quick, warm smile, then thrust her naked cunt into the wet, waiting pussy between the “tonight you’re a woman” thighs. As soon as the thick lips engaged, and a coupling was achieved, Dominique let out a series of grunts, gasps, groans and moans that had been stored deep inside, just above her diaphragm, for many long, dry as the Utah desert years. The abundance of pre-cum oozing from Dominique made Doctor Taylor shiver as she pushed her engorged labia ever deeper into the sanctified folds of the 44 year old nun’s surprisingly plush pussy. The sucking sounds of thick wet meat slapping and squashing filled the air. It was a sound that Brandi had grown fond of over many woman to woman fucks. So she made herself comfortable and began to pleasure herself while enjoying the show, two fingers now lovingly stroking her womanhood, then engaging her clitoris.


    Thickness against thickness, softness against softness, wetness against wetness, Dominique Devereaux recalled from her youth just how much she loved the sensation of two sets of blood engorged labia meeting for the first time, then sucking into a deep, clit grinding fuck. Dominique and Jackie interlocked in a pelvis grinding fuck duel. It needn’t be said, but Jackie had always sensed Dominique’s clandestine desire to be underneath her like this and to fuck with abandon and without sanctimony.

    The first appearance of sweat on the nun’s body caused a mutual reaction in the pores of Doctor Taylor’s skin…two women, now bathed in the diaphoresis of desire. They smiled at each other over the smacking of tits and the slow, measured, piston-like pumps of their hips as mutual breathing intensified. They snarled at each other over the exquisite proximity of the explosive orgasm that they were both trying to hold within, each woman waiting for the other to erupt first.

    “You won’t out fuck me, Dominique,” taunted the redhead.
    “Oh, Jackie, you sweet, naive young girl. You’ve unleashed the latent fury of a woman who has been sexually chaste for many long years; a woman on the perpetual edge of explosion, and a woman of considerable experience in matters such as this…at least in my younger days. You don’t seriously think you can out fuck me, do you?”
    “Don’t throw that wisdom/experience argument at me, Dominique.” Jackie scoffed.
    “What do you mean?”
    “You and I know that we’re both less than the width of a cunt hair from exploding into and all over each other. My youth and my strength will prevail. I’ll fuck the daylights out of you, dear chancellor.”
    “Bullshit! I’ll…”
    “Hey! You two! Enough trash talk! How about you both quit the bullshit and get busy grinding cunts.” Brandi said, with faux indignation and a smirk on her face. Then she continued, “not to mention that you should both be relaxed and overjoyed that this is finally happening!”
    “She has a point.” Jackie said.
    “Indeed she does,” replied Dominique, who then summoned her strength and rolled the redhead onto her back with chancellor-like authority. Next, she gathered Jackie’s much larger breasts into two immense peaks and lowered her smaller but respectable tits into them. Her C cups became engulfed in the soft mountains of Doctor Taylor’s tit meat. What a sensation! Now, the once randy-before-she-became-a-nun woman, pulled out all the stops. She used her latent trib skill to bring Jackie to the precipice, then eased off. Keeping her cunt lips in full contact with Jackie’s lush lips, she would pound hard, drive deep, then ease off, to the point where Jackie squealed in both delight and frustration. Never having seen this technique before, Brandi was fascinated by it. She made a mental note to add this method to her pussy to pussy repertoire.

    Then, almost as if it was a choreographed routine, Dominique and Jackie split up and repositioned themselves for the grand finale. But Brandi had other ideas. She sat up on her haunches to observe the climax. Then, the gears of her mind started to spin and whirr.

    For nearly fifteen minutes, Dominique and Jackie locked in a rhythmic pussy grind. At least two mutual orgasms had come and gone, with no letup. Brandi wanted in somehow. A quick assessment and she realized that both pussies were more anterior and accessible. Why shouldn’t her pussy access them? She thought, and then recalled the pillow technique she used with Shelly in Brandi’s Opus, Chapter 8, (shameless plug). She knew what she had to do.
    “Hey! You two horny bitches! Lift your asses up. Come on…Lift! Lift!” Brandi directed.

    The two grinding women complied, but with looks of puzzlement on their faces. Jackie and Dominique then felt their asses being raised off the mattress by a couple of pillows each. Once the pillows settled, the total elevation leveled off at about eight delicious inches…just enough for what Brandi had in mind. Doctor Taylor squealed in prurient delight.

    “Oh my word, Brandi! Are you going to attempt a three way?”
    “I am indeed.” Brandi said, confidently.

    Dominique was equally flabbergasted when she realized what Brandi had in mind. Then her memory kicked in.

    “Although there have been many attempts in recent years, a three way hasn’t been successfully achieved since the great gymnastics scandal at the 1975 Summer Olympics in Athens, Greece…when a Russian girl, a Chinese girl and an American girl were discovered in a three way scissor fuck!” The chancellor noted.
    “That was way before I was born.” Said Brandi.
    “Me too, but I remember reading something about that,” said an amused Dr. Taylor.
    “Well, it was a few years before I was born too…but…”
    “You mean the same year you were born, don’t you?”
    “Dear lord no! Jesus H. Christ, Brandi! How old do you think I am?”
    “That would be my guess too.” Jackie added.
    “Good gracious, no! Like Dr. Taylor, I was a gifted student and…”
    “Forget the back story Dominique. How old are you?” Brandi demanded.
    “I’m 44, you nut jobs! Like Jackie, I got degrees years ahead of time.”
    “We’re sorry Dominique…” said the student and the doctor, simultaneously.
    The chancellor grunted and continued.

    “Anyway, all three gymnasts were late for their events. Nobody knew why. It was revealed later that they found them in the American girl’s room, in a genitalia lockup of epic beauty. However, this was long before the days of shaving and grooming. It took the officials, almost an hour to untangle all the bushy pubic hair. Indeed, they had to call in Giannis, a highly skilled local hair stylist. He used his professional strength scissors to snip through the tangled mess of pubic hair. But due to the, shall we say, ‘anatomical intimacy’ It took some time. The girls were ultimately separated, and were able to compete.”

    “Wow!” Brandi was flabbergasted.

    Dominique was about to conclude, but Dr. Taylor interrupted excitedly.

    “Wait, let me guess! That’s how it came to be known as ‘scissoring!’”

    Brandi and Dominique erupted in laughter.

    “Exactly! Very good, Doctor!”

    Brandi then added, “Good thing we’re all clean shaven, or this could end up being a tangled, nasty controversy.”

    All three women laughed uncontrollably.

    “Seriously though, Brandi, you don’t actually think that you can pull this off do you?” asked an incredulous Dominique. Brandi just grinned at the chancellor, then she got down to business.

    Ever since her failed attempt at high school gymnastics, Brandi never stopped doing splits. It was a form of stretching exercise that she always enjoyed. Despite the occasional discomfort, being flexible was always important to her. And Brandi’s failure at gymnastics was not due to a lack of agility. At 15 years old she was, already, quite busty; indeed, too busty for gymnastics. The other female gymnasts only wished they had this problem. But Brandi resented the fact that her boobs were too big, not understanding what an asset they would prove themselves to be later in life.

    Indeed, a regular part of Brandi’s workout routine was stretching. The way she figured, now was a good time to find out if all that work would reap any benefits.
    The intrepid sophomore positioned herself so that she was looking down at Dominique. She then slowly widened her stance until she was widespread enough to think she just might be able to pull this maneuver off.

    “Pardon my ass, Jackie.”
    “That’s OK. I like your ass.” Jackie giggled. Then, remembering the time when Brandi smacked her ass repeatedly to the pleasure/pain boundary…SLAP slap slap!

    “Ow! You bitch!”
    “Payback is a bitch,”
    “The night is still young…” Brandi replied, with an unspoken promise of retaliation in her voice.

    Brandi positioned herself. With one leg on either side of the tribbing women, Brandi lowered herself down, her sexy legs now in a spread eagle. Propped up on her elbows, Jackie assessed the situation.

    “Oh my gawd Brandi! You’re almost there!”
    “Are you serious? Can she actually pull this off? Sweet Jesus! Let it be so!” An excited Dominique exclaimed.
    “How many more inches are we talking about?” Brandi wanted to know.
    “Two, maybe three tops…go girl! Spread those thighs girl! Nirvana is within your grasp!” said Jackie, in an attempt to inspire Brandi.

    Brandi grunted as she strained to spread her legs even wider in order to lower herself. She could feel the familiar sensation of hip joint discomfort, like she felt in her first few attempts at the full split on the balance beam. She recalled the inspirational words of her gymnastics coach, Miss Gretchen Manley; “If you master this technique, this leg split, I’m certain that there will come a time, later in life, that you’ll thank me.” We’ll see about that, Ms. Manley.

    Brandi took a deep breath, strained once again as she lowered her hips in an attempt to lower herself the two more inches needed to achieve the unification of three vaginas. Instinctively, Jackie and Dominique thrust their pussies upward about a half inch. And then…and then… sweet sanctified Jesus! Three naked pussies met in holy trinity! Dominique broke out in Beethoven’s Ode to Joy. A joyous Jackie chimed in. Brandi had no idea what they were singing, but three ebullient women burst into joyous cries as three juiced vaginas made first contact. This pussy-to-pussy-to-pussy tryst, this three way romantic rendezvous lasted a little more than two multiple orgasms and an extended, ten minute slice of heaven before Brandi needed to return to normal. She rolled off the women and stretched out on her back. As a reward for her extraordinary effort, her body was lovingly fingered, licked and sucked by two grateful bed mates. Equally overjoyed, equally exhausted, by 11:30 PM, all three were snuggled and fast asleep.

    The following Monday morning, just before Jackie’s planned return to Cambridge, she and Brandi casually sauntered across campus to the administrative offices. Jackie intended to bid a pleasant farewell to Dominique, but the office of the chancellor was closed.

    “Do you think we wore her out?” Brandi asked, only half kidding. Jackie laughed, then stated that she had to get on the road. In the parking lot, Brandi and Jackie embraced each other tightly, both of them letting out profound sighs.

    “This was a great weekend, Brandi.”
    “It was so good to see you and be with you again, Doctor Taylor.”
    “I’m glad that our tits and pussies got to spend some quality time together.”
    “Me too.”
    “Give Dominique a big titty rubbing hug for me when you see her.”
    Brandi laughed, “I sure will.”

    Later that day, after classes, Brandi meandered over to the Chancellor’s office once again. And, once again, the door was locked and there was no sound of human activity from inside. Tuesday’s effort yielded the same result. But as Brandi turned to leave the office suite, she ran across one of the nuns; a nun she had not seen before.

    “Can I help you, miss?” came one of the sweetest voices Brandi had ever heard. The two women approached each other in the hallway.

    “You’re new here.” Brandi observed.
    “I am indeed new here,” said the striking young nun.

    A soft hand was offered, along with a beaming smile. The handshake between the two women was as profound as it was unnecessarily long. Brandi felt a stirring. So did the young nun. Their eyes locked.

    “I’m Brandi, and I was looking for the Chancellor.”
    “I’m Veronica Marie. Sister Veronica Marie. I arrived last week, from San Francisco.”

    Veronica Marie Santiago was a twenty-four year old Latino woman who came from a well to do second generation Bay area family. Her mother was an OB GYN doctor at the once prestigious Randolph J. Davis Medical Center in the city. Her father was, of course, an attorney who specialized in medical malpractice cases. They were financially secure, socially well connected and, despite both being devout Catholics, a bit disappointed when their beloved daughter decided to become a nun. Nonetheless, as good catholics, they supported her. As for Veronica, her New England assignment was a welcomed reprieve. Sometimes, being apart from the ones you love is less emotionally draining.

    “Well then, welcome to our humble New England village, Sister Veronica Marie.”
    “Thank you, Brandi. Everyone here has been so warm and welcoming!”
    “New England hospitality, Sister.”

    The young nun broke the eye contact and gathered her thoughts,

    “I’m sorry, the Chancellor is not in today.”
    “Will she be in tomorrow?”
    “I honestly don’t know. Like I said, I’ve only been here a week. I’m still learning how things work. Is this an urgent matter?”
    “No, just a casual visit. I’ll drop by again tomorrow.”
    “Wonderful!” Sister Veronica beamed, “Perhaps we’ll see each other again.”
    “Perhaps…” Brandi said, with an array of feelings stirring inside her.


    That evening at 7:30 PM, there was a knock on Brandi’s door. She opened her door to a vision of Latin heat. Jet black hair down to the mid back, full lips, piercing, dark brown eyes, a fully buttoned dark burgundy blouse that only revealed the size and fullness of the breasts it struggled to contain, and a black leather skirt that was disappointingly knee length. It should have been shorter, but there were standards for civilian style attire.

    “Welcome, Sister Veronica. I was expecting you…come in.”
    The nun hesitated, “I’m not sure this was such a good idea.”
    “Coming here?”
    “Yes.” she responded, nervously.
    “Well…why don’t you come inside and we can ruminate over this idea with a glass of wine?”

    Veronica Marie Santiago smiled, feeling her angst slowly dissipate. She then followed Brandi Sara Knowlton into her apartment.

    “Make yourself comfortable on the couch while I go to the kitchen for some wine.”

    In minutes, Brandi returned with a bottle of Oregon Pino Noir and two red wine glasses. She poured a small amount into one glass and gestured to her guest to perform the traditional swirl, sniff and taste ritual. Brandi watched her go through the steps as if she was a sommelier.

    “Wow! So much wine skill for such a young nun. I’m impressed.”
    “Hmm…” Veronica groused, “these wine skills came with a price tag.”
    “Oh…you went to wine school?”
    “Not exactly,” Veronica sighed.
    “I’m sensing a story here.” Brandi assessed, accurately.
    “It’s a sordid tale…”
    “I like sordid. Lay it on me.”
    “Well…perhaps another time. Tonight I want to enjoy your company. Tonight, we’re just two women, getting to know each other.”
    “That works too…but save that sordid tale for me.”

    Brandi then poured wine to a drinkable level in both glasses and the two attractive, increasingly aroused women raised them, toasting each other. They moved close to each other on the couch. Pulses quickened. Respirations deepened. Down south, things were getting moist.

    Brandi locked eyes with Veronica, took another sip of wine, set her glass on the coffee table then asked an intentionally sardonic question. “So, tell me Veronica…is there much lesbian activity in San Francisco?”

    Veronica laughed, realizing the stirring in her loins needed release. She took another sip of wine, set her glass down and in a fraction of a second, two Oregon Pino Noir coated tongues were swirling in an incendiary kiss while blouses became unbuttoned and breasts were eagerly fondled. Ten minutes later, Brandi and Veronica were stretched out on their backs in bed, their legs scissor-locked and their wet pussies squishing and fucking.

    ~~~To be continued~~~
    Last edited by DHH; June 13th, 2024 at 11:18 PM.

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    Senior Hostboard Member YuriLesboLover's Avatar
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    Re: randi's opus chapter 27

    Our Prodigal Son has returned at last. Happy to hear about your health. I’ve been under the weather myself lately but it’s nothing compared to what you’ve been going through. I would give this a read but I have a thing when stories get new installments after a long time. I tend to reread the entire thing from beginning to end to get familiar with the environment and characters again. It will no doubt take a while but your writing always make it worth it. I’ll be back once I’m done. Looking forward to seeing what your big comeback is all about.

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    Re: randi's opus chapter 27

    Great to see you back, especially after your ordeal. Looking forward to reading this.


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    Senior Hostboard Member Giannis-CB's Avatar
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    Re: randi's opus chapter 27

    Welcome back, my very good friend ! Very pleasant surprise. I know your health adventures, I wish no more tests and hassles anymore !

    Your last chapter is very well written. You have the gift of finding many different ways to say a word or write a phrase. NOT all writers do this, even in their native language. Unfortunately in every country now, many writers (of any kind of stories, not just writers of erotic stories) follow the convenient: "I know and I speak using 2000-3000 words (maximum) and I write same way". I can't stand this, and I'm glad you're among the writers who are bright exceptions. The vocabulary of your stories is a treasure !

    Smart, humorous, witty dialogues, building erotic tension, hot erotic action, friendly but intense erotic confrontations that sometimes reach exaggeration but who is bothered ? In other words, A. Penman in yet another story. Which I hope and wish will not be the last !

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    Re: randi's opus chapter 27

    Quote Originally Posted by YuriLesboLover View Post
    Our Prodigal Son has returned at last. Happy to hear about your health. I’ve been under the weather myself lately but it’s nothing compared to what you’ve been going through. I would give this a read but I have a thing when stories get new installments after a long time. I tend to reread the entire thing from beginning to end to get familiar with the environment and characters again. It will no doubt take a while but your writing always make it worth it. I’ll be back once I’m done. Looking forward to seeing what your big comeback is all about.

    I wouldn't exactly call it a big comeback (smile), but these days the writing bug seems to be a little more inclined to bite. It's odd. All those brain cells that used to get regularly exercised in the creation of this "high end literature" (smiley face with wink) are slowly waking from an extended sleep. Next on the list is another foray into the Beth and Sandra series. Although it may not be exactly what some of you are expecting.

    Anyway, thanks for your kind words. Be well.


    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Giannis-CB View Post
    Welcome back, my very good friend ! Very pleasant surprise. I know your health adventures, I wish no more tests and hassles anymore !

    Your last chapter is very well written. You have the gift of finding many different ways to say a word or write a phrase. NOT all writers do this, even in their native language. Unfortunately in every country now, many writers (of any kind of stories, not just writers of erotic stories) follow the convenient: "I know and I speak using 2000-3000 words (maximum) and I write same way". I can't stand this, and I'm glad you're among the writers who are bright exceptions. The vocabulary of your stories is a treasure !

    Smart, humorous, witty dialogues, building erotic tension, hot erotic action, friendly but intense erotic confrontations that sometimes reach exaggeration but who is bothered ? In other words, A. Penman in yet another story. Which I hope and wish will not be the last !

    Thank you so much! Your praise of my stories always seems more than what I deserve, but my writer's ego will always gladly accept it. Like I told Yuri, the writing brain cells seem to be waking up, so perhaps you (and Hostboard) will be seeing a bit more of A. Penman in the near future. That is...if I can stay awake. LOL!

    Be well my good friend,


    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by JB57 View Post
    Great to see you back, especially after your ordeal. Looking forward to reading this.

    Thanks, JB!


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    Re: randi's opus chapter 27


    Welcome back, dear friend. I'm so glad to hear you're feeling better.

    I thoroughly enjoyed reading this bright new chapter in Brandi's Opus. I'm all in favour of pushing the boundaries with things that may seem anatomically impossible... and the three way scissor fuck is a neat addition to the roster of improbable sexfighting moves

    Whatever trials you have been through its clear that your imagination, ingenuity and great sense of humour remain fully intact!

    Take care.


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    Re: randi's opus chapter 27

    I’m on Chapter 19, which is a long one. The site going down for a couple days didn’t help. I will get to this eventually, I promise.

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    Re: randi's opus chapter 27

    Quote Originally Posted by YuriLesboLover View Post
    I’m on Chapter 19, which is a long one. The site going down for a couple days didn’t help. I will get to this eventually, I promise.
    Chapter 20 is a long one, too. No worry, no hurry.

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    Re: randi's opus chapter 27

    Okay, I’m getting there. At this pace, I should finally be able to give this a read by Thursday. Which fittingly enough will be exactly one month after its upload.

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    Re: randi's opus chapter 27

    Quote Originally Posted by YuriLesboLover View Post
    Okay, I’m getting there. At this pace, I should finally be able to give this a read by Thursday. Which fittingly enough will be exactly one month after its upload.
    I think you'll find that the story line wanders a bit. LOL.

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