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Thread: Looking for story: Supremacy

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    Junior Hostboard Member Passion_of_Eros's Avatar
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    Looking for story: Supremacy


    I?m wondering if anyone knows where I can find the story Supremacy by James347. Only the first page is accessible on the archives and the story seemingly ends unfinished.

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    Senior Hostboard Member Anubisx's Avatar
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    Re: Looking for story: Supremacy

    Although she came from a well-to-do, upper class family, with access to private schools, she had always prided herself on being a Black girl with a somewhat ?street-wise? mentality. This helped set her apart in the elitist, mostly White college town that made up the surrounding area. But Tasha always considered that part of her personality an ?act? for the most part since she always felt on equal ground with everyone and was always treated respectfully as well.

    Being beautiful helped a great deal of course, that always helps.

    And yet, her edgy attitude, the ?act?, seemed to take on a more significant meaning from the first moment she met Erika. Almost to the point of being hypersensitive to her surroundings and suddenly feeling ?on guard? and even ?defensive? at times whenever in Erika?s presence. Never had she sensed such an immediate feeling of hostility towards another woman, or any person for that matter, in her life. She was certain the feelings were mutual, but as yet unconfirmed.

    Erika?s roommate Sharon, one of Tasha?s best friends, and also White, had initially dismissed the whole affair whenever Tasha would breach the subject, ?That?s just Erika?s casual attitude, don?t let it bother you as being arrogant or off-putting.? But Tasha was not letting it go so easy, maybe she did not want to let it go. Only out of respect to Sharon had she laid off Erika and not taken a more confrontational approach. Not that Erika had ever said or done anything to provoke such a response, but something riled Tasha?s emotions when she was around the tall, blonde. Something ?provoked? her terribly, as if their mere physical presence around one another was threatening.

    ?She has to be sensing the same thing as me.? Tasha often told herself, more as a form of comfort, just so she didn?t feel like she was going crazy. In any case the most simplistic task at the moment, applying her lipstick, was becoming an effort in futility as her mind continued to take stock of the number of scenarios where she had attempted to make pleasantries with the blonde, White girl. Those efforts were often met with the cold shoulder or feeling as if she was being stared up-and-down as if some object on display, or in judgment. ?Then again could be my imagination is getting the better of me.? Closing her eyes and counting to ten, Tasha took a deep breath and looked back into the mirror, ?Okay no big deal, I?ll just make note of things a bit better tonight.? Suppressing this tormenting affair out of her head was a must so she could focus on finishing getting dressed.

    Slipping the one-piece dark-blue dress over her head she let it slip down around her shoulders, the thin fabric instantly clung to her ample breasts requiring a swift tug to get the dress down around her hips. A few more tugs and the snug outfit settled in to the curves of figure properly. Even with the dress properly adjusted her Black breasts gave up a lot of cleavage in the low cut dress. Turning several times in the mirror to see how the whole package looked Tasha paused and exclaimed ?Damn girl, you look fine!? in a proud tone. Finally she pulled the Black thong from her dresser, and stepped each of her newly shaved long, tone legs into her panties. Pulling at the thong until it was snug on her hips, and pulled tight into the crack of her ass quickly she let her dress down and smoothed any subtle wrinkles away. Turning again in the mirror she checked to ensure there was no interruption in how it conformed to the round firmness of her ass cheeks, ?perfect? she thought as it now hugged every curve of her body like a second skin.

    Again she found her mind returning to the striking blonde. The comparisons immediately led to the physical side of things as well, which annoyed Tasha to no end. Erika was the an amazing specimen of a woman and the two of them seemed to have a subliminal competition going on.

    All it took was a slight nod or even a look to send her suspicious thoughts reeling and for some reason Erika being ?White? only seemed to add fuel to this fire of resentment that had been burning inside for several months now. Tasha began to wonder if it was some type of racial tension between the two? Perhaps. She had never had any racial problems with anyone while living here so why now? And her good friend Sharon was White, ?White as White gets? Tasha thought humorously, and never once a hint of problem with Sharon.

    Or was it, and this thought actually frightened Tasha, was it some underlying sexual tension?


    Tasha rebuffed that thought instantly, the female sex never ?did it? for her.

    It had all become too difficult for Tasha to keep a level-head about any of it anymore it seemed.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Confusion - Part 2


    The two women made their way into the party.

    Erika socialized with friends she had not seen in months and it felt good to mingle with old friends, and maybe a few new. Her first clue that wearing such a provocative outfit, given her figure, might have been a mistake came right after the tenth guy pestered her for a number, a date, anything at all, just to be able to hang out with her. After awhile a slight buzz helped to numb the barrage of flirting guys. Glancing down at her glass she realized it was time for a refill.

    Erika excused herself from the cluster of male admirers, and some female, even having to curtly protest several men wanting to get refill her drink for her, ?Damn can?t I get a minute to myself.? muttering under her breath as she walked down the hall, clearly aware she was being watched.

    From the perspective of the men, some not so discreetly, watched and contemplated if Erika was wearing any panties at all by the way the dress clung perfectly to her firm buns without a hint of undergarment. But in fact she was, it was a tiny thong that barely did it?s job.

    She turned the corner into the large kitchen and paused by a small mirror hanging on the wall to check her makeup, but her focus and moments peace was broken by a voice appearing out of nowhere.

    ?Well, well, well. You do manage to get out of the house, I guess you couldn?t hide away forever.?

    Erika froze as she suddenly recognized that voice, her heart even skipped a beat and she slowly turned around. Her tongue came out of her mouth and slowly wet her lips. She observed Tasha wearing a skirt, not too short, maybe a tad bit longer then Erika?s. Her top was wrapped around to a knot on the side of her waist and showed off a lot of nice features.

    Tasha shook her glass of ice and finished off the drink, ?Damn? she thought checking out Erika in her outfit, ?This girl does have one hell of a body on her.? Erika?s physique unnerved Tasha to the point of being self conscious, even insecure, and never has she been confronted by those emotions before. Such insecurity only made her all the more angry, all the more competitive.

    The two women stared one another down yet again but with even greater intensity then their first confrontation, as both had a good buzz from the alcohol going. Erika?s normally logical mind couldn?t deny the strange unspoken dialog that was carrying on between them.

    "Hiding? Hiding from what and whom? And what are you doing following me around like some freak with an obsession.? Erika snapped as she felt an enormous rush of excitement coiling deep inside of her, ready to spring outward.

    Tasha started to totally lose it again, but brought her emotions quickly under control, ?Me? Following you?? Her voiced raised but came down quickly so as not to draw attention. She then walked right up next to the White girl again trying to invade her personal space. She stood towards the Kitchen counter to make herself look busy and not draw too much attention to the two of them. They now stood side-by-side but facing opposite directions. Tasha firmly believed in one-upping during arguments, and she liked to do so by pushing people?s physical boundaries. Erika wasn?t on her home turf and Tasha wasn?t about to let her come out of this confrontation with the upper hand this time.

    ?Don?t make me laugh. If I walk in a room and you happen to be there, don?t flatter yourself with bullshit talk about me following you.? Tasha glared.

    She got no response from Erika. Who seemed to just stand there almost ignoring her while looking straight ahead. Irritated by this lack of response Tasha abruptly dumped her ice into the sink and whipped her head to the left speaking close into her adversaries ear, ?Why don?t you and I go somewhere private to finish this.? She was so close Erika could feel the hair stand up on her neck and Tasha?s breath flowing into her ear canal. With a loud clink, set her glass down before turning away and walking quickly out of the kitchen.

    Erika felt her temper flare as her skin flushed with anger, the glass in her hand began to almost visibly tremble. The alcohol was having it?s effect, maybe too much alcohol and she knew better. She found herself struggling between not being goaded into some cheap, slutty confrontation at this party, but neither was she going to let this trash, talking Black girl walk all over her. ?This is not like me at all.? and looked back down at her near empty wine glass.

    Tasha had paused in the hallway to look back at the kitchen alcove, but nothing. Disappointment plunged into the pit of her stomach and she even began to feel foolish for pushing the issue. ?What am I saying? What am I even suggesting?? it seemed all the more insane by the ticking seconds while standing there alone. But a quick flash of Erika?s body hugging White dress came into view, the blonde?s eyes were ablaze with fury. Tasha?s heart jumped and she frantically took a deep, nervous breath. Her big beautiful eyes narrowed doing her best to give that ?beckoning look? for the blonde to follow her, if she dared.

    It was a large house and Tasha had no problem finding an empty room near the back. Away from crowds and people. Erika had followed her without missing a beat. The light to a small lamp that dimly lit the room was already lit, Erika closed the door behind them.

    ?You had better come here to do more then just talk.? Tasha spun around started in almost immediately, letting her mouth and nerves get the better of her, she felt herself getting scared. Things were becoming a little too real but she also wanted that now.

    ?Or what?? Erika threw it right back in the Black girl?s face, ?Since you?re so big on being honest why not just say you are looking for a fight with me, you have been trying from day one!? Erika shot right back at her.

    Tasha didn?t step in close this time but kept her distance, even with all of her tough bravado she felt guarded and a little unsure of how this would all play out. ?It seems obvious what I want, and it?s what you want to, so stop playing the dumb blonde bitch. Otherwise?.? Tasha raised her left arm and pointed at the door behind Erika as if it were her last option.??.you can just scoot your ass out of the room now and runaway.?

    Erika felt her buttons getting pushed and pursed her full lips. She then cocked her head to one side with a smirk, her right hand set the wine glass down on the dresser and waived her strong, muscular arms briefly out to her side in a ?bring-it-on? gesture, ?I?m still here, or is that not ?woman enough? for you??

    Tasha got an excited look in her eyes but before Tasha could even respond Erika spoke, ?But not here!? she snapped and pointed down to the ground with her left hand for added emphasis of their location.

    Tasha?s lips parted, and then closed, the damn girl had a point. They couldn?t very well ?throw-down? right here in the middle of someone?s house, full of people. But she wasn?t going to let it go either, ?Why not here? Afraid everyone would see me kick your high-and-mighty White ass!?

    Erika?s lips curled into an amused smirk as she straightened up her back to emphasis her clear height and size advantage, ?Kick my ass? Like that would ever happen.? she followed up with a snorted chuckle her head tilting back in amusement. Erika could see how this infuriated Tasha, to be talked down to, so she kept it up. ?You?ve been aching for a confrontation with me for months now. I think you can wait just a little longer for the ass-kicking I?ll give you, although I?ve rarely seen anyone so anxious for one.? Erika casually picked up her glass of wine and brought it up to her lips to take a sip, acting very cool and self assured.

    Tasha definitely noted this new air of confidence coming from the girl, a simmering fire in Erika?s eyes that was not there these past few months, and while these new developments excited her, it also did cause her a great deal of worry. Nonetheless Tasha was enraged at how condescending and self-assured the blonde was suddenly talking and acting. If she was trying to really piss her off, well, it was working.

    ?You are such an arrogant, self-righteous cunt, you know that.? The beautiful Black girl spoke through gritted teeth as she took a step forward. Immediately Erika inched ahead, just a little, to meet the challenge. The close proximity again emphasized the height advantage that Erika had, the revealing dresses also displayed just how more defined Erika?s muscles were, but it was their amazing breasts which were of equal proportion, that were proudly on display.

    Her heart pounded so hard that Tasha wondered if Erika could notice, but none of that mattered anymore, the adrenaline and excitement was pumping the likes she had never experienced and pushed her toward a desire she must fulfill before their meeting might come to an abrupt end any second. Tasha tempted fate again and allowed her chest to push forward. The contact of their bodies caused Erika to mentally stumble for a second, she almost gasped at the pressure against her breasts.

    ?You really want to fight me?? Erika scowled, her beautiful face tightening up.

    ?That?s right, so come on bitch, why not here and now?? Tasha fired right back.

    The two women exchanged heated stares and an uncomfortable silence took hold of them. Erika glanced down and saw her cleavage protruding up the top of her dress as Tasha pressed in a bit more. Her right hand reached over and set down her glass of wine on a nearby dresser. Her mind raced and wondered excitedly if this might actually get violent.

    Tasha?s peripheral vision saw Erika?s left fist clench, her forearm and biceps flexing with amazing power.

    ?I?ve been aching for the two of us to lock-up together and I know you have too.? Tasha?s breathing got heavier as her heart pounded. Both women had become completely impervious to the party in other parts of the house. Their ears could only hear their own heartbeats and the flow of blood coursing thru their veins.

    ?I bet you have been obsessing over this moment.? Erika seemed to seethe with pleasure. Now their lips were only inches apart as measured breaths coursed across each other?s lips. There was an underlying sensual element that Erika wasn?t totally prepared for and Tasha?s threats seemed to convey more then just fighting, like she wanted to really test herself against the White girl. Not to be outdone Erika leaned in pressing her own breasts against Tasha?s.

    Tasha?s dark, full lips parted as she tried to hold her her breath, but she had not anticipated the blonde?s breasts to be so firm and could feel a slight ache spread thru her own chest. She tried arching her back some more, her Black breasts pushed forward but it was extremely uncomfortable. She felt like Erika could almost sense her discomfort and even got some amusement out of it.

    A sneer of amusement seemed to crease out of the corner of Erika?s mouth. Tasha?s disgust with the White girl?s smugness began to boil over beyond any rage she had ever known and was ready to lash out. More than anything she wanted to smack that look of self-righteousness off of the blonde?s face, an image she could actually envision playing out right before her eyes.

    The latch clicked. The door to the room opened and both Tasha and Erika broke off completely, stepping away just as it flung open and a couple barged in.

    Erika turned away and franticly attempted to compose herself.

    ?Oh we?re sorry,? the couple said in unison, ?we didn?t know this room was taken.? They both smiled and laughed a bit awkwardly.

    Tasha quickly wiped a bead of sweat from her brow and turned around to walk out of the room, pushing passed the couple and out the door.

    ?Your not interrupting anything.? Erika sighed and also brushed past the couple, shutting the door behind her.

    Tasha stood waiting right outside the door, ?We have some unfinished?..? She started in as the blonde pushed past her at a brisk walk, not even turning to acknowledge her. Tasha didn?t follow, she was a little lost in her own confusion and wondered back down the hall to the main part of the building were the party was still bustling.

    Erika refilled a new wine glass and found Sharon. She mingled back into the crowd while still shaking just a little and covered in a faint sweat. ?The only reason I went along with that little stunt back there is because I am a little drunk, that?s all to it.? She thought to herself.

    Tasha was much worse off, her strong legs felt wobbly as she tried to compose her emotions, the effects were messing with her psyche in ways she never experienced before. She was now trying to instigate something to a culmination she had now previous experience at. Tasha always felt above picking a fight with anyone, but for the first time in her life she wanted to throw everything she had at the blonde and kick her ass!

    Both women avoided one another the remainder of the night.


    Across town, after the party, Tasha sat in her room and brooded. She desperately wanted to figure out a way to deal with this situation. It was consuming her in an almost unhealthy way, but she didn?t care anymore about etiquette or what was right or wrong, everything just felt so damn exciting and she wanted the two of them to?.to?.she felt it but was still afraid to admit it.

    The conclusion of how and where it would all take place seemed as elusive as ever.

    ?Damn, what now??

    It wounded her pride to admit that the interruption tonight brought some much needed relief, time to figure out what she might have gotten herself into. This blonde might be more woman then she can handle, she was having some serious self doubts now. Curling up on her bed Tasha didn?t even change clothes, she wanted the smell of the whole experience to remain with, her dress, the sweat, the odor of Erika?s perfume and sweat in her nostrils still lingering.

    ?Soon enough? she thought ?soon enough, I?ll figure this out.?


    The bright sun and cool air on an April morning made the walk to the Bookstore extra enjoyable. One of the typical large chains that had a coffee shop, basically she enjoyed ordering some coffee and then browsing up and down the aisle ways as a soothing way to relax after a hard workout at the nearby gym. Days had passed, and then another two weeks. Erika had not see nor heard from Tasha, for that she was thankful, the whole situation seemed more absurd as time slipped by, putting more distance between her and that uncomfortable event at the party.

    A particular book caught Erika?s attention, ?Photography and Art?. Setting her cup on a nearby table she flipped thru the book, stopping on the odd page to admire a picture. Turning to pick up her mug she quickly paused mid-step, not more then twenty feet away was Tasha, intensely browsing thru some books as well.

    ?Un-fucking-believable? Erika gasped under her breath. She looked at the ground and just remained frozen in her tracks. Her mind once again swelled with conflicting impulses. A better idea crossed her mind, taking a deep breath she turned away and continued to browse, tempting fate to see if Tasha would take the initiative, ?Just how determined was this girl?? Erika wondered. ?Would she approach me??


    Tasha?s peripheral vision caught sight of a striking blonde, but didn?t even contemplate that it might be ?her?, part of her actually didn?t want it to be ?her?.

    ?Damn.? she muttered under her breath as she glanced over and saw that it was in fact the tall blonde. Tasha took a deep breath and doubted her resolve. She slowly began to turn and started walking toward the girl, her heart beat a little harder as the distance closed, her feet clenched inside the tight confines of her designer shoes. A faint smile almost crossed her lips, she was not expecting that reaction, a smile? Originating from where within her? And why?


    A sixth sense was going off before she even looked up. The ebony skinned lady was coming right at her and Erika could feel the confrontation coming. The inevitable war of words. Erika glanced over, noticed the girl?s hair was combed straight down and she had little to no makeup on. A truly beautiful woman, full lips and a gorgeous body. She was difficult to miss.

    Tasha stepped in close and the two women gave glancing looks but finally looked into each other?s eyes, reminiscent of all their prior exchanges as if to acknowledge the others presence. But for the first time Erika thought she saw desperation instead of Tasha?s usual tough bravado.

    Erika?s alluring hazel eyes had Tasha fighting thru a mix of resentment and lust. She never thought herself to be attracted to a woman, especially a White girl. There was an odd way their perfume slowly intertwined as they stood in tight proximity to one another, it had an intoxicating effect on Tasha?s senses, at least she thought it was their subtle perfumes.

    ?You again.? Erika sighed in an almost casual, bored tone.

    ?Me again.? Tasha replied in a similar tone, almost mocking.

    There was a lightness that seemed to take ahold of their conversation making them both uncomfortable with this new twist to their usually instant hostile encounters.

    Tasha placed her own cup of coffee on the nearby shelf and bit at her lower lip, struggling with the next choice words. Her mind spun with an opportunity at civility, ?but why and how did this suddenly occur?? It was very confusing to think of being anything but a total bitch while in this other girl?s presence.

    ?Was that the subtle effort of a civil tone? Or are you Tasha?s nice twin-sister.? Erika cocked a semi interested eye at the girl, jumping at the chance to avoid anymore unpleasantries. Erika was confident she could kick this girl?s ass, but she would rather not expend the energy on any more of these distractions.

    Both were proud, strong women and neither one was going to back down or appear ?they? were offering the option of peace first. That would be a sign of weakness. The conversation felt awkward and difficult to navigate as both knew only meeting as equals might provide any long lasting peace. One slight word perceived as insult would send everything back to the ugly beginning, and most likely, to a disastrous physical confrontation which they had originally seemed destined for.

    ?Civil? Well I don?t know, are you capable of being more hospitable while in my presence?? Tasha spoke as she narrowed her eyes, she actually began to entertain the idea that they might have stumbled upon some manner of closure to this rivalry, or something more courteous at least. She was not really warming up to the idea quickly, their last two encounters had left her pride wounded at being out-bantered and even intimated by the blonde, something she has never come close to experiencing in the past. Tasha prided herself on being the Alpha Female in any group of women, but Erika was the one woman that seemed more than her match.

    ?Perhaps if you try being less hostile and even more reasonable, things might be better. Maybe, I haven?t decided.? Erika shrugged and sipped her still hot coffee and fought to suppress a smug smile while looking back at the row of books with more interest.

    ?God damn, you are so arrogant. So this is all my fault? Always someone else?s fault with you I bet. You think I am the one in need of fixing?? Tasha suddenly unloaded her venom and then clenched her jaw line tight as her temper began to flair up.

    ?See, your doing it now. Lashing out at me because you simply don?t like me.? Erika glanced over briefly and waved her hand as if casually gesturing. She then turned her head and scanned the wide expanse of the bookstore.

    ?What are you looking for now? Another escape route?? Tasha anxiously.

    ?Lower your voice.? Erika snapped in a hushed tone and glanced around.

    ?Lower my voice? Nobody is paying any attention to us, and another thing?..? Tasha lowered her voice but followed Erika?s stare becoming a little paranoid herself. Her whole body felt on fire, that familiar feeling, she wanted to rip into Erika that very second and struggled to speak in a tone that was controlled and low in volume. She leaned in closer and waited until Erika made the courtesy of looking at her, ??..don?t you ever tell me what to do.?

    Erika?s body went a little rigid, she could see some real hatred in Tasha?s eyes and felt just how serious she might want to take this girl. Tasha was no slouch physically, the Black girl was toned and fit, she had heard Tasha was very athletic and competitive. Still though, the blonde maintained a calm, cool exterior against the girl?s threat.

    ?Why don?t we finish our little chat over there.? Erika?s hand, holding the coffee, raised and gestured toward a small table in the coffee shop that looked to be secluded.

    ?Fine with me.? Tasha?s steely gaze never left Erika till this blonde turned away and then she followed.

    Tasha couldn?t help but vent under her breath, just loud enough so she knew the blonde could hear her.
    ?Our little chat? You have such a condescending attitude.? She had never wanted to tear apart another girl?.no strike that?.tear apart ?anyone period? as bad as she wanted to put this arrogant blonde bitch in her place. The fact that Erika was beautiful, taller, more physically fit, ?the total package? only spurned Tasha on even more. She so badly wanted to take this girl down several notches.

    They drew the stares of several male patrons who admired them as they made their way to the remote table. Hushed whispers and necks craning to watch them walk by, something both women reveled in.

    Two chairs, and each girl seemed to sit strategically across from the other, perfectly.

    Erika spoke with no opening ceremony, ?Two weeks.?, not even making an effort to look into Tasha?s eyes, she just kept eyeing her coffee. Sliding it around the table with the tips of her fingernails in a semicircle almost.

    Tasha straightened up and squared her shoulders, ?Two weeks??

    ?Yes, to see if we can go without a cross-word between us. Think you are up to the challenge??

    Tasha smiled in a surprisingly confident tone and leaned forward her dark eyes narrowing in on the woman sitting across from her, ?Oh yes my dear, I am more than up for any challenge you have to offer.?

    Erika?s head remained cocked down slightly but her hazel eyes peered up for a minute as a smile crossed her lips, ?Keep telling your self that. But I think it would make Sharon happy if we could tolerate each other for a little while.? Erika said trying to maintain a casual tone.

    ?So is that your peace offering, a two week cease fire? And don?t bring Sharon into this either. Do it because you want to or not at all.? Tasha remained leaning forward, her eyes drilling into girl across from her, but Erika evaded her stare.

    The blonde felt a little awkward in this particular part of the exchange. Usually confrontations with people in the past ?just happened? and passed quickly, this was something different, something building at an almost painfully slow pace, and with a lot at stake. More importantly, Erika?s ego wasn?t pleased with conceding any ground to Tasha. She brought the coffee up to her lips and took a small sip, ?Fair enough on the Sharon point.? she straightened up her back and finally faced Tasha looking her dead in the eyes now, ?Yes that is my peace offering.?

    Tasha?s felt her anger fall to a low simmer, ?Did the girl actually back off?? But she wasn?t willing to back down just yet and claim victory. This was no dumb blonde she was sitting across from, she wondered what kind of mind-fuck the girl was playing with her now. She wanted to fight this girl more than anything just minute ago, as if her life depended on it.

    ?Shake on it?? Erika smiled and tilted her head off to the side while reaching across the table with her left hand.

    Tasha actually felt excited at the offer and went to extend her own left hand, but paused just short to read the girl?s face, looking for?..well?..she wasn?t sure, just a suspicious feeling.

    Erika cocked an eyebrow in response to Tasha?s hesitation, ?I?m being sincere.?

    Tasha quickly bridged the gap and the palms of their hands pressed against one another, it was a firm handshake. The african-american girl almost sighed with excitement and made sure she matched the blonde grip-for-grip as the touch of skin thrilled her slightly.

    Erika felt the same tingle run up her spine, she observed the muscles along their forearms tighten as did their biceps. Erika would have wanted the touch to last longer but she had an ulterior motive, she was carefully gauging the pressure and calculated Tasha was nowhere in the same league as her strength. She really began to wonder why the girl kept pushing things. ?Foolishness? she thought, ?But don?t underestimate her either.?

    Tasha felt Erika loosen her grip first, she then relaxed her own and they slowly withdrew their hands. Tasha saw this as another small victory, very small perhaps, but still something to take note of.

    Without any warning Erika suddenly stood up with her coffee and walked away from the table. Tasha watched the girl walk away, the cocky sway of her broad shoulders and firm butt beneath the tight pants was all very revealing. It rattled her nerves to the point she felt compelled to turn away, she actually felt some admiration for the blonde and her great physique. A sick feeling of envy soon followed?.and even jealousy now. Never has she questioned her own looks, physical attributes, and abilities, but this was like a smack in the face every time she saw the White girl.

    For the third time she felt that the blonde had somehow walked away with the upper hand, even after initiating the peace offer. But Tasha was determined to uphold her end of the agreement. ?Two weeks, then what?? she wondered, ?Could things really be better between us?? She doubted it. Seriously doubted it.


    Erika never looked back, she wasn?t trying to ?mess with? the girl, or be overtly rude, but ?How does one handle a situation like this.? she wondered. ?I?m an adult, 25 years old, so is Tasha. Was it all coming down to a fight to settle our differences? Would things really be put to rest then?? Erika shook her head, the whole idea seemed absurd now, and she doubted there was any road that led to peace with Tasha. Her stomach fluttered and her nerves tingled when she allowed her imagination to contemplate a series of ?what if? scenarios between the two of them.

    Erika knew how to handle herself, she took martial arts classes, knew how to grabble, box and kick-box. She was almost positive Tasha was not at all versed in any of those, but she really didn?t know she never bothered to check into Tasha?s background.

    So what then? What was the girl after? A cat-fight? Erika almost spat the word out loud, the absurdity of such a spectacle made her whole face scrunch up. No way! Erika decided she would rather back down and be called a coward then lower herself to such a thing. She had never even been in one before. ?Hair pulling? Scratching? Biting? Slapping?? sounds pathetic she thought.

    No way, not ever.

    - - - Updated - - -
    Rough Start - Part 3


    ?This isn?t going to work? Tasha kept telling herself as she paused in the downstairs foyer of Sharon?s complex.

    Her right foot came to rest on the first step, she paused, and looked up the twenty or so steps leading up to Sharon?s Townhouse. The first social gathering that would be the initiation of their two week truce. Tasha let her right hand gently come to rest on the banister as she took a minute to compose herself; ?Just be cool and calm, no matter what, it?ll work out for the best.? Nervously a finger brushed a faint hint of perspiration from her upper lip and forehead before running hands and fingers over her short dress, trying to compose herself for the sake of appearance.

    But just knowing she was about to get in close proximity of Erika seemed to annoy her. The mere thought of the next two weeks of ?peace? as they agreed upon annoyed her. And now the sound of a door creaking from behind her was really annoying the hell out of her as she spun around to see who was coming into the complex.

    Erika froze as if caught in a state of suspended animation.

    Tasha wasn?t even sure if it was Erika at first, although she knew it was, she was just taken aback by the site. The blonde?s hair was unusually pulled tight into a ponytail, dressed in a pair of sandals, khaki shorts and a snug fitting White tank-top. Her body was devastating looking, ?Damn she is looking harder then ever!? was the first thought to cross Tasha?s mind. The cotton tight tank-top only made her already decent size breasts seem more powerful and firm. The thin veil of fabric did little to hide the wall of abdominal muscles that moved with her every breath. The blonde had what appeared to be heavy grocery bags in each hand, making the sinewy lines of muscle along her arms all the more impressive. She also had what appeared to be the start of a light tan, which only accented every one of her alluring endowments. Tasha felt her face blush as she didn?t know if she wanted to fuck or fight this White girl, she didn?t care, she wanted to do both!

    Shifting her weight over to her left leg Erika tried to disguise the nervous trembling that suddenly developed in her leg muscles, ?What is wrong with me?? silently scolding herself, fighting for control. She was thankful her sunglasses were still on as her eyes blatantly roamed over Tasha?s body, soaking in every inch of the beautiful, dark woman before her, yet her very presence perpetrated a threatening air which aroused Erika?s own inner hostility.

    ?Your early.? Erika snapped. Her words projecting an intentionally, unfriendly tone as her right hand shifted a bag of groceries to the left. She now carried both bags in one hand but that didn?t seem to phase or strain Erika?s posture. Her right hand came up to finally remove her sunglasses. Eyelids blinked in adjustment from harsh sunlight outside, until her pupils finally focused.

    Tasha just about balked and was ready to respond curtly as her back went up straight, her female senses reeling at the hostile tone from the blonde, but she played it wiser this time; ?I?m right on time, I offered to help setup for the party.? Tasha spoke in a calm, measured tone as she slowly strutted her long, dark legs across the inlaid tile flooring, her back arched a little making sure her cleavage was right in the blonde?s face. She watched how Erika?s eyes narrowed at her approach. Tasha stopped just inches from the blonde girl and couldn?t help but slowly accentuate the word ?Remember?? even ending with a slight pucker of her full, soft lips.

    Erika felt her emotions rise like a series of tidal waves, each one carrying a different reaction; anger, hostility, and then suddenly embarrassment. She did forget that Tasha was indeed coming by early. ?Must have slipped my mind.? Erika spoke a little softer now but mentally braced herself as Tasha probed her face and eyes.

    ?This feels good.? Tasha thought and let her shoulders even relax some, she had out maneuvered the blonde in their little game of words.

    Erika raised a suspicious eyebrow as Tasha spun around and walked up the stairs. She swung her hips a little more then usual to accent the sway of her firm butt, as if she knew Erika would be watching. In fact, if it wasn?t for the slight tan in her cheeks, Erika?s embarrassment would have been instantly evident.

    Sharon was elated to see her two closest friends actually mingling at the same party. No curt comments or nasty looks, she had to take several double-takes to be sure it was actually Tasha and Erika in the same room, and in close proximity. ?Had something happened?? her own gossiping, nosey drive wanted more information but she kept it in check for tonight.

    - - - Updated - - -

    At First Fight - Part 4


    Erika rolled her eyes in frustration and turned around onto her stomach laying her head down upon her folded arms. Slowly she let her mind wonder how how it would all play out, but with that came a sense of relief that maybe, just maybe it would all finally be over and done with.


    ?Somewhere out there,? Tasha glanced off to the window that overlooked the city street, ?she's walking around, thinking she?s always gotten the better of you.? Almost every encounter seemed to feel that way and it helped fuel her desire for retribution against this girl.

    ?Two weeks.? Tasha huffed, ?Two weeks of hell. This was inevitable.? she mumbled.

    ?My rival.? Tasha almost smirked at the thought. The thought that a singular person could invoke such strong emotions actually made her insides tingle with excitement, as if everything was finally coming to some resolution. Tasha knew that it might get ugly, really ugly, and it was because everything now seemed very personal between her and the blonde. The words, the traded insults, it always brings out the worst.

    The final insulting argument was still reverberating around the insides of her mind?..

    "Stop staring at me, stop following me, and stop obsessing over me.? Erika said with that glaring and condescending tone. Almost immediately after the two weeks were over. The blonde didn?t wait long and verbally struck first, breaking any lasting hope of peace.

    ?How dare you! What the fuck makes you think I?m the one with the problem?" Tasha spat right back. ?You?re the one who is pushing my buttons, you approached me just now!? Tasha thought she almost saw a glimmer of spit fly from her trembling lips.

    And that bitch, did she ever know how to twist the knife into Tasha?s psyche, Erika just calmly smiled and waved a hand at Tasha?s face, daring the girl to fight her as if mind-reading; ?Just like you?ve been coming at me from day one, so let?s go for it, tell me when and where bitch.? she taunted. Erika?s voice oddly calm, mockingly self assured.

    It was a challenge that Tasha eagerly accepted.

    The negative energy between them was uncontrollable now and needed a physical resolution.


    Erika reached the summit, the place where the two had agreed to meet.

    It had been a painful back and forth negotiation on where-and-when to have this meeting. It had to be someplace neutral that they both could agree upon, they even thought of Sharon as a neutral party in case things got out of control, and then there were the rules;

    ?What rules?? Tasha sneered sadistically. But Erika would have none of that, she wanted the following: No biting, scratching, hair-pulling, eye-gouging, or grabbing of private areas. Tasha agreed reluctantly.


    Tasha swallowed hard and was glad she brought the water bottle along to sip. She still couldn?t shake feeling like a fool when she propositioned they fight in swimwear so clothing wouldn?t get in the way. Erika looked at her like she was a pervert, but Tasha thought it was a hypocritical act on the part of the blonde, they were having a fight after all, not a tea-party.

    ?She probably won?t show.? Tasha actually worried, ?Another humiliating tactic, to stand around and wait for her while she sits at home laughing her ass off.? and now her temper was really boiling. Yes she was nervous, yes she was scarred, but she was also excited at the same time. She had never tested herself physically against anyone before and now she ached for it so bad she didn?t care what she did or said to make it happen.

    As long as she could finally get a hold of that blonde bitch with her two bare hands.


    Erika sighed quietly as she turned and walked to the picnic table and took up her sitting position, she rested her elbows down onto her knees and lowered her head. It looked as if girl might be praying, the way her hands were clasped together and head down.

    The sound of footsteps echoed up the trail and Erika's heart began to pound feverishly and yet she prayed it would not be Tasha coming up the trail, but a flash of the girls dark green jacket betrayed that it was in fact Tasha. Erika closed her eyes and turned away hoping this last minute dragged out forever, but just in case it didn't she began to relax her body while tuning everything out, and Erika took a couple of long deep breaths as she turned herself over to that part of her that could wade thru the competition at tournaments.

    That part of her that crushed her competitors.?.

    Erika opened her eyes and unclasped her hands, she slowly dismounted the table and turned around to see the ebony skinned beauty approach from the trail. ?So this was it, what everything comes down to?? she wondered, ?That bitch finally got her way. She wanted a fight and now she was going to get one.? Erika pondered. She thought herself above such spectacles, but had to admit something about Tasha rubbed her the wrong way, and in such a raw way, that she rationalized that she could indulge in this outcome. Just this once.

    It was very early, and this part of the park they were both familiar with, they should have enough privacy to settle their dispute woman-to-woman.

    Tasha knew she looked nervous, but she was also anxious and eager to whip this girl?s ass.

    ?Still agreed on the ground rules?? Erika asked.

    Tasha?s eyes narrowed and studied how the White girl seemed unusually calm and relaxed, this caused a little worry, ?Did she bring backup??

    ?Yeah I got your email and said all of that was fine.? Tasha said while glancing around.

    ?Don?t worry, it?s just you and me.? Erika said noting the way Tasha seemed a little distracted. The blonde casually began unzipping her warm up jacket and peeled off her sweats.

    Tasha ignored the comment and and unzipped her own jacket, ?Slapping, punching, kicking, and kneeing is good. Agreed? Otherwise might as well play a game of checkers.?

    ?No problem.? Erika felt her right cheek almost pull her lip into a sneer.

    There were no doubts, both women were exceptional, their bodies were fit and toned. There was no coordination of attire here but both had on low-rise, high-cut Black compression shorts that really showed off the roles of muscles along their thighs and calves, up-top each also had on Black sports bra. But it was Erika?s body that stole the show and caused Tasha?s resolve to weaken as she eyed the powerful build on the blonde.

    Erika took a step forward, then another quickly, the first sign and it wasn't a welcome sign either. Tasha almost?..almost, took a step back at the forward initiative of the blonde, but held her ground.

    ?I?ve looked forward to day I get to smack the hell of that pretty face of yours.? Tasha lips barely moved, her jaw was so clenched with hostility it seemed wired shut. Her feet nervously shifted on the ground.

    Erika was within four feet of Tasha now, she had invaded that private space and sure enough Tasha instinctively launched her right hand out to push Erika back.

    Erika saw it coming, it was easy when she was in fight mode, she typically saw things like this before they happened. 'People are so predictable' Erika once told herself and it was true. The way Tasha?s eyelids flenched and her brow tightened a second before the push was the setup Erika needed. With little effort, and quicker speed, Erika slapped the oncoming palm of Tasha?s right hand away and stepped in, hooking her right arm under Tasha?s left armpit while thrusting her hips into the girl. The blonde had performed a perfect hip-toss sending the ebony girl flying?..literally. Her feet were propelled straight up in the air as if performing a cartwheel and then Erika let go.

    Tasha?s body went flinging across the ground with a terrific thud, all before she even realized what had happened.
    "Fuck!? Tasha grunted a loud as her body smacked the earth. The wind was knocked from her body, but not severally. Quickly she struggled to her feet, looking over, Erika was adjusting her tight shorts while slowly walking over.

    The Black girl seethed as she bought some time to get a game plan together by circling in a crouched position to the right of Erika.

    ?I?ve wanted to humiliate you from the first moment we ever met.? Spit flew off Tasha?s bottom lip as her fists curled up and raised in front of her. In turn, Erika's hands came up, her palms open in a somewhat lackadaisical manner.

    Tasha threw a couple of short jabs testing the distance before committing anything as she circled the blonde. Gone was her prior fears of Erika, the adrenaline flowing now had her confidence high.?real high, but that doesn't mean she checked her brain at the door either. Tasha came in closer and threw a right jab, trying to close the gap a little more, but Erika's left hand seemed to be waiting for her and closed about Tasha's wrist before she could recoil, pulling her forward and she went stumbling forward past Erika's right and felt her right foot trip on something, again sending her stumbling to the ground. Now her pride was hurt worst of all as she quickly recovered, furious. She was stunned at the speed of the blonde, or rather how quick she was to be more precise.

    Erika whipped around to face the recovering girl, her stance was relaxed almost business like. Erika was hoping that Tasha would get the point, that how easy it was for Erika to deflect her attacks without even trying. But somethings have to be learned the hard way as Tasha face had that familiar look?.that look of rage.

    Tilting her head back, Erika arched her back so she was standing close to her full 5'11" frame. With a look and air of pure confidence she clearly, calmly stated, ?I?m sick of all your attitude and trash talk.? Erika sighed in a very a mater of fact tone. "Do you think it was just luck that I tossed you to the ground so easily, twice in a row?" Erika sighed.

    A genuine smiled crossed the Black girl?s lips, her teeth flashed for a second, "Luck? Sure, if that is what suits you.? Tasha was becoming amused by the whole thing now, she felt like Erika was just playing mind games with her now, and she knew how to play mind games as well.

    Erika semi-crouched and smiled, "You know, we could walk down to the nearby field, and let everyone watch, that way there would be witnesses.? Erika's tone had a sadistic quality, something that Tasha had never picked up on before, it unnerved her but the hair on her neck bristled with aggression.

    "Shut up.? Tasha fumed.

    An opening, that was what Tasha wanted and found, her right hand swung towards the left side of Erika's face. But her swing didn?t connect, and now her body was falling, but it was a controlled fall?.and not under her own control.

    Erika had stepped in using her left forearm to deflect the punch while slipping inside, pressing the right side of her body into the front of Tasha's as her right arm hooked under Tasha's left armpit. With a vicious twist to the left as Erika's right calf hooked in front of Tasha's stumbling legs, thus knocking them out from under her. Tasha felt the fall and instinctively braced for the impact, but her right arm would not move, it felt trapped during the fall and still trapped when she hit the ground. While her senses tried to factor everything happening, she seemed to always be one step behind what had already occurred.

    Erika brought her right leg over, mounting Tasha's fallen body. The Black girl was laying on her left side, her right arm sticking straight up in the air, trapped in the confines of Erika's left arm while the blonde's right palm applied pressure to the girl?s shoulder.

    "Lay still.? Erika said calmly. Tasha gasped and thrashed her legs in response, then let a scream out at the top of her lungs. Then the pain stopped, Erika had relaxed her grip on the trapped arm and the pain in Tasha's shoulder went away.

    "Lay still and listen.? Erika sighed. Tasha was infuriated beyond anything she had ever experienced, her whole body was at the mercy of the pain in her right arm and sure enough, the slightest adjustment on Erika's part sent shock waves of agony thru Tasha's shoulder and into her whole body.

    "You bitch" Tasha seethed and looked up at the blonde who had her trapped, "What does this prove?"

    "Maybe nothing.? Erika warmly smiled, but quickly that vanished, "Then again?.? Erika suddenly let go, her arms flew apart releasing the hold and slowly stood up from where she straddled the girl. Slowly she took a few steps back allowing Tasha to stand. The girl slowly got up, rubbing her shoulder and rotating it with concern, the pain slowly faded.

    ?You think I couldn?t have gotten out of that?? Tasha said.

    ?I think I had you at my mercy.? Erika?s brow tightened and her look of smug, mightiness drove the Black girl insane with fighting rage. Tasha quickly tried to sit up and make a lunge for the blonde, sure that Erika might just be caught off guard. She was ready for Erika's martial arts bullshit this go-around and managed to get her hands on the blonde?s strong, thick shoulders when Tasha suddenly felt a sharp pain in her right leg. Erika's left shin had slammed into the side of her right knee, collapsing her leg. The blonde quickly muscled Tasha over onto her stomach and then drove a knee into the back of her head.

    Tasha groaned as the blonde smashed her face into the earth with the pressure of her knee digging into the back of Tasha's neck. Then she whipped Tasha?s right arm into a hammerlock while she bore down on the back of the girl's neck with her full weight. The veins in Tasha?s neck bulged and it seemed to be over all too soon as she appeared to be on the verge of submission.

    ?You fucking bitch.? spit flew from her lips as she strained to speak, the bitter taste of leaves flush against her mouth.*

    ?Now, now, now Tasha. I suspect that you?ve developed an unhealthy obsession with me.? Erika watched as the ribbons of muscle flexed and rolled under the girl's dark skin, but the blonde felt confident in her hold, so confident in her abilities she released the hold and leapt up from the pinned girl.

    Tasha rolled away and didn't hesitate to charge again, leaping like a panther, her muscles tense and rippling. Erika?s eyes narrowed as she swung her left leg around in a low kick. Her shin caught Tasha on the inside of her right thigh, whacking a primary nerve and causing her right leg to catch air, sending her whole body sprawling backward with her arms and legs thudding against ground.

    ?Gaaaawwddd" Tasha groaned. 'What the fuck?? every attack the she had launched Erika had somehow used her own momentum against her, always one step ahead of her. Looking up, she noticed Erika had barely broken a sweat while Tasha felt drenched and was breathing hard. Her body shuddered and writhed as her hands massaged her sore thigh, she couldn?t hide the discomfort no matter how hard she tried.

    "Me the one with an unhealthy obsession? You must be kidding.? She managed to block the pain for a few seconds and sat up. ?That won?t happen again.? she thought and she pounded her fist into a lump of dry leaves that lay on the ground angry with herself for becoming reckless in her drive to quickly subdue the blonde. Showing signs of favoring her right leg as she stepped down on it after regaining her feet. 'Your just tired, concentrate you idiot.? Tasha told herself, pure luck on the part of Erika.

    Erika stood totally placid eyeing the Black girl, it wasn't at all strange to be this way, this was the typical mentality she held when dealing with any opponent. Only thing was, she was used to a bit more formal surrounding.?not the woods. Erika noticed Tasha's frustration, especially her punching the ground prior to getting up.

    ?Come on now,? Erika taunted with her right hand, waiving her on, ?I don?t have all day.?

    That comment embarrassed Tasha and once again she lost her composure and all sense of planning. She quickly charged Erika driving her right shoulder into Erika's gut, the blonde staggered back several feet and then fell back with Tasha on top of her. Even with careful calculation on the part of the blonde the earth below her was not as forgiving as she anticipated, almost smacking all of the air from her lungs. But she could care less, being on the bottom had no disadvantages from her perspective.

    "This is more like it.? Tasha hissed.

    "You really disappoint me Tasha.? Erika grunted.
    "Oh fucking really?"

    "I though you had better sense then to walk around thinking you could actually win.

    "Then you're the one in for another disappointment, cause things aren't looking to good for you now.? Tasha sneered. The strong Black girl simply assumed Erika was aimlessly thrashing her legs about, but soon felt those incredibly strong thighs lock around her upper waist as loose and fluid as a snake at times, not until Erika could feel her ankles touch did the looseness of her muscles snap into action. At the same time, Erika threw her left arm around the back of Tasha?s neck and pulled her down, locking them together, their heads side by side. This would be the most intimate contact between both women yet, and while this was a fight for control and supremacy, there was no denying another effect that it had on both of them. Their strong, young bodies seemed to crave the contact, it burned into the forefront of Erika?s brain as she squeezed Tasha closer. Tasha instantly squeezed back as they seemed to embrace each trying to crush the other.

    It was a distraction and feeling both girls also didn?t seem prepared to handle as they awkwardly pushed aside the emotional and physical sensations and struggled to continue the fight. Tasha was fighting internal desires she had no idea would be so strong, she totally craved this contact and wanted more of it, but at the same time knew she had to emerge as the Alpha Female between them. Everything about them seemed destined to prove which woman was the better!

    Tasha groaned in agony and tried to push away from the blonde with brute force, the pressure on her waist was getting unbearable. Instinctively she moved her legs into a missionary style position, trying to sit up. Sensing this, Erika squeezed hard, crushing Tasha?s rip cage and stomach.

    ?Oh God! Fuck!? Tasha cried and tried to fight off the crippling squeeze by trying to flex every muscle in her body. Even under the agonizing hold, Tasha displayed her own amazing strength as she rocked back, lifting the blonde into a position resting Erika?s butt on Tasha?s thighs. Despite the new position, the scissor hold were still intact.*Tasha heaved upward and then smashed the blonde?s strong back to the floor once more. Erika moaned in discomfort, the blow was not nearly as painful as a full body slam. Erika could feel the sweat that was pouring from Tasha?s body, the girl's grunts and moans in fast gasping breaths were a indication that Tasha was expending more and more energy to prove her strength and endurance alone could free her. Feeling Tasha rear back once more Erika waited to the last second and uncoiled her legs, her feet snapped away to either side of the now squatting Tasha and pushed off. Tasha was still flexing her back when the scissor hold let go, the next thing she felt was Erika pushing off from the ground, sending the girl sprawling backwards.

    Tasha moaned wearily with the weight of Erika suddenly on top, she attempted to bridge upward, their pelvises against one another, it felt hot and moist, and Erika didn?t anticipate the shudder that rippled thru her body as her most sensitive of regions came to rest on top of the Tasha?s groin and she felt a sudden challenging thrust from under her as if calling her out. And Erika did return, clenching her two round buns tight, tilting her pelvis.

    Tasha hadn?t expected the girl to have the guts to respond, and she moaned. Tasha let her thrust lower, allowing her toned buns to touch the ground as her left leg coiled around the blonde?s, their diamond hard calves ground against one another as Tasha sought to engage her opponent in a test of leg strength.

    Getting her mind back into the fight, Erika then felt Tasha's legs scoot up to either side of her rib cage and bridge violently up. Erika leaned to her left, to Tasha it feel as if she had successfully unbalanced the girl.

    ?I?ve got you now bitch.? Tasha moaned as she felt Erika squirm like some contortionist under her, but that confidence in Tasha is what Erika was counting on. Erika had swiftly moved both legs with Anaconda like precision, she wrapped her left leg about the back of Tasha, while pushing her right knee under the girls left arm. Rotating her left hip, she pulled her calf up the sweaty back of the girl until she could feel her left foot.

    Tasha wasn?t showing signs of panicking, but then again, she had no idea what the blonde was trying for.

    Meanwhile, Erika was slowly, methodically converting her cinching legs into a triangle-choke.

    As she felt Erika?s legs move up near her head she used the freedom of her legs and arms to try and stand, as best she could. Looking down at that pretty, White face, framed in wildly strewn blonde hair edged Tasha?s temper over the top. Erika had this look of serenity and Tasha suddenly had the urge to punch her lights out. She reared back her left hand balling it into a tight fist to strike. Her left fist was now fully chambered when suddenly everything seemed to shut down and her head felt like she might loose consciousness.

    Erika had closed in Tasha?s neck within the crease of her left leg while cinching her hold by the crease of her right leg hooked her left ankle for leverage. Suddenly Erika was smiling at Tasha?s disorientation. The ensnared girl was gasping and gurgling as drool trickled off her bottom lip. Erika slowly guided the deadly hold downward. For the first time, Tasha felt like she was in real trouble and tried in vain to break the hold, but the pressure of Erika?s mighty thighs seemed unbreakable. Tasha had been rolled over now, she had no choice for that matter. In a very humbling position, she lay flat on her back with Erika sitting promptly on her chest, She felt the rippling muscles of the blonde?s inner thighs against her neck. The feel of sweat on skin and the smell off the girls skin was actually a turn on. Erika pinned Tasha?s hands to the ground while carefully controlling the pressure of the hold.

    ?Fuck you!? Tasha gurgled out, knowing Erika was about to speak.

    ?It?s only a matter of time before you pass out.? Erika faintly smiled. Tasha attempted to bridge and roll, but Erika flexed her thighs causing and almost instant asphyxiation. Then, she let the hold lax, enough so Tasha could resume breathing although it was with a struggle.

    ?You bitch! You fucking coward!? Tasha hissed.


    Tasha screamed as Erika palmed her cheek with a vicious blow. The horrors of her worst nightmare were now a reality. Relief only seemed to come one excruciating millimeter at a time as Erika released the hold as slowly as she could.

    ?You give?" Erika asked calmly.

    Tasha continued her struggle, ?Fuck you!? she yelled sounding muffled and pathetic.

    Another hard smack across the cheek had Tasha crying out loud. ?You just let me know when you've had enough," Erika sighed.

    Tasha?s whole body was shaking with pure anger and hatred, all the while feeling like some helpless child at the blonde's mercy. She tried to rest some and contemplate what to do, but Erika leaned close and whispered against Tasha's ear, "I love feeling you struggle, especially since I know you can't get out of this."

    As Erika predicted, Tasha began to twist and curse, yelling out venomous threats. Erika responded by tightening the hold even further, sending bolts of pain through the ebony girl?s neck and shoulders. Tasha had mistakenly assumed Erika was using all of her strength. Another feeling began to creep in, not only did she feel helpless, but the fact that Erika didn't even seem to be trying all out was now 'demoralizing', something that made the Black girl feel weak and inferior. The smacks on her cheek and the condescending attitude of the blonde drove the humiliation deep into Tasha?s psyche, one she would never forget, and never forgive.

    ?What?? Erika opened her eyes and looked over at the tangle of Black hair ?You'll have to speak more clearly, I asked you a question.? Erika sighed as she applied the painful hold a little tighter.

    The tears welled up in Tasha?s eyes uncontrollably now from having been so thoroughly trashed by this woman, but during the course of their fight she had become turned-on, very aroused, by the pressure of the blonde?s body on top of hers, tightly squeezing all the fight out of her, being totally at her mercy. But she could hold back the pain any longer, she swallowed all of her pride and admitted defeat; ?Please? more.? Tasha sputtering out her words. It was the decision based on that of a beaten woman. She planned on appealing to Erika's reasonableness and pleading her case to see if she would be willing to accept her submission, whatever it took. She couldn?t take anymore.

    Erika tightened her muscles threateningly one last time and Tasha gasped fearfully ?Oh no! No!? her voice was barely able to rasp out. She didn't know what else to say, she would have begged some more but she didn't know if Erika even cared any longer. Finally, infinite seconds later the pressure eased.

    The Black girl was a total wreck as Erika stood up and walked over to the picnic table casually brushing off the leaves and dirt from her arms and legs before sitting down. The once proud african-american girl watched the powerful blonde relax on the table, resting her elbows on her knees as if she had taken some leisurely stroll. Tasha then slowly rolled over and attempted to get up. She got as far as actually sitting up and paused, swaying a little as her chest took deep gulps of air.

    It came like a wrecking ball, the final blow to Tasha?s mind, body, and soul. The ultimate snub, in classical, typical Erika form. The blonde simply stood up, put her running pants and shirt on, then walked away, down the trial that led back to the park. No acknowledgement. No words. Not even a look of concern, it was as if Tasha wasn?t even there.

    Once she was sure of privacy, Tasha rocked forward as her hands covered her face to suppress the sobbing that her body began to release, all the frustration and embarrassment. In the back of her mind she thought to herself ?This isn?t over.? But she hadn?t the courage to actually speak the words, or even whisper them.

    She already wanted redemption, she wanted to fight the Erika again. But how and when, those two questions seemed to burn hotter into her psyche then anything.

    How could she even prepare herself for another fight against such a powerful woman.

    For the first time in her life she felt truly humbled. She had been shown who the Alpha Female was between the two of them really was, and in a fight that Tasha had wanted more then anything else. Halfway down the trail she slowly began pulling leaves and small twigs from her hair, trying to make herself look presentable in case she crossed anyone on the path.

    ?How can I ever face Erika again? After having been defeated so thoroughly?? admitting defeat was half the battle. The other half would be finding the courage to challenge the blonde once again, one day.



    Getting Ready - Part 5


    Every muscle in her body ached from her ill-fated encounter with Erika.

    It was nearly a week before the majority of the pain finally passed. A lesser woman would have been thoroughly demoralized by such a thrashing, but not Tasha. And that's because she remained confident in the knowledge that she was more than equal to Erika. It was now a deeply personal matter of pride for Tasha, she felt compelled to fight this woman with every ounce of cunning and strength she had.

    So during the course of the next month, Tasha worked furiously to regain her prowess. She spent hours in the gym improving her already imposing physique. At 5'8 and 145 pounds Tasha was physically about three inches shorter then her Italian adversary, but their respective structures were almost identical.

    While pumping the heavy iron, Tasha would often shake her shaggy dark hair and curse under her breath when she remembered her struggles with the blonde, and the mistakes she made. She had seriously underestimated the girl. She didn?t want to respect her, she wanted to beat her and humiliate her. She knew Erika thought herself superior in every way to the Spanish girl and somehow she was going to humble that mighty bitch.

    Erika was very skilled and Tasha needed to be a bit more wary of the caucasian girl?s power and skill.

    Then she vented her frustrations on the gym's heavy punching bag. Donning a pair of boxing gloves, Tasha pummeled the canvas bag with the thought of Erika ever on her mind. Moving to the speed bag, Tasha concentrated on delivering quick, sharp punches and honing her reflexes.

    Tasha realized that she must become a more versatile and complete fighter. After nearly four weeks of this arduous regimen, Tasha felt she was ready to issue a challenge, but in the most subtle of ways. She smiled as her mind formulated a plot. But subconsciously frowned if the challenge was not accepted.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Subtle Confrontation - Part 6


    As Erika walked away Tasha found herself staring at the blonde?s swaying ass.
    ?I'm getting as bad as these guys in the gym?, she thought to herself. ?Still, it was a perfect ass?.

    Her jealous eyes and mind were having a hard time keeping her mind focused. She kept stealing glances at the blonde at the far end. She had decided to do whatever was necessary to prove to the blonde she wanted another rematch, that she was worthy of another rematch. Even so far as joining the same gym as the blonde.

    But Erika was unswayed by these efforts, more annoyed than flattered.

    Tasha was in the locker room wiping the sweat from her face when she realized she wasn't alone. Turning she was face to face with the blonde.

    "Stop staring at me.? Erika said with a glaring and condescending tone. It threw Tasha off for a moment.

    The Spanish girl gave a quick glance over her right shoulder for privacy before stepping in. ?Bitch what the fuck makes you think I?m looking at you?" She said it low enough not to be heard, but still loud enough to maybe keep the blonde thinking she wasn?t afraid to call her out in public.

    "You're really not very good at this, are you?? Erika casually shrugged. Again it felt as if the blonde was mocking her.

    ?You?re the one who is pushing my buttons? Tasha snapped. Erika smiled trying very hard not to be aware of Tasha's sweat covered breasts in front of her. They were in perfect proportion to hers and it bothered her to a degree.

    Both women began stripping down to shower, Tasha turned glared over her shoulder knowing the blonde was only a few feet away watching.

    Was the stare a challenge? If so it was one that Erika was not prepared for. Had she misjudged the girl?s tenacity? She felt her heart pound in her own chest as she watched the strong Spanish girl walk off toward the woman?s locker room. Naked, beautiful and powerful from a strong workout. Erika was admired the ebony girl?s subtle cords of muscles that ran up her back calf and thighs, her butt was perfect and round, and so tight. But she was also smaller and less skilled then the blonde, and their first meeting had been such a one-sided thrashing Erika had no idea how Tasha could show her face around her.

    As the two women showered Tasha struggled to keep her thoughts more on the hostile, but she felt the little tingles from between her legs as she watched Erika soap up her body. It was a joy to admire such a fine body.

    Erika turned and froze as she watched a stream of soap tinged water run down the crack of that tight, Spanish, beautiful ass. Her nerves became a bit frazzled and worried if she had succumb to a one of Tasha?s pathetic manipulations.

    Erika blinked, had the taunts and games gotten the best of her as they played out their erotic game of seduction, she watched the ebony girl wash and squeeze those bouncy round breasts. Erika had to bite down to keep from moaning in admiration.

    Tasha looked over and into those haunting hazel eyes of the blonde.

    This was the first time they had been in each other?s presence totally nude and both girls new the other was trying to discreetly study the other?s body, to scrutinize down to the last detail, they were both physically perfect female specimens. Erika had the edge of height and muscle, but proportionally they were perfect, their breasts could be identical in form and firmness. Without a doubt they had the best bodies around.

    The blonde did admire Tasha?s body, her Spanish skin seemed like wet granite, her legs didn?t seem real, looking as smooth as glass. With etched muscles running the length of her calves, up her thighs and tapering up to her magnificently trimmed pussy.

    Erika tilted her head back and closed her eyes when she heard the ebony beauty walk from the showers. Her eyes cut sideways but Tasha had already turned the corner. ?And so it begins.? Erika thought. Nary a word spoken since she soundly defeated Tasha that day in the park, and while Erika was irritated that Tasha was starting-up again with her, she also felt a thrill surge thru your body. Grabbing the towel, she leaned over and proceeded to wrap the towel neatly about her head, strutting from the shower stall in all her wet naked glory, save for the towel wrap.

    Tasha stood dripping wet in her own nakedness her lips almost trembled taking the time to collect herself. Her chest felt like it might give way as her heart pounded so hard it could burst any moment. The fresh air had her nipples raging with a hardness she had never felt, and her pussy was so moist at the thought of putting that bitch in her place. She watched the blonde walk by and not even acknowledge her. It irritated Tasha but she also hope that it was a sign she was drawing Erika into another round.


    Tasha threw her self on top of her bed, her whole body bounced as her long Spanish hair flew out in all directions.

    She screamed into pillow, it did an adequate job of muffling her cries of anger?..frustration..?hatred?..and tension that had been building for a long time.

    God how she needed relief!

    She was horny, so fucking horny, it was worse then ever now.

    Resolutely, she stood up and skidded the zipper on the side of her workout pants. With one fluid motion she hooked her pants and hem of her underwear and worked her moist panties down past her knees. Kicking them free from her feet she looked down at the bare mound between her legs as her fingers worked down over her pussy and fanned out.

    "Ooooooh.? she sighed.* Without even touching it yet, she knew the pleasure thorn had poked out of its fleshy sheath, tingly and hot.* Tasha sat back on the edge of her bed, falling onto her back she drew her feet up until the heels were against her buttocks; she fanned her knees and tense strong thighs wide.*

    Tasha knew that the seat of pleasure lay just inside the folds of flesh just below the mound across her pelvis. But she would prolong the enjoyment. Slowly, delicately, she stroked her fingers up and down the inner planes of her thighs.* "Ooooooh," she moaned as muscles jerked and nerves sparked.* She used her thumbs to press the thick lips together over the clitoris and the aching opening to the vagina.* She was so drenched with passion, she knew stroking the firm flesh of her crotch could make her cum. But she fought off the building thunder in her loins.* She wanted lightning to strike at the same time---and that would come only when she parted the full lips and stroked a hand in the wet groove and crammed two or three fingers of the other hand into her greedy hole.* The seething and boiling in her channel was reaching a tempestuous pitch. After a slow rake of sharp nails along her thighs, she used the fingers of both hands to spread the labia wide.* Almost brutally, she worked her bunched fingers into her vagina.* Then she attacked the clit furiously, stroking up and down, raking the thorny clit harshly. There was a pounding of drums in her head in long rolls in her insides.

    She was cumming, faster and faster her hands flew-up and down in the vulva, her fingers in and out of her cunt.*

    She whimpered as the waves of passionate splendor washed through her like high tide.* She was buffeted and battered by tremendous shock waves of masturbatory satisfaction. As her heartbeat started returning to normal, after the lightning retreated into her uterus and the thunder grew still, she slowly opened her eyes, still clutching her snatch with both hands.

    Her body had become an inferno, her legs slowly came down. Her breathing the only sound as her eyes scanned the ceiling, but she did not see, the balls of her feet brushed along the carpet as she lay their, her legs spread wide, her hands tenderly moving over her sensitive mound.

    ?I wonder what that blonde feels like?? she thought in the after-glow.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Another Go - Part 7


    Tasha sent the email, it was short and to the point;
    ?I want a second shot.?

    She clicked ?send? and could already feel the elevator plunge into the depths of her gut, she knew how Erika operated, the answer would be a simple ?no?. In fact she suspected that she might not even get any reply back, another way to dig the salt further into the wound.

    Tasha felt like she had almost no dignity left now, she had avoided eye contact with Erika at parties and would leave the room whenever Erika would enter.

    It was more then the loss for Tasha now that drove her for revenge, it was an inferno of hostility that wanted to fly loose, to tear into the blonde and drag her down into a fight until only one was left standing no matter how many times it took. Until one of them would openly submit at the feet the other, admitting which one was the stronger, better female between them.

    Erika?s cold shoulder and cutting glances only fueled Tasha?s rage. Erika made no attempt to ease any situation, she would just swagger with that cocky sway to her firm sexy hips and stuck her chest out in Tasha?s face every chance she got.

    As desperate as it sounds Tasha felt her sanity hung in the balance to some degree. She was on the verge of begging Erika for one more meeting, one more fight, even if she had no hope of winning. She wanted to try and escalate things even further but Erika seemed to want none of it. There was no hope of continuing this quest for domination if Erika didn?t accept the next challenge.

    ?But if she does accept then maybe she wants the same things I do?? Tasha told herself as a way of consoling the obsession.

    ?I shouldn?t worry about this unless she accepts.? Tasha turned from her laptop and propped her elbows upon her knees in despair. ?I have to focus on getting faster and stronger, if not for the fight, then for my own focus and well being, regardless of what happens with Erika.?

    Whatever erotic feelings she had fighting this girl were driving Tasha mad with anticipation. Now she only to wait for a response. And wait.


    Erika was totally unaffected by the email at first, in fact, it bored her senseless. She almost didn?t respond but Tasha?s desperation struck a nerve with her. The short, directness of the email was very unlike Tasha. The whole thing baffled Erika, she enjoyed the challenge at first but Tasha had been a let down. Erika took a slow deep breath, her chest swelled with pride at the memories of the one-sided thrashing she had given the girl.

    ?Is she a glutton for punishment?? Erika wondered. Erika had even dragged out the fight just to make it last longer before grinding Tasha into submission. Recalling their few social encounters only pumped Erika?s ego even higher, easily recognizing the look and demeanor of fear and intimidation, ?And I put it there?, Erika smirked with a great sensation of satisfaction. Something about Tasha?..about beating and humiliating this Spanish girl stimulated and aroused Erika. It was the tingling in her nipples and her moist pussy that tipped her decision making process.

    ?Meet me at the bookstore, tomorrow night, 8:00 PM.? Send.

    Erika was in the mood to see what was going on in the head of this girl and thought it might be entertaining to see how desperate Tasha really was for second fight.

    For the first time she allowed the thought of ?beating down? this beautiful ebony goddess, yet again, as a form of sexual stimulation. Slowly she stood up from her chair after shutting down the laptop, her hands clenched with excitement next to her body as she envisioned the outcome of their next meeting. She smiled a little and went to bed, her mind toying with how she would dominate the Spanish girl yet again.


    Coffee was out of the question. Tasha didn?t need anything else to crank her up, she was doing a miserable job of trying to calm herself down as it was while pacing up and down the aisles of books.

    She knew that Erika would not be expecting her to be all dressed up, but that?s why she went out of her way to wear something that really accented her figure. Heads turned for sure as they studied the ebony beauty in a short skirt, and sleeveless blouse and heels.


    Erika paused and was taken aback a little at the site of the beautiful girl. She watched the girl pace a little, trying to look distracted, oh she was distracting alright, but in ways Erika was still not accustomed to. Erika felt a slight surge of pride that the girl was waiting, waiting for ?her? arrival, and then a tingle of excitement went thru her body and it unnerved her.

    ?What was this woman?s goal? Her desire in all of this?? Erika wondered. She had a few ideas but kept them suppressed for now.


    Tasha spotted her, hard to miss, damn near impossible. Her heart fluttered but then her stomach knotted and she looked away. She knew the blonde had seen her as well, slowly she turned and began a walk to the table furthest away from the coffee shop, it was ?their table? now. Where they debated and had heated negotiations over when, where and how their first match would take place. Tasha hoped for one more, beyond that was impossible to even fathom, and yet the second fight now all depended on the next few fragile minutes.

    ?Can I convince the Blonde? Not on my terms for sure, but she is here at least, so that is a start.?

    The two women took up opposite sides of the small circular table, with no acknowledgment of the other. But there was the tension that was filling the space between them as they each took their seats. Strong legs crossed over one another as short skirts Tasha up higher to reveal their powerful legs.

    ?What do you want?? came the question in an almost flat tone. It startled Tasha, she was so distracted she had not noticed how close Erika had leaned across the table toward her.

    ?You obviously got the email and read it.? Tasha curtly snapped back glaring up, her large, dark eyes fluttered with irritation. She then sat up straight and stiff as if the very question was indignant and glanced away only for a second.

    Erika was starting to enjoy this ?And so it begins.? she thought and even gave a small smile from the corner of her mouth. Relaxing into the back of the chair, ?I mean, what do you want out of this, I realize you are challenging me to another fight. Do you just enjoy being humiliated? Is that it??

    Tasha eyes shot a death-threat across the table ?Humiliated? How? It was just the two of us.? and she leaned in while lowering her voice, ?You arrogant fuck, you are not as hot and great as you think you are.?

    Erika just gave a condescending smile in response because she knew Tasha was putting up a ?front?.

    ?You have been spending some time in the gym, well good for you, it won?t change anything. The outcome will be the same,? And Erika leaned in across the table from her side, ?It will always be the same you idiot.?

    ?Well lets see about that.? Tasha hissed and fought with every fiber of her being not to backhand that smug look off the blonde?s face that very moment.

    ?No bitch!? Erika snapped and stood up looking down at the Spanish girl with a condescending sneer. From Tasha?s sitting position Erika?s imposing stature seemed all the more impressive, and intimidating. In an even bolder move the blonde walked around the small table and stood right next to the ebony beauty, and then slowly leaned over placing her face next to Tasha?s. ?I am the one that will decide!? Erika seethed, ?It?s not up to you if we fight again, but if we do there will be no third time, your ass is out, got it! It?s all over between you and I, and never show your face around Sharon again.?

    Tasha could no longer control the visible trembling in her lips, fingers and legs. A flood of emotions had surged up thru her entire body and she was becoming an emotional wreck. She wanted Erika to leave and now, she wanted to be alone, she couldn?t take the verbal abuse any longer.

    ?Look at me.? Erika whispered, ?I?m not leaving until you look at me.?

    Tasha, by sheer will power, turned her head but was barely able to look into the light blue eyes of the blonde, a girl she now loathed and hated with every ounce of her existence. Tears welled up barely, but enough she knew that the blonde would notice.

    ?You should be scared, I am that good, and I have one of the hottest bodies God ever created, you know it and I know it. You see this cleavage?? Erika?s smile was now cruel and evil, her tee shirt was low cut and bending over she was giving up a good show of cleavage right in Tasha?s face. The Spanish girl felt her willpower continue to fade as her eyes lowered a little to look at the those beautiful Italian breasts. They were magnificent indeed.

    Erika slowly straightened back up and adjusted her shirt before turning away and leaving.

    Tasha?s nostrils flared with excitement and fury, her eyelids narrowed as her pupils drilled hatred into the back of the blonde?s head, but also admiring the woman?s female curves and fit body tightly wrapped under a layer of fine clothes.

    Seconds later Tasha bolted from the table and walked on unsteady legs to the women?s bathroom, it was empty and she turned the deadbolt latch to ensure privacy. Her emotions could no longer be kept in check and she began to openly sob, but quickly covered her mouth and nose with the palm of her right hand, she didn?t want people to hear her hysterically wailing.

    ?You fucking bitch I am going to get you back.? Tasha vowed thru a shaking, rattling voice.

    Recovered enough to make it out of the bookstore, and relieved the dreadful meeting was over, she went home and to bed early. She had no idea what to do next but wait. She had survived the meeting, emotionally that is. ?Odd? she mused for a moment, there was some peace in knowing she had possibly coaxed the Italian girl out for another fight. She didn?t know what she was going to do and she no longer cared as she went thru the routine of brushing her teeth and getting ready for bed.

    ?Hell,? she mumbled to herself, as her eyelids got heavy from an exhausting night, ?it probably won?t even happen. Just more mind-fuck games from that girl.?


    ?Any lasts requests??

    Erika sent the one-lined email because it amused her, and would taunt the Spanish girl. She didn?t think of herself as cocky and arrogant, but if that?s how Tasha perceived her then why not live up to those expectations. She didn?t expect a response anyway, at least not a civil one.

    Erika was feeling particularly feisty the past several days. The few times when Sharon did invite Tasha over, barely a word of acknowledgement passed between them. As far as Sharon was concerned it was just par-for-the-course with ?those two?, things must be icy again she simply surmised.

    Getting right up in Tasha?s face like that and then using her cleavage as another jab was as far sexually as Erika had taken things, but it excited her. She knew Tasha was a proud woman and that the humiliation of their struggles was on a personal level now and Erika found herself getting turned-on at the thought of humiliating and dominating another woman. And not just any woman, but Tasha. Slowly but surely the blonde was now thinking of doing things to the Spanish girl that would ?put her in her place? once and for all.

    ?Fight only ends when one of us can not continue. Undergarments only.?
    Tasha thought the ?underwear only? comment sounded a little desperate, but she was desperate, and she was trying to throw the Italian girl ?off? of her game. She wanted any kind of advantage she could at this point.

    Erika tapped her fingernails across the smooth oak finish of her desk and sighed. Tasha?s request to fight in their underwear felt crass and beneath her. She almost snorted with mocking laughter. ?Fight? The girl can?t put up a worthy fight.? So she toyed with the idea of humiliating Tasha some more. But more how? Pushing her breasts up in the girl?s face was pretty exciting. The Blonde reflected on much of their banter, an underlying sexual energy was there, but she disregarded that as some infatuation on the part of the ebony beauty. But it was still uncomfortable to Erika, all of it; the bantering dialogue, insults, and now another fight. ?In my underwear? This is crazy.? Her rational side wanted to dismiss it all and never think about it again.

    But another part of her?..

    After some soul searching Erika shifted in her seat and crossed her strong, muscular legs, she felt it in her nipples now and the warmth in her lower stomach, the thought of fighting the girl had become more erotic to her. She only wished Tasha was a more worthy opponent, then she wondered just how turned-on she might get during one of their battles. Feeling truly cocky she smiled and responded to Tasha?s request;

    ?Sure. Whatever.? It was a flippant answer but that was intentional on Erika?s part, it was sure to annoy Tasha. And it did.


    It was late, but they knew the Yoga room offered them plenty of privacy.

    It was a process that seemed to take forever. The removal of their warm-up pants and tops, then their spandex shorts and tops. Erika was wearing a cream colored bra and underwear, Tasha couldn?t tell if it was a thong from just the front. It wasn?t. Erika wasn?t ready to bare that much skin. But Tasha was ready, and had worn a thong regardless of Erika?s attire.

    Erika admired Tasha?s body, lean and still womanly curved. Her bra and panties were dark brown, very sexy the Blonde had to admit. The two girls crossed the distance between them and stopped just inches away. Tasha had almost forgotten how devastatingly strong and powerful Erika was.

    Erika?s mind and body thrilled with the secret love of locking up with Tasha, body-to-body, woman-to-woman and she knew Tasha wanted it just as bad, only worse.

    Without a word the two strong women slowly began to circle one another. Erika was supremely confident in her own strength and endurance, Tasha not so much since their first meeting. Seeking an early advantage Tasha lunged from the blonde and the two women came together chest-to-chest, arms struggling for some advantage as the women pressed together, trying to muscle the other back. Tasha wrapped her arms around Erika, trying to force her off balance. Erika retaliated by wrapping her arms around Tasha and the women swayed together in the middle of the room, locked in each other's embrace. Erika felt Tasha form a knot at the base of her back, telling her the Spanish girl had secured her grip and was going for a painful bearhug, Erika quickly clasped her left hand around her right wrist and pulled quickly applying her own painful hold. Their heads leaned back as their faces were almost looking straight up now as they grunted and panted.

    She squeezed Tasha back with all her might and heard a faint whimper from the Spanish woman, still they squeezed and twisted, and so they remained locked together in a slow-motion ballet. A thin sheen of sweat covered their bodies and made them slip together. Tasha felt Erika's breasts boring into her tits and while a welcoming sensation on one level, a dangerous distraction on another.

    Neither girl paid attention to where the other?s feet were planted, they were shuffling, jockeying for position until one girl?s ankle crossed another?s?.hooked and they both lost their balance, falling to the matt. They remained locked together tightly with arms and legs clasped about one another, rolling first one-way and then the other. For several moments they traded holds and grips, testing each other's skill and strength. And then, finally, they settled into a kind of slow-motion wrestle, with first one on top and then the other.

    But Erika had other ideas, she felt in control, allowing the wrestling match to extend until she wanted to regain control. Her strong body arched upward in a bridge, releasing a massive amount of energy and strength into the maneuver, almost toppling Tasha from her perch. Then Erika began bucking and heaving as Tasha battled to stay locked in place atop her opponent's squirming, thrashing body.

    ?Fuck!? Tasha cursed aloud at Erika?s ability to free herself by skill, or sheer brute strength if need be. She couldn?t maintain her mount on top of the blonde and felt herself being rolled over, onto her back, a place she wasn?t comfortable with at all.

    By now their arms and legs were becoming slippery with sweat, giving their flesh a kind of wet and rubbery feel as they slid together. Erika also felt the distraction of her nipples growing stiff as they rubbed under the confines of her bra. For her part, Tasha discovered that the Blonde?s muscled body was far stronger than she had remembered it, and she was also amazed at the way this combat was playing out, almost to the point of being erotic.

    Erika had underestimated the turn of events their wrestling seemed to be taking on. As their muscular bodies slowly moved on the mat, every movement was countered and tested with a kind of sexual intensity. But she did not enjoy being held prisoner within the strong limbs of this Spanish woman, she despised it in fact as they continued their battle. She also began to worry that she had been expending too much energy and would begin to tire soon as her body slowly squirmed in their tightly locked battle. Her very efforts to control and drag out the fight, in essence to make Tasha suffer even more, now seemed to be turning against her! Tasha was a quick learner and used their sweat soaked limbs to her own advantage now.

    Smooth muscled legs knotted and entwined, struggling against one another. Their buttocks worked in their own rhythm as they would clench and relax . . . clench and relax . . . in slow flexing as their thighs clasped around each other. Each had the other's long leg locked within the imprisoning strength of a powerful scissors, squeezing and humping the other's muscled thigh. Their breath was beginning to come in quick gasps, and both were emitting low moans of pain and maybe something else.

    Erika did glance over to the mirrors and noticed how the sweat gave their limbs an oiled look, and seemed to accentuate the etched shape of each clefted muscle and corded limbs, but the sight of being pinned under Tasha from time to time was not something she liked to see.

    Tasha was also finding herself becoming easily distracted, by the way their bodies had become so intensely intertwined with one another, and she reveled in the moment as she wondered if it would all be over too soon. Erika seemed unable to move or counter as easily as she wanted to. But Erika had changed Tactics, all she needed was to free her right leg and with the aid of their sweaty, slippery skin, she flexed every muscle for what it was worth down the length of her thighs and calves until it snapped free. Tasha felt the free leg move out and sought to counter, and then Erika?s left leg *popped* out from it?s captivity and Tasha suddenly found herself captured in a crushing scissors. It was like being trapped within the constricting coils of an Anaconda.

    ?Damn!? Tasha cursed out loud, she knew better then to get into this position, to not let those long, muscular thighs of this amazing Blonde wrap around her torso. The first time Tasha had seen Erika in a pair of workout shorts, she had recognized the strength of those well-developed thighs and solid calves. And now those gleaming limbs were wrapped tightly around her midsection, in danger of crushing her into submission if Tasha couldn't free herself. Tasha pried at those mighty thighs with both hands, but she couldn't spread them a single inch. Desperate now, the Spanish woman let out a muffled moan, and then she made the only move she could. Her hands moved up, slowly to the ?V? of Erika?s inner thighs, sliding her fingers over the skin tight bikini underwear, she jammed her thumbs into Erika?s crotch. She was instantly rewarded with a gasp of surprise from Erika, then a momentary relaxing of thigh muscles was all she needed. With a wild twisting and wrenching of her body Tasha broke free of Erika's scissors and rolled quickly to her feet.

    Erika stayed there on the mat for a moment, looking up at Tasha with a strange expression. Then she too Tasha to her feet. Erika just stood there with hands on hips, her broad chest heaving as she sucked in air.

    Erika shook her head in private frustration, and then the two moved back towards the center of the mat. Tasha stood slightly crouched, circling Erika warily as the other moved toward her. Tasha was surprised to find that she was fantasizing about how it would be to have sex with this magnificently muscled Amazon. It excited her to wonder if she could dominate Erika and make her submit in the end.

    They locked their fingers together, arms straight, wrists slightly bent. For a second there was no movement, but then both sets of arms began to quiver from the strain. Tasha's eyes were drawn to Erika's shoulders, watching the way the woman's hard deltoids bulged into sculptured clefts and ribbons of strength. For her part, Erika glanced down and found herself becoming excited by the ripple and play of muscularity in those smooth legs.

    Tasha then caught sight of a slight smirk on Erika?s mouth, the Blonde might be toying with her during their test-of-strength. This might have caused other women to wilt, given Erika?s power, but Tasha became more determined and went on the attack. She suddenly broke the dual finger-lock and slid her naked arms around Erika's body in a front bearhug. It worked and she achieved a solid hold, catching the Blonde off guard causing her to gasp in shock.

    Erika had indeed been toying with Tasha as they locked fingers, but the Spanish beauty broke off the contest before the Blonde could crush the girls wrists. Either Tasha was lucky or she was doing a better job of improvising and reading Erika?s intentions then she anticipated. ?All that means is I just need to step up my game.?

    ?You want to fucking test me, you got it!? Erika groaned and sent her own mighty limbs coiling around Tasha's upper body. They were now locked together in a new test. The two glistening bodies stood jammed together, swaying slightly from side to side as each put more pressure into her hold. Their breasts were mashed; belly flattened against flat belly, loins locked, buttocks tensing and rippling. The two straining bodies appeared as one, smooth flesh flowing into a hard knot of tangled female strength. Their heads moved off the sides as Erika?s right cheek rubbed against Tasha?s, their slick sweat intermingled with one another, the breathing coming in slow long moans. Suddenly they each realized another competition was building between them as their swelling magnificent breasts pressed against one another, neither yielding to the other.

    ?No cunt, I?ve got you!? Tasha grunted and squeezed, she felt she had the better grip, at least she hoped, Although very painful, she was intoxicated with the feeling of their bodies crushing together.

    ?Wrong again bitch!? Erika roared and Tasha was stunned to feel her body jolted sideways by the bigger, stronger Blonde. Erika had suddenly twisted her upper body, throwing Tasha off balance sending her crashing down to the mat. In a flash Erika was down on top of her Spanish opponent and stretched out the full length of her body, her legs grapevining Tasha's, her hands pinning Tasha's wrists. It all happened so fast that Tasha was still in a daze when the pain of the crippling hold seared thru her body.

    Instinctively her Spanish body tried to bridge upward, balancing herself on shoulders and heels as she strained to topple Erika's muscular weight from off her, but she couldn?t maintain the position for long, and Erika felt Tasha? body slowly recline back onto the mat. Erika's legs maintained their grapevine with Tasha's, her hands pinning Tasha's wrists to the mat. Erika moved forward, putting more of her weight across Tasha's hips. As Erika strived to keep Tasha pinned down, her glutes clenched and flexed from the effort of holding the Spanish opponent flat against the mat. The mat itself was sweat-slippery, which made it more difficult for Erika to keep Tasha imprisoned beneath her and it appeared that at any moment Tasha would escape. However, Tasha was completely pinned and at Erika's mercy.

    Finally, after another long minute of straining, Erika felt the ebony body beneath hers begin to tremble and shudder. It was like faint vibrations as Tasha?s resistance was slipping away.

    ?I?m enjoying this.? Erika said. Tasha tried to twist free, but she was held securely in the vise of Erika's powerful coils. Tasha's eyes got big and for the first time in her life she felt completely dominated by another woman. It infuriated her, a blaze of hatred lit inside but all the hatred in the world couldn?t move the powerful blonde off of her.

    ?Okay!? she finally conceded.

    ?Okay what?? Erika leaned her face a little closer. Both women stared into the other?s eyes for several seconds. Tasha swallowed hard, knowing the words that the arrogant bitch wanted her to say.

    ?Let me go.? Tasha seethed out. She expected more humiliating demands from Erika, but instead got a sneering look of disdain and disgust. It was in fact worse then any verbal taunts. The Blonde was ?looking down? on her, as if she was beneath the beneath her. Their mutual dislike had taken an abrupt turn for the worse. Now Tasha didn?t want to just beat this Blonde girl, she wanted to humiliate and hurt her in ways she never thought she as capable of.
    In one fluid move Erika stood up and arrogantly stepped over her prone opponent, proudly walking about the room in a somewhat victorious posture and strut. The exertion from the struggle was giving her body nice sheen of perspiration, she had almost forgotten she was decked out in only bra and underwear, not a thong mind you, but still low cut panties none the less.

    Tasha slowly got to her feet, quickly adjusted her bra and straps to her underwear, and without a word uttered between either girl the two women, the Spanish girl stepped in close indicating she wanted more. But in a move that took the wind out of Tasha she watched as the Blonde turned her back on her, as if she wanted none of it. It was a smack in the face and humiliating that Erika thought so little of her that she would turn her back on her.

    ?I?m done with you.? Erika waved her left hand in a care free manner.

    The Spanish girl wavered between breaking down into tearful, crushing defeat, and in the very presence of this other woman. Or letting loose the fury of her boiling rage. Fight or flee.

    Fierce claws dove for the back of Erika's head, forming a fist deep into the Blonde hair and giving a hard yank.


    Erika screamed as her head felt like it might be ripped from its strong foundation, she fought the tug, but her scalp screamed for relief and she had to let her head follow the pull. Soon her whole body was falling backward as her arms reached out in front of her, grasping into the thin air.

    Tasha's heart rate increased, sweat dripped from her arms and face, her body tensed, pupils dilated as she pulled at the woman?s hair, pulling down until she felt her opponents body slam against the ground with a powerful, satisfying thud!

    "Fucking a lot of good all those muscles are going to do you now! You're going to get a lesson in real fighting you smug cunt!? Tasha screamed.

    Tasha grabbed another fistful of hair causing a scream from the Italian woman yet again, it was music to Tasha?s ears. ?Get up bitch. Now the fighting really starts.?

    Erika remained doubled over for as long as she dared, or could, and decided it was time to fight fire with fire.

    ?I said stand up!? Tasha growled and tried forcing the Blonde to face her. She was going to unleash a brutal slap, or punch, to her wounded nemesis, she hand?t decided which yet. But it was going to be enjoyable nonetheless. Unfortunately she was thinking too many steps ahead and was totally unprepared for the clenched fist that slammed into her gut. It seemed to spring out of nowhere, and the girl?s eyes went wide with shock as air rushed from her mouth.

    Erika repeated the blow two more times, each one with more devastating effect then the prior. Tasha had relinquished her hold for sure and now she was the one that was doubled over, clutching her stomach in pain.

    ?I should have known you would pull an underhanded tactic like that!? Erika said while rubbing the back of her head, ?Next time try that face to face, If there is a next time.?

    Tasha dropped to one knee, the blows to her gut had been terrible and the waves of pain kept coming. ?Damn straight there will be a next time.? She mumbled to herself, still taking deep breaths trying to shake off the punches.

    ?I heard that!?

    And in a move that shocked even Tasha, she felt what was probably a forearm crash into the back of her head, sending her face smashing into the mat below. A quick blinding flash of light and her head felt the spread of a dull ache as she rolled over onto her side. Moaning in renewed agony she blinked back tears and watched the Blonde strut off toward her gym bag to get dressed. Again, not even acknowledging her presence.

    "I hate you." Tasha mouthed silently, "I hate you with every fiber of my body." Tears trickled out of her eyes.

    Somewhere deep within, her fighting spirit cried out against any possibility of surrender. She wanted to fight, to meet Erika again, and keep fighting her until she submitted the bigger, Italian bitch.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Taking it to Her - Part 8


    ?Then no fight.? Erika?s calm voice radiated in a tone that unnerved Tasha. Her eyes leveled on the beautiful Spanish girl, studying her reaction. The two women stood on the back deck of the large Estate. Erika took another sip of her glass of wine.

    Tasha whipped around and took a couple of steps away from Erika, she began to fidget nervously, but realized she didn?t have a choice in the matter. ?How much more do I have to grovel to get another fight?? Tasha wondered.

    ?That?s the only way I will agree to it, you admit it openly to me, and then of course it?s on my terms and my turf.? Erika leaned against the railing and looked over the moonlight gardens, reveling in her position of power and knowing that another win was ?in the bag? in any case.

    ?It?s always been where and when you want.? Tasha?s strong line clenched as she looked back down at her own glass of wine. A cool breeze brushed thin, revealing evening gowns against their strong voluptuous bodies.

    Erika gave a bored sigh.

    Tasha took a long deep breath and began another downward spiral. She had to just get it out of the way and swallowed hard. ?You won.? Tasha started looking down at the marble patio, her peripheral vision caught site of Erika?s head come around and she looked up into the Blonde?s waiting eyes, ?I lost, you beat me the first time, and the second. You were the better woman.?

    ?Were?? Erika looked at her with a nasty sneer.

    ?You are the better woman.? Tasha?s hissed and couldn?t stop a small tear from trekking down her left cheek. ?I?ll agree to whenever, and wherever you want.? But couldn?t hold back any longer, she had to get one shot in before this discussion was over and took a step right up in the Blonde?s face. ?The mighty fall, they always do, and your going to get yours this time.? Tasha?s voice almost failed due to the rising emotion in the back of her throat as more tears welled up in her eyes.

    ?Watch your tone and attitude, or I just might call the whole thing off.? Erika remained leaning against the railing, their light summer dresses fluttered into one another and the heat from their strong female bodies radiated against one another. There was a dead silence that ensued as the two women studied each other.

    ?I can?t wait to get my hands on you bitch.? Tasha felt a faint smile of pleasure come over her high trembling cheeks that were made for modeling. The dark shadows of the balcony lamp posts hid much of their faces, but in some ways made the moment all the more intimate.

    Erika suddenly leaned in pressing her breasts against Tasha?s, and then swiped them from left to right brushing the front of the girl?s chest as she pushed off from the stone railing. Erika immediately noticed the effect it had on Tasha?s expression right before walking away.

    It took every bit of self control to not leap at the arrogant, cocky blonde. ?Soon? Tasha thought and could still feel the exquisite tingling in her nipples from where the blonde had brushed her breasts against her own. She was alarmed at just how firm the Blonde?s breasts felt against her own. She could never recall a more conflicting moment in her life, lusting after this beautiful Italian girl while wanting to rip her to shreds, to humiliate and dominate her in every way.


    Tasha skipped dinner, her stomach was so knotted up, and the closer she got to the location the more nervous she became. She wasn?t at all comfortable with the place or surroundings, although she knew the location well enough. Her palms wrung the steering wheel as she felt desperation almost overwhelm her, a large part of her wanted to turn the car around to avoid the feeling and even fear in facing the statuesque blonde again. ?I can?t face another humiliating defeat.? She sighed.

    Her heart thumped several beats faster when she spotted Erika?s car at the far end of the parking lot. At night the parking lot seemed even more desolate and foreboding, her headlights swung around catching sight of the blonde sitting in her car, she had barely put the car in ?park? when she noticed the girl already getting out of her car.

    ?This is my father?s shop and it?s the weekend, no one will be here.? Erika looked as if she was taking a leisurely stroll, her calmness caused Tasha?s nerves to become even more rattled as the Spanish girl eyed her surroundings with a hint of paranoia. She barely made note of walking into the side entrance of the building.

    ?I?ve already laid out the mats.? Erika said as she flicked on a few switches and the overhead lights flickered on. Once Tasha had entered the building Erika slid the dead bolts home on the door causing the Spanish girl to whip her head around while giving a wary gaze. ?There,? smiled the Blonde, ?we are safe, just the two of us and we wont be disturbed.? Erika was amused by the skittish way Tasha was acting, she almost felt sorry for the girl and walked around her nemesis to take her position on the other side of the matts.

    ?They keep wrestling matts laying around this place?? Tasha dropped her bag.

    ?Nope, I brought them over and set them up a little while ago, they go back to my Martial Arts school after I?m done wiping the floor with you.? Erika smirked and untied the string from the waist her track pants.

    The dark shadows did a good job of hiding Tasha?s fury at the Blonde?s assumptions of victory, her blood pressure boiled at such arrogance, it had been boiling for weeks now. Slowly her nerves steadied as she pulled on the elastic hem of her own pants and pushed them down.

    Erika kicked off her flip flops and stepped on to the matt grabbing her tee shirt and with a swift yank pulled it off her body and tossed it to the side as well. She smiled and placed her hands on her hips, her body seemed to glean under the harsh florescent lights.

    Tasha pulled off her top and let it drop to her side, now both stood in the middle of the large motorcycle shop, their playground a series of interlocking matts that covered about a twelve foot by twelve foot area. Their surroundings were the dullish gray and Spanish shadows; no witnesses, no interruptions, just the indifference of the steel and concrete that seemed to loom up into the darkness as two women were about to determine which would reign supreme over the other.

    Each girl was adorned in tight, Spanish compression shorts and a sports bra, leaving very little to the imagination. But Tasha knew needed to push the envelope with Erika, to catch the blonde off guard. Tasha felt like she had nothing left to offer, no more to give and that made her desperate. Her desperation quickly turned into action as Tasha hooked her thumbs into her shorts and began pushing them down, her eyes never leaving Erika?s, carefully noting how the girl might react.

    ?And what the fuck are you doing?? Erika snapped ?I haven?t agreed to anything yet.?

    ?You want to kick my ass, fine, then let?s go all out. Your so proud, flaunting your body like it?s hotter than anyone else's, lets just see. But if your scared then just say so!? Tasha?s voice quivered right at the last moment, she knew it lacked the conviction necessary in taking such a risky gamble. But she continued to push the small, tight shorts down over her smooth Spanish muscles and pushed it aside with her left foot, leaving her only in a Spanish thong. She quickly reached up and grabbed her top, pulling it over her head and throwing it down. She placed her hands on her hips and flexed every muscle she had in her body. Her breasts felt awkward in the open air and vulnerable. But she was ready to gamble everything at this point.

    Erika didn?t expect this at all, she recoiled mentally at the challenge Tasha was putting out there. Yet her mind was swimming in such a sea of confidence that she actually started to consider the challenge. She had easily whipped Tasha twice before, they were in a place she was intimately familiar with and she knew her body was better then this Spanish girl in every way, shape and form.

    ?Fine, this is what you really want, you want me to further humiliate you? You got it!? Erika fumed but her smirk betrayed a sense of anxiety, this was the first time she was actually loosing her patience and cool. Privately she felt a sense of freedom in removing her bra, letting her breasts stand out, totally exposed. She stood proud before her opponent and put her hands on her hips mimicking the pose presented by Tasha.

    And then, Erika surprised even herself.

    The blonde decided to up the stakes to the ultimate level. Her fingers pulled at the him of her dark, tan colored thong, stripping down totally naked. She held up the flimsy undergarment with her right hand, as if taunting Tasha, before dropping it off to the side. It was an unexpected turn of events but Erika felt this just might be the most humiliating thing she could do to her enemy, ?After all,? she thought, ?What could be more devastating then submitting another woman, totally nude. To lay this Spanish bitch out and make her beg for mercy.?

    Tasha fought to control her reaction, Erika was like this tall golden goddess, her body ripped and perfect, her breasts sat up firm and high on her chest and Tasha even felt her insides quiver at the very site of this powerful woman before her. Tasha was not only awe struck by seeing the blonde totally nude, but that it was Erika now taking the initiative. Tasha quickly snapped out of her distraction and pushed down on her Spanish thong, her heart was pounding so hard she couldn?t believe what was getting ready to happen. A fresh rushing sensation of lust seemed to rise up out of her most inner female sexuality.

    ?Good by me, all out nude, nothing between us now. My body is just as good as yours and our breasts are equal. So let?s get it on!? Tasha said clenching her fists, rising up to her full height and arching her shoulders but she couldn?t erase the look of anger in her expression.

    Erika stepped forward, maybe three feet separated them at most. The blonde taunted the Spanish girl as she casually pulled her hair into a tight ponytail, flexing her biceps and chest as she did so. Tasha was almost entranced as she watched the blonde move her hands down from her head, slowly running her fingers down the outside of her breasts, almost seductively, caressing them and then down the side of her six pack stomach to finally settle on her waist. ?They are perfect, firm, and all real, bitch, don?t ever think you stack up against me.? Erika stuck out her chest and shook a stray lock of blonde hair from her forehead.

    It was that action, those cutting words, that twisted the psychological knife deep and Tasha?s mind was sent reeling. Erika?s brazen stance and outburst had also physically sent Tasha back on her heels; ?That smug, arrogant look!? The ebony beauty was shaking all over, a jolt of lightening ripped thru her body and the fine hairs on her neck bristled with blind rage. Tasha could no longer stomach this!

    Never in her life could she recall moving so fast. She never knew she was capable of such speed and quickness. A combination of her desperate physical and mental state had hit right at the peak of a ?fight or flee? moment. Tasha had committed everything she had into the former.

    Her right hand moved as a single extension of emotion; All of her rage and focus flowed from behind the deep recesses of her soul, finding its way into her body, culminating into one powerful driving physical force. A noise, something akin to that of a powerful firecracker resonated inside the building, off the metal walls, and then reverberated around the room. The singular source of this sound was that of a powerful smack. Flesh-against-flesh.

    ?Ouughhhh!? Erika?s voice cried out, more so in shock. The pain would follow quickly thereafter.

    The action had now unfolded, Tasha knew this visually, but it was the sting radiating from her fingers, palm, wrist, and even into her forearm that confirmed what had just happened. She watched at how the blonde?s head jerked violently to the right as the girl?s hands seemed to dislodge almost instantly from her strong hips from where they were so proudly resting. The affects of the physical blow radiated throughout the blonde?s body in a way that even alarmed Tasha with concern.

    But the satisfaction of the successful opening attack quickly dissipated, warnings began flowing thru Tasha?s mind ?Don?t stop girl!? for fear of Erika quickly recovering. In fact Erika?s head did come back around, more so out of instinctive reflexes, but the impact of the stinging attack was still coursing thru her senses, but the blonde never got the chance to recover as Tasha?s left hand was already flying, every ounce of energy she had to offer was behind it.

    She had struck again. The power, the swing, the Spanish muscles along her calf tightened as her heels came up off the ground to lean forward. This swing was everything she had, making the second slap more powerful then the first!

    ?Guuughhhhhh!? Erika cried out even louder as her head was slammed to the left by a devastating open palmed strike. Her pony tail, tautly pulled only seconds before was now coming loose as strands of blonde hair flew up into the air.

    ?Keep going!? was the singular thought, a total fanatical drive to finish this girl off. Her breath, eyes, instincts all seemed to be reacting with one focus now. She watched the blondes head recover less quickly this time around, and with the reddening right cheek still presenting itself Tasha struck again with laser focus. The Spanish girl let out a cry, that of a warrior?s tone as her left hand came about, her palm striking, the crack echoed off the dark, cold walls of the shop. The blonde?s head rocked back significantly more this time causing the tall woman to finally yield, stumbling back a couple of steps.

    The shock and disorientation was rattling inside her head and body. The third smack had Erika seeing stars, the blows were terribly powerful, in fact, she was so disoriented she fought to maintain her footing now. Each time she thought she had regained her balance her face was stung with another powerful blow. Her eyes were now blurred with tears that soon felt like a waterfall.

    The still life of motorcycles and wood crates were the only witness to the brutal site as it unfolded. There was no letting up, the smaller Spanish girl shuffled forward on her feet, stalking her wounded prey. Her bigger blonde nemesis cried, and then wailed again, and again, as Tasha?s palm would crack the girl?s left and then right cheeks making the blonde?s powerful body sway, and then stagger in this one-sided smack-down. Erika?s head rolled back on it?s strong foundation, her body contorted with greater agony, struggling to remain standing, she wobbled back and forth and was now fighting to even stay conscious.

    It was an amazing site for Tasha to see those beautiful Italian breasts, so firm, jerk left and then right in reaction to the torquing motion of Erika?s body. It was beautiful thing to behold from her vantage point.

    ?Wait?.? Erika cried aloud, it was the first time Tasha ever thought she heard the blonde sound like she was truly hurt, and more important, maybe helpless. Tasha only hesitated a second to notice how flush and bright red the blonde?s face really was, and the tears streaming out of her glazed eyes. She thought she detected a hint of blood even starting to leak from the girl?s nose and lower lip.

    ?Wait? Well fuck you!? Tasha grunted at Erika?s plea. The pause also caused her to realize the tremendous amount of energy she had expended, sweat was pouring off her naked body as she drunk in gulps of fresh air. Her palms of her hands were ringing with a new stinging pain, like thousands of little needles poking. The adrenaline that had flooded her body was beginning to subside and she didn?t know how much longer she could keep up, her arms were getting heavy and tired. She figured she must have slapped the blonde at least a good nine or ten times, maybe more, maybe less, and with all her might. She had lost count. In fact she wasn?t counting, it was still happening too fast. ?How in the hell is she still standing!?? Tasha began to worry, ?That is one tough bitch!?

    She paused clutching her aching hands, watching Erika?s strong, beautiful body stagger to the side and back. Her shoulders no longer proudly squared back, but slumping forward as her head rolled around. ?Tasha?.don?t?.please.? The blonde sobbed out with a slur, a whimper perhaps. The severely disoriented Italian girl tried to hold up her hands defensively but it was too little, and too late.

    Tasha?s heart pumped several times faster, ?one last time? she thought, and flung her left arm in a great arc toward the blonde?s head. She couldn?t tell how hard the strike landed, her hand was numb now. Upon impact Erika?s head cocked up and to the left, her eyes rolled back for a second, her legs wobbled and then her ankle buckled, finally her left knee bent right before she collapsed backward.

    From Tasha?s angle Erika?s head looked dangerously close to the edge of the matt when her head hit the ground with a jarring thump. Tasha gasped and even felt tears well up in her eyes as she looked down in shock. ?I did it!? She thought as witnessed her foe?s beautifully naked, sweat covered body crash to the floor. A loud grunt went up from the blonde?s throat as her back smacked against the matt with full force, her arms splayed out wide.

    The fall itself was very ungraceful, leaving the blonde?s left leg bent and trapped under her thigh, her right leg outstretched, her arms splayed out as her head barely seemed to roll back and forth in a state of semi-consciousness. All her limbs seemed contorted in an unnatural sort of way. A few moans bubbled up from the blonde?s lips as Tasha stepped in closer, now standing right over her fallen adversary. She eyed and confirmed a few traces of blood around the corner of the blonde?s mouth and her nose.

    A sense of pride swelled into the Spanish girl?s chest as she she clenched her tired, aching hands and for just a few seconds gloated over her fallen advisory. She only wished the girl was more awake to realize what had just happened. Her heart was racing harder now, but she was also exhausted, bathed in sweat and her hands felt raw. Looking back down, there below her, Tasha studied the girl she had battled with verbally for months now, then physically fought against only to be humiliated twice in a row. But now her nemesis lay totally helpless and humbled at her feet. A part of her wanted to extract something else, some other kind of additional payback as Erika looked so vulnerable. Her beautiful breasts slowly Tasha and fell with each breath, her shaved pussy looked perfect, everything about the girl was perfect. It made Tasha only want to hurt and dominate the girl even more.

    But everything suddenly seemed wrong??she was in a strange place and that made her very uncomfortable. A sudden urge to flee took hold of her again and she took a step back, but paused to soak in the site one more time.

    ?Finally? she thought ?A victory over the mighty Blonde, knocking her out and all in an unplanned attack.? The mere thought sent another rush tingling out to her body as it aroused also a sense of female pride in her accomplishment, to be standing over another woman, having proved herself superior. And she did just that, taking a couple of steps forward Tasha proudly placed a foot on either side of Erika?s beaten torso, standing astride the fallen girl and looking straight down like some towering amazon. A sexual thrill went outward from deep within Tasha?s body, thru her breasts, and her nipples felt harder then ever before, and her crotch moist with excitement.

    The Blonde?s right leg seemed to roll and twitch a little, it caught Tasha?s attention, ?Was she coming around??. A part of Tasha wished she would get back up just so she could smack her again.

    The moment of self-congratulatory-pleasure seemed all too brief, the reality of her surroundings had set in again. Tasha quickly decided to leave Erika there, alone, to wake up and realize on her own what had happened. In some ways like how Erika had simply walked off and left Tasha alone after their previous fight.

    ?See how you like it.? Tasha sighed with satisfaction. ?Oh she will be furious.? and another satisfying smirk lit up on her face, as she imagined her naked nemesis coming around, finding that the smaller Spanish girl had just done what no one else had ever been able to do.

    Tasha dressed and was ready to zip up her bag when she smiled and grabbed her phone. She turned around and smiled again ?Oh I must.? and she tapped the screen switching to camera mode, made sure she got a good angle shot. ?A little memory keepsake.? and ?click?.

    ?Good enough.? Tasha sighed, ?Actually very good. I?m sure you will want one of these you bitch.?

    Now she was ready to leave, but gave a parting glance. It was more the moaning that caught her attention, but she was thankful she did look back, it was in that moment her eyes found something else. As good as the photo was she decided to take something as a trophy, icing-on-the-cake she thought with a clever smile and her heart raced with excitement.

    ?This turned out to be the best night ever!? Tasha thought as she started her car and pulled out into deserted street, heading home with a cautious smile on her face.


    Erika fought the ache, but unlike a dream it could not be easily dismissed. She then realized it wasn?t a dream as the pain didn?t go away, in fact it increased, the more she came out of her hazy state the more it seemed to spread all over her head and upper body. Slowly she focused on the lights overhead, the brightness made the throbbing in her brain worse.

    Her mind tried to grasp her situation as she stirred and immediately realized she was flat on her back! And then a revolting set of memories began to return, right up to those hazy few seconds before Blackness, where she felt shock, and then the pain. The pain was still there but worse, all thru her cheeks, her head, and neck. Everywhere. Her finger nails clawed at the matt and she cautiously moved about. Her left leg ached, it was folded back under her thigh with her butt resting on the heel of her foot. She rolled to the right and her right hand moved up to her head feeling around to the back where she felt the source of much of her discomfort, a small lump, the back of her scalp had hit the concrete. The top of head lay a few inches off the edge of the matt. Slowly she sat up and her headache increased making her pause for a minute to absorb the surroundings and then realize she was also alone.

    ?Tasha was gone.? She was almost sure of it.

    The blonde tried to comprehend what happened.

    ?Oh my God!? she groaned while replaying the events. Her cheeks burned hot, her tongue could taste a faint presence of blood in her mouth from what felt to be several cuts along the inner linings of her cheeks. ?She did this? That bitch did this to? To me!?

    She moaned out loud in agony while slowly getting to her knees. Erika leaned over toward a trash can to spit out a wad of red saliva, and then cautiously gathered her belongs in stunned silence, letting the memories come back on their own. Tears filled her eyes as she felt clumsy, disoriented, and awkward while piling her clothes into the gym bag. At this point she attempted only the basics, pulling on the warm-up pants and shirt over her naked body, and then fumbling to get the workout mats back into the trunk of her car.

    A new realization crept up on her slowly, that first slap totally caught her off guard, but it was more than that, it was the power Tasha had behind it. She had underestimated the Spanish girl.

    Even with all of the recovering images, Erika felt a wave of shame for getting overconfident, letting her guard down. She had to admit that Tasha had really knocked her for a loop, her neck felt totally fucked up and she was still disoriented and probably would be for the next several hours. The knot on the back of her head made her wonder if she might have recovered had she not hit her head on the concrete floor.

    The most crushing reality is that Tasha had just beaten her, she had been defeated by some piss-ant Spanish chick and it was a horrible feeling.


    Back at her apartment the blonde beauty soaked in the warm confines of her tub, a fluffy towel propping up her aching head, a good dose of tylenol and aspirin were slowly making their way into her system. Her hands gripped the edge of the tub as she replayed the events in her head.

    The image of her laying there unconscious, totally nude, helpless while Tasha stood over her, probably gloating in her victory. It made Erika?s insides twist with nauseous rage. Her fingers tensed again. That very image kept replaying over and over, her heart pounded harder in her chest as she recalled those initial smacks, and then crying out for Tasha to stop?.wait, did she? She vaguely remembers screaming. It was becoming a bitter pill, the thought of pleading for that Spanish bitch to stop attacking her. ?Pleading for mercy.? the very thought made Erika cry with humiliation and rage.

    The images got clearer, but also all the more embarrassing was the thought, ?I was smacked senseless by Tasha? Knocked on my ass! By my worst enemy!? and her mind reeled at the thoughts, but it also began to anger her. ?Her worst enemy? seemed overly excessive, but the brutality of Tasha?s attack, and her ensuing loss, certainly did not increase a fondness for the Spanish woman, no, everything was moving in the opposite direction now. Erika could feel herself getting drawn into a deep hatred for that bitch and wanting revenge for the humiliation she had suffered.

    Erika?s sexy body squirmed in the tub under floating islands of bubbles and skin conditioners. She felt the competition rise inside of her, she wasn?t ashamed to feel aroused at the thought of fighting that ebony skinned girl. Her thighs clenched tight as the root of her sexual arousal throbbed and her stiff nipples protruded from the waters surface. A few more tears crested her lower eyelids, she told herself it was just the stress from the whole thing, but deeper down she felt embarrassed, and worst of all, she felt vulnerable.

    For the first time she felt nervous about fighting the Spanish girl again, but at the same time it was sexually arousing. That sense of fear she had never felt before. Seething into the bubbles that crested her lower lip, ?I?m going to kick your ass bitch. So bad next time.?

    But unlike many times before, her tone wasn?t as convincing, but she felt a underlying sexual drive that was stronger then ever before and it compelled her to test herself against the strong, smaller Spanish girl.


    Tables turned - Part 9


    Tasha approached the table and immediately noticed a new look coming from Erika. Gone was the once disconnected, aloof air of arrogant confidence. Replaced now by a burning stare, there was a fire in this girl?s eyes that was not there before, ever.

    While it concerned Tasha it also made her feel something else??


    ?I see I have your full attention now, bitch.? Tasha said letting a cruel sneer out of the corner of her mouth. She sat crossing her legs as the short dress Tasha up her thighs, and enjoyed the unusual feeling of having the upper hand for once.

    ?If that?s how you want to fight, fine with me.? Erika leaned forward, unblinking, her firm jaws clenching.

    ?If we fight, I haven?t decided.? Tasha sat back in her chair, appearing relaxed and sending out her own waves of a casual attitude, even flipping her wrist toward the Blonde in a dismissive gesture. The Spanish beauty now enjoyed the show, watching the blood flow into the caucasian girl?s cheeks, her temper was rising and Tasha had caused it. Being in the seat of power for once was very gratifying, ?Besides, you should be thanking me.? Tasha sighed.

    Erika?s lips parted in stunned silence and then, ?I what?? she seemed to give up an awkward smirk, but one more born out of disgust it might seem.

    ?Yes,? said Tasha as she leaned forward a few inches, ?I could have Roseted you a hundred different ways that night, you were totally helpless before me.? She watched with pure joy as the Blonde?s face went a further shade of red.

    Erika had to remove her hands from the table, they had begun to shake with fury. ?If you had touched me.? she paused and swallowed hard, ?Or Roseted me in any way, we wouldn?t be having this conversation. I?d be in jail right now for murder.? Erika mustered every bit of seriousness that she could.

    ?That?s my point, you were knocked out, and I left you there.? Tasha couldn?t maintain the casual air anymore, things were getting tense and seemed destined to get uglier in the coming seconds. Thankfully they were in a crowded coffee shop. ?I left you knocked?..out?.cold!? Tasha?s smile punctuated the end of her sentence with perfect timing.

    ?Get one thing straight you dumb bitch?..? Erika forced her voice to lower when a person glanced over from another table ??..the only reason I was out-of-it was because the back of my head hit the concrete floor, and I have the knot on the back of my head to prove it.?

    ?Bullshit!? Tasha suddenly leaned in, irritated that the girl was already making excuses.

    ?If I had not hit my head on that floor, I would have gotten back up and kicked your ass so bad you would have had to take short term disability from work.?

    ?You can?t even admit I slapped you silly! You are a delusional, arrogant cunt for sure!? Tasha sneered, ?In fact, I slapped you so many times I lost count. I knocked your dumb, Italian, bitch-ass out-cold, leaving you spread out before me totally naked and at my mercy.? Tasha spoke as low as she could make her voice and yet still convey her anger.

    Erika leaned in as close as possible, their eyes burning into one another. A new game was on between them. Tasha wanted this all along and now she had it, their rivalry had taken a new turn, one for the worse, but it excited her terribly. She wondered if Erika was feeling anything similar.

    ?A few things you need to get straight, and I?ll break it down so maybe even someone as simple minded as you can comprehend; First, you sucker-slapped me and that will never happen again. Second, believe what you want about me being knocked out. Third, the next time will be the last time we meet because the hurting I am going to put on you will make you regret ever crossing me.? Erik?s right hand was now pointing down with some force into the table top.

    ?Okay.? Tasha said with a slight quiver in her voice, but one that conveyed her own growing rage, ?Then answer me one question.? Tasha brought her elbows up on the table and clasped her hands in front of her as Erika did the same, their faces only inches apart.

    ?Ask it already.? Erika snapped impatiently.

    ?How did you end up on the floor to begin with and who put you there?? Tasha smiled.

    ?You want to play slap fight? Then let?s you and I meet and we will see who get?s slapped around and knocked the fuck out.? Erika hissed thru her tensed lips.

    ?I?d be more then happy to knock your Italian Ass back down again. But this time the ?when and where? is not up to you.? Tasha?s hands clasped tighter as her finger tips curled into the back of her hands, she only wished her nails were digging into the Blonde?s creamy, Italian skin.

    ?Are you fucking kidding me, you have been begging me to fight for months.? Erika challenged, her own hands resting inches away, clasped just as tight in rage and frustration.

    ?But now, you are the one begging me.? Tasha smiled sarcastically.

    ?I am not begging you, I am telling you. I kicked your ass twice before, it?s going to happen again just so you understand you are no match for me.?

    ?No match for you? Not so fast, the last time I kicked your ass, so I will let you know when, where, and how we fight.? Tasha said and stood up from the table and was about to turn away when a gleeful smile came over her face, she looked back down at the Blonde who was staring hateful daggers back at her, ?And oh by the way, I took a souvenir as a reminder of my win over you.?

    ?You what?!? Erika gasped in horror ?What are you talking about? Bullshit!?

    ?Are you missing something?? Tasha leaned over a little closer, her low, v-cut shirt showed off her own amble cleavage, and she made sure it was eye level with the Blonde Amazon?s gaze.

    Erika?s eyes disengaged from their stare as she searched her brain, her lips parted in shock as she looked back up into Tasha?s amused expression, ?You took something of mine?? Erika could barely contain herself.

    ?Damn right.? Tasha?s full dark lips peeled back to show off her amazing straight, Italian teeth.

    It struck Erika full force, ?You took my underwear! You fucking bitch!? Erika felt her face blush the deepest red of the entire confrontation and fought to keep her voice low as the flush of embarrassment continued to wash over her complexion. Her toned, tight ass scooted around on her seat in frustration and agitation. She wanted to lunge at this little bitch with everything she had.

    ?I took your thong panties to be precise, very nice ones too. They are hanging up in my closet as a trophy.? Tasha smiled and bent down close so her breasts were right in Erika?s face. The Blonde?s expression was priceless for the Spanish girl, watching all of the emotions roll into one another; recognition, humiliation and then anger that had the blonde dumbfounded.

    Erika seemed to sit speechless as she bit down on her lower full lip to keep it from quivering. ?You better be joking. God damn you?.? but Tasha quickly spun around, leaving the befuddled Blonde sitting, mouth now open, stunned at the table.

    In fact, Erika continued to sit in disbelief, not only being handed her first defeat ever by any woman, but now this girl had the upper hand in their war of words and decision making. Erika shifted in her seat nervously as she watched the petite Spanish girl strut proudly from the table and out of the store. Erika?s left hand came up trembling with emotion from what she was just told. She brushed a tear from her cheek and crossed her legs nervously again, her warm inner thighs quaked under the thought of that horrible girl having her underwear. Something so personal and private, taken from her like some kind of prize! She almost buried her face into her hands at how horribly wrong this whole thing had gone down. ?Everything has taken a turn for the worse.? She worried.

    Every sense of decency reeled thru her body and came tumbling down in a cascade of broken fragments. Her pride, wounded so bad that she wanted revenge in such a way that she feared she might agree to anything just to get it.


    Tasha wondered if taking the underwear had gone a step too far. Where would it lead to next? If things continued to escalate between them how bad would the taunts and retaliations get? Would one of them end up badly injured?

    It all seemed like some dark secret now, something she couldn?t share with anyone and maybe that?s what she wanted all along. It thrilled her emotionally and sexually to compete with this girl, to fight her tooth-and-nail until who knows where it would lead and who would finally emerge victorious, and ultimately as the dominant woman between them.


    Erika?s legs felt weak for the first time in her life as she walked to her car. Her head hung a little low at the shame, knowing that bitch had actually beaten her and taken something very personal from her. She also worried that she was getting caught up in something she had no business or experience in. Fortunately she also suspected Tasha had no experience either.

    Part of her wished she had never met the girl, and yet another part felt some excitement at what was to come. She was slightly ashamed at getting sexually aroused by everything that had happened. Even getting slapped around, which was painful and not fun, sent an erotic-sexual charge thru her body. The danger of putting everything on the line against this other woman, fighting for dominance as the two of them struggled against one another. It was starting to drive Erika mad, all of the confusing thoughts and feelings.


    Tasha smiled on the drive home knowing she had not even pulled out her ?ace card? yet, the one that would send Erika into orbit. After that, then she could demand anything she wanted.


    - - - Updated - - -

    Making Demands - Part 10


    Tasha paused in front of a thick oak paneled door that blended in with the rest of the wall. Her hands pulled on a small knob, cracking open the door just enough. She hadn?t actually planned on some form of confrontation happening tonight, but she wasn?t about to back down either.

    ?We will have some privacy down here.? Tasha said as she glanced around and flicked on a light switch which seemed to illuminate the stairs and a basement below.

    Erika followed closing the door behind her, her fingers tightly grasped the dead bolt latch and shut it, she caught sight of Tasha looking back over her shoulder when the metal lock clicked, both girls glared at one another but they also both knew they wanted no interruptions.

    Their heels echoed on the thick wooden stairs, Erika?s heart raced as she followed her nemeses deep into what felt like some underground arena, although this was just to be a simple negotiation, but neither could be sure how far things would go.

    Tasha could feel the blood rush to her head and she did her best to remain calm. She landed on the bottom step and walked into what appeared to be a large recreational room. The two girls scanned the room quickly not wanting to waste time, instead they wanted to focus on each other. A small pool table filed one corner of the room, the wood flooring had decorative throw rugs strategically placed. A couch at the other end with a chair and a large flat screen in one corner. A lamp inadequately lit the room form a corner shelf to Erika's left.

    Stepping out into an open area of the room Erika turned to face Tasha who had taken up a position opposite her. Both were suddenly aware that the room either lacked proper ventilation or they were both excited beyond what the A/C system could provide.

    Erika?s mind raced a thousand miles an hour, she couldn?t keep track of all her thoughts. Her body trembled with anticipation, she didn?t even want to speak knowing Tasha would pick up on a quiver that was sure to be in her voice. She watched Tasha walk over and set her purse down on a nearby chair, Erika performed the same, walking over and setting hers down on top of the pool table.

    ?I want them back now, or I am coming to your house and taking them from you by force.? Erika found the words flying off her tongue on their own, she was no longer able to contain herself, or her outrage.

    ?I say how this goes down bitch!? Tasha fumed.

    ?Then say it!? Erika snapped right back, waving her hands out to her side.

    Tasha fought to control her nerves, only the ticking seconds would determine what happens next, hopefully she had Erika so worked up into a fighting frenzy that she wouldn?t reject the idea. ?You think your breasts are so fucking fantastic, well I?m sick you sticking them ?out there? like they are the best thing around.?

    ?Yeah I know,? Erika huffed with a degree of arrogance, throwing her head back to accentuate her cocky posture, ?You, and everyone else are obsessed with them, so get over the fact you weren?t born with better breasts then mine.?

    ?Then let?s find out who?s are better!? Tasha lips curled into a hopeful smile.

    ?What the fuck are you talking about??

    ?Time to back up your big attitude and big mouth.?

    ?If you think I am having some kind of fight that involves our breasts then you are nuts!? Erika had never been challenged to something like this before and the idea seemed preposterous, ?Just forget it, this whole thing is getting out of control.? Erika even shook her head ?no? several times.

    Tasha stood there for a moment, her nipples as hard as they have ever been. It felt good to see Erika reeling from a challenge and knew it was the right time to play ?her hand?.

    ?Wipe that stupid smile off your face, what?s so amusing?? Erika?s face blushed, getting angrier at Tasha?s silence. ?You know what,? Erika fumed in frustration ?keep the damn panties, you must be desperate. Obviously you think my breasts are a hell of a lot better then yours if you feel the need to challenge them!?

    Tasha cocked her head slightly to one side and ran her tongue around in her mouth as Erika went on her rant. She then slowly turned and walked over to her purse to retrieve her cell phone.

    ?What are you doing now you nutcase? Making a phone call? I?m out of here.? Erika turned to grab her purse.

    ?Thought you might want to see this, maybe help to refresh your memory of why we are down here talking.? Tasha smiled as her fingernails tapped on the screen.

    ?What? What is that, more of your bullshit games?? Erika stepped forward.

    Tasha silently gestured the phone toward Erika who grabbed it out of Tasha?s hand with cat like reflexes. ?The Ace has been played? Tasha thought to herself in satisfaction and her heart leapt with a perverse joy as Erika?s eyes went wide in horror, the girl?s face turning a beat red.

    Erika couldn?t believe what she was seeing, a photograph of her laying naked on the floor of her father?s shop. ?That night!? the Blonde?s brain raged, and then her whole body felt on fire.

    Erika?s right fist clenched the phone, while her left hand reached out and smacked Tasha across the face viciously. The Spanish beauty let out a scream, her whole neck felt violently twisted as her head flew off to the left. She staggered several times to catch her balance. She never saw or expected the slap! Erika moved so fast!

    ?You fucking bitch? Erika hissed, ?How does that feel?? and then she tossed the phone across the room with enough force that it cracked the case by the time it bounced off the floor.

    Tasha had been smacked before, but never experienced one like that, ever. It was like a searing, white, hot pain, a flash of light and then she was quickly wiped tears from her eyes as she struggled to right herself. Suddenly she wondered how Erika had managed to endure almost ten of them before being knocked down. Tasha was struggling to stand after just one!

    Another sharp cracking noise split the air as Erika slapped Tasha?s same abused cheek, this time sending the girl falling backward onto the plush couch.

    The Blonde?s finger tips trembled with rage as she reached for her purse, ?Your pathetic! Two slaps and your down on your ass already. You wanted another fight, well now you got it!? Erika?s voice trembled from the stress, ?You just let me know where, when, and how. I?m up for anything you have in mind.? And stormed back up the stairs.

    Tasha sniffed back a few tears and quickly composed herself, sitting upright on the couch while trying to ignore the ringing in her ears, the burning in her cheek, and the pain in her neck. Running her tongue along the inside of her slapped cheek she moved her jaw around cautiously.

    ?Nobody smacks me and walks away!? Tasha yelled.

    ?Just name the time and place!? Erika yelled back and slammed shut the basement door.

    Tasha leaned forward and cradled her aching head, she was feeling woozy from the two slaps and cautiously got to her feet. ?Idiot, you should have seen that coming.? Tasha scolded herself. ?But damn that hurt. That cunt hits hard!?

    ?Guess you got the reaction you were looking for.? Tasha mumbled to herself sarcastically and managed a smile.


    As expected the emails were short and to the point. Erika wanted to waist no more time on words and tough talk, she was ready to take the fight to that Spanish bitch and cut her down low. ?Such a low class cunt. I knew it all along.? The Blonde surmised as she shut down her computer. The only demand that made Erika uneasy was Tasha still wanted to fight nude. But there was no mention of the impending slap-fight that both of them had taunted the other with. Tasha didn?t mention it in any of the emails and Erika didn?t ask, ?So let?s just find out what happens? she thought.

    She didn?t want to be petty, but she did demand that Tasha return her underwear when they met again. Tasha agreed, but only if the Blonde won, would she give them up.

    Erika laughed out loud at the demand. ?If I win?? True, she had been nervous for days after their third fight, thinking Tasha was maybe more of a handful then she anticipated, but as more time went by the Blonde Amazon was more confident than ever in her skills and was not going to let anything catch her off guard this time.



    Rematch - Part 11


    Tasha sighed and looked at the clothes laid out before her, she picked up and studied the pretty thong for a second and then with a degree of hesitation placed them into her gym bag. When she thought back to how haughty the Blonde acted during their last meeting Tasha almost pulled them back back out, to keep them for good.

    ?After all, I won, she lost. The Blonde should have to forever live with the humiliation of knowing I have something personal, something intimate of hers.? Tasha smirked, pleased with how it pushed the sexual boundaries of their fighting.


    The yoga room glass doors were frosted so nobody could look inside. ?Nice and private? Thought Tasha, and it was late at night, almost midnight. They had fought here before and she felt like it was tempting fate by using the facility again. They wanted privacy and if things continued, they would have to find some place to meet that was isolated from any possibility of interruption.

    Locking the doors she turned to face the blonde in what would be their forth battle.

    As agreed upon earlier, and in all their previous fights, there was no referee for this affair. The winner would obviously be whoever was standing at the end. The audience, well there was none.

    Both were determined to emerge victorious, the matter to be settled woman-to-woman. With just Tasha and Erika, it was going to be a two woman fight as its always been.

    Erika looked across at the slightly new and improved Tasha. She knew the Spanish girl had been working out, respectably hard too. But she had faced this girl before, minor compared to the anticipation of this event, at least that was the buildup Tasha seemed to be making out of the whole affair. Erika was less concerned by it all, even annoyed at having to entertain this girl in another test of?.well?.?whatever?. But some concessions had to be made, it was Tasha who got to set the place and time, Erika had no say in the matter. And one thing in particular, the Blonde wasn?t comfortable fighting nude again, especially after what went down last time, but she resigned herself to getting the job done. ?Easier said.? she thought as her body tingled with anticipation.

    The light in the room wasn?t great, heavy shadows as they undressed several feet away from each other. Erika, for the first time, felt some hesitation about taking on the smaller, Spanish girl who had become ever more cunning, evident from her last ill fated encounter with the Spanish beauty. She wondered if her sudden doubt would show up as fear on her face, but she?s resigned to fight thru it.

    ?Okay let?s do this.? Tasha said in what sounded like a greedy tone. While the atmosphere was cozy, even intimate, the feeling of underlying sexual tension was initially missing. It seemed as if Erika had an ?all business? look and attitude that muted the fact both combatants where naked. Whatever the odd sensation Tasha was picking up, she tried to remained focused on taking the fight to the blonde, ?Just like last time.? Tasha almost sneered with the thought.

    The girls begin to circle each other warily. They're stark naked, no gloves, no protection, nothing. There was an eerie silence as both women approached. This time Erika was deadly focused, ready for anything.

    There seemed to be no caution this go around, both were impatient but for very different reasons. Tasha wanted to put this girl down and beat her, she had learned a thing or two since their last fights, and that was not to give Erika any breathing room. To be unpredictable and impulsive, that is what Tasha wanted to be.

    Erika was just plain irritated and had decided the end of their match as quick as possible, now it was just a matter of staying focused.

    Tasha tried to take the initiative as she did in their last fight, but Erika was ready and both women came together in a flurried tangle of arms and hands. Erika worked their upper struggle to her advantage, Tasha seemed distracted by it, and thats when the Blonde hooked her lower leg against Tasha?s. Their strong calf muscles smashed together, tight muscles contracting and straining against one another. A sharp contrast of Italian and Spanish skin flexed against one another, but Erika felt Tasha was off-balance by the move and thus twisted her strong powerful Italian body at precisely the right moment, quickly muscling Tasha down to the ground. It was a jarring impact that stunned the Spanish beauty, enough that Erika quickly rolled her nemesis onto her stomach using her leverage and grappling techniques.

    Their nakedness had a strange familiarity to it and was becoming way more arousing then Erika had anticipated, there was no mistake about it, she was getting ?turned on? in a very short span of time.

    Tasha was somewhat dazed from the impact and quickness of the takedown, she couldn?t help but groan as the Blonde smashed her face into the matt using her meaty forearm. Erika then whipped Tasha?s right arm into a hammerlock while she bore down on the back of the girl's neck with her full weight. The veins in Tasha?s neck bulged and it appeared to be over all too soon as she appeared to be on the verge of a submission.

    ?You fucking bitch!? spit flew from her lips as she strained to speak. But Tasha was venting more at herself. It was embarrassing to be so quickly subdued, especially after her last quick victory, and after she had spent weeks training so hard in the gym. Face down, her right arm immobilized in a painful armlock. ?And so quickly! Fuck!?

    Erika was just about to put everything she had into that hold and end the fight. ?Not yet? the thought came thru her mind as she found herself strategizing a plan, an idea was formulating, while the Spanish girl desperately thrashed to escape. It was the oddest thing, here she was with this girl, who wanted nothing in the world more then to hurt her and she was contemplating the idea of dragging the fight out. ?Would it be my undoing?? Erika worried. But there was logic to the idea. To finally defeat Tasha once and for all would require something more, a more definitive submission. Something humiliating and Erika thought of a new devious intent toward her nemesis.

    Tasha felt an unexpected change, one minute she was struggling with all her might, and the next, the pressure subsided. Cool air flushed in around her head and back as her powerful, Spanish body let go of a deep groan. ?How pathetic I must look, this won?t happen again!? and she pounded her fist into the mat angry with herself for becoming reckless, and knowing she still lay spread out, face down, the Blonde surely gloating down at her only a few feet away.

    ?Let?s go bitch. Your waisting my time.? Erika beckoned from her crouched position, ready to spring at her enemy. Her naked body showing hints of perspiration, her strong body flexing with muscles ready to pounce.

    ?Fuck you.? Tasha hissed as the air rushed in and out of her mouth and she waisted no time moving in, remembering to stay calm and fight with her head, ?Your mouth ran a lot less when I knocked your ass out.? Trying to get into Erika?s head.

    In a sudden move that startled Tasha, Erika made a direct assault, lunging in and wrapping her arms around Tasha?s body. Instinctively Tasha did the same, although she felt it might be a mistake given the Blonde?s grappling advantages. But Erika had other plans, she knew that keeping the fight standing with their bodies in tight proximity was something Tasha craved more then anything else, it would be a strategic distraction that Erika was now counting on.

    Several moans and gasps rushed in and out of their mouths. Tasha was no push-over and Erika had to be very careful not to underestimate her opponent. Their strong, sexy bodies shook as powerful legs planted themselves, constantly adjusting for position and leverage. Spit covered lips winced in pain both woman try to take as much air into their lungs, helping to swell their chests into one another as their stomach muscles rubbed and pressed. Like two prize fighters sparing, they used their bodies in their own private struggle, jabbing with a breast, clinching as bodies press together as they intensified the battle.

    Tasha could feel Erika?s breath, rushing over her face, her nostrils flare as she inhales the sweet smell of sweat now permeates the entire room. The contact of bare skin against bare skin sent a charge thru both women. While erotically stimulating, the combative nature of the situation was the more distracting.

    All at once, as if on queue, both women pulled their heads away from one another, mouths openly gasp for fresh air. Several grunts came from Tasha as her breasts felt the exquisite pressure of their naked female glands pressing against each other. This was the moment that Tasha had long dreamt of, a test of pure naked woman-to-woman combat against her arch-nemesis. Their perfect breasts grinding away at one another, naked bodies lustfully trying to grind the other into submission.

    Erika thrust her breasts deep into Tasha?s chest forcing a long moan from the Spanish woman, ?Who?s got the better breasts now? Where?s your answer to that you Spanish skinned whore?? Erika taunted knowing it would drive Tasha mad with lust, she knew the beauty secretly craved this kind of fight and she played it for everything it was worth.

    Tasha winced as she could feel her boobs suffering, the initial pleasures gave way to struggles as she began to panic against this incredible woman. Desperately she slid her hands over Erika?s slick muscular back and squeezed pulling their chests closer until the flesh pressed further out from all sides. Erika?s height advantage came into play when the Blonde arched her back, leaving Tasha?s toes barely scraping the floor.

    ?Can you feel mine compressing yours, flattening your soft, Spanish bags.? Erika grunted trying to verbally torture and throw Tasha mentally off balance. At first the words had a strange connotation to them, not something Erika would imagine herself ever saying to another woman. But having Tasha on the receiving end of this torture was oddly satisfying and brought out a perverse sense of pleasure, and saying them also excited her.

    Tasha gasped for air as each breath became harder to take, her upper body felt like it was being crushed while she looked down in horror, her tits felt like they were being driven flat against her chest. This wasn?t as she had thought it would be, nor how the fight might evolve. ?Oh God, my fucking tits!? she shuddered, in shock that she actually spoke the words out loud, tears streaked down her face, unable to hide her pain a moment longer.

    Erika twisted her arms so as to bring the blade of her forearms directly to bear on Tasha?s aching back, digging into the ebony girl?s torso. Tears streaked down Tasha?s cheek in response, her eyes fluttering. It was horrible the way her body seemed to be betraying her. Her ribs, lungs, and breasts crushed so painfully that she arched her body to bend backwards, in part to escape the pain, but in actuality, she also felt her body forced by Erika?s powerful crushing hold. ?No?..oh fuck, my back!? was barely audible as Tasha felt her knees buckled and desperately moved her hands to push against the blonde?s strong shoulder?s.

    ?Remember, you wanted this!? Erika?s cruel intentions spurned onward as she continued to crush the Spanish girl?s firm waist in her powerful bear-hug, the wall?s of their abdominal muscles pressed flat against one another. The most sensitive of places, their beautifully shaved pussies also pressing tight.

    Tasha glanced down, maybe for the last time, only to have her head flop back in total hopelessness, unable to endure the site. Her back and ribs now felt the excruciating pain that came from the crushing hold as well as the lack of oxygen. Erika cleverly tilted her head off to the side and forward, not wanting to give the crafty Tasha an option for something sneaky, like a head butt. Off from another angle, Erika caught their reflection, and it drove home the total victory of the moment. Tasha?s strong, lean body was bowed back, feet dangling above the matts as her face looked toward the ceiling, her beautiful Spanish tits crushed. Lastly, with her energy totally zapped. Erika flexed her strong shoulders, hoisting her trapped nemesis a little higher. Putting on a powerful display of Italian supremacy over the broken Spanish Woman.

    There was no climactic scream of surrender, at least not yet, only an exhale of air and the faintest of noises, ?Oh God, please stop.? was all she could muster. Their was little resistance now, Tasha body was bent to Erika?s physical power and it was the worst feeling she could have ever imagined. Their bodies had been thrown together in an impromptu test of strength and Tasha had been crushed in their mutual hug, until her body was almost this lifeless doll, hanging in the Blonde?s arms, at her mercy.

    ?Admit it bitch, I want to hear you beg!? Erika seethed, although her arms burned from exhaustion, she wanted to hear Tasha beg some more, and shook the Spanish girl back and forth just enough to make her whimper.

    ?Okay! Okay! Please you bitch! Your breaking my back and ribs! I can?t take anymore! Let me go I surrender! Oh God stop! You?ve beaten me!? The humiliation made the Spanish beauty sob as she felt helpless.

    In a move to punctuate her dominance, Erika didn?t drop her rival, no she jerked her body to the side giving the girl a good firm toss. Nothing terrific, but enough to have meaning. Tasha grunted in pain as her body flopped to to the floor, rolling over once before her back came to rest on the soft matts. It was more of a humiliation tactic, but it worked very well. Tasha felt pathetic, the Blonde had just crushed her, and then discarded her like some piece of meat that wasn?t good enough.

    Tasha assumed Erika was finished with her, she hope dearly so. Sadly she was wrong.

    But it was images of their last fight that drove the Blonde to keep going. The taunting words from the Spanish woman, the knowing that her panties must go back home with her. Now Erika?s exhaustion was a thing of the past, a second shot of adrenaline coursed thru her veins as she kneeled, climbing on top of the Spanish girl.

    Tasha eyes were shut tight, trying to block everything out, hoping, nay praying, some relief would come from this horrible fight. The Blonde began to grapevine the ebony woman?s sexy legs into a sensual hold, spreading those strong legs further apart, and then the pain quickly set in, sending shock waves thru Tasha?s inner thighs. From trembling Spanish lips came yet another plea, ?Please Erika! Stop! No more I told you I give up!? She swallowed her sobs and spoke again, ?Your going to break my legs! Your tearing me apart!? The humiliation didn?t even matter any more, she was desperate to be free from this powerful bitch splitting her thighs apart. Having her most private female part forcibly exposed by another woman, against her will, was horrible.

    Hearing Tasha weep and beg for mercy was a powerful turn-on, much more than Erika anticipated. The Italian girl?s slick, wet frame slowly relaxed on top of her Spanish opponent to seal the victory, letting Tasha know which woman was on top. She pressed her lips into the trembling cheek of Tasha?s beautiful face and let out a harsh taunt, ?I beat you bitch. You wanted to fight me? Well this is what happens. I?m the better woman every time. You?ll never sucker slap me again!? And then Erika pulled her arms away and spread them out on the matt to perform a pushup, separating their bodies.

    A cool wave of air swept along their sweat soaked, bare torsos.

    ?I can?t stand the feeling of your inferior breasts against mine a second longer.? Erika snapped and stood up.
    In arrogant silence the Blonde placed her hands on her hips and stared down at the exhausted, beaten body of her opponent. Both women knew which one couldn?t go on, and who could.

    Although she had already surrendered and begged for mercy, the Spanish woman was a fighter, and growled defiantly, ?Fuck you! Go to hell cunt!?

    ?Fuck me? Really! Your big mouth should have stayed shut!? The Blonde dropped her hands from her hips in frustration. Tasha?s rallying verbal insult sparked something in Erika. She then lowered herself down on top of the prone Spanish girl and began to slowly move on top of Tasha?s naked body again, their firm breasts smash against one another as she lined their bodies up perfectly, from head to toe. It was a thrilling sexual feeling as their hard nipples dug into one another, and their sticky mounds crushed. Erika looked down into the glazed eyes of the Spanish girl. It was painfully obvious that Tasha had not yet recovered but Erika couldn't have cared less about her condition as she pinned Tasha?s arms flat to the mat. Erika licked her full lips and taunted her, ?Is the best you got bitch? I?m going to hurt you in ways you can?t imagine now. You should have kept your mouth shut!? declared Erika as she moved for another grapevine.

    A flash of fear came over the Spanish beauty?s elegant features as her jaw line clinched. Erika then splayed the strong ebony legs painfully apart in a brutal and humiliating grapevine once again. Erika listened and then smiled with satisfaction as her victim moaned in helpless agony.

    ?Ohhhh noooo?oh fuck.? Tasha grunted, her inner thigh muscles were pushed to painful limits as her legs were cranked further apart, the soft lips of her labia separated and a wave a cool air flowed over her glistening pussy as her vulva lay exposed in the humiliating hold.

    "How about it? Anything you?d like to say?? questioned Erika as she worked the grapevine.

    "Fuck off," whispered Tasha as the pain of the grapevine increased.

    "Have it your way," Erika warned.

    Tasha closed her eyes and then called upon every last reserve of energy she had.

    Quite unexpectedly, shockingly to Erika most of all, Tasha wiggled her right arm free and jammed her forearm into Erika?s throat while her strong legs strained against the Italian girl?s legs. Now they both groaned as a new mighty battle took place. The Blonde grunted repeatedly in shock as Tasha was now resisting her, she felt her hold slipping! Her legs couldn?t keep the Spanish girl?s trapped due to the slippery, sweat coating their bodies. Tasha fought on, and amazingly broke free of the grapevine! Her head had finally begun to clear and with all of her concentration she brought forth every bit of her reserves to bear against her Italian adversary.

    This was the first time Erika sensed what real endurance the Spanish woman had, it excited her and also scared her.

    It was all or nothing at this point and Tasha always had some extra reserves that she seemed able to tap into in the most desperate of situations, even when exhausted.

    Erika moaned again, but with a new shock as her body was savagely bucked by the trashing Tasha, the girl had seemingly come to life in the past few seconds. Warning bells went off in Erika?s brain, she had counted the Spanish girl out too soon! Erika decided to reserve her energy and backed off.

    The two battling beauties scampered away from one another. Tasha glared and saw the Blonde take a deep breath and they both got ready. A heavy coat of sweat bathed both of their sexy, fit bodies.

    Crouching low the two women squared off again, their magnificently built shoulders, athletic thighs and hard shaped calves contracting, ready for action. Then both girls rushed one another, both were applying a tight headlock and took to semi squatting positions seeking an advantage. Twisting, bending, straining muscularity solicited deep groaning as these women tested each other's might and resolve.

    Erika was now out to prove something, that Tasha was no match for her, that the Spanish?s audacity in trying to challenge her Italian body?s skill, size and power should end definitively, and horribly. The powerful Blonde set about trying to crush and break her nemesis.

    Interlocking their limbs caused the two women to topple to the floor, both wasted no time as they quickly employed the power of their legs. To the outside observer, this created a sensual swirl of muscularity, glazed with sweat, but to the two battling girl?s it seemed a struggle for life-and-death. At times even their foreheads collided and their arms clenched tightly about each other's aching heads. Both bodies endured the mutual onslaught of twists and turns, glutes flexed and hard bodies slithered for leverage.

    Tasha bridged upward to try and roll the blonde off her, Erika obliged and pulled away, Tasha was trying to get back to her feet. But it was a trap, and Tasha took the bait.

    From behind Erika found the hold she was looking for, with a mighty cry she lunged after her mortal enemy?..her powerful Italian muscles snaked under Tasha?s arm pits to perform yet another powerful bear hug, but this time it was immediately followed by a mighty twist, sending the two of them sailing back down towards the matt. A terrible groan of despair came from Tasha?s lips as she felt the fall coming and knew Erika would be on top.

    ?Oh No!? the ebony girl whimpered. The impending fall, the impact, it all felt bad, and her fears were justified when Tasha felt the entire weight of the Blonde crashing down on top of her, knocking the wind and fight from her strong body, probably for a final time.

    To the untrained eye, it might have been a magnificent scene. A terrific crash of beautiful female bodies as two women struggled for supremacy against the other. But seconds later, the damage from the fall was reveled and evident. One girl lay facedown, sprawled out on the matt, moaning, her magnificent Spanish arms and legs barely moving, with little chance to recover it would seem.

    Erika wasn?t even thinking now, she was in pure fight mode again and quickly clambered to her feet, she had a fist full of Spanish hair in tow, dragging the fallen girl up with her. Tasha began pleading for mercy, again, ?Stop! I mean it, I can?t take anymore! Don?t do this to me!? as her scalp felt the painful tug, her hands feebly pulling in vain, but Erika?s grip seemed impossibly strong. Erika paused and took a long drink of air before calling upon a little more of her reserves, she glanced again at the wall of mirrors, watching with self admiring pride as her powerful muscles etched under Italian skin. Her outstretched left arm now propped up the beautiful, Spanish girl by her throat, feeling more dominant then ever before and she suspected that Tasha now knew this too.

    Erika stared at her hated enemy, it amazed her she could feel this way about anyone.

    Tasha wavered on unsteady legs before her Blonde nemesis, and thats when Erika quickly let go of her hold, but quickly followed up with a tremendous strike across the Spanish woman?s cheek. The loud crack echoed around the room as the Blonde?s right hand delivered a solid smack to the girl?s smooth, right cheek. The power caused Tasha?s strong frame to corkscrew around, even lifting her onto her toes as she spun almost a true 180 degrees, spit and traces of blood flew from her lips. What the mirror reflected was an amazing site to behold, one woman standing in victory, her naked body glistening from head to to, flexing with pure female power, while her opponent?s body twisted around, back and head recoiling from the blow.

    Blinding lights and a dizzy sensation rocked her senses, her brain lost it?s bearings until she realized she was back on the ground, her limbs twisted under body from the fall. A series of moaning whimpers ushered from her throat in uncontrollable bursts.

    ?Looks like I got the better of you again, because the better woman won.? Erika snapped and she flexed her muscles with a powerful surge of adrenaline, towering over her fallen opponent with a look of supremacy. ?But it?s only going to get better, you just wait.? the blonde smiled.

    ?You bitch, please, no more. What more do you want me to say, I?ll say it!? Tasha whimpered when a pair of hands grabbed her shoulders. She struggled to get away, clawing at the matt with her fingernails but her limbs seemed to barely respond. Her body was being hauled up yet again, instinctively she tried to keep her balance, struggling to hold some amount of dignity together. ?Damn you. Let me go!? Tasha whimpered as tears fell down her face, dropping from her chin.

    ?Say it, say I?m the better woman, that I kicked your ass!? Erika growls while moving behind the unsteady girl, slipping behind her foe and circles one arm from behind. Tasha?s proud breasts resting on the Italian girls muscular forearms as Erika?s right arm closes in around the girl?s strong neck and in a final impressive display of strength and dominance hoists Tasha up, the ebony girl?s toes dangle almost an inch above the mat. And the worst is yet to come.

    Erika turns and stands before the row of mirrors, ?See that?.? spit flying off her trembling lips, ??.now you know,? hot air hisses out of her clenched teeth based Tasha?s ear canal, ?who the stronger female between us is.?

    Tears spilled out of Tasha?s fluttering eye lids, she slapped futilely at the strong forearms across her neck and chest, her legs twitching, her chest and belly heaving ?Say it you cunt! You know the words!? Erika growled in between deep drinks of air.

    ?I submit, I surrender, you win!? Tasha babbled out, choking, sobbing. It was the most horribly humiliating thing that could have been done to her. To be dangled in front of the mirror like that, helpless. But she expected nothing less, this is what it had come down between the two. Not only a war of who the supreme female was, but making sure that the other woman was humbled to the point of groveling before the other.

    ?I give, your the better woman, more dominant female between us, please Erika no more, I?m begging you!? Tasha moaned feeling on the verge of passing out.

    Erika let out a grunt, like an animal, before letting go. Tasha?s body slumped to ground instantly, like a marionette whose strings were cut. A thud of Spanish, sweaty muscles crashed at Erika?s feet. With her right foot she gave Tasha?s hip a firm shove sending the Spanish girls body sprawling over on her back. Erika walked around the prone girl, circling her, looking down at her defeated foe, who is either unconscious from the hold, or so exhausted she lays totally immobile, either way, the slow rhythm of her chest rising and lowering is the only motion from the girl?s body.

    Tasha took several deep breaths and blinked to clear her vision. To her despair, the Blonde stood towering over her, gloating, her gloriously naked body dripping with sweat and power. Hard nipples protruding proudly from a pair of magnificent firm breasts, and muscles rippling with strength. Erika?s breasts didn?t even look affected by their match, while Tasha?s felt raw and weak. Every move was a calculated dig at Tasha?s psyche. Erika slowly, leisurely even, took her time to turn away and walk toward the Spanish girl?s gym bag as if she had no fear of Tasha getting up and retaliating. An odd longing took hold of Tasha?s emotions, how she sexually lusted after that big, Blonde, Amazon bitch, but of equal measure was how bad she wanted to dominate and humiliate the girl in the process.

    ?And these are mine!? Erika pulled her tan thong from Tasha?s gym bag, and then she pulled out Tasha?s own Spanish thong panties. ?You want to play trophy. Well how about this?? And then reached in pulling out Tasha?s Spanish bra as well. ?I?m taking both. You were never woman enough for me to begin with.? Erika slowly moved over to her clothes and proceeded to get dressed. Privately she had to admit, the Spanish girl had given her a tough fight tonight, but she still wasn?t too impressed.

    Tasha?s voice was dry and hard to speak but she struggled, a few tears still fell from her cheeks.

    ?What was that?? Erika paused from pulling on her shorts, ?Speak up bitch, I don?t think I broke your windpipe.?

    Tasha?s head tilted to the side, her eyes glaring with hatred as she looked up from behind a tangle of Spanish hair, but she didn?t repeat herself. Her words were not for Erika anyway, she was talking to herself.

    ?Doesn?t matter,? Erika stood up and pulled her Italian tee shirt down over her large, firm breasts, ?Your finished anyway, you were never any match for me. Never will be. Definitely not those flabby things you call breasts.? Erika pulled a comb from her gym bag and swept it thru her long blonde hair, her smug air of arrogant confidence almost made Tasha?s stomach wretch, and she looked away again for fear of more tears coming. She just wished the Blonde would hurry and leave, the longer she stayed the more beaten and humiliated Tasha felt.

    Erika finished dressing and slung her gym bag over her shoulder, watching as Tasha slowly, painfully sat up, clutching her gut and wincing in pain. Still though, Erika had some admiration for the girl, she had determination and her body was devastatingly beautiful, glistening like wet chiseled stone. While not as strong as Erika?s, the Blonde new that Tasha had a lot of hidden potential and that excited her. Until Tasha tapped into that strength the Blonde expected to keep beating the girl in one sided fights. She almost laugh out loud at that last thought, ?Any more thoughts? Highly unlikely!?

    But she felt like taunting Tasha some more, ?You just let me know when you want that slap-fight bitch, I still owe you that.? Erika then held up her cell phone, snapping a few pictures, ?See how you like this.?

    After the door closed Tasha tried to stand but her exhausted, wrecked body fell back down and rolled over to openly weep, resting her forehead back down on her hands, her fists began to clench in rage until she felt like she had the strength to get up. Her sweat covered body stuck to the mats as she swore out her revenge.

    But how could she beat her? Erika just seemed too skilled and strong. ?I have to figure out a way.?

    The only thing she could do was train harder, to focus on winning, or whatever it took. She had allowed her fantasies and sexual desires to muddy her concentration. She was too tired to try and resolve all these issues now and drove home in a much different state of mind then when she arrived.


    A Party to Remember - Part 12


    She had begun to revel in her position of dominance over Tasha now. She had beaten the girl in three out of four fights, and the most recent had definitely put a punctuation on things between them. Her tongue moved over her soft full lips as she enjoyed the sensual rush as top-female. No one challenged her now, especially Tasha. She knew Tasha was training hard and biding her time before she made another challenge, but that was fine with Erika, she felt aroused at the prospect.

    Erika knew the turning point, when things between them became personal. It was Tasha?s taunting about having her underwear. ?No woman should have been able to take what is mine!? The Blonde rolled over on the bed to face the wall, ?You beat her three times, fair and squire, beat her with not doubt, you are the better woman.? She smiled wickedly, a tingle of satisfaction ran up her spine knowing that she now had Tasha?s panties and bra hanging in her closet. ?How sweet it is.? she thought. ?Now that bitch is getting a taste of her own medicine. Every time she tries to up the stakes in our contests she ends up the ?worse for wear?.


    Tasha didn?t want to forget anything, but time was slipping away, days went by and Erika?s responses were somewhat cool, less engaging then Tasha had hoped.

    Honestly, she wasn?t as eager for another confrontation with the Blonde just yet, she needed time to mentally recover from the loss, and the sting of having her underwear taken right before her eyes was far more bitter than she could have imagined.

    Other things in her life seemed to be going badly as well. Her on again off again relationship with Daryl was not going well. Her mind had not been the same since her encounters with Erika, she had been unable to give any attention to their relationship since then.

    ?But tonight is another night. Another chance.? Tasha spoke as she adjusted her large breasts in the mirror and pulled on the spaghetti straps to even the low neckline. Adjusting her hair a little she stepped back and made a final look, her hands came down to the bottom of her dress and slowly lifted it up revealing her strong thighs, her eyes barely made out the bottom of the panties that concealed her womanhood. Staring at the silk thong her fingers rubbed the smooth material that covered her pussy and thought about Erika?s pussy rubbing against hers, almost immediately she started to feel wet as her mind weaved the erotic scenario in her head.

    ?I can?t wait to go up against that Italian, muscle bitch again and teach her a lesson she won?t soon forget.? speaking in a faint whisper to herself as her fingers massaged the wet fabric covering her crotch.

    She straightened out her dress, running the palms of her hands over her ass cheeks, she slowly smoothed out the dress until it conformed to every voluptuous part of her body. Tasha waited for the fog of passion to clear from her head as she headed for the door, her little voice in the back of her head spoke to hear, reminding her that while she desired this confrontation with Erika, she knew about being careful when getting those things that you wish for, and how it can come back to haunt you.

    Tasha took a deep breath, whatever primal lust she and Erika had unleashed between them had now become all consuming, her whole body ached to know, woman-to-woman, which one them was truly more powerful. In all aspects.


    Erika pulled the towel around her midsection after drying off from the bath as she got herself together in her room. Her mind had shifted gears she knew Tasha would be at the party tonight and while that excited her it was becoming less and less of a concern. She pulled her small Italian tong up tight and tilted her head back as she felt the slightest bit of pleasure from the sensation and paused for a minute as she maneuvered her thighs and hips to let the elastic material settle in.

    Picking up the dress she walked over, her firm legs and sculpted ass muscles flexed with every step, only her full breasts swung ever so slightly. Letting the thin fabric fall down around her shoulders as she worked it down over her hips and pulled it into place over her breasts. The Italian-pinkish color helped to accent her tan legs and arms. She turned around quickly and proceeded to check herself out from every angle trying to see if anything showed. Erika felt sexually adventures and daring going without bra and such small panties, especially in a loose short dress. But it felt sexy the way the fabric clung to every curve of her naked body, and she felt somewhat ?vulnerable? being so potentially exposed.

    Once in awhile, she even entertained the idea of another breast-fight, or whatever you call it, with Tasha. She had totally dominated Tasha?s Spanish breasts while squeezing the girl against her she saw no hope that the girl would ever be a threat.

    At the apex of her emotional recollection of events, Erika picked up her cell phone and sent Tasha a couple of photos that she was sure to enrage the girl to the point she might reconsider even coming to the party tonight.


    ?I said ?No?.? Erika snapped and returned to sipping on her glass of wine.

    ?You can say ?No? all you want, but given the right place and time, you and I are going to ?at it? again.? Tasha stated in the most cool manner that she could. She had been verbally taunted for days leading up to this party, and then the pictures sent to her totally rattled her.

    ?Not only can I say ?No?, I can simply ignore you totally.?? Erika smirked with condescending tone, ?If our last ?encounter wasn?t enough to convince you that you are simply no match for me, then there is no hope for you.?

    Tasha brought the glass up to her lips and sipped, her eyes darted around the open terrace and nervously fidgeted. Erika was doing an excellent job of digging the knife deeper into the wound; she knew it, Erika knew it, and Tasha had to admit it was working. She bit down on her full lower lip and studied the Blonde, admiring her beautiful body that flaunted every ounce of muscle and female voluptuous that made Tasha want to both hurl her drink into the bitches face, then slap her silly, while also the sexual desire to feel their bodies naked against one another fighting for total domination.

    ?I think we are done here. In fact I think it?s proven that we are done period!? Erika snarled with a nasty curl to her upper lips.

    Tasha glared over at the blonde Amazon while fighting back the tears of rage and humiliation.

    ?Oh please, your not going to start crying and making big scene are you??

    ?She just didn?t know when to stop.? Tasha ground her teeth together making her jaw line tight, exposing her already strong, beautiful facial features. ?But it?s part of their ongoing war. Emotional, psychological, physical and definitely sexually dominating the other.

    ?Start crying? No. Make a big scene? Maybe.? Tasha cleared her head and waited for the Erika to finally look her in the eye. Then her left hand launched the contents of her wine glass into Erika?s face as her right hand came around and cracked Erika?s beautiful left cheek so hard it sounded like a thunder clap.

    Tasha was already walking away, and at a fast pace, not even looking back.

    Although still reeling from the stinging slap, Erika?s body was full of avenging fury, she tried to quickly blink away the cool liquid that covered her face. The Spanish Spanish woman was already strutting across the balcony and thru the patio doors before the Blonde could get her thoughts together. The power of the blow reminded Erika that Tasha might be compact in size, but she was a power house of a woman to be reckoned with.

    Tasha might not have gotten to fight the Blonde tonight, but throwing her drink into her face and smacking her was a nice healthy dose of satisfaction.

    Erika?s body felt a chill from the soaking wetness and went back in the house to dab off the wine, fortunately it was Italian wine. She also let her temper chill by avoiding Tasha the remainder of the night until opportunity found the two of them in close enough proximity that Erika quickly approached her arch rival. ?If you think that little stunt changes anything, forget it. Your just a piece of low class trash, that?s all that proves. I?m done with you.?

    But Tasha wasn?t so sure and in fact felt oddly calm. ?She sought me out, there is more to come, much more.? Tasha smiled and brought a new glass of wine up to her lips.

    - - - Updated - - -
    Revenge so she hopes - Part 13


    Walking away was easer said than done. Erika had allowed the ?smack? at the party to irritate her for days. And maybe it was the way Tasha had dropped the whole matter as well. No contact, or follow up emails.

    ?If she thinks smacking me upside the head gets in some last jab, or settles things with her on top, well fuck her.? Erika considered knowing full well she was playing right into Tasha?s game, edging closer to another fight with her rival.

    And it was working. Impatience and arrogance drove Erika to push the issue, she even contacted Tasha via email first letting her know if she wanted ?another shot at the title? then to ?bring it on?.

    Tasha was pleased by the email and it came sooner then she anticipated. ?I guess that smack shook you up more then you can handle.?

    They agreed to meet at the gym, in the same yoga room, very late at night.


    There would be no submission accepted, it would be down to the last woman standing, such was the hatred between the two women now.

    Naked as the day they were born, both intent on reenacting their prior battle, down to the smallest detail?.which meant nude.?hand to hand combat.

    Erika crouched low, a fire in Tasha?s eyes told the Blonde the Spanish had revenge on her mind.

    Tasha admired the rippling of Erika?s strong muscles, her abdominals rippling as she breathed in anticipation of the match. The Blonde?s large, perky breasts lay mounted atop her chest with no sign of gravity taking it's toll. But Tasha knew she was no slouch her self. She had spent months training hard and was quickly developing an impressive set of definition over every inch of her body.

    Tasha moved in, slowly, but still radiated an air of confidence, their bodies conveyed and element of erotic exhibitionism as their feminine, sensuous lats and back muscles tensed.

    ?I really enjoyed whipping your ass last time.? Erika smiled as she taunted, she wanted to probe the girl?s psyche as much as she could before coming together, ?The angrier she gets, the more likely she will become off balanced?.

    Uncharacteristically, Tasha spoke not a word, she simply reacted to Erika?s taunts by lunging for the Blonde antagonist. A full charge with every bit of hatred unleashed as she tore into girl before her. While the psychological attack had worked on Tasha, it also didn?t go as planned either. Erika was unprepared for the wild assault of punches and slaps. The Spanish warrior seemed prepared to use every ounce of energy she had in order to unleash a countless combinations of strikes.

    Surprisingly Erika backed away, trying to defend and gather her wits, but a blow would slip thru her defenses periodically soliciting groans and even squeals from the Blonde. Furious now, Erika lost her cool and immediately tried retailing, launching her own slaps and punches. The mutual assault went on for almost an amazing full minute without holding, clenching, or a rest to catch their breath.

    Sweat and blood quickly filled the air and their battle escalated until Erika?s mind settled down and tried for something strategic and tried to grab the Spanish wildcat. Tasha was tiring and embraced the tactic as well. It also seemed as neither girl was prepared to actually finish the fight using an all out assault of only fists. They wanted to grab one another and embrace each other. Yet the brutality of the initial attack lingered in the back of their minds, each wondering which one would have out lasted the other. Maybe that would be settled another time.

    Arms and legs tightly locked into a single human swirl as they flexed and twisted until both suddenly fell to the ground. Tasha fought like a woman possessed, both rolled around on the matts struggling for an advantage. Their bodies leaving sweat and faint blood smears of back, thigh and glutei prints all over the floor. Tasha was wiggling her slippery arms and legs free from Erika?s grabbling holds, but the Blonde also knew the Spanish fighter was expending a lot of energy.

    Erika?s glistening naked form finally gained control as she rested a top Tasha's, both women rhythmically breathing, their heaving abs almost synchronized and their lower halves flexing and quivering from the frenzied attack. The respite had a more subtle, but powerful sexual effect that subconsciously they both enjoyed. The sensation of a hard battle, their two powerful bodies, in their prime, struggling against one another, both totally naked and desperate to control and dominate over the other. Although neither would admit to the turn-on both were feeling it while fighting each other.

    Tasha finally started to try and make a move wedging her leg between Erika's thighs using her knee and foot. Suddenly Erika, having her wits about her, fell away letting Tasha think she had dismounted her. It worked. Tasha rolled over to follow the Italian opponent, but ended up rolling right into a scissor hold. Erika?s white legs instantly rippled with power.

    Tasha fell deep into the trap and felt a new agony as if all her organs were being squeezed into her rib cage. She had no choice but to cry out in pain. Caught off guard by the scissor hold and running out of options Tasha became desperate and suddenly came to a sitting position with the last remnants of her strength. With brutal force she plunged her fingers into Erika?s two quivering mammaries. With her fists full of breasts it was now Erika?s turn to scream.

    ?You fuck!? Erika howled and immediately grabbed Tasha's wrists seeking some release from the pain, the Blonde?s legs instantly began to fade away, and almost instantly Tasha released her breast grab. Erika used her legs to push away and with the assistance sweaty skin they easily slipped away from one another. The relief for both women was instantaneous as Tasha clutched her aching waist while scooting back on her knees, but giving the Blonde a look of death.

    ?Those low, dirty tactics are going to come back on you one day bitch!? Erika seethed as both girl?s got up to their knees, to face one another. The beginnings of the fight was evident on their bodies and faces, light bruising, scratches, and blushed skin from their open palmed smacks and some bare knuckle strikes.

    ?All is fair in war cunt!? Tasha breathed heavy, resisting the urge to rub her aching midsection anymore.

    Erika lunged first, to take the ebony girl back to the ground and get her back between her powerful thighs. But Tasha had other plans and sat back on her heels to steady herself, moving her arms around the Italian girl, almost embracing her enemy. Her fists clinched at the base of the Blonde?s spine, her forearms sunk into slippery Italian skin as her body tensed and with mighty effort arched her back. Her lips bared back to reveal perfect, Italian teeth as the Spanish warrior poured every last bit of strength her body had into the crushing hold!

    ?Ooooohhhhhh.? Erika groaned, her head rolled back as she moaned in extreme discomfort, her body arched to try and relieve the incredible pressure on her back. Tasha?s face grimaced as she strained to apply the incredible bear hug on her opponent. Erika had no idea that Tasha still had the strength to pull off such a move, nor that her own strong back muscles would be vulnerable to such an attack, but regardless it felt like two steel bands constricting about her waist, on just the right spot.

    It was the perfect storm, Tasha?s fists clasped tight, her knuckles bearing down at the right place on Erika?s spine, her angle and squeezing at the exact moment was dead-on-perfect.

    Erika began to twist her upper body as her arms begin to push and try to pry herself free. But the more she pushed the more it put pressure on her back and the worse the pain became. Yet it was her pride that made her determined to out-muscle this Spanish bitch, she was convinced Tasha could never match her strength and make her submit no matter what hold she was put in. But her struggles actually begin to feel in vain, trapped in the arms of her nemesis and for the first time in the match she began to truly feel at the mercy of this bitch. ?Oh my back.? Erika let the groan slip past her lips as her legs squirmed out on either side of Tasha?s thighs.

    Tasha actually felt the excitement in the sensuous feeling of their naked bodies pressed tightly as finally she felt like she had gained the upper hand. ?Could I actually be dominating the bigger, stronger woman for once?? She wondered and watched with supreme satisfaction and ecstasy, as Erika?s upper body and head fell back a little while her powerful arms kept pushing down. The contrast of Erika?s fingers digging against Tasha?s dark Spanish biceps was an alarming turn on.

    ?I?m going to break you bitch!? Tasha taunted as Erika could only grunt. The sight of Erika?s magnificent breasts jutting upwards, helpless and looking vulnerable spurned her on. Tasha clenched her jaw and felt the temptation to bite down on the large, erect nipples.

    Feeling her muscles give and bend to Tasha, while devastating both physically and emotionally, she was also unexpectedly arousing. The feeling of her pubic mound pressing into Tasha?s lower abs, it was as if she could actually feel her female juices running down her rival?s stomach. But she had to get re-focused and knew Tasha must have burned thru a great deal of energy to execute and maintain the hug, at least that?s what Erika was hoping for. Slowly she willed her legs to move, her slick calves and thighs curled around Tasha?s torso and locked in place once again.

    Sensing the effort, Tasha applied more pressure hoping the end was close and that Erika didn?t have the strength left to counter attack. But that hope was short lived.

    ?Oh fuck!? Tasha cried as the familiar pressure built once again. Those powerful creamy, Italian legs of her enemy had found life once again and began constricting her at the waist, and she still hurting from the previous crushing scissor hold. Tasha immediately began to panic.

    The pressure from Erika?s powerful legs and the exhaustion from applying the mighty bear hug finally combined in on Tasha. Her ribs felt about ready to collapse, the precious air forced from her lungs. The agony was too much and her arms began to loosen, her fingers slipping, unable to keep the crushing hug at the base of Erika?s spine. The Blonde had outlasted her again, out fought her, and once again the inevitable defeat seemed close at hand.

    Erika sighed in relief at being free from the bonds of her tormentor. Their bodies fell away and Erika instantly went about securing her scissor hold. She watched with pleasure as the Spanish beauty weakly tried to pry herself free from the strangulating hold of the Blonde?s massive thigh muscles.

    ?You fucking mouthy cunt, where is your bad-ass attitude now you Spanish bitch. I?m going to fucking crush you to death!? Erika could only see red as she watched Tasha?s strong body slowly slip away and collapse, her fists feebly pounding at Erika?s muscles, whimpering and crying for freedom.

    Tasha?s breathing was in short, rasping sounds as the muscles and blood vessels of her neck bulged, ?Oh God please stop. Your crushing me, I can?t breath! Your breaking me in two! Stop I beg you!?

    Erika wasn?t listening, she was weary to keep Tasha?s hands away from her precious breasts. It seemed like Tasha was on the verge of passing out, quickly Erika unclenched her legs and pushed off. Tasha?s body folded over like a broken chair, while she clutched her ribs and abs. Tasha curled up, a few sobs began to wrack her body as pain and exhaustion quickly took its toll. Another firm shove caused Tasha to groan, it was Erika?s foot giving her a wake up call.

    Slowly the Spanish beauty stirred, disoriented at first, she could feel her body, covered in mostly dried sticky sweat from head to toe as she painfully tried to sit up. The moans could no be suppressed as she brings a trembling finger up to her face to push hair from her eyes and slowly realizes that she came very close to passing out, instantly and thankfully she realized she is no longer held in Erika?s legs.

    ?Admit you lost, you bitch.? Erika snapped at the recovering girl.

    Silence. But Erika knew Tasha heard her.

    ?Okay? Erika says in a soft, calm manner that seems to unnerve Tasha ?We can do this the hard way, which is just fine with me!? Erika then scrambled to her feet, her two out stretched hands reach down to latch onto Tasha?s long Spanish hair.

    ?Fuck you bitch.? Tasha gasped aloud defiantly but was forced to follow, quickly rolling over, her face twists with pain as she quickly realizes this fight is going from bad to worse for her. Erika simply yanks Tasha?s head down, the girl cried out, much to the pleasure of the Blonde?s ears.

    Tasha made it up to one knee, her eyes glance up to see Erika?s firm muscular belly in front of her and she instinctively coils her right hand. With just enough room to maneuver she uses whats left of her wavering strength and her fist explodes into Erika?s gut.

    ?Ooouuuffff? Erika?s mouth makes the shape of an ?O? as air is expelled from her lungs, Tasha can feel the powerful woman?s legs buckle. The blow causes Erika to bend at the waste as she unhooks her claws from Tasha?s hair to bring her left arm down defensively.

    Tasha is already re-coiling her arm for another blow but Erika desperately grabs and yanks on Tasha?s hair again, jerking her head to the right, eliciting a loud yelp from her opponent. Confident another blow could bring Erika to her knees Tasha unleashes her arm for another gut punch when Erika?s left arm interjects itself, breaking the momentum of the swing.

    ?Shit!? Tasha weeps with despair, her last chance at getting back in the fight might have been lost for good.

    Like a swinging hammer, Erika?s right forearm raises, flexes and then dive bombs towards its unsuspecting target. Her balled fist crashes into Tasha?s back. With no cushion to absorb the blow the impact is terrific. The smack echoed throughout the room as a rush of air is expelled from Tasha?s lungs.

    The downed Spanish woman gasps in pain, and its paralyzing. In between gasps her body takes short, quick breaths. ?God damn you.? She cries out loud, gasping for air and sobbing from the agony.
    Erika steps back, her chest heaving with fear and excitement, part of her hoping she just pummeled the shit out this girl and another hoping she gets up to start fighting again.

    ?Let me stand up and let?s go toe-to-toe bitch.? Tasha winced with every word, her back and ribs aching in horrible pain knowing her words were probably more hollow than ever before but buying as much time as she could.

    ?Okay, let me help you!? Erika taunted with malicious intent and yanked Tasha up by her hair.


    Once upright the Blonde waisted no time in smacking the beautiful Spanish girl?s tear and sweat stained cheeks, two times? for each cheek. Tasha could no longer see due to the fresh tears now coming, nor think properly for her pain and humiliation was overriding all her senses.

    ?Look at you, you?re pathetic. Spend a little time in the gym and you think that will make a difference?? Erika taunted with swelling pride and pleasure, eyeing the sobbing Spanish woman before her. The proud Spanish woman, openly sobbing and staggering on her feet. Looking defeated and ready to fall over.

    Tasha knew the horror would not stop until she said it. She tried to raise her arms but almost screamed in pain when she tried. The effects of Erika?s earlier scissor hold, and then the blow to her back had inflicted more damage then she anticipated and for once she was scared for her health. She watched as the powerful Blonde Amazon reared back for another punch, or slap, or it really didn?t even matter at this point to Tasha. The impending strike drove fear into her psyche the likes she had not yet experienced, the ebony beauty swallowed hard and said those words she swore never to say again;

    ?Please don?t hit me any more, your the better woman Erika.? Tasha whimpered, ?I can?t beat you, you got the better of me, Please!? Already she was clutching her torso in agony and ready to fall over.

    The Blonde held her hand up high, and decided not to lash out at her beaten rival. But she could not just let her go, she had to finish Tasha. Letting her know that she was the undisputed better woman, her superior. She eyed her nemesis for a moment and took in the sight of the girl?s beautiful, but crushed body. Tasha could barely stand, her eyes almost closed from exhaustion and pain. Her body swayed in the middle of the room, arms felt too heavy to move.

    Suddenly, Erika latched onto Tasha?s left erect nipple and pinched it.?hard. ?Now beg me you cunt, beg me to let you go.?

?Please?.please Erika?.let me go.? Tasha sobbed and gasped with every increasing pinch on her nipple.

    ?Why?? Erika asked, and Tasha?s mind couldn?t formulate a response quick enough.

    ?Because, you?.you are the better woman! You beat me again.? Tasha sobbed as her spirit was broken. She was then brutally pushed back down onto the floor.

    Erika, once again, stood over her fallen nemesis, clenching her fists, this time in final victory. The next scene that unfolded before her eyes was the most satisfying and one she could not have scripted. She watched as Tasha rolled over and slowly crawled to the other side of the room. She had been totally defeated physically, and in some ways, mentally. She could hear the Spanish Amazon beauty make every effort to choke back the sobs but was not entirely successful.

    ?That?s it bitch. Crawl away from me. Where is all your Spanish pride now? All your big talk and Spanish attitude now? How does it feel knowing some Italian girl just whipped your ass for the fourth time!? She couldn?t see Tasha?s face but knew those words were cutting deep and would leave lasting scars on the woman. There was a arousing sense of accomplishment that filled the Blonde?s chest, a warmth spread out from the center of her body and radiated outward as she stood victorious over the beaten women, both tested themselves and gave everything they had.

    Erika proudly strode over and squatted down, glaring at the Spanish girl who would not return her stare. ?I?ll be taking this,? and plucked out the girl?s panties, ?and this.? And took her bra. ?At this rate you will need a whole new wardrobe of underwear.?

    ?Just remember cunt.? Erika looked over her shoulder, ?You wanted this fight with me. Think again before throwing wine in my face and smacking me.?


    Under the dim recessed lights, which normally accompany a soothing yoga session, tonight it revealed nothing but pain and misery for one young lady. Her body felt crippled and destroyed by another woman, a woman she loathed with every ounce of her body and soul. Even in this moment of total distraught agony Tasha clenched her fists trying to think about revenge. But the idea merely caused her to weep in frustration, unsure if she could ever look Erika in the face again, ever make eye contact, and was there ever a chance of beating her.

    - - - Updated - - -
    A Weekend to Remember - Part 14


    She was tired and sore, Tasha let the weight of her head tilt forward as she looked toward the ground, her strong jaw line clenching in frustration. Her skin crawled with that still wet feeling of perspiration that hadn?t gone dry or sticky just yet.

    She just continued to lay back against the park bench, elbows propped up behind her on the wooden backing, whilst her wrists dangled in a limp fashion. Her legs were stretched out before her her heels dug into the soft earth. Her long, strong, athletic leg muscles jumped and rolled as she would periodically shift her heels. A dying sun glistened with yellowish orange.

    The evaporating light, and dark skin, made it difficult to see that she had suffered a number of bumps and bruises. It had been almost a week and still her body felt wrecked from the encounter her her arch-nemesis. She hated that Blonde bitch more then ever, and she was sure the feeling was mutual.

    Her full dark lips almost smiled when she thought of her scars as if they were medals of honor that decorated her fit, strong body. But Tasha?s smile did begin to wane slightly as she thought back, as those memories began to take shape, her eye-lids cracked open so her sharp eyes could peer up to formulate a phantom image of her being humiliated by that big Italian Amazon.

    Tasha was standing now and slowly walked. Her subconscious called out to her as if trying to warn her not to go off the deep end, but she had already fallen and was continuing to free fall. She hated that girl, and wanted to hurt her and subdue her as if her very existence was a threat. In some unexplainable way, every collision of her body with that magnificently strong Blonde caused her to crave more and more! Until one of them wasn?t going to get up again.
    But more and more it was feeling like Tasha was the one failing. Four of their last five fights hand ended in solid humiliation.

    ?I can?t give up.? She so ached to dominate that bigger woman and prove that although she was smaller, she would humiliate and stand supreme over the Bigger, Stronger, Italian woman.

    - - - Updated - - -
    No Plan is The Best - Part 15


    It was hazy, hot and humid with temperatures climbing into the nineties.

    The statuesque Blonde was adorned in a Italian bikini, way too small for her body, but that was the idea. It drove all the men and women crazy, and one girl in particular, Tasha.

    The shapely Spanish girl outfitted in her own revealing red bikini hovered just within eye sight of her rival. It was true, there was a strong pull towards the Blonde, but not a healthy one in many respects. Tasha had an obsession with the Blonde?s body, and more importantly, with fighting her. Erika seemed to love flaunting what she had in Tasha?s face, and vice versa, each trying to ?one up? the other. But their last fight left a bitter taste of defeat inside of Tasha that made it all the more difficult to keep that ?front? up.

    Tasha was okay with it now, she had swallowed her pride, accepted that she had been beaten soundly several times. But she knew that cowering from Erika would seal her fate as the lesser woman. There was no other woman around that could challenge either of them, both knew this, but Tasha?s drive was stronger then ever to make a stand, to prove she could take on this big, tough Blonde and knock her on her ass again.

    The hatred between the two beauties was almost palpable as they faced one another on-and-off during the day by the pool. No other woman could match their beauty and the God given assets of their bodies.

    And both women had gone out of their way to make it clear that if either showed their face at Sharon?s Family Estate, there would be a fight. Erika had reminded Tasha with some photos from their last meeting, sent via email, just how badly beaten and humiliated the outcome had been for her.

    It didn?t seem to unnerve Tasha in the slightest, she was more determined then ever to fight the girl and put her down.

    ?Then you have a screw loose.? Erika snapped.

    ?Maybe I do, but your delusional if you think your better then me. I can beat you in more ways then one, and I?m going to prove it.? The Spanish girl challenged right back to the taller, more muscular Italian.


    Seeking some escape from the heat, and privacy, Erika grasped the door's smooth handle and twisted it downward, releasing the lock with a sterile, metallic click that echoed slightly in the neatly organized pool house, feet padding silent upon the gray carpeted floor.

    Tasha watched the Blonde leave. Even in shades her eyes squinted hard as if she could force death rays to shoot out and blast that bitch into oblivion. ?Now!? her voice commanded, that voice that had served her well for the one, and so far only time, she had beaten her powerful rival. Maybe this day, and right now, would be another time to emerge victorious. Her nipples hardened at the possibility that in just a few short minutes their hot, sweaty bodies could be locked up in a powerful struggle for supremacy. Tasha was shaking all over knowing what she was going up against. Taking a deep breath she invited the fear into her mind and body, she had to accept the very real possibility that she would loose, and badly.

    Her feet were moving now and she followed with one purpose in mind, focused and ready. Quickly she let the door close behind her and then twisted the deadbolt shut, sealing both of them inside. ?This is it? her mind thought.

    Erika had spun around and sneered with contempt, both now stood at opposite sides of the pool house, hands resting derisively on hips. The overhead ceiling fan did little to help abate the stifling heat.

    Tasha remained by the door, hands on her own hips, but her smooth legs were spread apart shoulder-width for balance, a slight sneer evident across her own pretty features.

    Erika grinned at her opponent, ?Thinking of starting something here and now, in Sharon?s own backyard? You are desperate and stupid.? She wasn?t expecting such a bold move on the part of Tasha, regardless of her threats, but honestly Erika was starting to get bored with this woman and her challenges. And she wasn?t pleased about doing it in her swim suite, she really liked this suite, it was new and expensive.

    Tasha had carried her anger around for weeks as she sought a time and place for revenge. She knew Erika had all the advantages; Strength, size, speed, and skill to score yet another win. It was overwhelming to think about it too long, she just had to trust her instincts, but she suspected she had more then enough endurance to last out a fight with the blonde, but that all hinged on incredible good fortune, which had not been kind to Tasha as of late. ?You?ve beaten Erika once before - why not again? And why not now!? her pride rallied. In fact it had to be now, another loss would be so pathetic, not only in her eyes, but the blonde would probably never acknowledge her again.

    As if thinking the same thoughts Erika verbally lashed out, ?Just so you know, after I?m done whipping your ass, it will be the last time you and I meet. After this I?m done with you, you?re becoming a pathetic joke! And you?re going to regret ever following me into this pool house!? Erika seethed with real anger.

    It was on! Tasha had to get ready!

    ?Then bring it bitch!? Tasha gritted her teeth together and flicked the fingers of her outstretched hands in a ?come on? taunt. She crouched as she continued to wave the Blonde toward her. ?Shut me down this time and you?ll never see me again!? Tasha fumed, her lips trembling with rage, although spoken in anger, she meant the words.

    Concentrating solely upon fighting now, both women bent their knees, with hands out in front of them before beginning to circle one another, stepping carefully as they each sought an opening from which they could launch their initial attack. Bare feet padded almost silently across the floor as the two women moved counterclockwise, fingers outstretched and ready to close painfully on some part of an opponent's body.

    Tasha, for her part, was now more nervous than ever before, so much was on the line, her fragile dignity, and any chance of meeting this girl in another duel. The beautiful, Spanish girl didn?t care about rules, or the underlying sensuality of it all, no, all she cared about was surviving, and if she survived, she might win.

    For some odd reason she found herself only able to focus on Erika's strong neck. It seemed like a desperate idea. Erika was no push-over and could easily deflect Tasha?s attacks if they were poorly timed. But for some reason she had the impulse to wrap her hands around that bitch?s neck and throttle the life out of her! Yes it seemed deviant, and maybe even wrong. But she was that desperate to win.

    They continued circling wordlessly, each looking to strike while not giving her enemy an avenue for attack at the same time. Erika would bounce back on her toes a couple of times and shake out her strong arms, it was simply a stalling tactic to frustrate Tasha, but she hoped it would mislead the Spanish beauty into thinking she was nervous.


    He had watched them all day. In their respective bikinis it was impossible not to watch them. They were the two most beautiful women at the party and that was saying something. There must have been at least a couple of hundred guests, with dozens of women that were gorgeous by any standard. But these two goddesses, the Blonde and Spanish haired beauties were on a whole other level. On top of that, there were the rumors, the hushed whispers of such a strong animosity between the two that sent his imagination spiraling off into a series of ?what if? scenarios.

    ?Don?t be stupid.? William told himself, ?That?s all talk.?

    But he knew a few facts to back up the talk, he was Sharon?s brother and Sharon was best friends with both girl?s. Sharon had attempted to barter a peace between them for months, but to no avail.

    ?Anyway,? he sighed privately, ?Nothing will happen here, so I will just admire the view.? He smiled outwardly. He chatted with friends and tried to navigate closer to one, or both of the women, but was becoming bored with all of the socializing and was about fed up with all of it until he noticed the Blonde missing. His eyes darted about and was about to give up when he saw Erika at the far end of the pool, she then stepped into the pool house which caused his heart to plummet. He had missed a key moment! Watching that shapely, firm ass of her?s as she walked away.

    But alas, all was not lost!
    Tasha was right on Erika?s heels and the view of her amazing butt made up for it!

    ?Uhm wait?.what?? He felt a little slow as he questioned what might be happening. He tried to snap out of his buzz and think a little more clearly. Why would they be leaving? Just the two of them? What are they doing?

    ?Total nonsense!? he quickly reigned in his aroused suspicions. But abruptly left the group he was conversing with, because anything, even his imagination, was better then chatting with a bunch of stiff rich socialites. ?Sorry, gotta attend to something.? William grumbled and bolted between groups of people.

    He didn?t approach the pool house directly, he walked around to the side where he would not draw attention to himself. Fortunately many of the guests were retiring into the house for it was getting close to dinner, it would be cleared out soon. ?Excellent!? he muttered to himself.

    ?Damn, no windows on this side.? He complained and was becoming desperate to know what was happening inside, ?Were they talking? Arguing? Fighting!? he had to know! He placed his glass of gin-and-tonic down on a nearby table as he navigated around the back of the structure. His mind flowed with ideas of what could be happening inside the building. He considered it foolish of Tasha to challenge Erika, the Blonde was so powerful, with her muscles and martial arts training. Yet his heart raced thinking about the two of them locked in a heated battle.

    He felt a little stupid as she placed his right ear against the outside wall. A finger went into his left ear and he closed his eyes.

    The seconds fell away, wondering if he would feel foolish, or aroused just minutes from now.


    Finally they closed upon one another and locked their hands together, palm to palm, immediately starting to to strain against one another. Tasha was strong but quickly began to feel overpowered, until Erika suddenly, unexpectedly, pulled downwards and managed to twist her hands out of Tasha's. The Spanish girl had not anticipated this, she fully expected the Blonde to be duped into a test of strength, because that it was she so enjoyed, humiliating her with overpowering brute strength. Before Tasha could react Erika lunged forward and wrapped her long arms about Tasha?s firm waist and begin squeezing the Spanish girl senseless in a breath-taking bear hug, Tasha?s arms pinned to her sides.

    ?How?s that? You enjoying it? Remember the last time this happened bitch?? Erika grinned at struggling girl. The pressure built rapidly about the Spanish-haired beauty, Erika?s arms encircling Tasha's waist as her victim began thrashing about, Tasha now trying desperately to break away from her enemy as her chest and ribs began to fill with a familar ache.

    Erika clenched her teeth together, her eyes blazing with determination, breath hissing from between her pearly Whites. Her arms also tightened more and more about her victim, even arching her back until she lifted Tasha off the ground, the Spanish girl?s bare toes brushing the top of the carpet as she cried out in the crushing hold. The anguish was fully evident in Tasha?s face as she felt her spine might very well snap, her escape efforts useless as she felt herself headed for a Blackout, the agony in her back almost unendurable.

    She couldn?t let herself fail again and so soon. Using the only weapon she could think of she snapped her head forward to smash her forehead hard into Erika's. The impact of skull-upon-skull resounded throughout the small room as the stunned Blonde softened her grip, just enough for Tasha to wriggle free. Both women fell away on shaky feet, stunned by the sudden blow, each staggered for a few moments trying to regain their senses.

    ?You fucking bitch.? Erika moaned as her right hand rubbed the swelling knot on her forehead. The blow really rung a few bells as she felt dizzy for a second.

    Tasha had no comment in return, she was stunned a little herself. She had committed to doing anything to win but didn?t anticipate such a throbbing pain from the head-butt, those moves always looked so easy in the movies. ?Fuck doing that ever again.? She told herself.

    A few seconds later, both still a little wobbly but glaring at one another as the pain brought out a new level of hostility in Erika. In a rage she lunged forward at her Spanish enemy.

    Tasha?s reaction, more of a simple panic on her part, was to jump to her right at the last instant, intent on avoiding the Blonde?s charge. ?Damn!? she cursed feeling too slow, unable to pull her left leg fully out of the way. She winced in preparation for Erika?s impending takedown, she knew it was coming, Tasha was already bracing for the fall and felt disappointed in herself for being so clumsy.

    Yet actions can have unforeseen consequences, ones that paid dividends to the Spanish beauty, just like now. Erika had missed her intended target and the ringing in her head had slowed her down just enough so that she missed, and then was tripping over Tasha?s lagging leg, crashing to the floor in a very uncharacteristic clumsy manner. She ended up eating the carpet with a hard face plant. There was no padding so the concrete sub flooring, this gave her head another hard smack, her nose bent upon impact, but did not radiate a crunching noise so it probably was not broken.

    Tasha was stunned to still be standing, she snapped to attention as her mind raced to catch up. Initially she was unsure of why Erika was face-first on the carpet. ?Never mind that, get on that bitch!? her mind screamed, no time for pondering and so she leapt upon the stunned girl?s back her fingers greedily pulled Erika up by her hair before sending her opponent?s forehead back down to the floor with another hard smack. For a third time in less then a few minutes Erika?s forehead was knocked hard, but this time she cried out in pain. Tasha felt a joyous vide radiate from within her body as she held the Blonde at her mercy, beating on her hated enemy. Fighting this bitch truly brought out a vicious blood lust for battle she had never known.

    Truly stunned Erika?s hands fumbled back at Tasha's wrists but the determined Spanish girl only pulled harder, cranking further until Erika thought her neck might break. Tasha enjoyed listening to the suffering Blonde as she began to whimper and moan, this was something new and Tasha had to work to control her excitement. Thankfully the pool house is at the furthest end of the loud party, and it?s walls hopefully well insulated.

    Tasha had to quickly improvise, any hesitation and Erika could recover, and that was damn scary. Pulling hard to the right Tasha was able to turn Erika over on her back.

    The Blonde?s head continued ringing and while the room stopped spinning it still seemed to be moving abnormally as she struggled to unseat the Spanish bitch from her stomach. Their bodies, only separated by the skimpiest of bikinis, were not holding up well as their bodies twisted and fought against one another. Tasha tried to control Erika?s limbs while the girl was still disoriented, but even in a weakened state the Blonde?s strength was too much for the Spanish beauty, the result was a visually sexy tangle of Italian and Spanish legs and arms, rubbing and grappling with one another as both girls groaned in frustration.

    Tasha got her mind focused again and grinned evilly, savoring the Blonde?s look of suffering anguish and disorientation, ?Yesssss? came the hiss from between her luscious brown lips, ?Lights out for you bitch.? and quickly proceeded to do what she had wanted from the very beginning. She clamp her hands around Erika's throat. This immediately elicited a gasp of shock from the battered and stunned Erika, the next gasp was in response to Tasha now bearing down and squeezing with all her strength.

    A surge of joy and excitement shot thru the sexy, Spanish girl?s body at watching her rival?s face turn beat red with panic. The thrill of riding this bitches hot body was making Tasha hornier by the minute.

    Erika couldn?t believe what was happening, the bitch was actually choking her! Her head throbbed painfully as her consciousness was draining away. Feelings of ill dread Tasha up in the pit of her stomach knowing her hated enemy was sitting astride her. The girl?s Spanish body, slick with sweat, pinning her down. Erika?s tongue protruded slightly as she gurgled for air and tried not to panic. Tasha?s thumbs began pressing into the blonde?s windpipe as Erika gasped, her full sensual lips pursed desperate to suck in air. It was a frantic moment for both women, things had turned desperate and the reality of a life-and-death struggle was now taking place behind the four walls, unbeknownst to all outside.

    Erika twisted her body under Tasha?s strong, tense frame. She was gasping and weeping, on the verge of begging for mercy. Tasha's fingers felt like steel cords! Her blurred vision could barely make out Tasha gleefully licking her lips and appearing confident she had won. Erika?s once powerful legs struggled less but twitched more as her body?s energy and air was running out. She gripped Tasha's wrists one last time, trying to pry those hands loose from about her vulnerable neck. She couldn?t believe the strength and determination coming out in the Spanish girl! Her watery hazel eyes narrowed to two slits, she forced herself to concentrate through her agony, her perfect Italian teeth clenched together, grinding against one another to block out the pain. She steeled herself for one last try?..her right fist shot up and clipped Tasha?s chin. It was all she had.

    Tasha grunted as her head rang from a good punch to her chin. It wasn?t powerful, but it was just enough and right ?on the button?. Erika then managed to pull Tasha?s hands from her tortured throat and roll away, coughing and hacking as she rubbed her throat with one hand and the back of her head with the other, trying not to openly sob from almost being choked unconscious.

    Each girl hoped to recover quickly so as not to be at the other's mercy first, but Erika was moving slower then she wanted, a lot slower. ?Amazing? her mind considered, one little stumble and suddenly she was struggling, it was making her furious again, and the angrier she got the more she felt like she was loosing control of her emotions?..and losing the fight.

    Finally they both were on their feet and facing one another. Their beautiful bodies heaving desperately, breasts were now totally dislodged from the bikini tops, hanging freely in the open. Their bottoms, pulled and twisted into mere thongs. The humidity and lack of ventilation was sapping every bit of sweat and energy from their bodies, both were feeling the oppressive heat and desperation of the ticking seconds. Erika felt the heat most of all, she ran her forearm over her brow, gasping for as much oxygen as she could get. The choke had zapped her energy, she could tell she was breathing much harder than Tasha was.

    A sense of pride and accomplishment soared thru Tasha?s psyche, she could see the effect of the fight on Erika, the Blonde was hurting and Tasha?s chances were increasing by the ticking seconds, she had to keep the fight moving fast, to keep sucking the energy from her enemy?s body. Although covered in sweat, scratch marks and battered, Erika still had one hell of a sexy body Tasha considered.

    ?Erika, you fucking bitch, I?m going to put your ass down and make you beg for mercy while I thrash your ass!? Tasha threatened with a faint smile.

    ?You Spanish bitch, I?m going to break you!? Erika gasped, her face dripping with sweat and a little blood.

    Almost instantly after issuing their threats, both girls seemed to throw skill aside and lunged with pure rage, almost naked now, their sweat coated bodies slapping together as they erotically wrapped their arms about one another's busty upper body in a mutual hug. With all their flagging strength each woman twisted and turned, hoping to topple the other over for some advantage, but both tripped and hit the floor while still in a flurry of entwined long legs and arms. Slowly they began rolling back and forth upon on the ground, first one woman on top and then the other, the two still wrapping one another in fierce grips as they squeezed and squeezed. Both now gasping for as much air as their lungs could take in, at times it sounded as if they were crying out load desperately. Erika?s whole body felt wired into the struggling Spanish body she was fighting against. Every ounce of her calf muscles, ankles, biceps, and glutes flexed with an intensity that made her shake with exhaustion.

    Beneath the moans, gasps, and cries of desperation, a building excitement was rousing. They were now locked in a familiar lustful battle, desperate, each close to exhaustion, only running on the sheer female willpower to win and subdue the other.

    Erika and Tasha knew that in the next few minutes one of them would get the upper hand, everything now hung in the balance. It would prove that one woman had the desire to dominate under the most desperate situation, while the other woman was sure to endure a humiliating submission.

    The rolling slowed to almost a standstill as they lay on their sides, arms tightening. Erika seemed to gain the upper hand, trying to take control of the fight, rolling Tasha over on her back. Tasha decided nothing was off limits as she scrapped her fingernails down Erika?s back, making the Blonde moan in pain. But it didn?t stop the momentum, Tasha suddenly found herself not only on her back but unable to change her position, she had lost the rolling war of attrition. The only glimmer of hope was that she feel and hear Erika gasping harder then she could ever recall, the Blonde sounded totally exhausted, and that gave the Spanish woman hope. For a single moment both women lay cheek to cheek, panting past each other?s ear canals. Arms and legs slipping against one another, droplets of preparation masking their bodies like a glistening coat of oil.

    Erika, although on top, was failing to take advantage of the situation. She was indeed very winded, and their bodies were at the height of slipperiness. The humidity of the day made the whole room feel like a sauna and her strength was fading. It was just a moments thought on the part of the mighty Blonde, contemplating her situation, but that moment was seized by Tasha, and with enough wiggling, the small Spanish girl thrashed her way free, rolling away across the floor from the clawing hands of the flabbergasted Blonde.

    Erika was in a state of shock that Tasha had the reserves to break free from her.

    The two powerful, but tired, women slowly got to their feet, although Erika was definitely the slower of the two. She mostly shuffled from side to side as the Tasha still moved on the balls of her feet. They stalked each other in the middle of the pool house. Cautious looks of fear and desperation now covered each of their faces. This was the first time they were pushed to their limits of endurance and words of intimidation and malice were abandoned, neither could barely catch their breath as droplets of sweat dribbled from all parts of their body.

    Tasha faked a lunge, but it was slow and awkward. Erika took the opportunity and lashed out, her right fist caught Tasha with an uppercut that stunned the Spanish headed girl for a few seconds as she stumbled away. Erika was shocked the punch connected, it was thrown out of desperation. Instead of following up the Italian Amazon hesitated took a much needed break by drinking in deep gulps of air as she began to worry about wasting too much energy on trying to beat Tasha into a bloody pulp. The oppressive heat was sucking the very life out of her, not to mention the choking Tasha had throttled her with a few minutes ago. Erika knew she had to turn things around fast. She knew better, she knew she should strategize and relax?.use technique over brute force?..but her rage??her anger??it was still there and it unbalanced her. Images of Tasha choking her, and smiling all the while, made Erika seethe with rage.

    ??It was her anger that kept coming back to the surface. She so badly wanted to put this Spanish girl down for another victory, but most importantly she wanted to choke the life out of that Spanish cunt!

    Tasha still seemed to be recovering from the punch when the Blonde reached out with both hands and latched them on either side of Tasha's neck, hatefully pressing her thumbs into the Spanish girls throat. ?How does that feel? Not so good?? Erika sneered. Tasha coughed as Erika began to choke her and at first the bruised and battered Spanish girl offered no resistance as her opponent strangled her, but soon she was squeezing her hands about the Blonde?s wrists, trying to pry those fingers off of her windpipe, even as her adversary hung on and squeezed even harder.

    Tasha gasped, her throat burning worse then ever before. Even as she struggled with her attacker her mind told her keep fighting! The Blonde?s strength is slipping away!

    Erika for her part had suffered too much humiliation today. Her pretty hazel eyes were half-closed but filled with cold rage, pure hatred for the gorgeous Spanish rival who had nearly choked her out with a same move only minutes ago. Erika was determined to be the only woman left standing, and to end this fight now! She clung to her enemy's neck with both hands, pressure increasing murderously, closer she inched to her would-be victim until the women's thick, pointed nipples pressed against each other.

    Tasha still tried to pull Erika's hands loose from around her slender neck, but the Spanish girl knew she would likely expire before she broke free. She was now pressed up against the wall, no where to go and Erika had leverage on her side. She whimpered helplessly and tears streamed down her trembling cheeks. A tall standing mirror near the bathroom revealed the horrible site. Her strong Spanish body pinned against the wall, the Italian girl towering over her, looking more powerful then ever before, leaning in and choking her.

    Tired as she was, Tasha knew that her only salvation lay in counterattacking. And that meant doing anything, and doing it now!


    William?s heart was beating so hard it interfered with his ability to properly hear, and then there was the annoying sweat pouring off his face as he heard the muffled sounds of to women fighting one another. ?Yes!? He thought ?That is definitely a fight going down in there!? Sharp thuds and repeated groans came from inside the pool house, it was difficult to determine who was winning, and who was loosing. To make matters worse, his dick was hard as a rock. ?Oh my God, this is really happening!?


    Detaching her hands from Erika's wrists Tasha reached down to grip Erika's large, firm, succulent breasts, one in each hand, and began squeezing them mercilessly. Instantly the Blonde threw back her head and gasped, she tried to pull away, but the Spanish girl only sank her nails deeper into her fleshy mounds and squeezed even harder. Erika wanted to keep choking her enemy, hoping to strangle a submission from Tasha quickly, but the pain in her chest was increasing and Erika was too protective of her breasts. The thought of Tasha leaving permanent scars on her perfect chest was enough to make her let go.

    The second she felt Erika?s fingers release from her neck Tasha?s eyes flew wide-open as the air flowed freely back into her lungs and the blood returned to her head. The brutal breast squeeze had also stopped and Erika immediately sighed in relief as her own hands moved to cover and massage her tender nipples and breasts.

    Tasha focused on the pretty Blonde?s face, there was another chance?..another opening?..she had to take it!

    Tasha?s left hand launched a stinging slap that cracked like a gun-shot across Erika's right cheek, followed by another on the same cheek. Erika?s head exploded in pain and the Blonde cried out as her hands fell away from her breasts as if she teetered on the brink of falling down, she was stunned. Her knees then buckled as she stumbled back fighting to regain her bearings. The surprise onslaught and the power of Tasha?s blows had the Blonde astonished at how quickly the Spanish could recover from such prior abuse, and she still had the strength to hit almost as hard as when they first started the fight.

    Seeking to clinch matters, her eyes blazing with a renewed fight and fury, Tasha balled her left hand into a bony, Spanish fist and then smashed hard into Erika's right temple. She watched with a sense of victory as her bigger opponent cried out in pain, golden hair flung into the air, her nemesis?s once powerful Italian body now falling before her.

    The battle quickly pitched back in favor of her Spanish foe. It was an agonizing turn of events as Erika felt herself falling back and she couldn?t do anything in her power to prevent it. She ended up on her firm, round ass while the room began to spin, her hands found the flooring and somehow managed to keep herself propped upward, but her head felt so heavy she could barely keep it upright.

    Tasha tried to step forward to press her advantage but her legs gave way, but she didn?t fall, instead she chose to steady herself and take a moment to massage her sore throat while staring hatefully down at her disoriented enemy. Even if it meant giving Erika time to recover, Tasha leaned over and began to kneed her strong, sore, thigh muscles while gasping thru her open mouth. Her throat and lungs burned with every breath.

    ?Come on, get up bitch, I?m not done with you yet.? Tasha taunted the downed Blonde who gazed upward with a still dazed, and shocked look on her face.

    Sure enough, a few seconds later, Erika struggled to her feet although it was apparent she was disoriented and a shadow of her former self. Fresh tears were running down her cheeks as well. Both women were now coated in multiple layers of fresh and old sweat. Bruises and red marks were starting to claim more territory, evidence of the damage inflicted. This had been worse then any fight they?ve had thus far.

    Cautiously the two combatants approached one another. Erika with a new found fear of what the Spanish girl was capable of.

    ?I?m going to beat you this time bitch.? Tasha?s rough voice called out and she balled up her fists. Although exhausted, her body rippled with power and strength as she braced for what was sure to be the final onslaught. She knew she had one more effort left in her, just a few more minutes to keep things going in her favor and she would defeat her hated rival.

    ?Your not woman enough to beat me.? Erika almost choked on her own words, her vocal cords burning. While her attitude was convincing on the outside, inside Erika was stunned to feel like she was suddenly on the loosing end of this fight, Tasha it would seem has more endurance then she ever anticipated.

    Tasha could feel her own energy levels on a downward spiral to exhaustion, at a point she could not rally from, no matter how hard she willed otherwise. The fight needed to end quick and she needed to win now!

    Their bare feet cautiously moved over the carpet below that was now soaked thoroughly with sweat and traces of blood.

    Erika took a chance and called upon her kickboxing skills instead of pure muscle and anger, she faked a jab with her left fist and then quickly followed up with a spinning back-fist that caught Tasha across the cheek, totally off guard, sending the Spanish girl stumbling back and onto her butt with a loud grunt, her head shaking back and forth as her eye lids fluttered. Erika sighed deep and long at the sight, ?Finally!? she thought, she had the upper hand. Tasha?s arms almost lay totally limp at the girl?s side as the Spanish beauty seemed ready to slump over into unconsciousness.

    The Blonde now took her time, taking long, deep breaths to try and recuperate as her opponent looked well stunned. She walked over and reached down to grab Tasha by the hair, she was going to deliver a final, humiliating technique that would have her Spanish enemy begging for mercy. And give her the final victory in their long series of struggles.


    William knew something had just changed in the fight, there was a thud, and then??another loud thump. The next was a series of desperate sounds as if one of the girls was hurt and taking the beating of her life.

    ?I?ve got to stop this. It?s gone too far.? He muttered and for a second actually pulled his head from the wall, but his body was raging with excitement and totally aroused, he might even cum if he grabbed his crotch right now and squeezed several times.

    How long had he been distracted? Only a few seconds of internal conflict while he considered stopping the fight. If he could even stop them, but the distraction seemed long enough that the fight sounded like it was all over now!

    He heard the door to the front of the Pool House unlock and open. It was all unfolding just feet away now and around the corner. He wanted to rush forward, but held still, waiting, knowing one of the girls would come into view. Maybe both would?

    In any case, finally, he?d have the answer as to whom the victor of this horrible fight might be.


    Tapping a hidden burst of strength, and faking the seriousness of the blow which was more glancing than direct, Tasha leaned back and uncocked her legs from beneath her shapely form, her bare feet slammed hard into Erika's shoulders. The unexpected kick propelled the Blonde backwards, arms and legs flailing as she fell back, her head and back smacking the floor, knocking the wind from her lungs and some sense from her brain.

    Erika let out a wail of agony as her body hit the deck again, she ached from head to toe and feebly rolled back and forth with a whimpering moan trying to recover.

    Stealthily Tasha rolled over and approached the fallen girl, crawling on all fours with a scowl as she focused upon doing damage to the figure in front of her. Erika seemed truly stunned and at her mercy this time.

    ?Just a little more.? Tasha thought as a surge of excitement Tasha up, at first she thought it was merely adrenaline again, but a sexual thrill was now taking hold of her. It had always been there, but in the heat of battle, the panic and disorientation had pushed aside those erotic feelings.

    Erika was barely getting her bearings as she tried to shake off the cobwebs, her whole body wanted to heave with a sobbing release of anxiety. She had never been this hurt before in a fight, and never knocked on her back so many times, in fact no woman had ever done this to her. The culmination of damage had finally taken its toll on her mind and body, and now, all too soon, she felt fingers wrapping tightly into her matted blonde hair, forcing her to roll over. Feebly she fought the turn but was unable to resist Tasha?s efforts.

    Erika submitted to being forced unto to her stomach, and soon thereafter, began another type of submission.

    ?Oh no. No!? Uncaring how pathetic it came out sounding. Her long, sexy body squirmed desperately to avoid the hands of her hated enemy, a foe she knew that was now bent on tormenting her. She cried again at the thought of being beaten, of begging another woman to stop hurting her, and not just any woman but this Spanish bitch she hated so much with every ounce of her being. And who hated her with equal ferocity.

    All Erika wanted to do was try and crawl away, to break free and get out of this hell. But the slick, sweat covered body of her Spanish nemesis was already pinning her to the ground. It seemed unfathomable that such words would be coming out of her mouth, but they were, and they did again and again.

    Even though Tasha?s own strength was slipping away she managed keep her grip. Erika?s hands feebly reached back to try and dislodge Tasha's fingers but her strength was gone and the advantage seemed all Tasha?s. The Spanish girl slowly sat up and planted her firm, shapely butt down on the small of her opponents back. Her ears rang with joy as she listened to Erika?s moans of agony and desperation, while she enjoyed the view of the arrogant blonde clutching at her aching back with one hand, while still fumbling at Tasha's hands with the other.

    ?Your not going anywhere, I?ve got you now! Oh how I finally got got you!? Tasha smiled wickedly and pulled back further, putting a terrible strain on Erika's whole body. The Italian girl gritted her teeth and tried to block out the pain but that too failed. There was a subtle sexual ecstasy coursing through Tasha?s pussy as she ground her crotch against the rolling muscles of Erika?s back while watching the girl?s powerful upper body struggle for freedom.

    The triumphant Spanish beauty wanted to enjoy this as long as her weakening state would allow.

    The pain continued, growing increasingly worse, as strong as her neck was Erika felt as if it would snap off. Her fate all but sealed until suddenly the pressure subsided only to be replaced by new agony on her upper back, and then under her chin. Tasha had released her double-handed hair pull only to lock her hands together beneath Erika's lower jaw and then pull upwards with all her might, trapping her battered foe in a brutal camel-clutch. This placed Erika in a new kind of hell, one she was totally unfamiliar with and her frenzied mind panicked. She was totally dumbfounded at the turn of events. This was not how Erika envisioned things unfolding, ?I am the one in the humiliating hold! Oh my God!? her mind reeled as her beautiful, strong body was bent and contorted at the mercy of this little Spanish bitch.

    Tasha would rock to the left, and then right, and then pull back again causing her hated Blonde foe to groan louder. From the far corner of her eye she caught a reflection in the mirror of the unfolding torture being inflicted. She was amazed at how Erika?s sculpted ass cheeks clenched again and again as her strong legs squirmed desperately, Tasha?s own body thrilled at the sight, her nipples were rock hard, her pussy wetter then ever before. She could hardly believe it was actually The Blonde that was moaning and whimpering as she forced the girl?s head and body to bow back to a dangerous curvature of the spine and neck.

    Saliva drooled from Erika?s lips, her teeth clenched harder then anything she had ever experienced. She weakly fumbled at Tasha's fingers as the Spanish girl continued pulling, seeming intent on breaking her back and neck, pulling up and backward with all her might. To alleviate the pain Erika would try pushing down on the ground, straitening out her arms, but even that seemed in vain. Unable to speak she alternated to pounding her fists and palms on the floor as a sign that she could not stand the torture a second longer. Fresh tears rolled down her cheeks as she fully realized the turn of humiliating events, and that she was doomed.

    ?Who?s the better woman now?? Tasha huffed, ?I own you!? and tears flushed out of her eyes, not from pain or fear but from the joy of dominating the Italian Amazon in this powerful hold in a moment of hard earned triumph over her nemesis! A long awaited sexual desire began to burn alive inside her once again.

    Erika gushed thru her gritted teeth, all though she couldn?t speak, her intentions were clear, she was begging. She knew Tasha could tell she was begging for mercy but ignored her efforts. Her legs kicked and squirmed behind her, beating at the floor, tapping out her submission. But Erika knew that the Spanish bitch?s only quest right now was to inflict more humiliation and pain. Erika could feel her veins bulging in her neck and body as her eyes rolled up into her head, she wondered how much more she could take before passing out.

    Tasha?s pussy was oozing excitement as the sensual feel of her hands clutched under her victim's chin and jaw, sweat pouring from their bodies as she finally controlled this strong, arrogant Italian bitch. Forcing her to moan and grunt under her tormenting hold. Their bodies had fought and struggled for what felt like hours in this sweat box of a room, and now, Tasha was on the threshold of victory, the dominant female. She clenched her teeth in renewed effort, breath hissing forth as she kept punishing the blonde. Punctuating the humiliation of her efforts, just to show Erika who was in control.

    Erika simply continued to moan and sob.

    Suddenly, Tasha let the clutch go and the wounded opponent collapsed to the ground, moaning in-between faint sobs as her trembling left hand reached to massage her abused neck.

    Tasha arms were burning, she knew she couldn?t have continued with the hold much longer anyway, but still wanted more?..a lot more. Verbally she got more as well, which was also a pleasure to hear; ?No more, I give up, please stop, I can?t take anymore.? Erika sobbed and buried her face down against the carpet in shame. She still couldn?t believe the words coming from out of her mouth. That any of this was actually happening.

    ?Nice for you to finally admit defeat, but I want to hear you admit that I am the better woman, so until I hear everything I want, there is more pain coming at you bitch!?

    Erika whimpered as Tasha clutched the Blonde?s mop of hair and hauled her upright to a standing position, all the while she begged for Tasha?s mercy, but never the satisfaction of admitting she was the better woman. ?Oh please, I said I give up!? Erika wailed.

    Tasha took note of the nearby mirror, the same full length mirror she was humiliated in front of only minutes ago. Tasha wrapped her fingers tight about Erika's throat and squeezed harder and harder. Erika?s body, once seemingly powerfully invincible, now wobbled. Arms dangled at her side, but she did make a weak effort to raise and tug at her attacker's hands briefly, only to fall useless by her side. Erika felt her throat being crushed, her eyes closed in agony and tears spilled down. Tasha quickly withdrew her right hand from the Blonde?s meaty throat and slapped her head sideways with a loud crack.

    ?Where is your answer to that bitch?? Tasha growled with satisfaction, ?Thought you could take me in a slap fight? Well come on!? she taunted the blonde and then backhanded Erika with the same hand, ?And where is your answer to that one?!?

    Erika?s whole body shook from the blows, her knees buckled and her body slumped a few inches, but somehow Erika remained standing, partly because her legs still held out, and because Tasha?s left hand pinned her neck and back against the wall. The Blonde also told herself she wasn?t going down, she wouldn?t fall down and beg anymore, she told herself that, she had to rally and fight back although she could barely defend herself, she would rather take the beating of a lifetime than fall at the feet of her rival, cowering in defeat. But her strong, muscular legs shook ever more violently and quivered uncontrollably, her bare feet starting to slip against the wet carpet below.

    ?I win! You loose!? Tasha hissed gleefully and savored the moment, a glow of erotic sexual thrill tingled over her body. ?Now tell me what I want to hear or I?ll beat you some more.? Tasha?s own excitement was boiling inside, the intense fight had taken a lot out of both of them and feeling their almost naked bodies, save for the remains of their tiny bikinis, was driving Tasha sexually mad with lust to dominate the big, tough Italian girl.

    In a display of defiance Erika spat ?Get your hands off me you filthy whore.? She knew there would be consequences in such defiance, and that is exactly what she got.

    Tasha quickly leaned away. She didn?t have the same power as before, but her slaps still rocked Erika?s head back and forth. She watched the Blonde?s body lean to the left, and then right, when a slap would crack across her bright red cheeks. The Spanish girl picked her opponent apart at will. Blonde hair flew in all directions, until finally she began crying out loud at the abuse her pretty face was taking. ?Not again! No more!? she sobbed as Tasha slapped her for what was the fifth or sixth time.

    Tasha then decided on a new target and smacked the outside of the Blonde?s breasts.

    That became too much to take and Erika finally broke, her head flopped forward as she wept out the humiliating surrender; ?You?re the better woman Tasha, you beat me, please stop. No more.? The words poured out of her mouth, her mind and body had surrendered to the small Spanish girl, she had been soundly beaten and sobbed out her admission of total defeat. Her trembling arms came up to try and protect her breasts.

    ?That?s more like it.? Tasha growled and ripped Erika?s hands from her breasts before grinding her own breasts and pussy against the Blonde?s, making the girl groan. She could feel Erika?s body submissively twist and and turn to avoid the contact, this only encouraged Tasha to keep pouring on the humiliation, but her own exhaustion now commanded what she had to do, and thus backed off just enough to place her left hand on the Blonde?s slimy, sweat covered neck, pushing up on the girl?s head, forcing her head to look at the mirror, ?I want you to remember this moment. When this smaller, better, Spanish woman submitted you. I could have crushed you on the floor, but I let you up. Both you and I know that.?

    Emotionally and psychologically Erika?s pride was smashed beyond anything she had ever experienced. Her eyes blinked at the image in the mirror, but it all seemed detached. Yet there she was, her beautiful, sweat soaked Italian body, strong etched muscles bulging from over an hours worth of a titanic struggle against her Spanish nemesis. But now she was being held helpless against her will. Her perfect breasts crushed back against her chest as Tasha pressed her own beautiful breasts head-on into the Blonde?s. Those amazing Spanish breasts almost seemed to swell with pride against Erika?s defeated body. Gone was any energy to continue the fight, she had been totally defeated by this smaller, Spanish girl.

    Tasha?s dark body glistened and bulged with power that sent a shiver of fear up Erika?s spine for the first time ever.

    A second later Erika?s last resistance melted, her last vestiges of energy eluded her. The blurry image was burned into Erika?s brain. Tasha totally relaxed and took a step back to soak in the sight, and sounds. Erika struggled on her own for just a second but then collapsed, she fell to her knees and seemed to waiver for a few seconds more.

    It was physically and sexually more satisfying then anything she could have planned, Tasha watched with pride as the glistening, muscular body of her Italian nemesis fall to her knees before her; emotionally, psychologically, and physically beaten. And then she watched as the girl?s body fall over, right at her feet, mouth agape and eyelids fluttering.

    Tasha allowed herself a slight smile as she gazed down at her vanquished foe. She had won, beaten the powerful, Italian Amazon and proving her first win was no longer a ?fluke?. A determined snarl returned and she slowly dropped to her knees beside her prize. The Spanish girl pushed tousled hair from out of her pretty opponent?s face as she kneeled there, looking over at the fallen Erika. She was almost unconscious, her chest rising and falling ever so slightly. Would they fight another day? Tasha wondered, but wasn?t sure. She smiled wickedly and felt that sudden rush from crotch to chest that she always got when she thought about their naked bodies locked up in desperate combat.

    ?Now bitch, I?m also taking something from this win.? Harshly she tugged at Erika?s bikini bottoms and top. Pulling and watching the thin material drag tight thru the lips of the girls labia causing her to moan.

    ?Don?t strip me.? Erika begged.

    Tasha just smiled as the pleading request and then stood back up over her fallen adversary clutching her trophy. Sweat ringing from the fabric of the Blonde?s Italian suite as her fingers held on tight. She was leaving her naked and defenseless.

    As glorious as this victory was, Tasha could already feel the aches and pains from her body starting to overwhelm her sense of victory. She did not come away from this unscathed, not at all, in fact her whole body was aching and she knew tomorrow would bring more agony. But she smirked knowing that Erika would be feeling the worst of it.

    Sensing Erika might be coming around, she placed her foot under the blonde?s chin to lift her head up, ?I know you can hear me. If you are woman enough and want to challenge me again for the title of ?Alpha Female? between us, I just might consider it.? And then roughly pushed her face away.

    Erika simply whimpered at the Spanish girl that stood towering over her. Reality set in once again, she had just been in an all out war with this girl, and was defeated. Stripped naked and unable to get up and fight back. Indeed, the humiliation had been total. In a unexplainable twist, Erika also felt aroused at the same time, that she had been forced by another woman to admit defeat and then to verbally plead for mercy, and finally admit the other woman was her better. The experience was exciting, horrifying, and sexually stimulating all at the same time.

    Tasha turned away, giving just a parting glance, one of many that would fulfill her dreams tonight. ?Satisfaction? she thought, she felt satisfaction at the sight of the defeated Italian Amazon, laying naked, battered and totally humbled.

    Erika?s body shuddered while watching the strong ebony beauty strut from the Pool House. A wave a relief that the fight had ended and she didn?t have to endure any more humiliation. Her eyelids slowly closed to let a wave of exhaustion sweep over her.


    He leaned to his left, his eyes went wide with shock, it was Tasha walking away from the Pool House!
    Where was Erika?!

    He noticed Tasha seemed very unsteady as she walked toward the house, her body although covered in scratches and looking like she had been in a hellish fight, also had a thick sheen of sweat that accented her muscles. All along her legs and body toned muscles looked very pronounced and strong from an epic struggle. She was amazing, beautiful, her bikini bottom was pulled up into nothing more then a thong that reveled two perfectly round ass cheeks that flexed tightly with every step. Her broad shoulders that oozed sex appeal and strength.

    William felt a twinge of shame for ever doubting Tasha. He looked back up and soaked in the site. Tasha looked like some great Spanish warrior that just come from out of the jungle doing battle. Although wounded she walked with a sense of pride and victory.

    He then noticed in her right hand, something, she appeared to be clutching a Italian fabric. He could not be sure, ?Wait, it was?..? His mind raced with excitement, ?It was a swimsuit, Erika?s, my God!? Had she taken the Blonde?s suite from her?

    And then she was gone into the main house, the coast was clear.
    ?Just a quick look.? He thought.

    What he found inside startled his senses beyond anything he ever read or fantasized about. The pool house was an entire disaster area. Knocked over chairs and tables. He squinted to adjust to the lack of light inside the pool house and brushed annoying beads of sweat from his eyebrows. His mind and heart jumped at once when he found Erika, naked, laying on her her side, looking like she had suddenly fallen over in a most ungraceful manner. Erika still looked as strong and sexy as ever, her naked body had him mesmerized, but he could definitely tell she had been on the receiving end of a beat-down by the Spanish girl. Scratches, red marks, and bruises littered her whole body. A sudden moaning and then the subtle movement of her shoulders startled William so badly he bolted for the door, letting it gently shut behind him.

    Quickly he looked around, picked up his drink and briskly walked back to the house, looking around with a sense of paranoia. His biggest dilemma now, what to do about his erection? If he can?t hook up with a girl tonight, he will have to just settle for jerking himself off.


    Erika?s head throbbed an awful ache, her disorientation was quickly joined by the humiliation and shame as the whole thing began to replay in her mind. Yes, her swim suite was gone, stripped naked, ?Taken as a trophy by that cunt!?.

    She rolled and adjusted her body across the carpeted floor, moaning through the numerous aches and pains. Slowly tried to collect herself physically, mentally, and further asses her injuries. The physical aching increased in her neck, stomach and head. A series of seemingly unstoppable whimpers turned into faint sobs. Her right arm propped up her body as she ran her left hand over her face, eventually to cradle her head as her shoulders shook a few times.

    ?How could this have happened?? was the only question in the forefront of her brain now.

    The reality of her nakedness came back again as she went to stand, and then mostly stumbled toward the bathroom. She avoided the light switch but could see well enough as she turned on the shower to cleanse her body.

    The scenes replayed in her head as the fog lifted. It had been a horrific battle. Trying to recall everything was next to impossible as her head, sporting several lumps, was throbbing so bad she actually felt sick to her stomach at times, and the sting of water caused her to shiver. Thank God for small favors when she found some towels and a robe stored in the pool house and slipped it on. Every inch of her body ached worse then the minute before, she knew her destination was her guest bedroom with a healthy dose of tylenol, aspirin, and another warm soaking bath.

    Somewhere in that large estate house she knew Tasha was there, she would have to face her, that was only a small part of the dread creeping into her now. She couldn?t face anyone looking like this! She had to figure out how to get out of the house and away without anyone noticing. ?I?ll worry about that later.?

    And then the excuses slowly started to roll in; ?Tasha can?t beat me when I am ready and focused. I was clumsy and rushed! I made stupid, arrogant mistakes!? Erika consoled herself.

    ?Six fights? My God have I actually indulged that bitch in six fights?? The number seemed shocking. Erika reminded herself that she had four victories over that Spanish woman, but in this moment it did little to ease her pain, even worse the emotional pain that was creeping in and becoming more agonizing to deal with. She would heal, her wounds would heal, but emotionally she had to confront and deal with a woman she now hated more than anything, and somewhat feared. Her fingers clutched tight at the robe as she focused on gaining back her confidence and determination. And then she would to ?lay waste? to that cunt.


    Tasha was already settling into a large, warm tub, soothing bubbles sizzled all around. She let another faint smile form on her lips, another adrenaline rush was surging thru her body when she thought about what had just happened, her hands moved up to gently squeeze her nipples. She wanted to do more of the same to that Blonde bitch, to torture her and dominate her again, their naked flesh squeezing and fighting against each other. Of course all of these visions were delightful to contemplate as long as she was winning the fight. Her left hand was now softly caressing her pussy, wondering about the possibilities that lay ahead, they had already bared their bodies to one another, they had even experienced the exquisite, sometimes painful sensation of pressing their breasts together to see whose was superior although that had yet to be fully determined. She had felt Erika?s breasts fully against her own and doubted the Italian woman could match her own.

    Best of all, it was the not knowing, what might happen next, what new experience could take her to greater level of pleasure and pain. Tasha let her head roll back until her neck rested on the edge of the tub her face looking directly up toward the ceiling as her mouth opened wider, her fingers were teasing her clit and the orgasm she longed for was building.



    Out of sight - Part 16


    There were waves of disappointment and then waves of relief, sometimes overlapping. Very confusing.

    Two weeks had gone by and no contact, in fact the Blonde had avoided all interaction with Tasha, although the Spanish girl had tried baiting Erika with emails and the typical taunts. She wasn?t sure what to make of the lack of response, ?So was this the end of it?? If that was the case Tasha felt a sweeping sense of pride that she humbled the arrogant Blonde maybe once and for all.

    After all the verbal bantering, threats and finally a physical showdown that proved she was the better woman. It made her nipples hard and her cunt twitch with excitement when she would think about it all. She might have not won more fights, but the proud Spanish knew that the last fight established her as a clear winner.


    Opening the email she already had a smile on her face, Tasha was pleasantly surprised, and eager to see what Erika had to say. ?I guess things aren?t done after all.? the Spanish beauty smiled, licking her lips with anticipation.

    ?Hey bitch, I know you thought you would never hear from me again given the outcome of our last meeting, and I must admit that I gave the matter serious consideration prior to writing this. But this is my decision; I am going to kick your ass. It?s really just that simple. Deep down inside you are nothing but a loser, you always were in life, always will be.?

    Tasha?s smile faded just a tad, her heart was now pounding furiously with anger, but continued reading.

    ?You don?t have a choice in this, so don?t even consider declining this or evading me because I am coming after you. This is my only communication before I teach you the lesson you will never forget, so do not respond, I will not dignify another one of your poorly, uneducated rants with a response.?

    Tasha gritted her teeth and stormed from her bedroom, into the kitchen, then to the living room and then up and down the hall.

    Finally sitting on her sofa, head in hand, she wanted to think that Erika was just pulling her chain, taunting her, but Tasha absolutely felt in her gut that the girl was dead serious about coming after her. The sensation was electrifying as she clenched her fists, thinking about another fight with that bitch and the feeling of winning, again.

    But it was the four losses that still tugged at her, that she had buried away. They haunted her now, as a reminder of what a real threat the Blonde is, and now she was after serious payback. It made Tasha worry terribly.


    Almost against her will Tasha nervously scanned the bar from her corner booth. She had looked down at the menu to appear preoccupied until something caught her eye, she looked up and saw a woman approaching.

    ?Wow!? Tasha thought.

    It almost didn?t look like Erika, her blonde hair was cut shorter, barely touching her shoulders and she was wearing matching red skirt and top outfit, with simple sandals. But, it was the blonde?s muscle tone and fit look that made the ebony girl pause for a few seconds, speechless.

    The blonde looked fresh, clean and not a hint of their prior fight, ?but then again,? Tasha thought, ?that was over a couple of weeks ago.? Tasha as well showed little to no residual marks, physically anyway. But that email had reopened some emotional wounds that she was surprised still existed. ?Still, I bet this luscious bitch is feeling the emotional rawness of having lost our last tussle.? Tasha thought with pride.

    Erika walked up the table and sat down in the booth directly across from Tasha; she didn?t hesitate for one second, nor wait for an invitation to sit.

    Tasha looked down at her mixed drink and smirked trying to appear casual she draped her right arm over the back rest of the booth and picked up her drink to take a sip.

    Erika leaned forward with deliberate purpose, she rested her elbows on the table top while clasping her hands together in front of her.

    Tasha sat for a few seconds, but she could feel those light blue eyes burning into her, and not with the casualness that some people pick up when some one happens to be staring at you. This was an intense stare that bespoke a lot of emotion.

    Suddenly Tasha looked and set her drink down ?What the fuck do you want??, but she was suddenly a little taken aback by the amount of hostility in Erika?s eyes, the blonde was doing an excellent job of conveying every bit of hatred she had towards her. Tasha straightened up a bit, getting a more physically defensive posture wise because Erika seemed to be a little ?off balanced? in everything from her tone in the email, to her look in her eye.

    And then Erika did the last thing that Tasha expected, the girl smiled and most of the hostility in her expression seemed to genuinely vanish. ?You,? Erika?s right hand came up and slowly pointed her forefinger directly at Tasha, then slowly rotated 180 degrees towards Erika, ?and me, we are going?..?

    ?Can I get either one of you something to drink?? The waitress was suddenly there and it surprised both girls. Erika lowered her hand and looked down at the table as she adjusted her position in the booth.

    ?No, I?m fine, thanks.? Said Tasha.

    ?I?ll have a diet coke.? Erika looked up at the girl.

    ?One diet coke coming right up!? The chipper girl said with a smile and turned to leave. Erika wanted to smack that smile right off the waitress face.

    ?You were saying?? Tasha shifted in her seat and leaned forward, bracing her elbows on the table top herself.

    ?You can even pick the place and time,? Erika folded her arms in front of her once again, leaning forward so their faces were only a few inches apart.

    ?You still haven?t?..?

    ?Stop with the word games you stupid cunt.? Erika hissed in a low voice.

    Tasha?s expression tensed and slight bit of anger was starting to surface in her eyes and the tightening of her lips.

    ?Stupid? You must want some more punishment, and so that makes you the stupid one.? Tasha seethed.

    ?I?m going to set the record straight,?

    ?The record!? Tasha almost laughed, ?What record? You got your ass kicked last time, so bad you literally fell to the ground on your own.? Tasha leaned forward, her heart pounding in her chest with anger that this bitch had the audacity to challenge what happened.

    ?No lowlife piece of trash is ever going to out do me in a fight. That?s all you are, and all you?ll ever be, trash.? Erika started in on the personal insults that she was sure would pluck away at Tasha?s more emotionally fragile side.?and sure enough..?

    ?Why you fucking cunt!? Tasha?s lower lip trembled and glistened with spit. Tasha then bit her lower lip to suppress a scream as Erika?s hands flew out with lightening speed, covering the top of Tasha?s that lay resting on the table top before her. The blonde?s sharp nails clawed into the back of the Spanish girl?s hands and that?s when she felt Erika?s strength once again.

    Erika gave a quivering smile as she watched Tasha struggle to pull her trapped hands away.

    Slowly Tasha twisted her hands as she fought to pull free, ?You?fucking?bitch? Tasha gasped out in a low groan as their hands struggled against one another. Tasha?s skin felt like it was being ripped to shreds as she twisted within the blondes? clutches.

    Suddenly, Erika let go, and Tasha flopped backwards into her booth. Erika had let go when she saw the waitress approaching from the left of her peripheral vision.

    Tasha tried unsuccessfully to withdraw her hands from the table with the utmost of discretion.

    ?Here?s your Diet Coke, will there be anything else?? The waitress asked.

    ?Nope?? Erika looked up and smiled, ??that?s it.?

    Tasha was fuming, her eyes boring all of the resurfacing hatred as she tried to rub the pain out of the scratches.

    ?Have I got your full attention now?? Erika smiled as she sipped on the diet coke.

    Tasha leaned forward, far enough that her ample breasts pressed into the table top.

    ?Tonight!? Tasha said.

    ?Tonight?? Erika raised her eyebrows with surprise, but she had a look of enthusiasm on her face and that worried Tasha. ?You sure? Maybe you would like some time to get ready?? Erika looked up as Tasha was getting out of her booth and dug into her pocket for a tip. Erika?s left hand daintily gripped the straw and held it steady as her smooth lips descended down on the plastic tube. She batted her eyelashes innocently up at Tasha as she took a nice long sip.

    Tasha paused and looked down, she didn?t say a word nor move for several seconds, Erika waited but she never said anything, she simply turned away and started walking towards the exit.

    Erika quickly settled her bill and walked out into the parking lot; she looked around and found Tasha standing near her car. Her long legs strutted and flexed graceful as she crossed the paved parking lot.

    ?Where?? Erika snapped.

    ?My place!? Tasha said with a smirk.

    ?Fine, lead the way bitch.? Erika opened the her car door and slipped in, waiting for Tasha to pull out.


    Tasha thought she would enjoy having the blonde ?come at her?, ?demanding a rematch?. She had fantasized about being in the seat of power as the Blonde squirmed, desperate for redemption. It didn?t seem to be working out that way at all. Tasha was the one squirming and anxious for a rematch, allowing Erika to push her buttons until Tasha demanded another fight?.tonight?.now?.at her own house.

    ?At least it?s on my home turf.? she smiled thinking that would rattle the Italian girl and throw her off.

    Once the irritation simmered down Tasha allowed herself to enjoy what might be a few moments of sexual pleasure that they both got out of doing this. Fighting one another. Although their fights had gotten increasingly violent, and humiliating, there was a strong sexual satisfaction in doing so.



    Payback - Part 17


    Erika was struggling naked with a Spanish girl, a phenomenal-looking Spanish girl, with a fabulous face and a toned body ending in two of the best legs she had ever seen, outside of her own.

    The women tumbled to the floor and rolled in a fully nude, no holds barred fight. Each totally engrossed in doing damage to the other. They were struggling in the middle of the Tasha?s living room, the Spanish girl wanted every advantage she could demand of the Blonde tonight.

    But the Blonde saw things differently, ?Beating Tasha in her own house would be the ultimate, humbling embarrassment.? A sly smile crept over her lips at the thought. She had buried all self doubt, but if something went wrong, if she lost, it caused her spine to shiver thinking about what that Spanish bitch could do to her in the privacy of her own home.

    But those worries seemed distant now. Both women wasted no time. The instant Tasha let Erika into the house they started to strip down, the room cleared and no pretense was made about the fury they wanted to unleash on one another. Part sexual, part violent. They had lunged for one another like to wild animals bent on total domination.

    Erika felt the rush of excitement as she gained the upper hand and pinned Tasha under her. Her mind and body were laser focused, weary of any trick Tasha might make, keeping her arms and legs constantly moving, changing from offensive to defensive to throw the Spanish girl off balance. And it was working.

    The strong muscles of the caucasian flexed as she moved up to straddle Tasha across the Spanish?s ample chest. Tasha bucked and struggled below, trying to throw Erika off while grasping the girl's wrists. Erika held fast though, determination etched across her tight jaw as her knees cinched in tight on either side of Tasha?s torso. They grunted and groaned as they strained against one another.

    Desperately, Tasha threw her legs upward, with every ounce of strength and miraculously managed to thrust her long, lovely calves up and over Erika?s head, the timing was perfect, but just barely. Then she crisscrossed those strong calves in front of the Italian girl?s face and pushed down, snapping Erika?s head and upper body down to the floor. ?Yes!? Tasha?s mind rallied as the table?s turned on that Blonde bitch!

    Erika groaned at the sudden motion, ?Amazing!? flashed thru her stunned head. Tasha was quick and crafty, catching her in an unexpected move. Tasha had seized the opportunity in a move that required speed, strength, and flexibility. It impressed Erika, and most of all it excited her, to feel another woman able to almost match her fighting skills. ?Almost? Erika told herself. The Blonde was sure that she was the supreme female between them, ?all things considered?.

    Tasha lifted her head off the ground and looked down the valley of her glistening mounds to see an amazing site. Erika?s body was bowed backward and right before her the beautiful glistening pussy spread wide. Tasha had the Blonde?s head trapped between the floor and her scissored calf muscles.

    Erika was fortunately flexible, fighting the restraining trap, but still moaned in discomfort as her toned abdominal?s fluttered erratically; Her upper thighs, stomach and neck were stretched horribly with her calves still folded under thighs still astride Tasha?s stomach.

    In all the excitement Tasha initially wanted to roll out from under the blonde, but realized she had the bitch trapped! She then focused on another much more satisfying option, a tormenting option, and placed her palms against Erika?s knees, trying to force Erika?s thighs to spread further apart as she flexed her own powerful, Spanish leg muscles with all her effort. As a reward she heard an incredible groan of pain cry out from the Blonde?s mouth, and her body shake under the duress.

    Erika couldn?t believe her misfortune, her arms flailed and then gripped at Tasha?s calves and feet, her body was being bowed backward, stretched to an agonizing point, more so now that her thighs were being forced apart. The whole position was horrible and humiliating as she realized her pussy was totally exposed! Her fingers frantically tore into Tasha?s feet as she twisted her body, uncaring if injury resulted. Her right foot popped out from under her thigh giving her the maneuverability she needed.

    Tasha realized she was loosing the hold and quickly rolled away, but remained excited at the reversal of fortune. Her excitement was surging and she was sexually aroused now. She spun around and up to her feet ready to pounce but suddenly hesitated, amazingly the Blonde had scrambled to her feet a little quicker, giving the Spanish girl second thoughts. Second thoughts that cost her precious time.

    "You?..? but Tasha never got to finish, Erika slammed a palm into her cheek, knocking her several steps back with a loud smack.

    ?You were saying?? Thundered Erika just before she dove into her opponent dragging the fight down to the ground again. They wrestled on the carpeted floor, neither woman able to gain the advantage until Erika?s strength and experience took over quickly. She then pinned Tasha to the floor yet again with her greater weight and strength, the Blonde then seized Tasha by the throat with her left hand while slapping with her right. She paused to wrap both her hands around Tasha?s throat, only to repeatedly slam the Spanish beauty's head against the rug as Tasha cried out in anguish. There would be no letting up this time! Erika decided she would burn thru every bit of energy she had in order to quickly smash this deadly Spanish bitch.

    Tasha clawed at her tormentor from below. They were like two mortal enemies, determined to destroy and dominate the other.

    ?How did things go so wrong!?? Tasha?s mind reeled, she just had Erika in a terrific hold and was sure it must have zapped some of the girl?s energy! ?How is she back on top so fast!?

    ?See how this feels!? Erika raged, remembering all the times she was knocked senseless from their last fight. Erika, although wounded, was still fresh and had amble strength, the slamming that Tasha was taking was brutal on the back of her head. "Now you?ll see how it feels you Spanish bitch!"

    Tasha?s whole brain felt like it was rattling around in her skull and the choking was cutting off her oxygen. She groped frantically at Erika's wrists, trying to pull those throttling hands loose as the blonde squeezed the breath from her, but her rival's grip was too strong. The Spanish beauty was fading fast, her breath exhaled in harsh, ragged gasps, she thrust her legs upward again and again but lacked the energy to reach the Erika?s upper body.

    Tasha needed a desperate move and her fingers found one, ?two? to be exact.

    Erika gasped and shuddered, she let go of the choke and grabbed at Tasha?s wrists. Spanish fingers were pinching and rolling the Blonde?s thick nipples, tugging without mercy. It was a sensitive place for Erika and she quickly backed off, protectively rubbing the tips of her breasts as Tasha coughed hoarsely, trying to regain her breath.

    The Spanish girl instantly released her nipple hold and began to rub the back of her head and throat.

    But the blonde waisted no time as the nipple pinch was more distracting and rushed Tasha, dragging her to her feet and wrapping her arms about her enemy's waist, jerking her to her feet and squeezing her in a backbreaking bear-hug. Tasha screeched as all the pain in the world seemed to collect in her spine, Erika's interlocked fists pressing like mad into the small of the Spanish beauty's bare back.

    The Spanish woman cried out as the Italian woman crushed the fight from her in a bearhug. Tasha?s arms flailed at her sides as Erika constricted her enemy even more and began to cave in her ribs. Tasha emitted one last scream before pounding away madly with her fists at Erika's collarbones. This was all about brutality, Erika enjoyed torturing Tasha in this particular hold, feeling her body squirm and fight for freedom, and yes, there was a sensual erotica to it as their naked bodies were crushed against one another. Tasha?s thrashed less and made a startling gasp when Erika squeezed even tighter, her strong Spanish body bowed to the power of this incredible Italian woman, her head and chest fell back, arms and legs almost went limp, ?You Bitch?..? Tasha moaned, tears streamed from her eyes, her back felt crushed, muscles and ligaments crunching, ?? crushing me! You?re breaking my back! Please let me go!? she pleaded with the Blonde female monster that held her imprisoned, hanging like some broken doll, dangling lifeless off the floor.

    ?Fuck you whore, I?m going to crush you.? Erika seethed.

    ?I swear I?ll get you back for this! Oh God your killing me! Please stop!? Tasha cried out.

    Erika was impressed as Tasha managed to swear out revenge while screaming in pain and pleading for mercy. Unexpectedly Erika quickly abandoned the move knowing Tasha was a master at underhanded improvisation and pushed the girl away. A second later she slammed her fist into Tasha's unprepared gut, followed by another. While Tasha?s body was fit and strong she wasn?t ready for the hammering she just took to her gut, the punches were amazingly powerful. She had tried to grab for the Blonde?s breasts again, but she was doing too good a job covering up. She now decided it was time to go ?down below? and balled up her fists, but her cunt punch was derailed as another uppercut nailed in the gut, causing her to heave for air.

    The Spanish beauty groaned, doubled over, and then crashed to her knees. The punches to her gut had come to a devastating conclusion. ?Oh my God.? Tasha moaned and felt sick from the blows to her stomach while her head still rang from the blows against the floor. The fight was going disastrously wrong, and very quickly at that. ?What the fuck is happening! Get your act together!?

    ?This is exactly how every fight should have gone.? Erika swooned with delight as she immediately pounced upon her prey, she jerked Tasha up by her hair until she was standing and unleashed alternating right and left slaps against Tasha's face. And then, in a totally unexpected move, Erika decided to go for another target as additional payback. Tasha?s body suddenly shuddered as she screamed, her eyes flew open as two vicious smacks to sides of her full breasts reverberated throughout her chest. Her hands instinctively moved to cover and protect herself. Her mind had to quickly work on a plan, something had to change the way this fight was going, but those thoughts were interrupted when her hair was savagely pulled again, forcing her to stand up straight.

    ?Oh no?.No!? Tasha gasped as eyes went wide for a moment when she saw what was coming, Erika propped up her opponent?s head with one hand and unleashed a stinging slap with the other. Tasha?s head rocked back, the blow was so strong that she was literally thrown back and crashed into the wall immediately behind her. Another horrific smack sent the Spanish girl falling down to her knees.

    Battered and bruised, the thought of actually fighting was falling further into the back of her mind, all her focus was on simply surviving.

    ?Remember all those smacks you dished out to me bitch? Now it's time to return the favor, because I am just getting started!?

    "Oh God please, no more!? Tasha whimpered as her head was jerked back up. Erika only clenched her teeth and poured on the abuse, slapping Tasha on her left and right cheeks, then alternating with brutal smacks to the girl?s proud breasts when her hands would try and move to cover her face. But Tasha swore to keep her mouth shut, she wouldn?t submit, she wouldn?t beg for mercy again, ?Not in my own house! It would give the Blonde too much pleasure!? she thought.

    And so it began. Tasha took the beating of her life as she was humiliated in her own living room, her body knocked back over a chair, then dragged to her feet, punched to the gut and then smacked against the wall, then dragged into the middle of the room only to be immediately backhanded.

    Erika felt the juices in her body flow at the site of Tasha?s once strong, toned body contorting to the brutality of the abuse she was dishing out. She never realized she had such a strong sense of blood lust inside of her, as well as intense sexual arousal. But this just wasn?t any normal situation, Erika felt like she was truly fighting her mortal enemy. A woman who brings out the most hostile, fighting, bitchy side she ever had. Every part of their bodies seemed to want to fight each other.

    And then the worst thing happened. Tasha could begin to feel her mind and body betray her. Soon she began screaming and pleading for mercy from the Italian amazon that stalked her around the room, like some horrible beast bent on destroying her. The worst moment came when she was on her knees, sobbing for mercy, looking up into unforgiving eyes, pleading with her Italian tormentor to stop beating on her.

    A reprieve did come, but not for any doing on Tasha?s part.

    ?Damn.? Erika sighed, and took time out to clutch her hands together, they were numb and raw from dishing out the abuse. She felt she had one more good smack to dish out and propped up the sobbing Spanish girl. She looked on with pride at how the Spanish beauty wobbled, her posture slumped in a telling way, she may fall over any second, her head, shoulders hunched over, her arms hanging limp at her side.

    ?Please stop hurting me. My God Erika, you?ve won, you?ve won, what more do you want. I can?t take anymore.? Tasha mumbled and sobbed. Her lips were split open, her head felt like it might explode, and her breasts battered and on fire.

    In stark contrast it made Erika?s bountiful breasts swell with pride, and nipples harden to hear that bitch beg her.

    A loud crack echoed around the room, and in the most telling display yet, Tasha?s body literally was lifted onto her toes as her whole body corkscrewed around, going almost past a 180 degree spin as bloody saliva, tears, and sweat flew in all directions.

    Erika paused to survey the damage, a powerful sense of accomplishment rushed thru her body, ?I hope you?ve learned your lesson now you stupid cunt. I could keep beating you till your dead, but I don?t want to go to jail. It?s obvious from this one sided beat down that you aren?t woman enough, or strong enough, to go toe-to-toe with me and this ends things. You definitely admitted as much while I was smacking you around your own house. Maybe it finally knocked some sense into you. Don?t ever think you can stand up to me.?

    The words didn?t mean much to Tasha given her current state, she couldn?t really process what was being said, she knew the intent well enough anyway, the humiliation of it. She didn?t need to comprehend or know exactly what was being said. Simply trying to move and get her bearings was brutal enough. Her head hurt so bad she could barely see straight and the taste of blood was all in her mouth.

    Erika was a little impressed to see Tasha trying to get up. The proud Spanish was now on all fours, moaning, her arms quivered as she fought inch by inch to possibly even stand.

    ?Come on then, get up already, I don?t have all day.? Erika?s arrogant side slip through, although convinced it had been her undoing in the past, she couldn?t resist the verbal taunts once again.

    Tasha tried desperately to figure a way out of this, she let the Blonde run her mouth, she didn?t answer. She was on her knees now and desperate, even delirious, as she tried to think of something, but her body wouldn?t respond. She was done and she knew it.

    Tasha kept her head lowered and feebly waved off the taunting blonde, ?No more. Please.? She mumbled, choking on her pride to say the words.

    Erika felt no sympathy toward Tasha right now, fresh images of getting smacked around and choked out by the Spanish bitch in their last fight fueled her revenge. It gave Erika a lot of satisfaction knowing how in the coming days, when Tasha?s head cleared, she too would be haunted by similar images. Erika even smirked at the thought, she was sure she had doubled the payback. Tasha looked totally beat to hell.

    ?There is going to be a lot more until you start begging me, worshiping me, and telling me I am the better woman. Remember all of those demands you made of me last time?? Erika?s eyes narrowed with hateful intent.

    Tasha screamed as her hair was yanked, and with all her might Erika pulled down, slamming the ebony girls forehead down to the floor with the resounding thud. ?You want to feel a painful hold? How about this one!? and the Italian girl walked around and squatted down on top of the ebony beauty. She then proceeded to clasp her fingers under the Spanish girl?s chin. A groggy Tasha whimpered as she felt her head pulled back. ?I?m sure you remember this. I so enjoyed being on the receiving end of it, that I think it only fitting you see what it was like. It felt like you were breaking my back. Is that what you are feeling? I really hope so.? Erika seethed as the girls beautiful Spanish body was bent to her will. Tasha felt her torso bow till her face was almost pointing up to the ceiling. Erika?s adrenaline was pumping, surging thru her veins with lust as she lorded over her nemesis?s beaten body, listening to her gush in pain. Tasha?s hands barely flailed, weakly pounding on the carpet.

    The hold was suddenly relinquished and Tasha?s head flopped forward, smacking the carpeted floor hard. Although padded, her head thumped on the ground, but it never registered, her head had been rung so badly she was dizzy and barely conscious. Erika stretched out over the back of Tasha?s body, there was no resistance. Slowly, sensually, Erika weaved her arms under Tasha?s, putting her into a full nelson hold, cranking the girl?s head down. A low groan came from the Spanish girl. A sensual feeling spread from between Erika?s thighs as she felt Tasha?s firm glutes flex and grind against her hips.

    Slowly she started rolling, pulling Tasha with her. Her two powerful legs, like cords of Italian rope, wrapped around the girl?s waist. Tasha?s eyes fluttered and watched those ankles cross and lock. She knew the pain that was to come and began to beg in ways she might never recover from emotionally.

    Erika had barely started squeezing her legs together, crushing the Spanish girl?s strong midsection when the words poured out of Tasha?s mouth; ?Please stop! Oh God your killing me! I can?t take anymore, leave me alone! Your the superior woman Erika, I am not match for you! Just please stop hurting me!? Tasha cried. Erika was disappointed, she had the girl begging too soon. She wanted to keep going with the hold.

    ?Fuck you bitch. I?m enjoying this, I like the feeling of your body being crushed, hearing you beg me. Maybe if you keep admitting I?m the better woman I?ll let up!? And Erika squeezed her legs while increasing the pressure on Tasha?s neck and shoulders. Erika was getting turned on as she felt the sweat ooze from between their slippery bodies, the sexual stimulation was getting her nipples harder as they pressed into the moaning Spanish girl?s back.

    Tasha hands smacked the carpet, tapping out her submission, she contorted her naked body to find some position that alleviated the pain. But her hated enemy had the hold in tight. Soon Tasha began to sob again, ?You beat me, you know you have so for God?s sake please stop, your going to break my ribs and neck! I?m begging you! You have hurt me enough! I?m nothing compared to you!?

    Slowly Erika began to let the hold go and Tasha whole body went limp, sobbing. Erika gave the girl a harsh shove with her foot, ?Get the fuck off me.? And rolled away. She took deep drinks of air, the carpet was damp with the sweat pouring from their bodies. She sat, kneeling, next to her beaten enemy.

    ?Now tell me some more. I like hearing you beg!?

    Tasha?s body was covered in head to toe with a film of sweat so thick it looked like oil, her magnificent body, however glorious, felt battered and beaten. And yet she shook her head back and forth ?no? defiantly. She knew that was a mistake but a small sliver of pride still remained alive inside of her. She knew instantly it was a mistake, that she should just keep groveling at nemesis?s feet.

    ?Stubborn bitch.? Erika rolled the girl over onto her back, climbing over her and slipped her legs into a grapevine, stretching out Tasha?s inner thighs while pinning her hands to the side.

    Tasha yelped in agony as she felt like her inner thighs were being ripped apart. ?Oh my God your killing me!? Tasha sobbed and the damn broke, she couldn?t take anymore physically and emotionally. She knew the humiliation would continue if she didn?t. ?Please get off me and leave my house! You win! I submit to you! You?ve beaten me! You?ve trashed me totally??? her words and sobs blended into one as while her inner thighs felt like they were being ripped apart with every ticking second.

    ?Only after this!? Erika gave a nasty smile.

    ?Oh no, no don?t, I?ve already begged you! Please! Don?t hurt me anymore! Your the better woman, you the stronger dominant woman between us, what more?.? Tasha whimpered as Erika?s hand clasp around her neck like a vice. Her body thrashed, but that only lasted a few seconds as the light dimmed and she gagged into unconsciousness.


    The rest of the night Erika soaked in a warm tub, wrapped herself in her best full length robe and sipped on a some nice Italian wine in front of the TV, feeling like her old self. Like an ugly past had been dealt with.

    ?Seven fights with that bitch.? Erika considered and shook her head in partial disbelief. ?What a waste of my time.? The Blonde smirked as she turned up the TV volume.

    As the wine weaved it?s way into her blood stream she found herself admitting that Tasha was a beautiful, strong, proud woman. A powerful Spanish woman that she should not have underestimated. Was she attracted to her? Maybe. But not in the way two lovers are attracted. Tasha and she fought one another as only two women could fight one another and that was something that Erika didn?t fully understand. Her right hand parted the folds of her robe, her fingers slipped between her thighs and confirmed her fears, she was wet, aroused, and the more she drank the more she opened up to herself just how turned-on she became fighting that Spanish beauty.

    ?It doesn?t matter,? Erika sighed and flipped her robe closed, ?The Spanish bitch knows better then to start anything with me ever again.?


    Coming around was the most dreadful thing Tasha could ever recall. Her hands rubbed her sore throat and aching head. At first she thought she was dreaming, it had been a horrible dream.

    Naked, sprawled out on her living room floor Tasha couldn?t make any sense of the horrible one-sided fight. ?I never want to see that cunt again.? she began to initially swear off all contact with ?that savage bitch?. Dragging herself up to the sofa, she even questioned her own sanity, her blurry eyes surveyed the now empty room, where just hours before she had gone toe-to-toe with her Italian adversary, she had fought naked against a girl that rilled her deepest sense of decency and contempt. A Italian, Blonde girl who was obviously now gone. Thankfully.

    The only reminders in the room, significant reminders, were the furniture that she had cleared in preparation for the fight. But even that had been overturned and possibly damaged beyond repair, she could feel the agonizing soreness that began to remind her of every impact. The carpet still soaked with their sweat.

    She sat in stunned silence for a few more minutes, blankly surveying the room where she had been humiliated and submitted, over and over again. Her eyes caught sight of the faint blood stains from where her lips and cheeks were cut from the numerous slaps. Her whole face and jaw ached like never before, swelling lumps covered her beautiful face and body, she need not touch with fingertips to detect they were there.

    With agonizing slowness she moved toward the bedroom. She took two steps and fell to her knees, crawling the rest of the way. Her hands crawled up the door frame when she got to her room.

    Clicking on the light switch to her bedroom literally sucked the wind from her chest, her right hand came up to cover her battered mouth. She almost began to scream as she looked around to see that every drawer had been gone thru, some pulled totally out and dumped on the floor. ?That bitch!? She gasped. The feeling of Rosetion was like a stabbing pain in her gut, the thought of that blonde girl going thru all of her personal belongings was beyond her worst nightmares. ?And I invited her here!? she felt some amount of blame.

    Exhausted, she somehow managed to stand up, staggering toward the bathroom where she started sobbing again from the sight of her Roseted bedroom.

    ?How could I have been beaten in such a totally one sided fight? As if I had learned nothing!?

    No answers.

    It felt as if she had gained nothing from all of those weeks spent at the gym working out, or from her prior win. Her arms and shoulders drooped over the edge of the tub as it filled with warm water.

    ?What now?? she whimpered as her fingers slowly submerged into the rising hot water. She even started to question if she beat Erika at the Pool House two weeks ago, was it all a dream? Some fantasy lived out in her head?

    She was convinced the Blonde was just too strong for her, too much woman for her to handle.


    The Letter - Part 18


    ?I hate you with every ounce of my being. I hate you for for what you did to me, to my house, and what you took from me. Saying that makes me feel better, but making you pay for what you did, well, that will make me feel even better. And you will pay in ways you can?t even imagine.?

    That was all Tasha wrote in the email. No hello, or goodbye. No questions, nor demands.

    All she could do now was wait for a response. It had been a month since she had seen the Blonde, in fact she avoided all contact with her and rarely saw Sharon either. It took her that long to heal, not so much physically, but emotionally she was still mending.


    Still no reply, four days later and no email response from Erika. ?Maybe there would be no reply? she thought.

    But as it turns out, Tasha just didn?t wait long enough.


    Erika had indeed discounted all thoughts about replying to the email. She considered all the ways possible to pour salt into Tasha?s wounds, as Tasha was surely baiting her into another fight.

    ?Stop your whining you sniveling, little bitch. You wanted all of this and you got it. I was more than happy to deliver all of that to you, and I did it in the confines of your own house. I mean how embarrassing is that! I really enjoyed smacking you until you begged me for mercy, repeatedly. Why should I take you seriously now? After all you admitted you were beaten, that I was the better woman, and I see no reason why that will ever change. In a straight up fight you can?t win, I?ll beat you down every time, physically, emotionally, and sexually.?


    The response was everything Tasha had hoped for, and yet, dreaded. She lowered her head and rubbed a pair of very sore eyes, it was late again and she had not been sleeping well. Tasha didn?t know if she really wanted to fight Erika again, which was an odd feeling, this was the first time she had this much self-doubt. Up until now she always had some amount of confidence that she could kick that bitch?s Italian ass, and up until now she had always gotten some excitement from fighting her adversary. The very thought could get her ?wet? anytime of day or night.

    For whatever reason sleep came a little easier that night, she was also a little thrown by the end of Erika?s email. Was the ?sexual? reference one of mere taunting?

    ?In due time.? she thought, for the moment she needed to one-up Erika with something a little more subtle, something that bitch wouldn?t be expecting. She didn?t know how to prepare for it but knew that regardless it would mean spending a whole lot more time in the gym, and strength training. But she didn?t want to put on muscle or bulk up, that would appear too obvious. If it meant getting a personal trainer, then so be it.


    - - - Updated - - -


    Socializing - Part 19


    It had been a long time since she had seen that Spanish beauty, but the rivalry between them seemed to demand her full attention. Erika had achieved total domination in their last fight, but still she ached to keep putting Tasha in her place until the girl cowered at the mere sight of her, or avoided her altogether. That focus, and the alcohol, gave Erika an idea and quickly she moved into the thick mass of bodies.

    She didn?t make it more then ten feet when she spotted Tasha leaving the bathroom, walking away from her. Erika quickly stepped up her pace until she was right on the Spanish girl?s heels.

    ?I was surprised to see you tonight, I thought you wouldn?t have the guts.?

    Tasha froze at the voice behind her and slowly rotated her tense body, Erika walked right up and stopped inches away, sneering disdainfully down at her. Tasha felt a little caught off-guard but quickly got her senses together and gave her own distasteful sneer, ?You?re such a trash talking whore.?

    ?Watch your mouth.? Erika smiled and laid down a somewhat aloof attitude, like Tasha was beneath her, ?Or I?ll have you groveling on your knees again.?

    ?You?re such an arrogant cunt!? Tasha took a step forward, her face tense with rage.

    ?Oh you really hurt me with your words.? Erika smiled and sipped her drink.

    ?I swear to God, this time you?re going to finally get that ass of yours kicked in the worst way, just keep talking your shit, you bitch.? Tasha?s flustered body huffed. Obviously Erika?s words had spearheaded right to a sore spot with the girl.

    ?That?s pretty funny!? Erika laughed with a real sense of amusement at Tasha?s threat. ?Got anymore funny one liners, and you are the fucking whore, wanting to fight naked and all that junk!? Erika made two steps of her own, their bodies close, standing in the shadows of the dark hallway, deserted and alone. ?It was offensive to even feel your inferior body against mine.? The Blonde sneered.

    Tasha?s eyes narrowed, her heart pounded so hard she wanted to risk every bit of trouble she could get into just to go toe-to-toe with this bitch.

    ?You think you?re better then me, but your wrong!?

    ?No, I don?t think that at all.? Erika?s face turned serious and her face tilted down. ?It?s a fact that I am better than you.? Erika gave a slight smirk as her face lit up with amusement. But Tasha?s eyes turned dead cold as she tried to swallow that last insult without chucking her drink into Erika?s face.

    ?Your lucky we?re not somewhere more private or I would lay you out right now.? Tasha fumed, her body now trembling with anger.

    ?Is that all that?s stopping you?? Erika stepped in and suddenly pushed her chest into Tasha?s and the two women drilled their eyes into one another, standing toe to toe. Tasha felt her whole body shaking with hatred, but her nipples were so hard they hurt.

    Erika tilted her head, relishing her slight hight advantage and gave another condescending look, ?You know you don?t stand a chance against me.? And the Blonde could feel the same effects, her own nipples harder than ever before, aching to be free.

    ?If you really think that, then let?s you and I go somewhere right now, because let me make something perfectly clear. I don?t care if you whipped my ass last time. I?ve put your ass down for the count twice before and I can do it again, and I will keep bringing the fight to you bitch! How does that sound?? Tasha hissed. Although facing Erika made her pretty nervous, she quite frankly could no longer give a shit any longer, a person can only swallow so much trash from someone.

    Erika seemed to smirk and consider the challenge, her eyes looking down at the mixed drink as she brought the edge of the glass up to her lips, and then took a slow, easy sip. Tasha watched the Blonde seemingly relax in the moment, after watching Erika?s throat contract, telling her the drink had gone down, the beautiful Italian woman then stared right into her eyes.

    ?You were so pathetic the last time, I?m not sure I want to waste my time.? Erika sighed.

    Tasha smirked, she was done talking and let the mix of booze and high-emotions get the better of her as she decided to challenge the Blonde in the most provocative manner possible.

    Erika let a gasp slip past her lips when she felt the pressure right against the front of her crotch. ?The audacity of this bitch!? her mind reeled. There wasn?t much material there. Both women had short dresses on so the front of their bare thighs pressed against each other while warm pubic mounds crushed together. The Spanish girl, up on her toes, was right up in the blonde?s face now, nose tips touching. But Erika just gritted her teeth and pressed her crotch back the best that she could.

    Tasha could tell Erika was flustered, they both were, but more so for Erika as her prior look of confidence quickly slipped away, and the Spanish beauty knew it had everything to do with her daring move.

    Collecting her thoughts and trying to get the upper hand Erika stepped back, declaring, ?I?ll decide when and where.? and then spun around, walking away.

    Tasha?s hand was visibly shaking as she relaxed her strong calves and brought her own drink up to her lips and tasted the cool liquor, it burned down her throat and warmed her stomach, settling her nerves as she watched the tall, voluptuous woman strut away from her. Those long, strong leg muscles, each step the muscles flexed and made Tasha belly quiver in memory of the damage they had inflicted on her. Her eyes then seemed to center in on the perfect curve of the Blonde?s tight ass that had no bounce at all.

    Every form of hostility was ready to burst out of her body at that bitch. She couldn?t believe the emotions that were rising up inside of her. She so badly wanted to fight that woman; anyway, anyhow, anyplace.


    Erika wasn?t sure what to make of what just happened. She wasn?t even sure how to feel about it. But she was very shaken for some reason. Idle conversations came and went and yet she found herself becoming more consumed by Tasha?s threats. The truth was, she was finding it harder to keep up her ?front? of confidence. She may have dominated the girl in their last fight, but Tasha was no slouch, and that bitch could capitalize on the slightest mistake Erika made. She still had nightmares from that day in the pool house, where everything that could go wrong, did go wrong, she had never been so humiliated in her life.

    Erika?s drifting thoughts settled and she was surprised to feel how aroused she had become. Her nipples were still hard, her face flush, and her pussy wet with the thought of fighting that bitch. ?After all, what is the big deal?? Erika challenged herself, ?We?ve fought naked before.?

    But something felt different about Tasha?s challenge and it messed with her mind terribly. It was more direct and personal. Instead of an all out fight it was a single challenge between their most sexual and private parts of their bodies, and it fueled a desire in Erika the likes she had never experienced. She wanted to make that Spanish bitch pay in the worst way possible. And she wanted it tonight.


    Tasha?s mind was working thru the process in the same manner as Erika. She was agitated and let it be known in every conversation she had. She was frustrated beyond belief. She wasn?t sure if she should chase the blonde down and push the issue, but her body was on fire. She had to find out which of them was better, but the truth was, and her heart hammered admitting this, she simply wanted to fuck that Blonde bitch into submission!

    Tasha didn?t have to wait or decide anything, it was Erika who wasted no time and went straight up to the Spanish girl, their glassy eyes spoke of a good amount of intoxication was coursing thru their veins. It also meant their inhibitions were way down.

    The Blonde never spoke a word after their eyes meet, but the challenge was there. Although neither were sure what was about to take place.

    ?Right now.? Erika chest Tasha rapidly with anticipation.

    ?Let?s get it on.? Tasha moaned and pushed her body up close against the Blonde?s. ?You confident enough to make a wager?? Tasha?s nostrils flared with excitement.

    ?Name it.? Erika hissed, she was buzzing hard, the front of her whole body was now pressed up hard against Tasha as they stared one another down.

    ?Take a guess bitch?? and Tasha rubbed her body against the Blonde?s making the taller girl more uncomfortable by the second. ?Looser gives up something.?

    Erika took a few deep breaths and had no idea what the hell she was getting herself into, but accepted whatever Tasha had in mind. ?You fucking bitch, let?s go for it. I?ll be taking home those panties of yours tonight. So better get used to being naked under that dress when I?m done whipping that pussy.? Erika couldn?t believe the words coming out of her mouth. It was everything she had derided the Spanish girl earlier for.


    A large but cozy study was located. A billiards table prominently adorned the center of the room. The door was locked from the inside and seemed secure enough.

    Neither Tasha or Erika spoke, they just looked at each other, both breathing heavily. Erika slipped her shoes off, but Tasha left her shoes on to make them the same height.

    They placed their hands on their hips and slowly moved closer together. The girls lightly touched breasts together through their thin dresses, and after lightly touching they pushed them together firmly. Both sets of nipples were so hard that the women privately contemplated letting their breasts battle it out instead.

    ?One day we are going to find out whose breasts are the better.? Tasha sighed.

    ?One day for sure bitch. But I think we already know.? Erika glared right back with an arrogant smirk.

    Then they started to lightly bump their crotches together through their skirts while they were nose-to-nose looking into each other's eyes.

    Tasha suddenly separated and stood several feet apart and started to hike up her dress, Erika did the same with her Italian dress. Tasha was wearing Spanish while Erika wore Italian panties. Again they moved slowly toward each other but hesitated when their panty crotches were about one inch apart, and then Tasha bumped Erika. It was just a quick little bump, crotch on crotch, but the feeling was electric, Erika literally shivered through her whole body. Erika bumped her back. Then they started pressing in unison until finally they held and pressed their panty covered crotches together and started rubbing their mounds together in circles.

    Erika was so very wet, her whole body was hot, almost feverish. She was sure Tasha could tell how turned on she was getting and quickly pulled away. She took the moment to take the lead and removed her panties, raising them up and delicately placing them on the edge billiards table immediately behind her.

    Tasha smirked and did the same lifting her own Spanish panties up in the air before placing them directly on top of Erika?s. That subtle action did not go unnoticed and she enjoyed the tense expression on the Italian girl?s face when her Italian panties were nearly covered.

    Facing each other it felt like the room had become tiny. Their mounds were both clean shaven and they held their pussies very close, Italian and dark brown skin less then an inch of contact. They moved back and forth and could feel the heat of the other?s crotches.

    Again Tasha bumped Erika first. Again it sent a shiver through Erika?s whole body. At this point they slowly reached behind one another and pulled each other into a hug, breast to breast, belly to belly, and naked crotch to naked crotch. This was different from anything they had ever done before. Movements were controlled and focused, quickly they realized that an inner strength was at play here as much as any outward physical strength.

    Both women, novices to this contest, allowed their crotches to get into a frantic, heavy bumping and rubbing, but basically it was mound on mound. Sweat was forming quickly over their bodies and their eyes, mostly unblinking they stared deep into the other?s eyes. Each woman looking for some weakness, some sign they had found a rhythm that would undo her enemy. Erika was getting eager now and arched her pelvis, Tasha?s pussy lips touched hers with increased pressure and the urge to dominate the other woman was taking over their contest. Erika?s butt could feel the edge of the pool table and she pulled back, using it for leverage. Instinctively she drew her left knee up, exposing more of her pussy to her Spanish rival.

    Tasha knew what the Blonde bitch was going for and eagerly raised her left leg, finding a nearby plush chair to rest her foot. Both women were now ?open wide? and tilted their pelvises forward, it was a sensation neither would ever forget.

    Wrestling naked had been exciting, violent and erotic, but both felt they were challenging the other on a whole new level now. Each was now betting her pussy could control and force an orgasm from her heated rival. Lip on lip they touched, so slippery they just glided together, as they touched and pulled them apart their pussy lips would literally cling together a little before they separated. They arched their backs and gripped the others strong, firm ass going for ultimate contact until their vaginas were open and exposed to the other.

    It unnerved Erika to have this woman?s pussy, someone she hated so much, touching and rubbing all over hers it felt like the ultimate violation, opening herself up and exposing herself to this bitch! Their nails dug deep into their clenching glutes and they started to hump each other in very quick and rapid movements. Tasha knew that neither of them could last much longer.

    ?That Italian bitch!? Tasha?s mind reeled as she frantically tried to control her excitement, the Blonde?s pussy was so wet, soft, and glided over hers, it drove her crazy! She hand?t expected this at all and was afraid she might cum any second now. Sweat was had started to stream down their faces now, puffs of air blasted across each other?s lips as they moaned openly in what felt like a final frenzy. Tasha could feel it starting to build, but the look on the Blonde?s face told her the momentum might be in her favor.

    Erika was now totally oblivious to everything else at this point. All she could do was enjoy the feeling of her oh-so-sensitive clit rubbing against Tasha?s and trying to make that Spanish bitch cum as hard as she could. It was so unbelievably sexy and erotic. The raw sensation felt electric and so spine-tingling. She had never even come close to experiencing anything like this before. Erika just couldn?t believe that she was rubbing pussies with another girl, but while she was enjoying it, she also hated it, she hated the feeling of Tasha?s pussy grinding and smearing her juices all over her crotch.

    Tasha desperately tried to get the upper hand, sliding her clit a little lower and upward, it was just enough for her to finally feel like she had the upper hand as Erika?s strong body suddenly stiffened, her head tilted back and let out a long, loud moaning cry.

    The clit-to-clit fight had made Erika cum first, it was a thundering orgasm that shook through her body, ?Oh God!? she groaned.

    ?That?s it! I got you! Cum you fucking whore!? Tasha?s voice trembled with excitement as she savored the victory while knowing her own orgasm was seconds behind, she could feel Erika?s juices on her cunt. It was a proud moment knowing she had coaxed forth the Blonde to cum against her will.

    ?Fuck you.? Erika whimpered between gasps, her lips trembling with emotion.

    ?Your the one who is getting fucked!? and Tasha just kept humping her rivals clit hard and fast, then harder and faster. Tasha knew she had lasted longer, but she wanted to cum herself now.

    Erika was still feeling the rush of the orgasm and her heart pumping harder then she could ever remember. Stroke after stroke that Spanish bitch rubbed her clit at just the right spot. Her legs felt a little weaker but fought to sturdy herself as she frantically humped Tasha back although it felt in vein.

    The feel of the girl?s cum squirting out drove Tasha over the edge and sent her into an identical state of orgasm. When her pussy gushed against Erika?s both girls rubbed and ground their pussies faster and harder. Their clits continued their erotic duel within the soft confines of their well lubed pussies. Within a very short time another mutual orgasm caused both of them to let go, moans filled the room as their lip-locked crotches once again filled each other with their hot female juices. Slurping, squishing noises became louder as they now seemed to be fighting each other to multiple orgasms, it had become a desperate race to now make the other submit first.

    Their slimy clits ground against one another, swollen lips provided a private intimate space. The multiple orgasms had taken their toll on both women and drained them physically, as well as sexually. But one woman?s heart sank as she was overwhelmed, she couldn?t handle another orgasm and her clit felt very raw.

    ?Enough, stop!? Erika gasped and slowly stopped her rubbing.

    Their bodies were hot, drenched in sweat as they pressed against one another. Tasha flexed her naked thighs tight against the Blonde?s powerful legs, letting her know she wasn?t done with her. An exciting tingle ran up her spine sensing the hesitation and fear coming from her tall, powerful rival. She had done it!

    ?I told you enough bitch!? Erika replied trying to hide nervousness and yet trying to retain some amount of dignity from this encounter. But Tasha would have none of it and pressed her own tingling, raw clit hard against the Blonde making her enemy wince and gasp in response. As tired as Tasha was, and on the verge of backing off anyway, she pressed harder letting Italian woman know she could torment her further.

    ?Enough!? The Blonde tensed as she felt the renewed pressure, she swallowed hard and spoke the words, ?I admit it, you whipped my pussy.? Erika couldn?t help but whimper out her admission as the waves of defeat rolled over her. She was shocked to feel her eyes fill up with tears. Those were not just words to her, she knew it, and Tasha knew it. She gambled and lost, she lost in the most intimate struggle yet between them yet.

    ?That?s better.? Tasha huffed as she relaxed and the pressure got lighter to Erika?s relief. Immediately Erika looked down, her pussy was reddish-pink and swollen. It had been the most intense sexual experience she had ever had, and she hated that Spanish bitch even more for it. One, because it was with her, and two because she had lost.

    Tasha?s own crotch was the same, sore, but throbbed with a great deal of sexual satisfaction. The almost-continuous flow of their blended cum had dripped and smeared between their strong womanly inner thighs. Neither woman could ever remember being so wet prior to tonight.

    An awkward moment passed, breathing heavy and gathering their thoughts, both girls were totally overwhelmed with the whole experience and their lusty gazes spoke volumes. Erika still didn?t move, she remained leaning back against the pool table, her left leg still drawn up, knee resting on the edge while her chest Tasha rapidly, she could only glare at the Spanish girl and waited for whatever cutting remarks were sure to come next.

    Tasha took a step back, her dress slightly falling back down on it?s own, but barely concealed her bare wet pussy and inner thighs. She glanced over to Erika?s right as a slight sigh and sneer formed over her full lips. Slowly her fingers pinched the Italian fabric as she pulled Erika?s thong from underneath her own, ?You know, I think I?ll wear this for the rest of the evening, only fitting you think??

    Erika shuddered and was appalled at such a brazen gesture. She could only watch in horror as the ebony girl not only took her underwear but pulled them up her long, strong legs, wearing them like some kind of trophy she would be parading around for the rest of the night as a reminder.

    ?How dare you!? Erika?s already flushed body and face reddened even more.

    Tasha smiled at the Nordic Blonde?s defiant attitude, she continued to pull the thin elastic bands up over her hips even higher, then two fingers from her right hand moved down tauntingly and rubbed the smooth material covering her crotch, ?Besides, they look a lot sexier on me then you.? Giving one a last dig.

    ?Like hell they do bitch, your body is nothing compared to mine!? Erika snapped and slowly sat upright, moving her left leg down to the ground as she postured up.

    Tasha slowly, carefully picked up her own Spanish panties and folded them neatly before slipping them into her small purse. ?Let me give you some free advice you arrogant cunt,? Tasha smirked, but a seething rage was boiling behind that faint smile, her left hand came up hooking the shoulder strap to Erika?s dress with the long nail of her index finger. Slowly she ran the nail along the strap, ?The next time we meet I?m going to chew you up and spit you out. So don?t you dare compare your body to mine, it?s a competition you can?t handle. Your my bitch now, remember that!? Her finger suddenly gave a sharp tug and the strap was pulled, stretched dangerously out to a breaking point.

    Erika sharply gasped as the strap to her dress snapped back against her skin, the thin fabric of her outfit offered little protection a reminder of what little material there was between them. But she wasn?t about to back down??

    ??Tasha let a sharp cry fly from her lips as her left cheek was struck by an open palmed strike, her long Spanish hair flew out in all directions. But Tasha was alert and swift with her own response?..

    ??It was Erika?s turn to gasp out loud from a severe smack of retaliation by her Spanish nemesis, and struggled to snap her head back around just as quickly.

    Both women were left with burning left cheeks, and both seemed ready to attack one another with fists clenched, ?You want to go now? Right now!? Tasha roared.

    Erika?s heart pounded in her chest, the tips of their breasts pressed against one another as both women seemed on the edge of all out war. ?We?re going to go at it for sure you bitch, you just wait.? Erika growled as a tear trekked down from her left eye.

    Tasha nipples bored right against her rivals as they leaned against one another, waiting for a tense few seconds. ?Whenever you feel ready.? Tasha tilted her head leaned her chin in till their lips almost touched and seemed to threaten the blonde to an all out fight right there. It was clear that Tasha wasn?t the one backing down.

    In stunned silence Erika watched the Spanish girl strut off with a cocky sway to her body, leaving the blonde behind as the door slammed shut.

    A feeling of defeat quickly overtook her, and feeling naked under her dress added to her already vulnerable state of mind. Her cheeks trembled as she sniffed back the tears, fighting to not loose her composure. She hadn?t expected the loss to affect her so strongly and wondered if maybe the alcohol was having more a strong influence than she anticipated. Slowly she slipped on her heels and made her way back to the party. She felt utterly humbled sexually and verbally by that bitch, ?How did she get the upper hand like that?? It was an agonizing question that she didn?t have the answer to. She thought she knew her own body better, but to have that horrible cunt force her to cum so quickly.

    Walking around the remaining of the night, the open air on her bare pussy was a constant reminder that she had lost her panties to her Spanish nemesis. The feeling of Tasha?s juices all over her pussy was infuriating and arousing at the same time. She tried to tough it out the rest of the night, avoiding Tasha the best she could. . ?I lost my underwear, she actually forced me to cum!? The shame and embarrassment was harder to take then she anticipated, especially since she had been so cocky and self assured at the beginning of the night.

    A totally unexpected event, and outcome, Tasha could not have predicated at all had her confidence soaring the remainder of the evening. She was relishing every second she wore that bitches underwear. The fire inside was burning brighter and hotter than ever before. This was only one step toward redemption, she knew that, Erika would probably want another fight. Things were moving faster then she could process. Tasha shook her head at what had happened only hours ago, a ?sex fight?, me and that Italian cunt! And I won!

    She could only imagine what their next encounter might bring. It sent chills up her spine and deep into her pussy to contemplate. But more then anything she wanted to keep beat that girl into submission, to fight her and prove she could not only out fuck her, but out fight her as well.

    ?Take it slow.? Tasha?s mind warned, she had gotten ahead of herself before and it cost her, dearly. Erika still had some things of hers that she wanted back, and now she felt like she could make that demand.

    One last cutting remark was floating around in the back of her mind, and she found the right moment to walk up behind the Blonde. She admired how beautiful Erika?s body was and she smiled when she pressed her body up against Erika?s.

    ?How does it feel, knowing my pussy juices are all over the lining of your panties. Even if I gave them back, you know you could never be woman enough to wear them again.?

    Erika?s anger boiled over into a rage, and her most sacred of female spots riled at the words, and thoughts that Tasha was conveying. She turned and it was as if their two cunts wanted to immediately grind into one another and fight again, as if instinctive. It was a fight for female dominance. ?Don?t compare your pussy to mine, one fuck fight doesn?t win the war.?

    ?Well since I am wearing your thong, I guess that proves mine is the better pussy.? And Tasha bolted from the spot, heading out of the party before Erika could even open her mouth.



    Plotting and Planning - Part 20


    Tasha wanted more, a lot more.

    She felt like she needed another victory over that bitch to really put the screws to the Blonde psychologically. But she didn?t know when or where, or even how to go about doing it. For some reason calling or sending an email didn?t feel right, she almost wanted the next challenge to be in person. Face-to face.

    But ?How?? and ?When?? she smirked at the possibilities.


    Erika was walking the long expanse of the outdoor mall, shopping had gone a long way in taking her mind off the recent unfortunate event. But it was an illusion, the distraction evaporated as she browsed the lingerie department, it instantly brought back memories she would just rather forget.

    It was a matter of pride for her now. She had chalked up her last loss due to the alcohol, ?Too much to drink and I got reckless.?

    Sitting down at the outdoor coffee shop she sipped on her latte, the warm spring weather brought some relief and she crossed her legs. Her expensive gray slacks felt comfortable against her smooth muscular legs as she leaned against the back of the chair. Watching people mingle and walk to and fro the various stores made her wonder how she ended up dueling with that Spanish girl to begin with. She had encountered many people during her years of school and work, but never has the spark of hostility burned so strong when in the presence of that bitch, or even the thought of her, ?Hell! I am obsessing over her now!?.

    Erika still couldn?t believe she let another woman take her underwear, and it made her feel a little slutty. She shuddered when she thought back to post fight conversation, bantering with the Spanish bitch over whose pussy was better, and stronger. She couldn?t believe it, what had gotten into her! She had never talked like that, or even thought about speaking like that to anyone. She had plenty of rival?s all thru school, but this wasn?t even over a boyfriend, it was a personal, primal woman-to-woman war that was taking place on all front?s. The Blonde shuttered thinking that nothing was off limits now. She didn?t even want to fight the Spanish woman using anything but bare instinct, forget all of her training, she just wanted to tear and beat that woman into submission over and over.

    ?But nobody knows.? Erika would tell herself. That was a small consolation, because she still felt a little ashamed for fighting with Tasha, allowing herself to indulge in some of the most horrific fighting she had ever experienced or imagined. The painful thing was she didn?t know how to reconcile her feelings of hatred and indignity, with those of sexual arousal and a female competitive fighting spirit.

    And then it hit her again, admitting the truth was a tough thing. ?It was,? Erika thought, ?the best orgasm I have ever had.? She sipped the remaining of her coffee and stood up, the stares of several male admirers watched as the tall, young Blonde tossed her cup into the trash and walked away. Her beauty and elegance never once betraying those secret desires. That underneath all the sophistication and elegance was a woman in turmoil. That she was at war with another female and it seemed destined to destroy one, or both of them, some day.


    Tasha wasn?t making love to her boyfriend Darryl. Well, physically yes she was, but in her mind she was grinding her crotch to another victory against the Blonde. Her head tilted back as the orgasm swept up through her body and mind.

    Darryl was a very intuitive man, he could read people very well, his talent seemed to be reading women or that was what he focused the most on, so Tasha had to make sure she masked any doubts and insecurities.

    Laying next to him, naked, as the bask of sexual satisfaction radiated off their bodies, she smiled and spoke loving to him. He bought into all of it. She meant it, but there was a distraction going on in the recess of her mind she couldn?t shake. Thinking about the Italian Amazon thrilled her to no end, as her arms and legs wrapped tighter around the body of her male lover she had motion-pictures flowing through her brain of her and the Blonde wrapped, intertwined, tightly, sexually, with one hostile intention, to dominate the other.

    ?Easy babe!? Darryl laughed, he wiggled his strong body in her embrace and she smiled, quickly snapping her to attention. She had gotten caught up in her fantasy and was clutching him with a lot of strength.

    ?I knew you were strong, but damn.? He rolled over toward his beautiful, Spanish girlfriend. She was everything he wanted in a woman. He had a wondering eye, but it kept coming back to this sexy dark woman laying next to him. Yes he was guilty, he lusted after other women and he knew it annoyed Tasha that he wanted Erika, in fact he often fantasized that he was fucking the Blonde when making love to Tasha. He reconciled that Erika?s boyfriend Bryan probably fantasized about fucking Tasha. He and Bryan seemed to get along great, what a shame their respective girlfriends hated one another. He shuddered a little, ?hate? is a strong word, but maybe not strong enough. It was hard to imagine, looking in Tasha?s loving gaze.


    Struggle and Surprise - Part 21


    It was a maddening distraction for Tasha as her breathing was becoming noticeably shallow and a warm tingling sensation was spreading in her crotch. 'Damn you' she cursed at her own sexual desires, her pussy continued it's contraction. But still her eyes lingered and a fond gaze soon gave way to vicious envy and spite as she took note of the taut flatness of Erika's belly, with heavily indented abdominals chiseled-out, four to each side of the shadowed center dividing line. Slowly Tasha's gaze lowered to the Blonde's long thighs and strongly rounded calves. She was well aware of their power, evident in the amount Erika could squat and she was lost in thought, heated thoughts racing thru her head as she imagined would it feel like to grip legs, and thighs with that woman once again. Tasha's nostril's flared with excitement as her overheated mind envisioned a sweaty wrestling embrace, like two lovers, or even better, as two hateful enemies. The latter idea excited her the most.

    Erika sat up from doing her sit-ups and wrapped her arms about her knees, she looked up and caught Tasha staring, but the girl had this far off look in her eyes. Being a member of the same gym as Tasha was a blessing, and a curse. When one of them had the upper hand, usually Erika, it gave her the chance to rub it in Tasha?s face, as well as showing off the intimidating power of her size and physique. But when the tables were turned, and Tasha had edged out a victory, sometimes a vicious, humiliating one, it tore away at the Blonde?s very soul to be around that Spanish bitch. The very idea of them locked in some desperate struggle sparked wanton twitches all through her loins, into her inner thighs---all the way down into her toes. While Tasha was adequately fit and toned, she was not on Erika?s level, yet the beautiful Spanish woman was unassumingly quick, smart and had amazing endurance! And Erika suddenly wanted to feel that girl?s strength, especially her legs scissored around her own body, challenging her own legs, and it made her shiver with excitement. She wanted to go at that Spanish girl right now, while both of their bodies were drenched in sweat, and pumped from a hard workout.

    Quickly Erika averted her own potentially lingering stare and reached for a towel, she was feeling compelled to confront the girl, and was wiping down her arms and legs when the decision was made for her.

    A voice, almost in a soft enough manner that Erika wondered if someone else had spoken the words. She turned to watch Tasha slowly, confidently swagger over to where she stood. ?We have some unfinished business.? Tasha arrogantly smiled and tossed her own towel aside with a casual flick of the wrist. The Spanish girl's whole demeanor was throwing Erika way off, the girl seemed totally relaxed and confident in her actions.

    Erika raised an eyebrow, ?You got that right.? and squared up with her Spanish nemesis.

    A bitchy sneer formed on Tasha?s full lips, her Italian nemesis seemed to be on the same wavelengh, only only common ground they shared; Fighting one another.

    Erika quickly assumed she was going to be cornered into an all out fight as she watched Tasha stretch her arms and flex thighs and fingers while gesturing to the familiar yoga room where they had met in the past to ?settle things?. The Blonde?s heart pounded and for a split second she thought about the sexual defeat she had suffered from their last fight, her throat went noticeably dry when she tried to swallow.

    Tasha's face tensed as she tried to restrain a smirk, her eyes cast around for any people close by, but lowered her voice anyway, ?Here is the deal. You want try me again?? and spread her legs apart forming a wider stance, the intention was clear, Tasha even noted how Erika?s cheeks blushed bright red and it made the Spanish skinned girl smile to watch the Blonde squirm. ?Well bitch you?ll get your shot at redemption, if you can whip my ass, right now.?

    Erika didn't respond, she didn't know what to say, she was surprised her strong legs suddenly felt weak as she simply started walking to the room. Tasha was the last one in and ensured the doors were locked tight.

    ?To make things interesting.? Tasha paused and turned to the wall where a panel controlled the room?s temperature. ?This being the Hot-Yoga room, let?s keep things nice and slippery.? and proceeded to crank the heat way up.

    ?Your full of yourself tonight. But lets go ahead and play out your little fantasies.? Erika raised her arms over her head and flexed her abs and arms, taunting the Spanish woman.

    Tasha eyed the powerful woman?s body with a animal female lust and growled back ?I can?t wait to put your cocky ass down once again.? as they took up opposite corners of the room, each slowly peeling away the layers of clothing until they were both totally naked. Hearts pounded hard in their respective chests, not a word was spoken for it was their eyes that did all the talking, roaming over each other?s bodies. The recent workout had their respective physiqhes looking very toned and tight. Erika still had the height and muscle advantage, but that no longer seemed to carry the intimidation that it once did. Tasha had proven herself to be very strong, agile, and clever as a fighter. She could bring the fight to Erika.

    The two women stepped forward and circled one another, the lights from the overhead recessed lamps accentuated the clefts and curves of their sleekly muscled figures. For several seconds the two women stalked one another in silence, staring at one another as if each savored every second of the anticipated fight to come. Sweat from their recent workouts still dripped from their hair and bodies.

    Tasha?s body flowed with a renewed excitement and energy, she had a chance to win again and if she could put this Blonde bitch down for the count tonight she felt it would cement her status as top female between them.

    Then they both moved forward; one, slow, shuffling step at a time, as if hypnotized by the sight of each other.
    Erika's mind panicked as if knowing this could be a decisive match up. Tasha must have felt the same thing and thus both girls exploded into one another, their bodies hit one another with a force neither of them expected. The two women wrapped their arms around one another and began to squeeze, each girl knew that the other's breasts was the most amazingly firm globes of flesh the other had ever encountered. Tasha was force back several steps, the power of Erika?s body was devastating, but she managed to stop the retreat and hold her ground.

    With more and more force being applied, the two started to shift their weight around by spreading their strong legs wider. It was a familiar position they both yearned for and dreaded, being tightly wrapped in each other?s strong embrace, with the end only coming by way of decisive domination, and most often, violently.

    Their granite like, slick thighs ground together, not a word was uttered, just the muffled gasps and grunts of the two gorgeous women mixed with the slap of sweaty skin against skin. Their rock hard and smooth thighs would slide past each other, their lower bodies were grinding together in an ever-quickening rhythm. Their hips began to rotate, one clockwise, the other counter-clockwise. One could hear their grunts and groans as they wrestled, both of them suffering in each other's grip, but both refusing to give in as they struggled woman-to-woman. Smoothly carved biceps flexed, at the same time as shoulders bunched with effort. Their backs gleaming with a sheen of perspiration.

    Both women felt the pure energy course thru them as their naked bodies pressed, struggling for supremacy. Muscle against Muscle, Woman against Woman, Spanish against Italian.

    Erika once again found herself shocked at Tasha?s strength, the girl wasn?t as big, nor looked as strong, but that was deceiving. She could feel the Spanish girl?s unbridled strength as they fought.

    Both women were desperate to gain that initial upper hand in this decisive test of their strength and resolve. But it was Erika?s power that won out, and as the Spanish moaned in pain, the Blonde locked her ankle behind Tasha's knee, bent forward while twisting her upper body. This sent them diving toward the matt with the Spanish on the bottom, Tasha cried out loud as the air was forced from her lungs, crushed under the Blonde?s strong body. Desperately Tasha tried to twist and turn away, a mistake on her part, Erika acted like she had let go, letting Tasha give up her back, and then Erika slipped on a full nelson and twisted Tasha into a sitting position. The Blonde?s long, powerful legs then clamped around her opponent's waist while imprisoning Tasha's arms and neck tightly.

    Erika began to squeeze her scissoring thighs.

    It happened so fast, Tasha was suddenly gasping and crying out in part shock, but mostly pain, unable to draw a full breath of air. When Erika heard Tasha's breathing become labored she switched from applying steady pressure to clamping down on both holds with quick, convulsive movements. Erika was then rewarded with sharp moans of pain from Spanish girl.

    Erika held on tight even though the Spanish girl?s strong, lean body was violently thrashing for freedom. Eventually they ended up on their right side. The position they were in kept Erika's bare breasts pressed tightly against Tasha's strong back and her groin jammed against the upper curve of Tasha's buttocks. While it didn't seem possible that Erika's tender nipples could get any harder, the feel of Tasha's struggling back muscles caused them to stiffen even more. The rounded, solidly packed globes of Tasha's buns were flexing and quivering from the effort of trying to escape Erika's twin holds of torture. Every time that Tasha flexed her glutes as she fought against the full nelson and scissors, Erika felt the ripple and bulge of muscles against her mound.

    Tasha did what she always did, and poured all her efforts into fighting the hold. It was frightening and erotic to think another woman could imprison her, against her will. ?And why did it have to be Erika!? Tasha agonized, ?God I hate this Blonde, Italian Amazon.? The girl seemed perfect in every way, which made the Spanish beauty want to destroy the Italian Bitch all the more. With renewed effort Tasha gritted her teeth and flexed every muscle in her body, twisting in the hold that had her gasping for air and her neck felt like it was about to be ripped from it?s very base. She could feel Erika groan and strain to keep the hold locked in and it aroused the Spanish beauty to know she was able to challenge her rival, to make her strain in her efforts. She just wondered how aroused Erika was also becoming. The heat of the room created a slippery, oily film that was aiding Tasha?s efforts, and she quickly realized that less muscle was needed, and maybe more twisting and leverage might be the solution to her dire situation.

    Tasha also couldn?t look the Blonde in the eyes to see the tell tale signs of another development, the glaze of an erotic fog that now had overcome Erika?s vision due to the rhythm of Tasha?s muscular contractions. In fact Erika's body was in a fully aroused state, but what worried Erika the most was this reaction had not come on so fast in their prior fights. Her body was reacting in such a strong sexual manner, and very quickly now.

    Erika struggled to focus, and was thankful Tasha couldn?t look her in the face, that for now she didn?t have any idea of what their tightly coupled position was doing to Erika.

    Tasha thought she felt Erika's grip slacken just a bit! Or was it the combination of effort and sweat? All she knew for sure was that if she couldn't work her way out of that combination of the scissors, and full nelson, she would be forced to yield to Erika's strength. Using everything in a last ditch effort the Spanish warrior exploded with every bit of strength she had left, Erika simply moaned in shock, not pleasure, at the way her hold was violently broken. Indeed the sweat was like oil making it difficult to keep the hold in place. But now, Tasha was twisting around trying to mount an offensive!

    ?Oh fuck!? Erika gasped as she tried to re-focus her efforts. For several seconds there was a flurry of arms and legs as they traded holds and grips, once again testing each other's skill and strength until finally they settled into a kind of slow-motion wrestling with Tasha gaining the top position. It aroused the Spanish to no end knowing she had established a dominant position over her bigger, and stronger Italian oppoenent.

    In a fit of rage they both went for tighter grips. Once again engaging in a rib crushing dueling bear hugs while on the ground. Sweaty tit flesh merged and mushroomed together, squishing out the sides as each tried to overwhelm the others tits with her own. Thrusting and pressing their chests out into each other while pulling and squeezing one another tight about their backs, which were quickly becoming difficult to grip from sweat.

    Tasha tried to keep her rib cage as fully expanded as possible, pouring on more pressure, she grinned internally when a faint whimper burst free from Erika?s lips. But Tasha had to admit she was now in a lot of pain as well. Erika clutched and moaned, she felt the tears start, but she accepted the pain in her chest, anything to beat this Spanish bitch. Both women lay on their sides, threw their heads back and cried out loud as they tried to crush the other. Erika?s body suddenly quivered uncontrollably as Tasha rubbed and bumped her strong thigh into the Blonde?s warm, moist mound between her legs. Awkwardly they nestled their pubic mounds closer together, rubbing and bumping into each other. The room had reached the apex of it?s temperature, and it?s affects were staggering; Italian and Spanish, arms and legs, fought against one anther in a totally saturated smell of sweat and sexual stimulation.

    After several seconds Erika knew what Tasha wanted, she could feel Tasha trying to move their pussies into position which worried her. In-between gasps and grunts she spat, ?You slut.? and tried to maintain an arrogant tone as she ground her pussy directly against Tasha?s soaked cunt. Erika?s body dripped with sweat and shivered as their smooth shaven pussy lips found each other. Tasha had no sooner started to find her rhythm when Erika managed to roll her on her side, but the Spanish girl slipped from her grasp, leaning away and sitting up. Both women paused, panting heavily. Erika sat up as well, both noticed their legs scissored together, pussy to pussy. Both knew the position did not occur by chance as they glared at one another.

    ?This is what we really want you bitch, but you probably already know I?m going to fuck you into submission all over again, right now! And then I?m going to fuck-up your body by beating the crap out of you!? Tasha hissed.

    Both women glared at one another, propped up by hands, chests heaving.

    ?Then come on, bring it!? The Blonde snarled and pushed her succulent cunt directly against the Spanish girl?s sweet pussy, trying to take the advantage early by hopefully catching Tasha off guard. And it worked, for the moment.

    Tasha?s body shivered and she let out a moan but immediately responded by thrusting and grinding against Erika?s slippery cunt causing the Blonde to gasp in return. Erika?s hands, then elbows, slipped on the wet matt, she now lay undulating on her back, seemingly not inclined to sit back up. ?Oh God? Erika moaned, so faint it wasn?t even a whisper. She couldn?t believe the sensation coursing thru her loins, and then deep in her vagina, it didn?t take long for her to be overwhelmed by the sensation of their bare pussies rubbing together.

    Seizing the advantage Tasha sat up a little more, her left hand came around and landed a hard smack on one of Erika?s firm ass cheeks. The smack caused the Blonde?s whole body to buck and moan, Tasha felt the Blonde?s pussy throb and Tasha lashed out with another smack, only this time much harder.

    ?Oh my God!? Erika cried out louder this time, she felt herself slipping, ?I don?t believe it, she's going to do it, she?s going to make me cum again!? her mind screamed. It felt like Tasha?s pussy was massaging and rubbing all over hers, hitting her ?spot? every fucking time! Worse was how she felt like some whore being slapped on the ass, actually spanking was helping to drive her toward a bigger orgasm!

    ?Cum you fucking bitch!" Tasha shouted. Her hand reached down and slapped Erika?s tight ass cheek yet again. The spanking, combined with the rubbing of her wet pussy, and suddenly Erika could suddenly no longer control herself and let the orgasm flow through her body. It seemed like it would never stop. Her pussy pulsated with each slurping, wet grind she received on her cunt, and a hard smack on her now heated ass. In a humiliating, wanton display she didn?t even attempt to roll over and protect powerful slaps on her right butt check, but she could feel that Spanish girl?s hand prints all over her round, firm butt. Her mouth open wide with moaning pants.

    Tasha had all the advantage now, she rolled the Blonde enough to sit up and mount her, she clamped the scissor lock tighter and pressed with her dominant pussy lips, clamping down. ?Oh that?s it you Italian slut,? Tasha hissed, ?Your not woman enough to take me in a fuck fight, I can fuck you at will.?

    Erika?s eyes fluttered as she was taking deep breaths, her whole body felt like it was going limp. Felling totally spent on the floor, she could feel her body being rocked back and forth as she listened to Tasha moan her triumphant orgasm from above. Erika gasped as she felt this warm sensation flow against her pussy as that succulent Spanish pussy had unleashed its juices, and then the worst feeling was when that Spanish bitch actually ejaculated, her cum seeping directly into her love canal.

    Tasha sighed in glorious victory as she humped the spent Blonde beneath her. Her glistening, sweat soaked Spanish body swayed high above, back arched, toned abs fluttering as her chest stuck out proudly. A wide smile came over her lips as she enjoyed the post orgasm sensations, and the victory over her beaten rival. A sense of redemption and racial pride coursed thru her veins as she took notice of her beautiful Spanish body, in all it?s glorious heritage, sitting atop her long hated rival in the Blonde, Italian beauty.

    Both were bathed in sweat and sex. Erika could feel the insides of her thighs slick with pussy juice, her own wet cunt open revealing a throbbing clit. Once again the horrible feeling Tasha up, she had been forced to cum, defeated sexually. Quickly and definitely.

    ?You loose again bitch!? Tasha crowed her victory from high atop her seated position, her heated, juicy cunt resting directly on top of her rivals, and then raised her own arms, flexing her biceps in victory pose, similar to the taunting Erika had delivered only seconds before the fight started.

    But Erika was not about to cower, nor beg her to stop this time. She decided to strike back. The very thought of this Spanish bitch bragging about her victory-fuck made Erika fume with rage. She slowly propped herself up on her left elbow, but took a moment to soak in the sexy site of their intertwined legs and mated pussies. They could almost be lovers, but this was no love making, this was a fucking to humiliate and dominate the other. And while Tasha had cleverly made her move and won the fucking, Erika was now thinking past that? the fighting they still had to do.

    ?Let me hear you say it, I love hearing you grovel out your submissions.? Tasha smiled wickedly, grinding her pussy harder against the blonde?s, making her gasp.

    The Blonde bit her lower lip and refocused, ?The fights not over yet you stupid, Spanish whore!?


    Tasha had barely gotten a word out of her mouth when her head was jacked straight up into the air. Searing pain shot throughout her skull, her teeth smashed together hard, and then her body was falling backward.

    Erika?s right foot had shot up like a powerful piston, her heel smashing right under Tasha?s jaw. Erika watched with devious pleasure at how the Spanish bitch?s neck was strained to it?s limits, her head violently rocked. Then the almost slow motion of the woman?s body slumping back. Erika wasn?t sure if the girl was unconscious, but she wasn?t about to waste anymore time wondering.

    Erika stood up quickly, all the while rubbing her tender crotch. Tasha was the one moaning now and seemed to be coming around, but very slowly. ?Awww, poor baby, need some help getting up?? Erika taunted. She then reached down to help Tasha get to her unsteady feet.

    ?You??.you underhanded bitch.? Tasha slurred out her words, a faint trickle of bloody saliva ran down her chin as she tried to speak.

    ?Underhanded? Me! Why your the queen of that, and what made you think the fight was over, you might have won a battle, but this war is not over!? and with that Erika unleashed a brutal slap across Tasha?s beautiful right cheek, instantly sending the girl toppling down to the ground in a crumpled heap. That was almost making up for loosing the pussy fight, again. Almost. Erika didn?t know if she could beat the girl pussy-to-pussy, but she knew she could beat the hell out of her rival most any time in a straight up fight. And this looked to be one of those times.

    The kick to her jaw, followed by a slap across her cheek had Tasha hovering in and out of dream land, more like a nightmare unfolding, but she managed to hold on and get to her hands and knees. But in doing so she was exposed, more vulnerable then she could have known as her opponent now stood behind her, not only waiting, but getting ready to pounce. Normally the Spanish beauties instincts would have warned her of this, but her head was ringing, and getting her bearings had become the main focus. The room was still spinning as her tongue instinctively ran along her teeth checking for anything loose or broken.

    Erika was furious, she still considered herself above this pathetic kind of fighting, but Tasha had proven herself one hell of a tough opponent. Their mutual fucking had really messed with the Blonde?s head, she still couldn?t come to terms with loosing to this bitch in a fuck fight, and for a second time in a row!

    Tasha was still on all fours now and she felt steady enough to try and get to her feet, all the while Erika was getting a good view of the Spanish girl?s amazing posterior, but now she was ready to dish out some payback, and in a very bad way. But more than dishing out pain Erika wanted redemption, but that would have to wait, pain was to be served up first. She then raised up her hands and clenched both fists together holding the position for a few seconds while eyeing her opponent?s most vulnerable spot, right between her quivering shoulder blades. Actually she knew the most vulnerable spot would be to strike between Tasha?s legs, but Erika felt above such a degrading tactic, even though she was sure the classless Spanish girl would probably have struck there. It made Erika?s innards twitch in imagined agony from such a blow, only fueling her hatred even more at the thought of anyone abusing her most sacred of womanly places. When her rage was at it?s peak??she unloaded?..and let the hammer fall.

    Tasha bellowed a cry of agony as the air left her body and pain entered, she knew what had happened, but coping with it was another thing totally. ?Oh God!? came the cry as her body flattened out against the floor, arms and legs sprawled outward from the force of the blow. Even before she could think about what had happened, her body was being rolled over. The pain seemed to keep coming in, her back was on fire!

    Erika pushed the dark skinned girl?s beautiful, naked body over and crawled on top of Tasha and began to grapevine her unresponsive legs. Once Erika has stretched out those Spanish inner thighs, painfully wide, Tasha began to instantly respond by squirming under her. Now her back and leg muscles were crippling her concentration. The Blonde bitch had struck, and struck well.

    There was hardly any movement now, only the flexing and bunching of muscle evidencing the effort of Erika?s punishing flexing muscles. Slowly Tasha was coming around to the predicament she was in, occasionally the odd, low moan escaped from between her clenched teeth, or a deep sigh, then nothing but the sound of their bodies squirming across the mat. The mat itself was sopping wet from the sweat cascading from their over-heated bodies and It felt sensual against their flesh, like a layer of water-soaked rubber upon which their bodies slid and slipped. The pungency of their sweat filled their nostrils.

    ?Are you enjoying this as much as I am?? Erika savagely taunted, and flexed her strong legs making Tasha cry out in sharp, short bursts.

    Their nude bodies entangled, woman-to-woman with nothing between them. For Erika it was a thrilling sensation, she was savoring every second, but for Tasha her victory only minutes ago now seemed long forgotten. A careless assumption on her part and she was once again on the verge of being beaten and submitted. But Tasha had not yet panicked as she lay imprisoned beneath Erika's flexing body. Erika hunched up a little, letting the grapevine hold slip a little as she sought to change positions. In doing so, her large, firm breasts pressed closer to Tasha's face, Tasha could feel the sweat oozing off Erika's cleavage, it was then Tasha moved her head and began tilt her head down while letting Erika move up. The Blonde had a plan, but so did Tasha. Finally after being able to move no more than a fraction of an inch at a time she had reached her destination, one of Erika's engorged, erect nipples was in just the proper position. Tasha's lips grazed over the nipple, she slowed the turning of her head so her full lips pressed and rubbed the aroused nub.

    Erika?s body betrayed her yet again and she let out a moan; her big, strong body went completely rigid. It was in that instant Tasha sucked the nipple totally into her mouth and chewed down on it, hard enough to elicit pain, but in just the right way to also generate a great deal of pleasure. Erika squealed and bucked as her vulnerable, sensitive nub was now totally at the mercy of her enemy. ?You piece of trash!? the Blonde beauty grunted, ?If you hurt my tits?.?

    The instant Tasha felt Erika?s body thrash and try to pull back, that?s when the Spanish girl bridged up with all her might, rolling Erika off of her.

    Quickly Tasha followed her and now it was Erika who found herself on the bottom as Tasha tried to gain the dominant mount position. Even with her head still ringing badly, Tasha poured on every bit of strength she could muster trying to pin the bucking Blonde to the mat, hoping the sexual arousal was taking the fight out of the Blonde, just enough for her to capitalize on it. But the up-kick to her head still had Tasha chasing out cobwebs and wasn?t sure if she was firing on all cylinders just yet.

    ?If I hurt your tits? Honey, you won?t be able to recognize those pathetic bags when I?m done with them!?

    Erika quickly set her heels against the yielding surface of the mat, leaned back on her shoulders, lifted her butt, bridged straight up into the air and began to dislodge her rider. The very split-second that Erika bridged Tasha instantly slid her legs around and under Erika's raised hips, her ankles locking against the woman's firm buttocks, her long Spanish thighs scissored tightly around Erika's sexy body.

    Their eyes were wide and staring each struggled desperately to retain control of the fight. The heat and humidity of the room was also now in full effect, sweat pouring off their bodies, making flesh feel somewhat rubbery; warm and hard, yet yielding and soft all at the same time. Erika decided she needed to change tactics, but she wanted to uncoil from this Spanish bitch and regroup her thoughts.

    She bridged again desperately, the sweat helped her slip free and Erika quickly rolled away to her knees, arms out, ready for the attack to come. Her broad thrusting breasts heaving as she sucked in air. She wanted to rub her sore nipple but felt it would a sign of weakness, giving Tasha pleasure in knowing the attack had worked.

    Tasha rolled over to her own knees and met Erika?s waiting stare. She could see the look of concern on the Blonde?s face, the match wasn?t over yet. The expression on the Spanish girl?s face enraged the Blonde, her blood boiled and it was that little bit of extra edge she needed to quiet down her sexual urges. Silently they had gotten to their feet and started to circle again. The two women stalked one another, looking for just the right opening that would give one or the other an advantage.

    ?Come on bitch!? Tasha taunted, ?Not so cocky now. You can?t put me down bitch, and you can?t keep me down! Your the one that?s no match for me!?

    Erika was enraged, she was tired of battling this bitch back-and-forth, and worse began doubting her own abilities, but threw caution aside and leapt forward, one could hear their sweaty bodies coming together with a resounding *splat* of wet flesh. Tasha stumbled back several steps from the power of Erika?s frontal assault, but kept her balance as they locked together. The two women spun and twisted, each trying to off-balance the other. The atmosphere was suddenly filled with a renewed sexual tension as the two females fought one another, Tasha?s breathing was coming faster and heavier as she poured everything she had into what felt like the climax of the fight.

    Both women felt another impact, in their breasts, and both had longed to test their breasts against the other. The verbal taunts and proud sexy displays in public drove the anticipation of some kind of breast fight to epic levels, but the questions of ?when? and ?how? always seemed an awkward obstacle. With the front of their slick bodies crushed against one another, the answer had always been there, ready and waiting for one of them to finally focus the fight on their proud female attributes.

    Suffering a sexual humiliation just minutes ago pushed Erika to try and up the stakes, as if things could get any more desperate. Rearing back just a bit, Erika quickly leaned forward and jammed her chest into Tasha?s perfect Spanish breasts, the smaller Spanish woman gasped with pain and shock. But recognized the action immediately!

    Both young girls reared back at the same time and crushed their breasts against the other, their sweaty, slimy breasts smeared and ground against one another, often with great difficulty. Occasionally, one or the other would turn her torso to the side so that a left breast would slam into its counterpart. Then a right breast would smash into a right breast. Groaning, sweating and breathing came more heavily as they continued smashing their breasts together, each, in her own way looking forward to the next step of this increasingly heated contest.

    ?That?s it bitch, you want to find out who has the better breasts, well watch as my Spanish tits crush your Italian tits!? Tasha taunted in-between gasps.

    Erika groaned, she was alarmed at how exciting their breast fright was getting, a few minutes had gone by with no clear dominant set of breasts, and it unnerved her to think she actually might lose to this little bitch!

    The Blonde quickly made the decision capitalize on Tasha?s distraction, the Spanish was all consumed with rubbing their breasts together. Erika used her legs to trip Tasha off balance and tossed the Spanish to the right, throwing the Spanish girl off balance, and their two glistening bodies tumbled down to the matt with Erika seemingly in control again. The fall caused their breasts to mash hard against one another, belly flattened against belly, loins locked, buttocks tensing and rippling. Their bodies were now steaming hot from the exertion, and sweat gleamed on their exposed legs and arms. Their two incredible bodies slid back and forth against one another causing their bellies to slurp together, powerful thighs rippling and coiling like pythons around each other's straining bodies.

    ?You coward!? Tasha moaned in pain from the fall, ?I was winning! You know your breasts can?t beat mine!?

    ?Your no match against me!? Erika taunted with pride, ?Who?s in control now? Feel how much more powerful my Italian body and muscles are!?

    ?Fuck you!? Tasha gasped and her whole face was a mask of twisted effort and pain. The blows had taken their tool on her as her energy level was dwindling. She could feel her arms and legs yielding to Erika?s powerful strength, desperately she tried to figure out a way to put the Blonde away, she had to do it now or might never get the chance. Worse yet, Tasha sensed she was getting sexually aroused by the intense feeling of their sweat drenched bodies, along with the smell and sounds of their battle.

    Erika stared down into Tasha's eyes as she lay beneath her, there was a strange look to Tasha's eyes, and her breath was coming in hot, panting gasps against Erika's face. A low moan came from between Tasha's parted lips, as she seemed to strain even more tightly against the slippery body of the woman who had her within her grappling limbs.

    Suddenly it was Erika?s turn to gasp as Tasha tilted her pelvis up and found the right angle, ?Who is scared now? You know I own your pussy every time I fuck you, again and again.? Tasha watched with satisfaction as Erika?s look of confidence wavered, followed by a pained expression, but the Blonde tilted pelvis to match Tasha?s pressure. The distraction almost worked, Tasha twisted her body and just about had her left leg free when Erika leaned forward and pressed her breasts directly against Tasha?s firm breasts, crushing them. Erika had the advantage as they struggled against one another in a slow motion tangle, but even that didn?t last long, the competitive juices within and leaking out of their aroused sexes had started to take over. Their pants and grunts increased as Tasha struggled to keep from being pinned to the wet matts, Tasha tensed and flexed her biceps, forearms and thighs trying to take control. Their pubic mound pressed directly against one another, both sets of eyes formed narrow slits and Erika felt her pussy lips spread apart as Tasha met her head on.

    Erika relaxed her legs to allow their crotches to better mate against one another, and then squirmed violently to sit up and scissor her legs with Tasha?s. For a moment they scrambled apart and sat propped up, crotch to crotch, as the two girls struggled to smother their sex lips around the other, trying to gain the upper hand as both gasped hotly.

    Tasha grunted and undulated in ecstasy as the two powerful women worked their sex muscles against one another for a second battle that night, their pussy?s freely leaking as their muscles shuddered and convulsed. Erika fought desperately to keep her hard clit from being rubbed at just the right angle and rhythm, but Tasha could tell that the frantic look on Erika?s face, her knotted eyebrow and quick pants told her she was getting desperate and was becoming shaken by the whole experience.

    ?Oh my pussy.? Erika moaned as she felt her clit rubbed at just the right spot and pressure. Tasha wasted no time and began stroking and rubbing slowly and gently.

    ?Feel that, my pussy controlling yours, taking you at will.? Tasha sat up and leaned forward, trying to get closer to Erika?s open panting mouth.

    Erika?s legs spread further apart, her muscular calves and thighs shifting and wetly slapping against the matts as her back would arch, trying something, anything to find a position that would give her control. But she was beginning to panic when her body released a couple of spastic jerks that she had been unable to contain, a sure warning sign Tasha was driving her closer to orgasm again.
    ?That?s it bitch, fight it.? Tasha moaned, her heart raced as she watched and felt the Blonde thrash and fight. ?Your not woman enough for me!?

    ?You bitch!? Erika arched and curved her body to the point that every muscle stretched and contorted.

    To Tasha?s surprise Erika suddenly, and quickly, retracted her limbs and coiled them about Tasha?s body, pulling her in a tight hug, forcing both of them to sit up while their pelvises strived for constant contact. The Spanish woman suddenly seemed to struggle and gasp in total pleasure at Erika taking the initiative, it was unexpected, closing the distance was a clever move. Feverishly Erika had twisted her body and forced the Spanish girl over onto her back, but instead of following her down the Italian-Blonde sat up and applied more pressure down on her enemy?s cunt, now it was Tasha?s turn to kick and squirm under Erika?s upright body as a pair of Spanish, strong legs flopped desperately against Italian, muscular inner thighs. Their struggling bodies echoed off the surfaces and out into the empty yoga room, moans, pants and cries becoming louder in each passing second. Suddenly Erika writhed her torso slightly, her chest arched out, proud breast sitting up firm and high. The psychological effect of the top position bolstered her confidence while she had also opened herself up to pleasure of the fight, finding the right strokes that would control her orgasm, while driving the Spanish Woman to an explosive one.

    It was working, Tasha began to whimper and tears streaked from her eyes in shock, ?You?you bitch! You got me!? Her pussy felt smothered as she lay under the grinding of the woman towering over her, desperately she angled her hips to hump back in the last seconds of their explosive battle. But it was too late, Tasha was hovering within seconds of the biggest orgasm of her life and it was humbling to know she couldn?t stop it, or worse, she didn?t want to stop it! She looked up, her eyes pleading and desperate. Her hands reached up and clawed at the undulating muscles of Erika?s torso, she badly wanted to grab and crush those large breasts that hung over her, taunting her, but her efforts were thwarted by the Blonde who was keenly aware of where those Spanish claws were aiming for.

    Erika only intensified her attack, her look of supremacy and control was humbling, and humiliating. This is not what Tasha had prayed for and so desperately wanted, she was suppose to be the one on top right now! To finally defeat Erika in a last epic struggle, body to body, and sex to sex, breast to breast. But now she was the one getting fucked into submission! ?I don?t believe it!? Tasha cried out, ?This can?t be!?

    Then it happened, the room carried the reverberating cry of a girl being brought to orgasm against her will as her screams mixed with tears and cries of defeat. The muscles of Erika?s sex began to pulsate wildly and pump the orgasm from Tasha?s cunt, her cum flowing like a river. Like a blinding flash the orgasm continued to break and sweep over her in waves as Tasha?s body trembled and writhed. But Erika kept going, riding faster, her ass flexing and humping as her slit stroked and massaged Tasha?s pussy. The Blonde had found her rhythm and knew how to control the pace and tempo of a sexfight with this tough Spanish bitch below her.

    ?That?s it bitch, cum, I?m fucking making you cum, I got you!? She cried out with joy.

    Tasha continued to shudder and cry as her clit was massaged, the cries turned to sobs as her body began it?s decent from the repetitive climaxes. Immediately Erika resumed her attack and stroked Tasha?s over heated sex again and again, brutally forcing another violent series of orgasms that didn't seem to stop, as if proving she was really in control. She then unleashed a series of her own brutal slaps against Tasha?s ass cheeks and thighs.

    ?Oh please stop! God please! My clit can?t take it anymore! Stop fucking me!!? Tasha cried out again, her mind stunned with the image and sensations coursing all thru her body, that the fucking Blonde bitch had fucked her pussy into submission.
    Erika didn?t know what had come over her, she felt possessed, angry and determined to fuck the fight out Tasha?s pussy. But maybe that was the point of all of this anyway, so no surprise really.

    Pinned under Erika's sweat soaked, thrusting body, for what seemed an eternity, Tasha felt imprisoned there, controlled completely. The once strong, Spanish haired woman was reduced to a wasted quivering heap, utterly defeated.

    ?You beat me, please stop! Oh God stop!?

    Erika let out a heaving sigh as she reached another climax, this one was so intense her whole body went rigid, her neck muscles throbbed, her ass clenched tighter then ever. Quickly her right hand reached down between their suctioned pussies, making sure Tasha?s lower lips were spread as wide as possible. Erika felt her juices flowing, she wanted to make sure Tasha was feeling those same juices run into her pussy. ?I?m cumming inside you bitch.? Erika swooned, her eyes were closed and an almost peaceful look of passed over her face. It was victory, dominance, and joy that she felt.

    ?Stop! You whipped my pussy! Your pussy is the stronger one!? Tasha began to plead, but Erika just leaned down and in a display of lusty, sexuality that shocked both women, the Blonde?s tongue licked Tasha?s quivering full lips. Each time Tasha thought her climax was over, Erika gave her just one hard stroke, causing Tasha to arch her back and shudder in a faint eruption.

    ?Now tell me again how I am the better woman between us.? Erika leaned down as she clinched her inner thigh muscles in a threatening manner. Erika wasn?t sure who she was anymore at the moment, but it sent a thrilling charge thru her body, forcing Tasha to cum repeatedly against her will the final victory would be her admitting defeat.

    ?You beat me, enough already! Your too much woman for me.? Tasha sobbed, her eyes closed as tears streaked out from under. There was only so much she could take and it was devastating to realize that she could take no more. Her Spanish-pride could only carry her so far, her body wasn?t responding to her will. When Erika let go of her wrists, her arms simply lay there unmoving.

    ?Tell me more, how I am sexier, stronger, and better! Now tell me!? Erika leaned in. Tasha kept her eyes closed, her mind was finally beginning to clear as she could feel Erika?s hot breath close, very close.

    Tasha looked up pleading, her voice quivering, but in a defiant tone she spoke, ?Fuck you! Your not the better woman, maybe once tonight, but I fucked you one good time too!?

    ?Maybe your right about that,? Erika quipped. Tasha hand?t expected that concession from the Blonde.

    But Erika was already moving on, quickly standing up and grabbing Tasha by the legs, flipping her over onto her stomach, ?But your still going to beg me for mercy before I?m done with you, this should be fun!?

    Tasha let go of a horrendous groan ?Oh no! Oh shit! What are you going to do!?? she cried face first into the matt as her legs were bowed to the point of excruciating pain.

    Erika had the girl?s calf muscles hooked, her shins tucked under her armpits, and was forcing the Spanish girl into a horrible boston-crab hold. Leaning back and clasping her hands together, ?You were saying bitch?? Erika growled and steadied her stance, careful of the slippery matts below her bare feet. Erika had never performed such a move before, not even attempted one, and thus had no idea if it would be effective or not, but from a quick glance in the mirror it was a humiliating move to be caught in. And it definitely sounded painful from the Spanish girl?s screams.

    ?You fuck! You bitch! I will kill you for this!? Tasha?s eyes then slammed shut with agony and finally admitted ?God this is killing me! Your killing me!?. Even from her low angle, she could see Erika?s towering figure, bending back with malicious intent. Tasha couldn?t make the connection, ?Are those my strong Spanish legs locked under the Blonde?s arms?!? It didn?t seem possible. And she felt so helpless and pathetic. But the pain raging in her twisted body quickly removed all disconnection.

    Erika arched her back a little more, and bowed Tasha?s body past a perfect ?U? shape, probably past the point that most anyone could physically endure. And it proved more than the Spanish skinned girl could take more abuse as well.

    ?Stop! I give! ! Please let go! You are killing me! I am begging you!? Tasha slapped at the matt and cried out her pleas of surrender, sobbing uncontrollably now.

    ?Your the better woman! Please, I can?t take the pain! My back! Please let go! Your going to break my back! Fuck almighty your going to break me in two pieces!? Tasha then began to really cry and slapped the mat with her palms frantically. ?Oh please, please, let me go I am begging you! Your killing me!? she sobbed.

    Erika held the hold a few more seconds just to be mean, and drive home the point of her victory. Twisting and turning her shoulders eliciting new and brutal cries of agony from the Spanish woman. When she did finally let go Tasha?s legs instantly snapped back to the ground with a loud, wet ?splat? of flesh.

    But that wasn?t the end of it, Tasha cried out as her hair was savagely pulled and a knee was plowed into the small of her back. Next came the the voice of the woman she loathed with all of her being, ?The only reason I don?t keep punishing this sorry excuse of a body is because of where we are. Somewhere more private and you would be screaming in pain for another hour. Screaming louder then you could ever imagine.?

    It took Tasha all of her willpower to not cry out or curse threats back at her hated Blonde rival, she even bit her inner cheek to muffle her voice.

    ?The next time I see you, if there is a next time, I want my panties back so sure to bring them!? Erika said as she snapped the girl?s head down, slamming Tasha?s forehead against the floor before standing up and walking off.

    Tasha tried to immediately sit-up but failed, and failed miserably, she almost shrieked in agony. She did manage to roll over while taking several deep gasps of air while clutching her midsection. Her eyes followed the amazing caucasian, who truly looked every bit of an Italian warrior Amazon as she strode away, a thick mane of Blonde hair, her perfect ass and wide strong shoulders, glistening with sweat and firm muscles.

    Erika felt the victory, deep in her vagina; every trickle of sweat was alive, she not only was covered in her own sweat, but Tasha's as well. As she got dressed she eyed the ebony girl struggling to sit up, rubbing her thighs and arms while still looking very shaken. Small sobs shaking her shoulders.

    Tasha waited for Erika to leave and then wanted to cry all over again as she slowly crawled over her gym bag. She felt like she had given everything she had in that match, it was emotionally overwhelming, it always was. Somehow that Italian bitch had finally bested her pussy-to-pussy. Her fist feebly punched the mat in frustration as she began to weep. She hated to admit it, but that hold the Italian girl had really hurt her physically and sexually. Her back never felt so ravaged and her pussy ached.

    Tasha knew if she ever got a chance to take Erika down, she had better hurt the girl in ways she never imagined. ?If I ever get the chance again. That cunt will taste pain like she has never before.?


    Erika had finally tasted a moment of sexual dominance over the Spanish rival, fucking her pussy into submission and that was enough for now. Where would all of this lead to? She had never met another women she so hated and wanted to beat. All of her senses of better-behavior were now being cast aside in pursuit of battling this girl?.how ever long it took?.however brutal the fighting became??and that part scared her the most.

    The breast fight they had started, but never got to finish, unnerved Erika. She had never doubted how magnificent her breasts were, but now, after several minutes of all out grinding against that Spanish bitch, she wasn?t so sure.

    For both women the fighting had evolved into more then just one-upping the other, tasting of victory, or dishing out humiliation, yes that was part of it. But it was as if there as an age old battle taking place between them. As if they were proving which of their racial linages would eventually reign supreme over the other. And they each took pride in that aspect.



    You want it You got it - Part 22


    ?It?s beneath me to even write to you. But I consider matters settled between us. However, you still have two things of mine I expect to be returned; My Italian bikini and underwear. Meet me at the Coffee Shop tomorrow night, 8:00 PM so I can finally put you and these disgusting events behind me.?

    ?Shit!? Tasha slumped back in her chair after reading the email. She was expecting and hoping for a challenge, something, anything and then she had a sense of relief. Yes she wanted to redeem herself, but she was also emotionally exhausted. The back and forth battle with the Blonde had taken a toll on her psychologically, emotionally, and physically. She wasn?t expecting their conflict to go on as long as it has. It seemed that no matter what she did or said, that Blonde cunt would never change, would never see her as an equal.

    ?But is that what I really want?? Tasha wondered, to be Erika?s equal? ?Or to see the girl beaten and groveling for mercy??

    Both seemed ideal, but the latter was starting to be the most appealing. But did she have the mental and physical fortitude to keep ?taking it to? this Italian girl? A girl who seemed to have a never ending supply of arrogance. And to be honest with herself Tasha didn?t know if she could stomach another defeat.

    After almost an hour of being on the verge of simply caving in and giving up, a sinister smirk began to form over Tasha?s lips. She knew she was the superior woman, she just had to prove it again. Erika?s height and fitness advantage only meant one thing to the Spanish beauty now, ?The harder she will fall and I?m going to to be the one that cuts that bitch down to size.? Leaning forward her perfectly manicured fingernails tapped out her curt response, agreeing to the meeting. As the keys clicked her spirit felt a renewed surge, a warrior spirit she knew she had deep inside and that she had to trust, that had led her to victory in the past. She knew the Italian, Blonde had the same desires, but Tasha trusted that she was; Physically, mentally, sexually, and racially the superior woman between them.

    She could, and would, prove it.


    Erika felt like her old self. Supreme and confident in her position. Tasha was a total desperate bitch now, the Blonde felt like she knew how to handle and dominate her Spanish nemesis physically and sexually, and she had done both in their last meeting.

    ?It?s about time!? Erika snapped when Tasha got within earshot, ?It?s 8:05!? and glared, but begrudgingly gave the Spanish girl a private acknowledgment. Erika?s rival was a strikingly beautiful woman. The low cut of her dark purple dress revealed her amazing dark breasts, as the high cut of the hemline showed off the girl?s powerful, toned legs.

    Tasha was equally stunned by the radiant, powerful Blonde. Even sitting, Erika had a powerful, strong build, she was after all almost a full two inches taller than Tasha. In such comfortable surroundings it sometimes became difficult to imagine they had fought in some bloody, brutal fights, and naked.

    ?Is that them? Hand it over!? Erika snapped and stuck out her left hand as Tasha reached into her purse.

    ?That?s them.? Tasha glared hatefully and pulled out a small Italian plastic bag, semi tossing at the girl.

    Erika made a casual glance into the bags contents, but quickly did a double-take. ?What the fuck is this? A stupid joke!? Erika seethed thru her teeth and leaned forward looking up from the contents of the bag.

    ?You didn?t say in what condition you wanted them back.? Tasha cocked an eyebrow and leaned forward with a smile of satisfaction.

    Erika looked back down into the bag and studied the remnants of her property. It was obvious that Tasha had cut both her panties and bikini into very, very small pieces. Erika began smashing the bag into a tight wad, her clenched fists wishing it was Tasha?s throat and not some inanimate object.

    ?You bitch!?

    In a very calm manner, served with a side-of-smile, Tasha leaned forward and spoke ?And you still owe me several pairs of underwear and bras you took from my house that night, remember??

    ?And you think this little stunt is going to help get those things back?? Erika felt the blood flow into her cheeks and her chest heave with anger. Tasha?s unusually calm demeanor only pissed her off more.

    ?I don?t give a shit. Just give them back to me.? Tasha stared right back into the Blonde?s steady, hateful gaze.

    ?You haven?t earned them back, and wipe that smile off your face before I smack it off!?

    ?Oh I think I have earned them back, but if you need more convincing, then name the time and place. Then you can try and smack me all you want.? The Spanish beauty fought to restrain her enthusiasm at the prospects of another fight, and the way she seemed to be getting under the Blonde?s skin.

    ?Maybe I will, or maybe I won?t.? Erika smirked and leaned back in her chair remembering she still had control. Or at least felt like she was in control. ?Maybe I won?t give you another thought at all, let alone another email exchange.? Erika huffed indigently in the most casual manner possible while flipping her hand casually in Tasha?s direction like she was beneath her.

    ?And maybe your just afraid you are only one more fight away from having your ass handed to you, the same way my Spanish breasts were proving they were so much stronger and sexier than yours, before you backed off!? Tasha snapped before suddenly standing up and storming off from the table. She had played out her patience and could not keep the cool front up a second longer, she couldn?t stomach the presence of that arrogant Blonde cunt. She never looked back, but wagered she was being watched, not just by everyone in the shop, but by the Blonde as well.

    Had she glanced back for a second, she would have been right. Erika?s eyes drilled into the back of Tasha as the girl walked away from her. In some odd way she coveted the intimate hostility between them, it made her most inner privates moist with pleasure to think about fighting that Spanish girl?s hot body. Testing herself. She felt it now more so behind the lining of her bra, her heart pumping, her breasts felt full and nipples hard in response to Tasha?s challenge.

    Erika shook her head, tried to clear her thoughts and shifted about on her chair in a most uncomfortable manner. Visions of the two of them, in their professional but sexy attire, lunging for each other across this very table was an image that seemed to play out in the Blonde?s mind. She glanced around and wondered, if nobody was here, would they? Could they? The whole scenario caused Erika to squirm more and she was getting warm although the temperature in the place had not changed.

    They had gotten under each others skin, yet again, as always. Needling one another into a conflict.

    Tasha was beside herself with frustration by the time she got behind the steering wheel of her car, she tugged at her short dress and knew she was aroused, almost to the point of wanting to plunge her fingers into her dripping cunt and finger herself to an orgasm. But she felt weak at the same time.


    Winter Dreams - Part 23


    The weather had turned cold outside and it seemed an ideal opportunity to take a break from what had turned into a lusting obsession, for both women. All they seemed to crave was fighting one another, and beating one another into a humiliating submission. Both knew the other would fully utilize the time apart as recovery, both physically and emotionally.

    Neither woman, however, realized or appreciated just how much the other was giving serious reflection on the source of their tempestuous relationship. Each dismissed her nemesis as having nothing but a ?basic? or ?natural? hatred for the other, not totally perhaps, but close enough. There did exist a small sliver of what-ifs, of exploring other challenges to fulfill the primitive demand to fight and dominate the other. Up until now any coordinated efforts were almost always violent in nature. Any sexual contact between them had been pure chance; An opportune place and time, and they went for it, but such contests exposed deeper sexual and psychological emotions which could be perceived as weaknesses, and that is the one thing both women never wanted to appear, as being ?weak?.

    No matter. Tasha had no intention of fighting Erika again, at least not for awhile. Like most obsessions, it was taking a toll on their personal lives, and work. Tasha had suffered too many humiliating losses to the Blonde and was at a low point in her confidence, the lowest she could ever recall.

    Unfortunately it was only getting worse. The attitude and words were starting to flow from the Blonde again. It didn?t start happening as soon as Tasha anticipated, but it did start to happen, slowly at first.


    Erika felt proud in her dress, her body looked devastating. She ran her hands down her hips and liked how it was very form fitting. Most enjoyable of all, she had seen Tasha at least twice since their last fight and the girl simply wilted before her, evading her stare and avoiding any direct contact. Two months had gone by, rather fast it seemed, and Erika felt only a slight longing for another fight with that Spanish woman. She was no longer ashamed at any part of it, she enjoyed fighting Tasha, especially the winning part of it.


    The party was packed and Erika was enjoying the spotlight, she and Bryan had started circulating news of their their engagement and even set a wedding date. Everything in her life was moving ahead perfectly. Even the sight of Tasha at the party didn?t seem to affect her in the slightest. Darryl was with Tasha, they had become very serious and everyone was expecting them to announce an engagement as well.

    In private and in public, Erika enjoyed needling Tasha every chance she got. Giving her cutting looks and comments that brought back humiliating memories of their last fight.

    Tasha was on the verge of snapping. She knew it, Erika knew it, and that seemed to be the point of the belittling degrading remarks from the Blonde.

    ?You should have known from the beginning a Italian woman will always beat a Spanish woman, and I proved it. We are the two best female specimens around, and I proved superior to you in every way.? Erika would boldly taunt her when cornered. Tasha looked ready to squirt tears after every such encounter. Or at least that was how Erika was reading things.

    Tasha kept taking it, burying it inside her until slowly she could feel the repressed feelings boiling back up. She waited and kept trying to find ways to channel the hatred and burning desire to rip that Italian Amazon apart and make her suffer like she never suffered before.


    William closed his eyes. There begins the night of lovemaking that he still has dreams about. He dreamed about exploding inside of each of them, falling asleep only to be awakened by the two women kissing and making love. Regaining his energy and fucking them again. The cries of their orgasms sounding like a symphony in his ears. They would fight one another, over him of course, and then he got to fuck both of them again, and again.

    It was a nice fantasy, one he often repeated.

    Outside of that, there was nothing. No fights. Very little contact. Was it over?

    William fell back into a routine of work, socializing, dating, and doing whatever to take his mind off Tasha and Erika. The detectives had reported that all contact was practically severed between the two women. Some intercepted emails, but no mention of any upcoming fight.

    ?Then it could all be over.? He considered.

    It was almost March now, spring and warmer weather was fast approaching. It almost seemed a dream now.

    He began to consider extreme options to see his desires fulfilled. ?If they fought each other out of sheer dislike, would they do it for money??

    Of course he had to consider that to even make such an offer it would have to be something benign, like a basic wrestling match, clothed of course. He could explain that seeing how they were two most athletic woman around he would love to see them wrestle and pay them a large sum of money. ?That just might work!? He smiled to himself. However, the painful reality of making such an offer also meant they could rebuff his proposal, making him feel like a freak with some weird fetish. Oddly he didn?t get too skittish at that thought, if either woman became too hostile toward him he could always pull out his knowledge of their most intimate fights.

    ?That could be even worse!? he considered, trying blackmail might really piss them off and they could tear into him! There was some excitement at that possibility, getting beat up by two of his dream women, but the idea of getting too severely beaten up, by two very tough women, was beginning to make everything look poorly again.

    He stood up and went to the wet bar to pour himself another drink. After his third drink he become more motivated to make the proposal, yes the alcohol was making him brave, but ?fuck it? he thought. ?I got money to burn and I want to see those two women fight!?

    The reality of a hangover taught him that some things are better left alone. Plans that were concocted the night before under the influence of booze now seemed bizarre and idiotic in the light of day. He just had to be patient, at least he hoped that is all it required.


    Tasha learned lots of different wrestling techniques. A lot of the classic holds, falls, and maneuvers, plus some of the ones she had thought up herself. She trained with weights, specially for wrestling. There were certain leg muscles that had to be strengthened in order to choke a person with her thighs. Likewise with the arms, tremendous pressure had to be applied to the neck or ribcage in a matter of seconds. Tasha?s speed improved by running special drill patterns. Flexibility, for enduring leg twists and arm pulls, was achieved through Yoga.

    She absorbed the techniques quickly. It didn?t matter if she ever fought the Blonde again, she would be ready. And besides, she needed an outlet, it was healthy to stay focused.

    Tasha sat, enjoying a moment?s solitude in the Locker Room. Her body was tapped-out from a hard exercise routine just minutes earlier, but her mind kept going. She wondered if any fight between them could begin and end without the necessity of violence. ?Is that all this is about??

    She remembered the night they had made each other cum while standing next to the pool table, ?Now that makes my skin crawl with pure excitement!? While she couldn?t deny the pleasure of physically beating the Blonde senseless, the intimate intensity of comparing their bodies was making her so horny she could barely stand it.

    The Spanish beauty knew she just couldn?t walk up and demand some ?erotic only? duel with the Blonde.

    ?Or could I??

    ?Not without enduring a lengthy, condescending rebuke from that haughty Italian Bitch!? she spat out loud to no one in particular. Quickly she looked around to make sure she was still alone. ?Talking out loud to myself is not good. Well, not good where this topic is concerned.? and shook her head with dismay.


    Erika was not sitting idle, the girl spent serious time training and exercising. It always made the Blonde very ?wet? thinking about struggling against her rival. The significant time since their last fight made her fantasize all the more, something that surprised her. By now, months gone by, the lack of interaction should have dulled her desires.

    The next match, should their be one, would be another epic defeat for that Spanish Bitch.? A smug smile formed her lips as she posed in front of the long row of mirrors. Her black compression shorts and tight, gray tank top, showed off her amazing body, every muscle was like a cord of tight rope as she twisted and turned her body, admiring the view. She wasn?t the only one, several men had made repeated detours thru the weight room to give admiring glances.

    What the men could not see however, were the mental images Erika was having as she flexed in the mirror. It wasn?t some man enjoying those muscles, not at all, it was that Spanish Bitch, held tight, suffering within the coils of her strong arms and legs, begging for freedom.

    Erika had really worked herself up into a sexual frenzy by now, imagining Tasha struggling against her, and the one?s that aroused her the most were when that tough, little Spanish girl had given her a good fight. The losses she didn?t like, but even those made Erika extremely aroused!

    Her wandering mind had not relinquished a single obsessive thought about the Spanish skinned beauty. The Blonde would become particularly annoyed remembering the way Tasha would compare their female attributes, constantly suggesting that regardless of any fight outcome, she could out fuck Erika. But Erika couldn?t dismiss such brash claims either, that encounter at the party when they screwed each other?s brains out made Erika cringe. She had lost, and admitted so openly. Erika found herself cupping her breasts, not gently, but firmly, she was now fuming! Tasha seemed to obsess over proving every she was better no matter what, maybe Erika was just as obsessed now, she knew her body was stronger, sexier, and for damn sure her breasts were better. Their last fight had a moment where they really challenged their breasts for the first time, and It seemed to end in a equal stand off! Actually Erika had ended that particular part of the fight in order to catch Tasha off guard by another move. But the Spanish woman made every attempt to insinuate that she was winning and her breasts would have crushed Erika?s had they continued.

    ?Stupid! Ridiculous! That Bitch!? Erika frowned and dropped her hands to her side. Quickly she stepped into the waiting hot shower, trying to rid her mind from a sour turn of thoughts, and the bizarre fascination with shutting Tasha?s mouth by proving she could humiliate that little Spanish bitch, no matter what the challenge.

    Perverted? Maybe. Her snobby side considered.
    Would satisfaction be served? Definitely! Her other side seemed to almost demand it. ?That other side.? she thought. ?Satisfaction in dominating and Spanish girl aroused me like nothing has ever before.?

    The flow of warm, soapy water felt good. But she began to periodically turn the knob to a colder temperature in an attempt to purge her body from the physical affects that her desires had triggered.

    After a good shower, shaving her body, putting on moisturizer, she padded the towel lightly over her body. Admiring how amazing she looked in the mirror. She even stunned herself. Everything that happened over the past several months seemed to evaporate as if in a dream, ?There is no fucking way that bitch can handle me.?

    Admiring herself in the mirror a few seconds longer, she conceded, that if a moment in time ever placed them together, then she would ?shut down? that little Spanish bitch once and for all, ?There is no way she can compete with this body!? as Erika arrogantly admired her strong, tall frame, perfect beasts and clean shaven pussy. She twisted to the side and her round buns of steel flexed, the cords of muscle ran all along her thighs in perfect proportion.

    ?It?s only a matter of time now.? She smirk looking into the mirror.


    ?Fuck Erika, Sharon, and all of those snotty bitches, and fuck going that party.?

    Tasha was done with all those social cliques. She had avoided all of that for such a long time that she could not stomach the thought of even attending, even if she wanted to, and she did not want to!

    ?I heard Erika tried to get you uninvited.? A close friend of Tasha?s conveyed. A rumor? But probably truth.
    Amongst women such small tidbits of gossip can create massive consequences. But that is the intention.

    Tasha thoughts quickly turned from ?Fuck Erika!? to ?Fuck with Erika!?

    Besides, the rumor was probably true, that Blonde would keep needling Tasha until she packed her bags and left town. She knew it, and felt it in her soul.

    Going to the party wasn?t just an item on her agenda now, it became a strategic counter punch, long overdue.
    ?Simplicity is sometimes the best approach.? The Spanish woman thought with a smile as she admired herself in the mirror. She had slicked back her long straight hair, highlighted her strong cheek bones and jaw line, and had pulled on a tight, white, bra top which showed off her glorious breasts and taught abs. The skin moisturizer she applied right after the shower gave her her whole body a glowing radiance. Her short leather skirt sat very low on her hips exposing a small portion skin.

    Her boyfriend Darryl tried to have sex with her immediately when he arrived to pick her up. ?Later.? She promised. Her mind and body were focused on another priority at the moment, although she had never seen her Spanish stud so fired up before, ?If me and the outfit are driving him nuts, hopefully it achieves the same affect where that Italian bitch is concerned.? To what end she had no idea, at this point she just wanted to make a statement and see where things went from there. Before tonight fighting the big, tough Blonde intimidated her, she had cowed before the Blonde since their last fight, but now, feeling the way she did, she wasn?t expecting a fight, but some kind of confrontation seemed imminent.

    For the first time, in a long time, Tasha was once again looking forward to ?picking a fight? with that Italian cunt.


    The response was immediate and very satisfying for Tasha.

    Erika?s jaw dropped when Tasha walked into the room, the girl tried to hide it, but failed. The Blonde?s cheeks were now red with envious jealousy and rage. Not only had her rival showed up ?on time? to the party, but had worn a stunning outfit, no strike that, the Spanish?s devastating body was emphasized to the point of ridiculous in the very revealing attire.

    By comparison, the Blonde had worn a more conservative padded bra top that was a more loose fit. Her skirt was also a wrap-around that was not very form fitting. She still look sexy as hell.

    The looks of admiration came from all in the room, even Bryan, Erika?s boyfriend found himself momentarily mesmerized by the sight of Tasha, the Spanish Goddess oozed pure sex when walking into the house.

    Tasha gave her nemesis several quick looks, but nothing cutting or demeaning, she was playing it very cool. She could tell Erika was probably on her second glass of wine and looking extremely annoyed. Tasha couldn?t help but let a faint smile slip.

    Erika was now waiting on her third glass of wine as she impatiently eyed the bartender. Tasha was wrong about Erika being annoyed, the girl was enraged. The white wine looked delicious but the left corner of her vision interrupted her first sip, more irritation! She immediately went on the offensive?..

    ?Ha, you would show up looking like some tramp.? Erika chuckled as she turned to the approaching Tasha. She couldn?t give a shit if the bartender had heard the comment. ?That top looks practically painted on it?s so tight, you working the usual street corners after the party??

    Tasha watched the Blonde, her arch-rival and most hated enemy in the world take a long sip of the wine. Tasha pointed to the same bottle of Le Crema Chardonnay and nodded when the bartender asked if she would like a glass. She felt surprisingly relaxed, no anger rising up, some irritation yes, but she felt on sold ground and unaffected by the Blonde?s hostile attitude and words.

    Erika lightly licked her lips, she did so slowly, and with a faint smile. Even after both had sipped from their respective wine glasses, Tasha had offered no response.

    ?You sound nervous,? Tasha then spoke in a soft tone, but the words seemed to flow in earnest. ?And you look scared.?

    Before Erika could start processing a response, the Spanish was already leaving and had the audacity to brush the Blonde?s left shoulder as she passed. Bare shoulders touched, setting off a spark of familiar emotions. There was also the physical aspects, subtle perfumes and scents, and how long it had been since the two women had made actual physical contact.

    ?Don?t start with your crazy talk so soon.? Erika?s voice carried ahead as she followed Tasha down the hall.

    Tasha abruptly spun around and the front of their bodies crashed into one another. Only Erika gasped, she wasn?t prepared for that, but they both blushed, and then both moved back just a bit. ?I?m going back to my boyfriend, are you going to follow me all over the house, running that big mouth of yours??

    Erika let out an amused huff, postured a little and flicked her right hand past Tasha?s head, ?Run along then, I?m done with you for now.?

    No response, none verbal anyway, Tasha turned and headed back to Darryl, suffering in silence. She knew exactly what Erika meant by ??.for now?. The Blonde would keep picking away at her until Tasha snapped, probably violently, ?That?s what that condescending bitch wants?. Her fingernails played with the delicate stem of her wine glass as she eyed Erika from a distance. The encounter had happened as Tasha anticipated, but somehow she felt like she had ?blown it?, Erika had chased her down, fuming, all Tasha had to do was push the Blonde?s buttons. ?I fucked it up.? The Spanish beauty chastised herself, ?I played it too cool, too aloof.?

    ?Fuck it? Tasha mouthed silently into her wine glass and started to drink more heavily. She consoled herself knowing she had out shined Erika in sexy attire and looks tonight. But as usual, that left her only wanting more. And the moment of glory was fleeting.


    Erika braced her left hand against door frame. ?That?s enough for tonight.? Five glasses of wine and little to eat, she had more than crossed her limit. Lucky she could still force herself to walk a straight line, barely.

    She did a quick touch up in the mirror and then opened the bathroom door.
    ?Who is the one doing the following now!? Erika snorted as she saw Tasha standing, waiting.

    ?You idiot, I?m waiting?..?

    ?I don?t care what you do.? Erika drunkly waved her left hand in a dismissive gesture and brushed passed Tasha, sure to give the Spanish girl a good shoulder bump. Fortunately Erika?s wine glass was almost empty, she was spinning around and not by choice. A full glass of wine would have sloshed over both women. Tasha had grabbed the Blonde?s arm that offended her, and with a firm clean jerk, was able to bring the tipsy Blonde face to face with her. Well, face to face when Erika finally tilted her head down, shocked and furious by Tasha?s move.

    But Tasha was almost as inebriated as her nemesis.

    ?Oh dear, are you are going to act tough now?? Erika smirked and jerked her arm free trying to hide her anger.

    ?If you?re still here,? Tasha pursed her lips and smiled, ?You?ll find out.? and turned quickly entering the bathroom.

    ?Oh goodie.? Erika sighed, not impressed by Tasha?s attempts to intimidate her, she looked down at her glass, ?Damn. Running on empty.? the little bit of wine left wasn?t worth the effort and she set the glass down on a nearby hall table. Apparently several other guests had disposed of their glasses on the table as well.

    Tasha quickly finished, swigged the remainder of her drink, set the glass on the back of the toilet before stepping in front of the mirror. She wasn?t sure what she was getting ready to do, she had no plan, no idea.

    But when she opened the door she had better be quick and ready to act.


    The Secret Party - Part 24


    Tasha opened the door with a shove just firm enough to jar her Blonde antagonist to attention, giving Tasha a great deal of pleasure to see Erika startled. But, as usual, the Blonde was quick to focus.

    Instead of coming out of the bathroom and blasting Erika with hostility and threats of violence, Tasha swallowed her anger and wanted to see if she could out maneuver the Blonde. And Erika indeed hesitated?..that was all Tasha needed to continue. ?So, do you want me to take it off right here? Right now?? Tasha?s fingers reached up and pinched the already dangerously thin straps that ran over her shoulders. Ever so delicately her fingernails plucked at them. She tilted her head off to the left while giving an alluring smirk, it pained her to do this, but it might be working so she went with it. Erika?s eyes seemed to reflect some flustering and confusion. The Spanish beauty accented the next words with her full lips, wetting them with a subtle swipe of her tongue ?You want me out of this party, and out of this top. Right??

    Finally, Erika collected herself and placed her hands on her hips and looked Tasha up and down with a disdainful sneer. ?I just want you gone. Do I need to outline a ten step program because you are too stupid to figure it out on your own.? What the Blonde really wanted to do was rip that top off Tasha?s body, and to then humiliate the girl in front of everyone.

    ?We both know I wear this better than you ever could.? Tasha smiled and casually placed her hands on her bare hips, right above where her skirt was riding dangerously low, and she turned her shoulders just a fraction of an inch to profile her cleavage. ?Everyone got to see that tonight. I know it, you know it, and now everyone else knows which one of is ?the better? up-top.?

    ?Fucking in your dreams you little, arrogant bitch.? Erika seethed and took a step closer toward her rival. It was the fault of the alcohol, affecting her better judgment ?thats it?, at least her subconscious was already working up excuses. But her blood was racing with excitement, anger and a little humiliation, Tasha?s words alone seemed to elicit a raw desire, but anger was still intertwined with everything.

    Tasha almost snorted with laughter when Erika accused her of being the arrogant one. Instead, she held onto her emotions and quickly cupped the underside of her beasts, taunting, ?Wrong, this is reality bitch. Right here.?

    For a couple of seconds Erika?s thoughts took a more somber turn, she turned away from the open bathroom door and from where Tasha waited, baiting her into a fight of some kind. She knew it, she was falling for it, hell she wanted it as well. She looked down the hall to where the remaining guests lingered. The party was starting to thin out and time seemed be of the essence now, she worried she was looking for excuses to get out of a confrontation with Tasha.

    ?Right here? Right now?? Erika practically whispered and tried to act indignant to the whole suggestion.

    ?No dummy, next week. You fucking step in, or you leave!? Tasha spat, now her anger was slipping out.

    The Blonde swallowed hard, she knew what this was about, and while she appeared the more nervous of the two, she knew her rival was just doing a better job of hiding it. ?You got it cunt, let?s find out Ms. Big Mouth.? Erika deftly unhooked the back of her heels, slid them aside with her feet and stepped into the small bathroom. Now Tasha?s almost four inch heels equalized things, giving her the height she needed to now look her nemesis in the eyes. And there it was, eye to eye, they closed in on one another.

    The Italian girl closed the door with her left hand and locked it, flipped on the second switch and a fan rattled to life above. Old house, old equipment. The bathroom sat nestled under a large staircase, it was at one time a small coat closet. It now made for an even smaller bathroom. Toilet to the left, sink and mirror to the right as you entered. One person could stand between the toilet and the sink just fine, but two people trying to occupy the space required uncomfortably close contact, and that fact, suited both women just fine.

    The focus was now right where it had been all night, maybe since the first time they ever met. But now they had exhausted all of the bantering, navigating around the issue. It was clear to both girls, each felt it in their breast and their nipples, clearly visible from behind the thin lining of their tight shirts. More so Tasha?s, simply due to the nature of the material she was wearing.

    Tasha arched her back and shoulders just a little and her firm, round breasts strained further against the already incredibly tight fabric while pressing against Erika?s.

    Erika was indeed nervous, and scared as she looked down and watched her creamy Italian breasts give a little ground to Tasha?s full Spanish bosom. But Tasha?s were not dominating, in fact neither were, the pressure thus far was still light and it appeared almost equal. Both women already knew the feeling well enough, their many fights were in the nude, but this was the first time either could recall letting all their senses become overwhelmed by breast-against-breast contact. It was an odd feeling, the usual desires of violence and brutality seemed to be right under the surface, but they restrained themselves enough to focus on just the erotic sensations taking place between them. The outcome would be the same, humiliation and domination. But only this time the course of getting to that outcome would be decided between their breasts, and that alone would be the determining factor.


    As if amused by the whole experience, Tasha was the first to lean away, for what reason Erika could not begin to guess, but she used the opportunity to adjust her own posture.

    ?That won?t help you one bit.? the Spanish girl spoke with a faint smile, a satisfying rush filled her body as she verbally taunted her hated


    Once again they came together, lightly touching their thinly veiled breasts, the feeling was even more electric this time. Erika initiated a move just slightly to the left, but Tasha countered by going to the right. They both let the subtle movement simply happen, the rolling of their breasts against the other had a sensuous effect and they felt the pleasure of letting their breasts seemingly explore each other. But what each woman was wondering, was how much better it would feel with no clothes between their chests.

    They moved only inches at a time and could hear the sound of fabric rubbing. The continued dragging across one another had stimulated their nipples even more. Erika was relieved to feel her breasts holding their own and sensed her confidence building back up again, she leaned in to increase the pressure. Once again, they looked down and saw four firm breasts starting to bulge upward out from their thin tops. The sound their quickening breath had both girls mesmerized as they continued................................

    Taking the initiative Erika leaned back suddenly, took a short breath, and then pushed her torso forward, the desired effect was reached as Tasha?s breasts seemed to recoil slightly and she was forced to lean back a few inches to recover.

    ?This is bullshit.? Tasha thought and held her position, instead she chose not to move in for contact. Her hands quickly reached up and pulled down on her straps, and she kept on pulling down until her beautiful Spanish breasts, in all their glory, were revealed to the Italian woman before her.

    It felt good, erotic, even a sense of empowerment to have them free. She now waited to see her foe?s next move.

    Erika hesitated not one second, and this surprised Tasha a little bit. Her Dark eyes eagerly anticipated the next few seconds as she soaked in the site of Erika?s naked breasts, she wanted to defeat this girl so badly, she could taste it. She ached to feel their chests together in the most erotic way possible.

    Erika was anxious as well to feel their bodies touching again, but without any violence, and with nothing separating their skin. Under calm, close examination, each girl was slightly taken aback to see just how close their breasts mirrored the other, although neither would admit such a thing. Their nipples were equally hard in their size.

    The moment of admiration was brief, seconds really, and without threats or taunts. The two women came together with a significant grunt, they gasped as their chests pressed together although the pressure wasn?t intense, but the breathing had became more labored as they continued.

    As much as this was an erotic fight, Erika knew she had to keep her wits about her, she moved her hands to Tasha?s hips for better control, it added an element of intimacy she wasn?t prepared for, but did not relinquish her grip. Not surprising, Tasha didn?t protest at all, in fact she mimicked her rivals action and she too was clutching at Erika?s waist.

    Erika?s nipples, harder than ever before, were always very sensitive, even more so as the friction increased. Tasha was a little surprised to feel Erika?s nipples so prominently. Both could feel the others nipple encased in the flesh, and the slight torso twists would sometimes drag them together.

    When their foreheads touched and rested, neither girl reacted to that, more perhaps they both had allowed the moment to totally overtake their other senses. The sweat had started to bead up and small droplets would ooze from between pressed Spanish and Italian Breasts.

    Erika began to fell more confident as time went on, that the smaller Spanish woman would wilt under the pressure of her superior body and breasts. But those thoughts were interrupted..........

    ?See that??
    Tasha rolled her head slightly to the left and looked in the mirror, waiting for Erika?s eyes to follow.

    ?See how much better my Spanish breasts are then your weaker Italian breasts, you can feel it, I can feel it.? Tasha was speaking the words, but her eyes betrayed a lustful stare that didn?t carry the same conviction as her words.

    ?Awkward? That word, that thought was what stood out in Erika?s mind. She couldn?t even process the image in the mirror at first, had she purposively avoided it? But there she stood, with the woman she most hated, who she had fought long, terrible, brutal fights with, clutching her close?..?We are both holding one another. As if in a lover?s embrace.? But looks are deceiving, because what was really happening between them was no act of romance, nor were the touches endearing and loving. Every clawing hold and movement was an act of intense desperation to submit the other woman.

    The sweat, mere droplets seconds ago, now streaked over their faces more prominently, and even their breasts had a glowing sheen to them under the dim lights which hung over the mirror. Erika sighed, she knew they both had a lot more left in them, their firm breasts were still holding at what appeared to be a stand still, regardless of Tasha?s words.

    ?You Spanish bitch, your hallucinating.? And she gave a slight rotation of her shoulders while pulling Tasha in closer, it worked. Tasha?s left breast, exposed to the mirror, was seemingly pushed aside by Erika?s right breast. Again, the action wasn?t harsh, it was a subtle grinding move, but very effective.

    A frustrated groan betrayed Tasha?s state of mind as felt and watched her beautiful firm Spanish breast give some space to her Italian nemesis. ?The talking was a mistake?, she knew that now, and focused back on their breasts, to regain the ground she had lost.

    Soon their heads slipped past the other, and Erika found her right cheek plastered to Tasha?s right. Harsh breathing and moans coursed over their lips and past the other?s skin. Both woman tried to skillful move their breasts in slow controlled motions, seeing whose would yield and whose would dominate. Tasha gasped loudly when she almost pushed Erika?s breasts outward, but the Blonde was quick roll her shoulders and flex her chest pushing Tasha?s back to a stalemate.

    They also tried to let their aching nipples find one another, and it worked sometimes with careful movements. Leaning back they would drag, align and let their hard nipples rub over top and then freeze. Both women were reaching higher sexual arousal then either had anticipated.

    She could hear her phone vibrate from her small purse, she knew Bryan was looking for her, it was getting late. ?We need more time.? Erika panted.

    ?You Bitch, your quitting? Your giving up?? Tasha hissed in anger.

    ?Look you Spanish cunt,? Erika whipped her head around and found herself nose to nose with Tasha who was staring hatefully back at her. Tasha was furious all right, she wanted to keep going, every part of her female body ached to keep fighting this woman. Neither had experienced anything like this and they weren?t even close to being done.

    ?Fine, I would love to keep fucking your breasts all night until you beg me to stop, and watch you kiss my Italian nipples as you tell me how much better, and stronger my breasts are. All you have to do is go out there and tell your boyfriend to hitch a ride home with someone else, that you and I have other plans.?

    It was a inconvenient truth.

    ?First thing,? Tasha said, while wrapping her arms around Erika?s back, ?I am going to fuck you up the next time we meet, you got that honey? And then you can bet your life we will finish this duel.? And she squeezed hard causing Erika to gasp as their chests pressed against one another. But most shocking of all was when Tasha?s soft full lips touched Erika?s. It wasn?t a kiss, but something that conveyed a warning.

    Erika was furious and flexed her strong upper body, she squeezed Tasha in return, forcing Spanish woman to moan in discomfort. Now the full length of their bodies were tightly pressed against one another. ?Don?t you ever touch my lips again with that filthy tramp mouth of yours. And when we meet again, we will finish this and you are going to beg me to stop hurting you.?

    Tasha seemed amused and feigned going in for another touch of their lips, she was startled to see Erika actually move her mouth like she might bite her. ?You silly bitch, you have no idea what I can do to you if you play like that. But that?s how you want things to go? I would love for you to try and bite my lips one day.?

    Both women untangled themselves with a renewed sense of Hostility. The glaring looks and arrogant smirks, warning the other that the worst was yet to come.

    Epic Failure - Part 25


    ?I told you so.?

    Williams?s face remained planted into the palm of both hands. He didn?t even get up to see the man out the door.

    ?I told you so.?

    The Investigator didn?t say those exact words, but it was behind every look as he described the latest developments.

    He was invited, of course he was invited!
    But no, he refused to believe ?they? would show. It seemed like such a better idea to sit home and wallow in his own self-pitying misery. Of course the two Goddesses he worshiped showed up!

    Now pacing and slamming his palm down on the table, the back of the sofa, anything that wasn?t easily breakable. Just to be in the same room with one of them would have been fantastic, both of them? Glorious!

    ?I?m an epic failure at even being a stalker.? he sighed.


    William?s feeling of failure wasn?t being felt alone. Erika?s mind was drowning with unease as she tried to figure out how she allowed herself to get lured into such a wanton act with that Spanish bitch. She couldn?t shake it, that feeling, like she had lowered herself, demeaned herself in some way. Yet she had walked into that bathroom under her own power, she was tipsy but admitted she knew full well what she was doing.

    ?So it?s okay to kick the hell out of each other in various states of undress, but not okay when it becomes intimate and non-violent??

    She didn?t like doing that with Tasha. It seemed even more deviant, how that was possible the Blonde had no clue. It was like they were trying to seduce each other, to out maneuver one another in some sexual contest and it totally messed with her brain. Internally her sexual desires were at war with her intellectual senses of decency. But she was starting to feel like that ?sense of decency? was nothing more than a facade, especially after everything they had been thru.

    Erika knew from this point forward, everything they engaged in would be a contest, a measure of which woman was better, she just wasn?t prepared for the full effects of letting herself become sexually intimate with Tasha in order to achieve every measure of domination over that Spanish Girl.


    Tasha?s fingernails lightly stroked her chin, she had a smile on her face as she recalled the previous night. She felt a great amount of satisfaction, but wasn?t sure why. Probably because she sensed that she had really shaken the confidence of that Italian bitch. Managed to crawl deep under that Blonde?s arrogant skin. She also felt like she had proven her smaller Spanish body was more than an equal match, and sexually she would dominate that Blonde.

    ?You just never know how these things will work out.? She sighed while finished getting dressed for work. She still felt the pit of her stomach get nervous knowing that another encounter seemed eminent, she hoped it would be purely sexual, but something told her Erika was pissed and looking for payback on a more physically violent level.


    The Great Outdoors - Part 26


    The Spanish beauty sprinted lightly thru the park, the sun was up and warm air caressed her cheeks, her Spanish hair pulled into a pony tail. Again those thoughts of what lay ahead were making her heart race with anticipation. ?Just one thing at a time.? She assured herself. There was a natural element to everything and she soon felt like that would work against Erika. ?The Blonde is a control freak, I just have to get her off balance emotionally.?

    She hoped for an erotic duel, much like the one they had last weekend, ?That is where my strengths are.? she told herself. But her heart and gut told her the Italian Blonde was going to come at her in the most vicious, violent manner yet.

    She hoped today would be different.

    Tasha felt a sense of freedom outdoors and it felt natural fighting one another, woman-to-woman, finding out who the better woman was. She also felt a deep sense of racial pride as she sprinted a little faster, eager to beat down this Italian bitch and prove in the most natural, primal setting there is, who the superior woman and race was. Tasha knew it was her and she felt every bit of her lineage hanging on her shoulders today.


    The women entered the clearing abruptly, or perhaps better stated, they entered with no pretense or hesitation. Both seemed intent to skip any and all formalities; No trash talking. They immediately stood opposite one another, about twenty feet away, and then proceeded to discard their clothing.

    Both agreed this was the only place to meet from now on, in the open, and in the nude. Nothing to hide, no one could interfere or offer help to the suffering one woman was about to inflict on the other.

    Everything Erika did was harsh and rushed, a level of hostility and anger the likes Tasha had never experienced. Even the Blonde?s clothes were almost torn from her body, thrown to one side, her white naked, toned, fit body flexed with every action.

    Tasha swallowed hard and flinched. She knew Erika was out to erase their last sexual encounter, although it had been pretty much a draw, Tasha felt that Erika was out to put an exclamation mark on this fight. After all, she had won their last two fights decisively, and ?three strikes your out? is what the Italian woman was going for today.

    A new sense of nervousness was radiating out from both their bodies, almost trembling with anticipation, but for very different reasons. Each feeling the overwhelming consequences of what was at stake, and each seemed to feel they represented not just their own personal desires, but a heritage of women who dared to fight one another for dominance. The insults and words had become more and more personal as time went on. Demeaning one another?s lineage, along with the racial undertones to their bantering. But the words seethed real feelings toward one another of hatred, determination, and pride in which woman was the better-breed, to stand supreme over the other.

    Erika, full of Pride and Determination decided to take the initiate, she was taking the fight to the Spanish girl now!

    The Blonde lunged forward with both hands, ?It was time to end this, once and for all!?

    ?Come on bitch!? Tasha screamed in shock as she was nearly blown over by the force of Erika?s powerful, bigger body.

    ?I am going to beat you senseless!? Erika practically yelled, her cheeks once mildly flushed now burned crimson. The Blonde was a little shocked by her sudden outburst of rage, but at the same time, she wanted to tear this woman to pieces.

    A mighty grunt lifted from their bodies and Erika?s bare foot slipped on the grass, she lost her footing, falling down with the Spanish haired girl on top of her. The mass of overhead tree limbs seemed to contain and amplify the grunts and cries from the forest floor as the two women struggled. Tasha muttering, incoherent at times, curse words directed at the Blonde beneath her, literally shaking with anger that had been building for so long. Erika instantly went into fight mode and her left calf hooked into the crook of Tasha?s right leg while the Blonde?s left arm pulled Tasha?s right arm in tight.

    Tasha felt the Blonde push off with her right leg then their bodies were rolling over, and she was unable to stop it. Erika was now straddling Tasha?s waist and leaned in quickly to secure the girl?s swinging fists, although a couple did manage to pop Erika on the side of the head as she defensively ducked her chin down.

    ?Fuck you.? Tasha said, her voice betraying an underlying tremor of emotion, ?You bitch?.? Tasha hissed her shoulders twisting and turning, ??I swear?..? her legs kicking at the ground, but the grass terrain of the forest clearing made it impossible to gain leverage. Tasha realized the chances of this turning into an all out erotic fight were quickly slipping away. Bad for her, good for Erika.

    Erika had moved into familiar territory, she was on-top and in a dominant position, ?As it should be!? she smiled inwardly. She had but one goal now, to end this fight and in a most brutally decisive manner possible. Her right arm pulled back as her left hand clenched about the Spanish?s neck, pressing down hard and steadying her target. Tasha?s eyes gazed upward suddenly to become wide with horror as she saw what was coming next, Erika was going to start reigning down punches, and the Italian bitch?s beautiful face, framed in loose blonde hair had a big arrogant knowing smirk on those lips.

    She was going to enjoy bloodying Tasha?s face.

    Tasha couldn?t wiggle out of her position quick enough, nor move her head, the only thing she could move with any amount of sufficient speed was maybe her legs, and so with all the energy she could muster she snapped her left knee upward as if she was doing a explosive abdominal crunch. The point of her knee, to be exact, found its mark with success! The sound of a sickening thud radiated along her thigh muscles, blunt force trauma, yes she had achieved her goal!

    Instantly Erika?s chest lurched forward as her head flew back, the triumphant look now ripped away as agony painted itself all over her face. Her eyes slamming shut. ?Ooougghhh!? whimpered up from her lungs at the unexpected impact that seemed to crush into the very depths, near her spine.

    But it wasn?t enough for the Spanish beauty, she knew better then to stop with one shot when opportunity was giving her another. Her right knee was now following up to it?s counterpart, moving with similar swift and violent intent. This time the damage was not only of equal measure as the first, it compounded the injured area, and depth, to a point that Erika?s hands literally flew up into the air, her head jerked back facing the sky, and then she was toppling off her dominant position, crying out in agony.

    By now this fight should have been over. Tasha?s pretty, Spanish face should be a bloody mess. But that moment, and those victorious images evaporated as a water vapor in a dry, hot desert. Erika sobbed, just a bit in pain, but also knowing the tables had turned and she was suffering terribly. She tried to cope with the agony that not only radiated across the surface of her back, but at how deeply it seemed to penetrate. She worried about real possible damage done and tried to recover to face her mortal enemy. She wanted that Spanish bitch dead! ?God help me.? she actually thought.

    The reprieve gave the Spanish beauty the chance she needed and rolled clear. She crouched defensively as she watched the strong Italian woman struggle to her feet, Erika?s face was a mask of perspiration and disheveled Blonde hair. Most prominent was a ?wild? look in those tear filled eyes. Her heart didn?t want to stay in her chest it was pounding so hard. A couple of things were obvious to the Spanish girl now; One was, Erika was furious and winded, she was taking long drinks of air. And two, it was apparent she was in a lot of pain from the knees to her back. ?But just how much pain is she in?? Tasha wondered, a miss-calculation now could mean defeat.

    Erika winced as she adjusted her stance and watched the Spanish girl take the initiative as their deadly stand-off continued.

    Tasha had her answer. She could tell the Blonde was moving awkwardly, it fueled her resolve. ?Now come on bitch! Let?s see what you got!? Tasha challenged, her voice and body language more challenging and edgy.

    The spasms in Erika?s back were like fire running up her spine. She was afraid the Spanish bitch had really fucked up her back. Hiding the pain was possible, fighting thru the pain was also possible, but she didn?t like that word ?possible?. Because now, anything was ?possible?.

    With the first contact already made, the naked combatants felt the excitement, the open air, it made their nipples harder than ever before, their skin tingled with a new level of excitement as both sought to test each other in the most pure setting before Nature and God. Woman against Woman, Spanish against Italian, in the outdoors, and naked.

    "Come on!" she said. "Let's stop screwing around! Right now!" Tasha yelled.

    "I've been waiting for this! To shut you down for good!? countered Erika, and dropped down into a crouch herself as they began to circle one another, bare feet shuffling across the grass.

    Erika faked a lunge and Tasha took a swing and then Erika lunged for real. She managed to tackle the Spanish girl, the impact caused Tasha to grunt in pain. Waves of confusion Tasha up, for as much as she hated this girl she instinctively embraced the physical contact and that desire alone seemed to scare her. Fighting Erika scared her, but the excitement was overwhelmingly addictive at the same time.

    Once again, from the vantage point of the over hanging tree limbs a spectacle unfolded as Spanish arms and legs coiled about the Blonde?s fair skin in an unplanned navigation for control as the two women fought one another. The sun was also partially blocked by those very trees, but the effect of it?s heat and humidity were still powerful, sweat formed over the two combatants bodies.

    Erika suddenly bellowed out a lung full of air, she was feeling surprisingly winded, soaked in sweat, as she lay over the Negresses?s body. Periodically she could feel Tasha legs and arms move, her struggles becoming more calculating. It scarred Erika a little, to be struggling with this Spanish girl, but it was erotic and thrilling at the same time. Part of her wondered about the sensual battles that might have been, or still could be, but this fight was already underway and changing course seemed almost impossible.

    Tasha moaned as she felt the Blonde allow all of her weight to come to rest. Her face came into direct contact with Erika?s neck and she could smell the bitches perspiration as it filled her nostrils, every inhale of the girl?s scent was offensive to her very core, but arousing all at the same time. Very confusing.

    Erika?s anger flared out again, verbally; ?You?re going to be sorry for starting this, all of this!? but it felt like desperation exerting itself, as if the words alone could compel the Spanish girl to give up. And then there was the ache, the painful ache in her back which was increasing every second, her very nerves felt on fire as she moved her arms and legs.

    ?Then make me sorry you cunt!? Tasha moaned with a challenge and retaliation.

    ?Aggghhhh!? Erika howled in new pain. Tasha had just grabbed a good fistful of Blonde hair and was pulling hard. She had little recourse but to roll with the pull, forcing her over onto her side and then she was on her back. The sensation of their naked bodies momentarily broke thru the hostilities, breast crushed against breast, and their mounds pressed hard against each other.

    Erika suddenly had enough of being pinned and growled with effort, her strong athletic body bridged, her heels performed a slow slide against the soft ground. As Tasha felt the girl push up, their belly?s mashing against one another, she also felt the Blonde finally throwing everything she had into the struggle and she tried to force her back down, to pin Erika?s shoulder back against the ground. A sudden breeze did little to hinder the drops of sweat that rained down from Tasha?s quivering face.

    ?Come on bitch, I thought you?re supposed to be tough, but your not! Not to compared to me!? Tasha taunted, hoping to make the Italian Amazon emotionally unravel. And it seemed to be working.

    For the first time Erika?s heart thumped with despair, that self-assured dominance she always had seemed to be in doubt now. She openly cried and whimpered as she fought to force the Spanish woman off of her. Her aching, wounded back was excruciating, that along with their naked, wet bodies slithering against one another made the effort almost impossible. Almost.

    Tasha howled in her protest as she felt herself forced over by the bridge, but she was screaming a little louder now for another reason, her own Spanish hair felt torn as Erika?s fingers pulled at the wet strands forcing the girl's head down until it met the lush grassy, ground below. Tasha curled her lips back exposing her Italian teeth, ?You fucking bitch!?

    No response from Erika, in fact the verbal threats had grown less and less, mostly from the Blonde and in Tasha?s mind she suspected that was a good sign. Finally Erika felt like she had total control again, but the moment was lost in pain, a kind of pain that seemed to suck the energy and wind from ones very body. If she didn?t finish Tasha off quickly things might go very bad and it made Erika shudder at the thought of what this Spanish negress had in store for her if she was to be at her mercy.

    Tasha reached her hands around, letting her Spanish claws drag over Italian, slippery skin. Erika gasped and squealed in shock as the nails scratched over her back and shoulder muscles, hitting those wounded areas again and again, causing horrible spikes in pain the likes she had never experienced. Desperately the Blonde rolled her shoulders to try and find some relief from the Spanish girl?s horrible fingernails. And then It dawned on her, for as much as she had this Spanish Panther pinned to the ground, Erika also felt caught in a very bad situation herself.

    Tasha quickly continued the attack from her bottom position by wrapping her legs about Erika?s waist, trying to pull her in even tighter. Erika knew she had to fight back and began her own assault by making small punches to the side of Tasha?s ribs, alternating on both sides. Tasha countered with hair pulls and even biting into Erika?s neck and shoulder?s. Soon both women were squealing in total agony as the fight quickly reduced to an all out attack of anything and everything; pinching, punches, and clawing at one another. Erika?s beautiful, taught ass rolled and bucked, all the while Tasha raked her claws over the blonde?s perfect buns, leaving a trail of red marks.

    The pants of exhaustion were coming from both women now, but more noticeable from that of Erika.

    As if on mutual command, unexpectedly, both struggled to separate from one another by rolling away. Who initiated the fight for freedom was undetectable, but it was a sure sign that both females were weary of the other?s ability to inflict horrible damage at close range.

    Erika for her part, had enough of the clawing and biting, she needed to get away and regroup. Physically it had also affected her in ways she hand?t expected; emotionally and psychologically. She needed try to and put the agony of her wounds out of her mind. But that task seemed impossible, it was becoming all she could think about.

    Tasha was relieved to have the weight of the Blonde off her, she had expended too much energy tearing into the Blonde and could feel her heart and lungs burning, quickly trying to take in as much air as she could and recover. A certain amount of panic runs thru a persons body as they fight from the bottom with an opponent on top of you. Tasha felt she had regulated her breathing some, but still she was more winded then she anticipated.

    Erika slowly got to her knees, taking account of everything around she couldn?t believe what she was seeing, the two of them were totally a wreck. When she looked down and was more than a little upset to see her body covered in small red marks and scratches. That Spanish Animal of a woman across from her had done her job well. ?I have to get things under control; my emotions, my fighting tactics, and put the terrible pain out of my mind!?

    The Spanish beauty pushed aside her disheveled hair in disgust, even though her sides ached with every breath from the repeated punches from that Italian cunt, she still felt strong and ready to continue the battle. An added surge of inspiration fueled the Spanish girl?s ambitions as she made careful note of Erika?s look of disbelief, her brow bunched in frustration?.even confusion. Yes, the Italian Blonde was frustrated, angry, she was continuing to unravel. ?I?m loving it.? Tasha almost sneered with glee.

    But for sure, both women looked like wild, female combatants in the throes of hard, deadly combat. Their bodies tight and strong. Still ready to fight one another.

    ?You act so high and mighty, when your really just a pathetic bitch, and I?m going to put you down this very day!? Tasha hissed, her lips quivered and a distinct tremor in her voice came out.

    ?In your dreams you Spanish whore. Your not strong enough, or woman enough to beat me! No woman is!?

    ?You said that once before, and I whipped your ass!? Tasha smirked at the memory and swift retort.

    A shiver reverberated thru Erika?s body at those memories and fought to suppress any thought that something like that could every happen lever again! ?I?ll die first!? she thought. The excitement of their battle was something she not expected, neither had. Every fight felt dangerous, and maybe their last one, but eventually one of them had to emerge the dominant female.

    From their knees both women slowly, cautiously, stood up and then circled one another. They fake lunged a few times, testing out the other. Their amazing breasts swaying and bouncing periodically as they moved closer and closer.

    Hands and arms suddenly collided in a tangle as they each seemed to try and seek control of the other. Tasha?s left hand found Erika?s right wrist, while Erika?s left hand met palm-to-palm with Tasha?s.

    ?Want to try me bitch?? Erika mocked, wiggling her right wrist as her fingers felt for Tasha?s. Erika relished these types of contests of strength, which she always won. If Tasha was cocky and foolish enough to take her on, so be it, but she wasn?t stupid to think Tasha wouldn?t cheat either. She?d go for a low blow if given the chance. Yet she wanted to ?call her out? to intimidate and humiliate her.

    Tasha simply focused on breathing now as she watched, and felt, her fingers clasp with the Blonde?s, the muscles in the Spanish girl?s forearms etched with definition. Erika resisted while Tasha struggled to increase her effort some more. Their palms pressed hard and flat as the two women started to adjust their bare feet on the ground for leverage. Soon they were like two leaning pillars of female, muscular strength, bodies glistening and rippled with effort, their hands high above their heads. The taller more muscular Blonde seemed to tower over the smaller Spanish fighter, and had all the outward appearances of the dominate specimen, and indeed, appeared in control of all aspects of this test.

    Erika was elated at the Test of Strength and was going to put the Negress away hard, and for good!

    A slow dance of strength began as their arms slowly moved from over their heads as they stared into each other?s eyes during the power struggle, hard aching nipples grazed over one another intensifying the underlying sexual sensations.

    Erika suddenly felt the unwelcome pain radiate up from her broad, strong back, it moved into shoulders and arms, it started as an annoying distraction, then turned irritating, but then it became stabbing in it?s persistent and deep ache. The harder she pressed her arms against her opponent the worse the pain got. ?Was this a mistake?? she suddenly wondered, but quickly brushed the doubts aside, confident she would subdue the Spanish woman and teach her a lesson quickly enough.

    Several more times as their breasts shook?..sometimes slowly?..sometimes violently, during the struggle, nipples hard and long, coerced to their full length beyond anything either had ever felt. Tasha?s forearm muscles tightened, pushing and trying to control the woman she had come to loath so much, but Erika?s strength astounded her. She could feel her body arching, bending to the Blonde Amazon?s power! Soft moans had started to give way to grunts, eliciting a deep calling between both girls as they struggled to fend off and at the same time, control the other. Their bodies young, resilient and strong, locked in a struggle that seemed to grow more intense with every passing second. Both determined to subdue and break the other woman in a simple but effective show of strength by over powering another woman.

    The late afternoon sun glistened off Erika?s sweat coated body, her amble breasts stood out proudly from her strong chest as she fought back against the smaller, but incredibly strong Spanish woman.

    ?You kept talking about kicking my ass and so far it?s been nothing but you running that mouth of yours.? Tasha hissed as she fought to control the strong, muscular arms of her enemy. And for the first time she felt like she was holding her own, stalemating the big, strong Italian girl and then dug deep into all her reserves with renewed hope. ?Was there a chance?!? she wondered.

    ?Your just another one of those hard headed people that doesn?t know when to give up!? Erika moaned as she flexed her muscles and then Tasha let out a groan that sounded desperate, aching and painful as both of their arms were forced slowly down towards their sides. ?And just like the rest of those hard-heads, you?re going to regret fucking with me!?

    Tasha?s moan faded as she struggled for air, she knew the Blonde was strong ?but damn? she thought. There was a slight pleasure radiating thru her body and her cheeks flushed red when their breasts pressed more fully and tried to occupy the same space, ?You stupid fuck? Tasha grunted as she watched her arms drop against her will, Erika had managed to take control, for now it seemed.

    'Stay fucking focused' Erika chastised herself when her efforts felt stalled, their arms locked down by their sides, pressing against their hips as they fought one another for control. Erika?s feet were spreading wider for support as Tasha?s moved in closer, even trying to stand on her toes to gain more height.

    They remained frozen in an impromptu standoff, hands and arms locked, but clearly their bountiful smooth breasts pressed a little more against one another. Their nipples had fully disappeared. Erika knew that her pussy was now feeling every tingle that her nipples were sending throughout her body, Tasha?s own vagina felt it too, she was finding it nearly impossible to mask how horny this was making her. Now their bodies were fully pressed against one another.

    Tasha?s eyes came up, looking up at Erika, and she took a slow breath of air as she arched her back. Erika felt it and quickly looked down, she groaned in discomfort as her breasts felt the increasing pressure, while she could no longer see what was happening between them, her nipples sure as hell felt it.

    Tasha was openly breathing thru her mouth as she felt her own breasts ache a little more and yield against Erika?s, but there was an erotic charge felt by both of their female breasts mashed against one another. It felt as if she was testing her breasts against the Blonde once again, like somehow they were putting their breasts on the line against one another to see who had the greater endurance, which were firmer, which one of them was the better woman. Tasha despised how Erika thought her breasts were so magnificent.

    ?I?m going to rip your arms off bitch!? Erika sighed, but her tone was not so confident as their foreheads banged hard against one another. Erika realized her knees were bent even more now, almost evening up their height. She was doing everything she could to alleviate her discomfort.

    Tasha simply growled in response, pushing up on her toes as high as she could, the look in her eyes, and her determination bespoke something dangerous, threatening, and strong.

    ?You?ve hated me from the moment we met.? Erika hissed.

    ?I fucking despise everything about you.? The Spanish haired girl seethed, ?Your smell?skin?hair?? Tasha's voice tailed off as her mouth could taste the sweat on Erika's skin, it was everywhere?and it was intoxicating.

    ?You stupid bitch, I can?t stand the very existence of you! I?m going to crush you making you wish you were never born!? Erika had no doubt about her abilities to back up such a bold statement. And any other moment in time she would have been able to easily prove it. But in this moment the nerves running along her spine raged against any exertion, crippling her efforts.

    Tasha meanwhile was more affected by the grind of their chests as the sweat seemed to sizzle between the heat of their bodies. Their arms pinned to the sides of their body as their wrists turned and wavered, each fighting for control. The Spanish beauty wanted to keep going with the breast fight, she longed to dominate this bitches breasts, to crush them decisively and felt like with some subtle effort she could turn this into just that, a full on ?breast fight?. But her senses were distracted by a subtle shaking, almost a tremor like sensation that started to ripple from the Blonde?s arms. Tasha suddenly realized she was doing more then just holding her own!
    Gritting her teeth she fought to break the stalemate with hopes of dominating this powerful Italian woman in a test of strength!

    Their breast battle might have to wait.

    Both young, powerful women squirmed against one another as their perfectly shaped breasts pilled against another; all the while, engorged nipples continued to rub and stab against one another deep within the velvety confines of their breast flesh. But this was not a breast fight, the ultimate goal here was to force the other woman?s arms back, back far enough to make the other submit. Their was no telling how the final submission hold would play out, some would be skill, but another would be opportunity, presented by mistakes and who could capitalize on the first one.

    Neither could believe the amount of energy expended thus far, but they definitely felt it and the evidence was clear as newly formed sweat continued to pour and radiated off their bodies. It's presence further accenting the definition of muscles that swelled and shook with effort along their arms, shoulders and back. And yet both continued to commit themselves to something more then either had bargained for.

    Everything felt on the line now. Their biceps flexed against one another, leg muscles aching and cramped as they fought to steady themselves while they fought for control and dominate the other.

    The Italian Amazon couldn?t hide her pain any longer, every effort to push against the Spanish?s arms caused her to whimper louder. She rolled her head off to her right and a deep aching sound Tasha up from her throat. 'Oh God.? Erika mentally fretted and felt the biter taste of possible defeat when she realized the degree to which Tasha was actually holding her own, and maybe even winning their test-of-strength, ?This can?t be happening!?. She contemplated trying to break-off from the contest, but that would feel almost the same as admitting defeat. It all seemed unthinkable, that Tasha could force her arms back!

    Erika was biting into her lower lip to suppress yet another groan, but that failed. Her body buckled a little more to the pressure, her hard, toned belly plastered against that of her rival?s. She couldn?t believe it, her undefeated arms were wavering against the smaller Spanish?s strength!

    Tasha continued to fight on and gained a fraction more of ground. Her hands and forearms were cramping horribly, but she dug her fingernails into the back of the Blonde?s hands and amazingly the Blonde?s strong arms seemed to give way just ever so slightly. Tasha was grateful for every tremor that shook from her nemesis, every slight movement was a sign she was doing it! She was beating the proud, mighty Blonde in a one-on-one test of pure female strength!

    ?Oh no.? Erika?s eyes blinked as she looked up and gritted her teeth, tears streaked her cheeks. ?I?m losing!?.

    The Spanish beauty poured it on, she could actually feel the clenching buttocks of her rival now. ?Thats it!? She was another there, and she didn?t want to stop now, she couldn?t stop now!

    But Tasha suddenly became a bit weary, ?It could all be a trick?.
    Trick or not, she couldn?t resist the thought ?I have the upper hand!?, and such resilient thoughts had benefits as they helped her press the attack. She arched her sexy, back muscles, as strong, Spanish legs spread apart just an inch more as powerful glutes flexed again and again. Her sexy Spanish body was pouring everything into the battle.

    Muscles twitched and bodies quivered, female moans, curses and grunts filled their private arena, both unashamed of any sobs that slipped past their lips as their bodies fought desperately.

    Erika thrust her chest forward, mashing her breasts against Tasha?s trying to distract the fight from their arms. Tasha seemed to reciprocate the challenge as she pushed back, for some agonizing seconds they held the stance, allowing their beautiful female globes to swell painfully as they each pushed their levels of endurance. But it was the Italian?s body that suddenly quivered and faltered as her forehead desperately fell forward, pressing against Tasha?s. Then it rolled off to her right and her face was pointing skyward as her mouth opened up, her lips forming as if a silent scream was about to be released.

    ?Oh No!? came the alarming cry as she was now losing more ground to the Spanish fighter and there was no taking it back! Her muscles burned and cramped, her back was stabbing with pain and fire.


    He had almost gotten lost, in fact he did, albeit for a very short period of time. But it was the noises that corrected his direction.

    But now he cautiously followed it to the source.

    His heart was beating so hard now, his lust so overwhelming and commanding that any thought of shame at stalking these two women seemed out of the question. It was easily dismissed.

    He didn?t have the best vantage point, but it was good enough, ?Good enough?? he suddenly realized it was ?Damn good!? and was almost paralyzed by the sight before him. The beautiful, tall Blonde Goddess whom he worshiped was standing with her back to him, he knew there was a fight going on, but at what stage and who was winning he had to quickly discern, why that mattered he didn?t know.

    Both beauties were locked together, he then noticed the Blonde?s back had two distinct large red marks, with some significant bruising starting to form, each about the middle of her back, and on opposite sides of her spine.
    Also, there were red scratches everywhere. ?Fuck they have been going at it for a bit now!? he fumed. ?Am I too late? Is it almost over??

    He let his body rest flat against the ground, wishing he could almost disappear. But his mind still couldn?t wrap around what he was seeing. Their arms were locked in some kind of struggle, down by their sides. Unless it was some kind of issue with his depth perception it looked like Erika was on the loosing end!
    ?How!?? he wondered, such a thing didn?t seem possible.

    ?Again, am I underestimating Tasha and her resolve? Her strength? Even though she was smaller and had a muscular disadvantage to the Blonde??


    Erika?s arched her back and pushed up on her toes, she willed herself to suffer the pain, even if it was a foolish strategy she suspected. But it was the muscles in her arms that wouldn?t respond to any degree of willpower issued forth, and those muscles had never failed her before. But the pain was too overwhelming to ignore!

    Tasha?s head pressed forward as well as her shoulders. And ?pressing forward? is what the Spanish beauty did, slowly and agonizingly she could feel it happening, forcing the Blonde?s arms back, then the amazing moment happened as she forced them behind her rival?s back!

    ?Fuck you!? Tasha cried aloud with a joyous feeling, it was a victory so close she could taste it, she was winning the war of attrition! A war of strength between them! Her Spanish body against Italian and she gained the superior position!

    The Blonde?s mind was reeling, her muscles were failing against this smaller Spanish Bitch she hated so much. Then the gut wrenching humiliation of feeling her arms twisted and wrapped behind her back, no woman could ever do this! Erika tried to arch her body away from the oppressive force, away from the Dark skinned woman that was dominating her!

    ?Oh my God, this can?t be happening!? Erika whined aloud in a panic. Her biceps twisted and pulled tight in futile resistance as Tasha?s arms formed like cords of strong rope and continued to press, all of Erika?s efforts were for naught which added a humiliating effecting to the already crushing blow.


    William?s erection was so fierce he had to reach down and make an adjustment in his pants. He couldn?t recall blinking ever once since he had become situated, it seems that in-the-blink things could happen between these two. A tingle then went up his spine, a kind of excitement he had never known, then again, he had never seen anything like this before. And watching Erika on the losing end of this struggle was not only unexpected, but made the fight all the more exciting then he anticipated. ?This was it!? he thought, ?This is what it was all about.? watching one woman dominate another, each struggling for control was what turned him on the most.

    Two fiercely determined fit and toned girls, writhing against one another, pitting muscle and power against one another. Cords of Spanish and Italian muscles rolled and flexed against one another, covered in glistening sheen of sweat. Their moans and cries, their curses, as both struggled against the other. He suddenly snapped his mind clear and refocused, trying to take it all in.

    But one of them was now gasping harder?.longer?..crying under the strain of another woman?s power. Things had just gone from bad to worse for the mighty Blonde, and William struggled to process everything that was happening.


    Erika?s head tilted back, she had tried to suppress it, but failed, and had to let out a cry of pain from her chest. She couldn?t believe the predicament she was in and the fresh tears flew down her cheeks as she struggled.

    Then, without warning, the pressure eased along with some of the pain, not by much, but some. Her arms were no longer forced behind her back, her fingers free from the locked prison that Tasha?s claws had only seconds ago held imprisoned. The ?How and why?? of what just happened was something she went about quickly processing but never got the chance, the ebony beauty was too quick. While Erika was contemplating her situation, Tasha was already lashing out.

    In all total, it was about three seconds. But time enough for one of the combatants.

    Tasha had indeed suddenly let go, but had done so at the very height of her self-perceived victory, instead she made a very calculated decision. From the look of reprieve on her enemy?s face, Erika was indeed caught totally off-guard.

    The Spanish beauty had calculated right?..and then followed with another ?right?.


    Tasha slugged the Blonde across the chin with a solid punch. It snapped Erika?s head around and her body staggered back. One other consequence of the punch was that Tasha?s fist echoed with pain, not broken hopefully, but painful none-the-less.

    Erika cried-out but remained standing, barely. Tasha was already quickly moving, striding over to her mortal enemy but walked right into a stinging left hook from Erika, stunning the Spanish beauty across her right cheek. Now both women were stunned but Tasha recovered a fraction of a second quicker and swung a left fist at the Blonde?s glorious torso, ?A softer target then the Bitches hard head!? Tasha considered sadistically.

    Erika whimpered and it was her turn to back off from the approaching Spanish woman, her punch in retaliation didn?t buy her enough time. Now her foe was like some stalking Spanish panther coming after her, and then a second later she groaned when Tasha?s fist made contact with her ribs. Almost immediately Erika?s head was knocked back from another blow, this time a open-palm that rung Erika?s bells and had her crying out again.


    William was stunned by the ferocious turn of the battle and flenched as Tasha delivered a smack to the Blonde?s pretty face.

    His ears were overloaded by the desperate sounds coming from ferocious battle. Erika was now begging the Spanish girl to stop, never had he expected to hear Erika utter such words, the girl seemed much too arrogant and strong to ever plead for mercy from any woman, from ?anyone? for that matter. He squinted, watching the tall Blonde fighting to keep her footing, he winced at the sounds of Tasha?s knuckles sinking into blonde?s torso.

    Erika was now crying loudly as her head was knocked to the left, and then right, on its powerful base by the repeated slaps.

    It was horrible and exciting, somehow all at the same time, he could literally see sweat and saliva flying the sides of Erika?s face as she took the slaps. Staggering back she tried to fend off the attack, the Blonde tried to fight back, lashing out wildly with her own punch or smack, but Tasha was too quick and alert and avoided each with ease.

    William could only imagine the damage from his vantage point, but it looked like a one-sided beat down.


    ?Please stop!?.Oh God Tasha! No more please!? Erika sobbed as her head and body was rocked, pleading out of stunned shock as her forearms raised in feeble effort to stop the onslaught, but the defense did little to hinder the attack. Her mind and body were shook with a familiar fear, ?It was the Pool House all over again!? her heart hammered in panic as fresh tears and cries came forth. She had sworn never to let that day repeat itself, but here she was, in that living hell all over again.

    Opposite of William?s view, Tasha had a front row seat. A thrill of blood lust coursed about her body as she watched Blonde hair whip across Erika?s pretty face depending on the where she chose to strike. She was picking the Blonde apart at will, and her body was responding in a hot, sexual way. Female dominance shot thru her nerves like adrenaline as she devoured her hated enemy with blows to her rival?s powerful, beautiful body.

    Erika was in hellish agony and knew she was about to go down. She could not stop the brutal onslaught. Tasha had just bested her and was now beating the hell out of her.

    And then suddenly the attacks stopped.

    Tasha?s hands were sore beyond belief, so she halted her offensive. She was pretty satisfied with her handiwork, especially when Erika, sobbing and swaying, dropped to both knees before her looking ready to topple over and pass out at her feet.

    Amazingly the Blonde?s left hand reached out to touch the ground, she was fighting it, her body seemed to steady. Erika truly wanted to fall down, to collapse totally and pass out so the day could be forgotten and the fight over with. She could taste the blood in her mouth, running down her lips from her nose. Something inside her fought to stand back up although she knew doing so meant taking more abuse. She didn?t know what hell awaited her. ?You bitch.? She didn?t understand why she uttered those words, maybe it was all she had left, to hurl verbal insults at the tough Spanish woman that was whipping her ass today.

    ?Com?on you cunt, get up!? The Spanish taunted, ?Your just getting a taste of what I can do, you thought you had fought the real me well guess again!? Tasha crouched just a little and got ready. The Italian amazon?s lips were raw and bloody, her nose trickling red as well. Swelling and bruising was forming over the front of her chest and face. Even more satisfying, was the way the Blonde?s big, strong, sexy body swayed as if ready to tip over, her arms now hanging defenseless at her side.

    A satisfied smile crept over her tormenter?s dark lips. Tasha watched with glee, her insides glowed with pride knowing she whipped this big, powerful bitches ass, her mortal enemy, and the fight wasn?t over yet.
    Tasha watched with grand satisfaction as Erika almost fell over, but got even more pleasure watching her struggle to stay in the fight. There was so much excitement, a sexual rush through her body in watching an enemy she so loathed, battered and beaten, struggling before her.

    She flexed her aching fingers and thought quickly what to do next. ?Now bitch, not so arrogant and tough! The last time we fought you warned me how in a more private place you would have dished out a lot more pain to my pathetic body, remember that? Well what are you waiting for!? Tasha growled. The Blonde's powerful leg muscles flexed, struggling to steady herself, her body quivered for a second before almost buckling, only to recover at the last second.

    Tasha had never felt more emotionally and physically raw then now. They were fighting naked in the middle of the woods, in natural surroundings, where two enemies should fight. All of those things factored into the most exhilarating, and frightening, moment of her life. ?Looks like I?m going to be the one dishing out some more punishment! You beaten cunt!?

    Erika was having a totally different experience. Her whole body was crying out as the waves of agony kept rolling in from her head, eyes, jaw, and back. The pain came in waves, even with every breath. She tried to steady herself, ?But then what? She?s got me beat.? A bitter, humiliating taste of reality kept running up from the pit of her stomach. Her gut was telling her that it would only get worse, but somehow she had to rally, somehow she had to take the fight back to the Spanish bitch.

    Their gorgeous bodies, glistening with moisture that added detail to their already well defined muscles, visible along their arms, shoulders, chest, neck and stomach. Panting heavily and glaring at each other, they had fought each other hard and they were fast becoming drained from their exertions, but it was obvious to both women now that Erika was far worse off, and she felt and looked every bit of it.

    The Blonde began to accept she was getting a humiliating beating by the smaller Spanish woman, and while she had already pleaded ?no more? just seconds ago, she also knew Tasha wasn?t ready to stop, and wouldn?t stop. So the Caucasian woman got ready, drawing on the last ebb of strength she could muster. She raised her fists and closed in wearily on her Spanish adversary, her right eye feeling the effects of the punches as her eyelid was swelling shut.

    Tasha was crouching and moving from side to side, her eyes wide with a wild and terrible energy which sent a chill of fear of the naked Blonde?s spine.

    Faking and lunging they circled until their naked bodies collided in a massive grunting, more so from Erika, they clashed together for what felt like surely the final time today. Erika did more clinging to the sweat soaked body of her enemy, struggling to stay up, her naked body grinding against the Spanish as she desperately leaned into her tormentor.

    The Spanish woman had not suffered nearly a fraction that the Italian had, she was quicker and with more energy to spare. Tasha pushed Erika off of her, ducked a slow punch by the Blonde and lunged in, trapping Erika in a clinch, and then switched to a full bear hug, their toned abs crushing together and then grinding over one another as Tasha began securing her arms, squeezing and arching her back. It was sexually arousing to feel the big, muscular body of her rival squirm in her hold. Standing toe to toe, brutal as the hold was, there was an underlying sensual effect as they struggled, naked body-to-naked body in the midst of the deserted location.

    Tasha felt herself make progress as she crushed the Blondes waist in her grasp. She steadied her two strong legs and was thankful for all the months she had dedicated to doing dead-lifts and squats. The results were paying off.

    ?Ohhhhhugghhhh.? Erika moaned as her head tilted back, her eyes fluttered. Tasha?s face was feeling flush with effort as every muscle in her lean body bulged, her eyes had become two narrow slits. The Spanish girl then arched her back a little more, as far as she could. The Blonde offered little resistance at this point, a telling sign that she was almost completely out of the fight.

    Erika?s whimpers where low as her sweat soaked legs squirmed against Tasha?s strong outer thighs. ?You damn Spanish bitch!? Erika whimpered out loud, ?I can?t believe this!? her eyes blinked thru the tears in her predicament. This couldn?t be happening, it shouldn?t be happening! How could this smaller Spanish girl lift her up and do this to her, to dominate her so completely!

    The bearhug was savage, Tasha's fists knotting hard into the small of Erika's back. Erika yelled again in agony as Tasha poured on the pressure, her lean but strong arms crushing Erika's waist like a vise, the pain in Erika?s back was worse than ever before. Tasha was lifting Erika up onto her toes in her spine-snapping assault. The Spanish girl?s eyes were ablaze and her Italian teeth were clenched tight as she put every ounce of energy into her bear-hug and tried to squeeze the life from Erika with all her strength.

    ?No! Please stop! Your crushing me!? Erika started to shudder and cry, she had reached her breaking point. It was a horribly, humiliating twist, to be tormented in a submission hold that Erika so often tortured Tasha with.

    Erika tried one last time to push away, with one hand on the girl?s chin and the other on her bicep. But the exhaustion, combined with the pain in her back had sapped all of her strength and her attempt for freedom was feeble. Her body and mind were succumbing to total defeat. In a most humiliating display the powerful Spanish felt the Italian?s amazing body ?go limp? in her arms, her upper body bending back, her eyes rolling as her mouth went agape, her arms hung uselessly at her sides, her bare feet barely scraping the ground as Tasha crushed her enemy without pity. Her bountiful breasts pointing almost straight up to the sky.

    ?Oh please stop! Your killing me! My back! I can?t take the anymore of this!? Erika cried out, ?Stop!? her voice cracking from exhaustion, pleading for mercy, beyond uncaring how pathetic she sounded or looked. Although no one was there to see, it was as if the whole world was watching, and most importantly, Tasha knew, saw, and was the one doing it.

    ?Tell me I?m the better woman between us.? Tasha seethed between clinched teeth.

    ?You win, you beat me!? Erika cried.

    ?Tell me how superior I am because I?m Spanish!? Tasha really felt her own racial pride surge with that last demand.

    ?Your Spanish body beat my Italian body, anything you want! I?ll admit it!? Erika sobbed out what would be her ultimate surrender.


    He was more than stunned. The sight before him was epic.

    Watching the ?Spanish Queen??.. William questioned that title as a little over the top, but still, it seemed appropriate in some ways.

    His eyes riveted to the balance of brute strength and agility, on the part of both women. Front and center was Erika?s strong, muscular body pushing against the torturous embrace of her smaller nemesis. The powerhouse of a Blonde with thick muscles swelling along her back, her buns-of-steel clenching frantically, almost thrusting in efforts that resembled a good fucking, but with her legs spread like they were she was not only appearing to be on the receiving end of the fucking, but was actually getting fucked-up by the smaller Spanish woman.

    The next sight of was one of pure erotic power and achievement??

    ??that impressive effort was on the part of Tasha, to hold up the taller, bigger, and heavier Italian woman in the crushing bearhug. It was simply devastating to behold, impossible for him to imagine being in the actual hold itself. The cries and moans from Erika implied it was now beyond her ability to withstand any more. As if it wasn?t already impressive enough, Tasha then arched her back just a bit more, her feet spread the right distant apart to maintain it. Erika?s toes were just off the ground now, her long powerful legs jerking in spasms as the base of her spine was crushed.

    The Spanish woman truly seemed like some powerful glistening Goddess, her tight, lean muscles looking like oiled granite, with her prey, or enemy in this case, captured. The mighty Italian Amazon?s sweat soaked body, battered and appearing lifeless, suddenly seemed to stir as she fought and squirmed for freedom one last time. But then she was done. William could tell her movements became less resisting as she slowly slumped back into Tasha?s powerful grasp yet again, arms limp, head rolling back.

    Finally a long exhale was crushed from Erika?s chest as her body went even more limp in the powerful Spanish arms that held her prisoner, her body arching back, blonde hair that wasn?t already matted to the back of neck hung as her arms fell away, dangling. It was a magnificent sight of strength, sex and conquest to behold the mighty Blonde hung in total defeat.

    ?Oh God, my back. You bitch, stop, you win. You?ve won!? Came the words that didn?t seem to even register at first. ?Your crushing me, breaking me, please stop!? She cried out.

    And still William found the Blonde, even held captive, to be amazingly sexy and beautiful, and powerful looking.


    Tasha wasn?t done, oh no, she was out to crush the Blonde?s ?will?, and she knew exactly the next move to finally establish her dominance.

    Her swelling Spanish muscles, dripping with sweat and about exhausted, flexed just a bit more and in another skilled display of agility Tasha?s upper body twisted slightly and then she bent down to one knee, this provided just enough guidance while letting gravity complete the rest.

    Somehow Erika sensed something was happening, ?Please stop!? she cried for mercy, unable to fight back and feeling herself fall. The nearly comatose Blonde was dropped back-first across a strong Spanish thigh in a devastating crushing smack. An impact whereupon her tortured back muscles smashed against strong, resilient Spanish thigh muscles.

    Erika let out a scream. A scream born of agony and horror. She nearly Blacked out before coming completely to rest, her body draped over her enemies knee, arched in such a severe way there was no doubt she was crushed to the will of her mortal enemy, holding her prisoner, literally draped over the Spanish girl?s knee.

    Once Erika was in place, Tasha pushed down on Erika's lower jaw with one hand while pushing down on Erika's thighs with the other, punishing the Italian girl?s sexy, powerful body in a classic backbreaker, forcing her to bend to a degree that was beyond what most anyone could stand.

    Erika began crying again, sobbing as her body was contorted at the whim of this tough, Spanish bitch.

    ?Who is the one getting their back broken now!? Tasha gleefully spat down at her vanquished opponent.

    ?Oh God No!? Erika cried out in misery and dismay.

    ?Now, did I just kick your fucking ass here today?? Tasha snapped, and let up on the pressure to listen to her nemesis cry out another surrender.

    ?Yes!? Erika choked out panic stricken, her legs, and arms seemed to curl under Tasha?s propped up knee, twitching and unresponsive to her desires to try and free herself.

    ?And all your muscles are nothing compared to mine, right!? Tasha continued with her demands.


    ?No! Say it!? Tasha pressed down until she was sure the blonde?s back might break over her knee.

    ?My muscles are nothing compared to yours! Oh God Tasha please let me go! You beat me!? Erika sobbed, she felt like her back might snap any second.

    ?Is that right? So you?re now convinced who the stronger woman is between us?? Tasha?s Italian teeth seethed fresh saliva with joyous, sexual delight.

    ?Yes! Your Spanish body is too much, your the better fighter, superior woman, everything! Just stop hurting me!? Erika sobbed.

    Tasha, in a calculated move, placed her right hand down on Erika?s glorious pussy, squeezing and again applied pressure. ?And my pussy and breasts are stronger!?Say it!? Tasha shouted.

    ?Your...?pussy.?and breasts??.are stronger!? Erika closed her eyes to the humiliation, but screamed and cried her submission, ?Please take your hand off my pussy!?

    ?That's fucking better.? Tasha applied pressure again, held the hold for a few more seconds making the Blonde sob louder. She slipped a finger into the Blonde?s dripping wet cunt making Erika moan. So contorted was the Blonde?s body over her knee, that at one point, her head touched the ground as her knees touched as well, her belly fluttering and stretching painfully over Tasha?s thigh, her back suffering against Tasha?s leg. Her arms were dangling on the ground in useless agony as the hold her body was stretched out at her enemies mercy.

    ?How do you like that? Any threats now that I am finger fucking your cunt!??

    This was it, the worst defeat ever suffered. Erika continued to babble out her pleas for release and surrender. ?You?ve broken me! I can?t take it anymore!? Erika screamed. ?Let me go!? The recesses of her mind spun with questions; How could this have happened? How did she fail? Just days ago she stood across from Tasha, confident and triumphant, proud and sure of herself!

    While the words leaving her mouth were her?s, and she cognitively knew that, emotionally Erika was in denial about what was actually happening. Was she really laying here, forced over some woman?s thigh, forced to say these awful words, and forced to finally admit she was beaten. Her strong body, muscles, everything she held precious was laid bare before this horrid brutal, powerful Spanish woman. Naked and brutalized by her nemesis until she had nothing left. All those years of hard work, training, and pride were now crushed in what might be their final climactic battle.

    She prayed that Tasha would show mercy on her and stop abusing her. That thought alone convinced Erika that the war between them, might now be over. She had lost to the better, stronger woman. Erika wept openly again, ?Why did it have to be Tasha! How could she have won and beaten me in such a decisive manner!

    ?Is it finally over? And I lost!? Erika cried the thought inside of her own head, devastated.


    He had not missed anything this time, he had watched the whole thing unfold. Erika?s amazingly, sexy body looked totally broken across Tasha?s thigh. Listening to Tasha crush Erika emotionally and psychologically was almost as thrilling as the actual physical fight, almost. She was now torturing the Blonde more, making her beg for mercy as she contorted her body over her thin, lean Spanish muscles, pushing on the Erika?s chin, rolling the Blonde?s head back and forth making the Italian Amazon say things that were so humiliating and submissive, begging for her freedom. Things that women would never admit to one another unless forced to the point of almost death.

    At least twice he watched as the Tasha relaxed the pressure, then grit her teeth, flex her triceps and push back down again, eliciting renewed moans from the defeated blonde.

    William had never witnessed such savagery, nor imagined it would unfold before his very eyes as such, one woman?s Big, powerful body bent and stretched over the knee of a much smaller, leaner female adversary. The smaller Tasha twisted and tortured her defeated rival beyond anything he had ever seen. His mind was was still having trouble making the connection. That this was the same strong, Italian Amazon, only minutes ago, fighting tooth and nail with the smaller, weaker Spanish Spanish, and who had successfully beaten Tasha thoroughly the last time they fought. It seemed a foregone conclusion Erika would take this third, and probably final victory.

    But fate had allowed for a different outcome.

    Sweat dripped from the Italian?s shivering body. Low moaning whimpers radiated out from her humiliated, crushed and broken form.


    This wasn?t just a victory for Tasha, it was a badge of honor, maybe the final act in their ongoing war for Supremacy. It had not started out that way, but both women had eventually could see the change and escalating battle between them with every fight. Each fight was more vicious then the previous and more was on the line every time. Ultimately it seemed like they were almost fighting for survival as they tested everything they had.

    Finally, Tasha had managed to turn the tables, yet again, and established herself as the dominant Alpha Female between them. The stronger and the better. The Blonde had nothing left for her this time, she was enthralled by the new level of pain and submission that she could elicit based on Erika?s screams. Her words of surrender came again and again.

    The mighty Spanish beauty finally relaxed the savage pressure and looked down with pride upon her beaten adversary. The big, great and mighty Blonde she had fought many times, Tasha had suffered and been beaten into submission many times before at the hands of this very Bitch. But not this time! Now that same woman lay draped over her knee, moaning, sobbing. Today, Tasha?s beaten nemesis was not held in place by force any longer, Erika lay totally limp, like some broken doll, unable to move of her own willpower, her glistening powerful muscles depleted in exhausted agony.

    In a final act of contempt, Tasha shoved the Blonde away from her and stood up. Erika?s battered body collapsed to the ground with a thud as Tasha stood up, looking down, watching as her foe?s body shook with a combination of fear and exhaustion. ?The fight was over.? She thought and felt both the emotional and physical satisfaction as she stood there, her powerful Spanish form towering above. Some tears of relief ran down her cheeks as she started to realize the magnitude of what had, and was still, transpiring.

    Erika was relieved to be free from Tasha?s brutal attack, and exhausted, knowing she couldn?t continue. She just prayed that Tasha was finished with her. But a new horrible sensation crept in, she could feel it, all over her, and deep inside her, she felt inferior. Although Erika sensed she could move her arms and legs, her body felt twisted and broken, in a heap at the feet of the women who glared down at her with the disdain one champion has toward that of a conquered foe.

    Erika prayed again that the Spanish savage of a woman was done with her.

    Tasha sucked in great lungfuls of air, her ample chest rising, nipples hard and sticking out, her sweat-sheened nude body looked sleek and strong in the late afternoon sunlight.

    The Blonde beauty was totally unable to defend herself as Tasha stood looking down; content, confident and supreme in her position. Her arms rippled with exertion and her face was etched with determination, she considered even choking the bitch unconscious as another humiliating torment, but she wanted her to remain awake when she left. To remember ever small detail of the final moments.

    In a symbolic gesture of absolute victory and supremacy, Tasha stepped over and straddled Erika's prone form, her hands on her powerful hips. A look of pure smug satisfaction formed on Tasha's pretty face as she looked down, and when their eyes met they both knew it was over. Tasha had won, Erika had lost. She studied the woman below her;

    ?What happened to that arrogant, taunting Italian bitch? The one that would sit across from me in the coffee shop in your expensive suites, belittling me with threats??

    No response.

    Finally in another degrading display of victory, Tasha thrust her fists into the air and over her head uttering a faint ?Yes? and looked upward. It was an emotional release more than anything else, and the tears streamed from her eyes.

    Tasha then looked back down and sneered, Erika's body seemed to jerk fearfully. The Blonde?s left arm was bent behind her back, clutching at her wounded muscles along her spine, her other hand, her right, was massaging her aching neck. Her whole body was arched and twisted from the massive amount of abuse she had been on the receiving end of, in fact she could only squirm in agony, suppressing sobs as the powerful Spanish stared supremely down on her, her eyes full of hate and victory, taking careful note of the bruises along Erika?s torso, and where she had slapped the Blonde?s magnificent breasts, scratches all along her back, legs and ass. ?I did that, I put them there!? Tasha thought with pride.

    ?You pathetic Bitch I hope this loss hurts for a long time.?

    Erika was still reeling in shock as she watched the Spanish beauty take a moment to strut a victory lap around her fallen body. It was a gut wrenching display of arrogance and domination, the way Tasha stuck her chest out, taking in long slow drinks of air, letting the moment wash over her. Finally the Spanish woman turned away and slowly got dressed.

    ?I?ll of course be taking your undergarments, but leaving you just enough to get home.? After she dressed, she knelt down and grabbed a fist full of Blonde hair forcing Erika?s face to tilt up toward her, ?I thought about taking everything, leaving you naked out here, I could do that you know. But I decided to be just a slight bit kind.?

    Erika winced in pain and little bit of fear when Tasha suddenly turned back toward her and leaned down starring her hard in the eyes.

    Behind the bruises and blood, the disheveled hair, and blood shot eyes, Tasha could see real fear now and that was what she was looking for, and found. Normally, in this moment of departure, a taunting challenge would be issued for a ?next time?, but today felt different. The unexpected had happened. Their horrific battles had come to a moment with the victor so soundly decided that a new challenge was not issued by the victor, nor were promises of revenge given from the fallen.

    Tasha sneered down in contempt as she Tasha back up and then turned to leave.


    William?s eyes narrowed and he held his breath, but still he couldn?t hear what was being said. He could hear talking but not the actual words or exchange, no matter how hard he strained to listen.


    Tasha never looked back, never even seemed slightly concerned that Erika might get up and attack her from behind. The Spanish woman was that sure of her victory and power over the Italian woman.

    Erika?s jaw clenched. She had no excuses this time and felt defeat encompass her totally. Rolling away from the sight of the disappearing rival, she felt the hysteria of the moment also eave her. It wasn?t a calm that fell over her, just existing in the moment. Even after she knew Tasha was long gone, Erika slowly tried to sit up, but failed. Croaking out whimpers of pain as every inch of her body hurt and collapsed back on the ground. Her body was cramping, wondering if she could even stand, and how would she walk the distance back down the hill which eventually led to her car.

    Her body failed her again, the once powerful Blonde fell flat on her back, arms and legs spread out in exhaustion, every muscle and joint ached, the very thought of moving was painful. She had been literally ?laid out? by that Spanish bitch and couldn?t get up. More tears of humiliation and shock filled her eyes, eyes that blankly looked around at the rows of trees.

    Even though she lay naked, vulnerable and chilled as the summer sweat disappeared off her skin, there was that ever present eroticism of being nude, her body pressing against a soft grass molding to her every curve. Slowly her eyes closed as she tried to block out everything that had just happened, everything that had gone wrong. But it wasn?t so easy, the things that Spanish bitch did to her, made her say.?.so humbling, so horribly humiliating. She had been crushed by that little Spanish woman in a very one sided beat down.

    Erika felt her confidence crumble to almost nothing.

    Every ache in her body reminded her of feeling helpless in Tasha?s crushing bearhug, and then draped over that bitch?s knee, weakened and totally defeated. It was the most bitter thing she has ever faced. She had been soundly defeated by that Spanish woman and she knew Tasha could do it again. She now feared Tasha in a way she never had before, and that excited her on some intimate level.


    It was one step at a time, and each one was pure hell. Her back was fucked, the entire rest of her body ached, her right eye swollen shut. She had the hell beat out of her and would never forget it. She limped every step of the way, stopping to lean against trees many times over for support and rest.

    She clutched her car keys as the parking lot lights came into view, and was actually thankful that Tasha left her running pants and jacket behind. ?Thankful?? she questioned that thought humorously.


    Life is an odd thing - Part 27


    Tasha walked into her apartment but only made it as far as the bedroom before collapsing. The adrenaline rush from her victory had carried her during the walk out of the park, and even during the drive home. The images, feelings and tastes were so fresh she felt more alive than ever before.

    But all at once the exhaustion poured over her and she fell face forward on top of the bed. She had never been so exhausted in her life. She didn?t want to sleep, she wanted to stay up all night and soak in every memory and feeling, to revel in what had happened today. But she never even made it to the shower. Still covered in sweat and dirt she simply allowed her body to collapse and sleep came only minutes after her eyes closed.

    As Tasha came around she awoke to a painful reality, she felt like total hell. Every joint and muscle ached and she had bruising and scratches all over her body to prove she had been in one hell of a fight. It was alarming to see actually. Although she had just beaten the Blonde in a severe fight, it was obvious she had not come out unscathed from the event.

    ?Fucking bitch!? Tasha hissed as she evaluated the battle scars all over her back and front. Tasha felt a surge of anger and it was a different type of anger, almost righteous indignation, and for once it felt good, satisfying. And then the proud sense of victory warmed her whole body when she allowed herself a moment to reflect on what she had just achieved. Another taste of victory, she wished she had taken a moment to use her camera phone, just to see that Italian bitch laid out on her back.

    Stepping from the shower she grabbed the towel and slowly wiped the water off her sleek, Spanish body, admiring herself as the pride continued to course thru her veins. She didn?t feel that it was arrogance to feel superior to Erika now, it just felt ?right?. After all, the Italian Amazon had been throwing arrogance in Tasha?s face for months, belittling her, talking about her superior skills and body.

    But yesterday was different. It was Tasha?s smaller, thinner body that had prevailed and crushed the bigger, more muscular Italian Woman.

    For several months they had waged a war against one another, with the looser verbally submitting to the winner, but the outcome yesterday wasn?t just another fight, nor were the words that Erika spoke when she was beaten. This time there was real meaning behind them, long lasting meaning. She smiled into the mirror knowing there was no doubt now that she was now the true dominant Alpha female between them.


    Erika sat in her room, dazed. She had tried calling into work to leave a message that she would be out sick, but her voice was so hoarse that she couldn?t form a coherent sentence.

    ?I need to go to the doctor.? She thought. Something didn?t feel right about her back, the pain was too severe. She winced and slowly stood up, limping her way to the bathroom to draw herself a hot bath. As the water Tasha she took a cocktail of pain relievers, washing it down with several glasses of water and juice to replenish her dehydrated body.

    ?I?m done with that bitch. We fought back and forth for months now?..? The tears welled up in her eyes again and she stopped thinking, trying to simply compose herself, ?I?ve never been so humiliated like that, she forced me to say things I would never dream of saying, especially to another woman!? Erika fought back the tears that continued to run down her cheeks anyway.

    ?How could she? did she beat me??

    Part of her couldn?t believe what she was saying. But the truth was, Tasha punished her beyond any previous fight. ?She broke me, that Spanish bitch broke my spirit and will. Things I said and admitted can not be taken back.? The Blonde wondered if she could even survive another fight with that smaller, powerful Spanish woman again. Although she had won almost all of their fights previously, everything seemed different now. All because of one fight. All because of one very devastating loss.


    Bryan, Erika?s boyfriend, pushed the issue of her absence and solitude but Erika insisted she was ill with the flu and he finally he relented in his pursuits.

    Tasha?s recovery was much quicker as she had not suffered near the beating Erika did. In fact she attempted one communication with the blonde she hated and despised, it simply read: ?I whipped your ass! Fuck You!?

    Erika never responded.

    As far as Erika was concerned that one communication summed it all up, and settled it. She had always felt superior, and felt like she could dominate the Spanish girl, any girl for that fact, until recently. But Tasha had finally proven she could sometimes out fight and even out fuck her. The Spanish beauty had more than just bested her.

    Erika hung her head in shame for not the first time since battling the small, tough Spanish bitch. No matter how she studied the situation, it all came out reading the same.

    Sometimes the disappointment in herself was so severe she wondered if she could ever regain a shred of confidence to see Tasha face-to-face. The thought of fighting that woman simply unnerved and scared her now. Erika wasn?t the same woman as when they first met; Confident, even cocky, proud, and sure of her abilities. It was a mockery to her that such a smaller, Spanish girl would even be a challenge, and the first few fights played out exactly that way. She kicked Tasha?s ass! She was proud of that fact, she had put that upstart, smart mouth, Dark skinned bitch in her place.

    But how fate had turned ?on her?, and the feisty, Spanish girl had put Erika down for the count, and humbled her.

    In moments of her most severe doubt Erika even began looking for jobs in other cities, and states, moving to the West Coast even to start over new again.

    This was more then just an emotional bitter pill that took a long time to swallow, it was also her womanly physique, abilities, strength that were put to the test and devastatingly crushed.

    Erika eventually rejected the idea of leaving town. She was not going be forced into fleeing from her family, boyfriend and friends because she got her ass kicked by this other woman. Part of her hoped that it was all over now, and she wouldn?t have to fight the dangerous, Dark skinned girl ever again.


    Tasha started to wish she would at least run into the Italian woman, somewhere randomly, face-to-face. Words didn?t even need to be exchanged. Tasha was radiating such a grand sense of accomplishment and pride that she wanted to see that bitches face one more time. To simply watch Erika?s typical arrogant, smug expression fall by just being in her presence, in the presence of a superior Spanish woman.

    Tasha smirked because it felt like she now carried that same sense of arrogance that she used to so loathe in Erika. ?But why not! I earned the right to act Top Bitch? and she had the battle scars, emotional and physical, to prove it. Every part of her radiated with a new feeling of power, from her breasts, to her pussy, to every muscle in her body that she had fought the Blonde Amazon and ultimately defeated her. More than anything she wanted to crush the Blonde?s breasts and let the girl feel how hard her nipples are, at this very moment!

    Tasha had whipped herself into a sexual, fighting frenzy. She ached for a fight and she kept coming back to Erika. The two of them seemed destined to clash again.

    ?Was that really the final fight?? she wondered. She felt good, and disappointed, about those thoughts.

    Tasha considered looking for other women to fight, she wanted to find out if any woman could put up a challenge. It excited Tasha thinking about battling other women, one conquest at a time, ?another notch? of victory she smirked as her body thrilled with the possibilities. She didn?t care; Asian, Latino, European, the options seemed endless, even another Spanish woman. ?Maybe that?s the only woman who could really meet me on a level playing field, another Spanish woman.?


    William would have normally avoided this event at all costs, but Sharon was his sister. He detested her swanky, socialite, snot-nosed parties. But thru the work of his Private Investigators, and Sharon?s big gossiping mouth, William had learned that that both Tasha and Erika had responded with an ?affirmative? to the invitations. Now that changes everything, ?I will not miss this party!? Seeing both women, in the flesh, since their fight in the park made his mind spin with wild fantasies. ?Just don?t become tongue tied.? when talking, he had to consul himself. ?Remember you have to act like you know nothing.?

    It was a silly thought process he was going thru, but felt better by doing it.


    Erika was one of the first to arrive and William eagerly made his way over to greet her. But that eagerness took a sharp nose dive when he noticed Erika?s fiancee was in-tow. Regardless, she looked stunning in a little dress with a nude underlay and sexy lace overlay, the back was open back running way down just above the curve of her lower spine, daringly a fraction above that would have showed her butt crack.

    Once he screwed his eyeballs back in, he was then stunned that she showed no residual effects from the fight. ?This is the same girl?? he questioned himself. It was of course! The stunning, statuesque Blonde, looking toned and fit. Now he questioned his sanity, ?Did the fight really happen?? How is this well-to-do, elegant, strong Blonde the same girl in the park that day? Fighting in one of the most brutal fights he had ever seen or heard. He couldn?t make the connection. True, the fight had been over a month ago, but still.


    Erika made polite conversation with William, as did her boyfriend Bryan, and a surprising sense of ?normalcy? began to come over her. It felt good to have Bryan next to her, socializing, and thinking that maybe most of that messy affair with Tasha was now starting to move behind her.

    Periodically she still found herself distracted, her eyes darting about for any glimpse of ?her?. A half hour into the party and no sign, ?So she isn?t here, or isn?t coming.? and a light amount of relief swept over, followed by a pang of embarrassment that she would ever feel inferior or worried about being around that Spanish cunt. ?Or any woman for that matter?. But there it was, that nervous excitement and fear that was ready to leap out at the very presence of what she could only think of as her mortal-enemy. A girl she now hated and loathed with ever fiber of her being.

    It seemed their hatred of one another had become all consuming, for both women.


    Tasha was late, very late, wanting to make sure her entrance would be received by as many people as possible, and it was, to a degree. She was stunning in a short, strapless dark cafe colored dress that came up higher than Erika?s own dress. Tasha?s well endowed, firm chest had no problem keeping the front from sagging.

    Tasha was now stealing the attention from all of the other women for sure, all save one, and she quickly had no problem identifying ?that other woman?.

    She and Erika were the two hottest women at the party, the competition seemed deadlocked based on the admiring views and comments. But it was a fierce competition that annoyed Tasha tremendously for reasons she had not anticipated, the intimate knowledge of being the victor in their long waged war should have quieted her rage and competitive juices. But after only a few minutes of mingling, it was obvious how much more attention the Blonde was getting than her, and that really sent Tasha?s blood boiling.

    ?That bitch is just putting it all out there for everyone to drool over!? Tasha fumed, her beautiful strong jaw line clenched. She knew the Italian woman was sexy as hell, but ?She has some arrogance showing off so much skin on the first ?outing? since our last fight.?

    Tasha thought for sure Erika would be a no-show, or at least dress in a more humbling attire. She was even beginning to wish that everyone in the room knew about their fights, and who ultimately who had emerged as the better woman. ?I bet that big Blonde wouldn?t be held in such high regard if they all knew how badly I beat her ass. Especially her stupid boyfriend.? And there it was, that familiar flame inside, lusting for battle. She had come looking to scope out the entire party for another woman to fight, but the sexy Spanish seriously doubted any woman could challenge her the way the Nordic Blonde could, ?Did destiny have us locked together in an endless war for supremacy?? she wondered with excitement. Her nipples and pussy felt a tingle that only fighting that big Italian bitch could bring out in her. She had to caution herself, not to become too anxious, after all she had reigned supreme in the end, and had gone so far as to insinuate things were ?done? between them.

    ?Or maybe I dismissed Erika too quickly?? Her subconscious warned.

    The room took on an air of intensity that initially only Erika and Tasha could detect, because after all, it was coming from the two of them, directed at each other with malicious intent. Erika kept her glances slightly evasive and her body language one of ?caution?.

    William wasn?t far behind in taking notice, now he was noticing the cutting looks that meant more than the usual female competitiveness, such as ?I can wear this dress better than you!? type of bitchiness, but he knew he had to act totally oblivious to everything as well.

    They had not made direct contact yet, and Tasha went about working the party a bit longer, deciding to deal with the Blonde in her own sweet time. If it came to that.

    Erika was feeling almost elated, but still guarded, she hadn?t expected Tasha to get so riled up by her presence tonight, and the more that Spanish woman shot her hateful looks, the more she worked her body in the sexy dress.

    But she also became worried that Tasha could be a bit unbalanced and might try something there at the party, if things were pushed too far. Win or lose, Erika didn?t want their history to become public knowledge. This was a war between she and that Spanish bitch, and just the two of them.

    The Blonde did wonder, on some level, why Tasha was giving her such death-ray stares, she expected the beautiful Spanish to simply enjoy her new found glory and leave it at that. But a tingling thrill ran up her spine knowing that she still could get under each other?s skin, that their ?encounters? might not be over yet.


    ?Just fucking look at her.? Tasha spat as she sipped on her drink, ?Acting like she is the hottest thing on the planet.?

    ?I really don?t know why you let it bother you Tasha.? Sharon tried to sooth her friends nerves but knew it was no use, Tasha and Erika rubbed each other the wrong way from the very beginning.

    The Spanish tigress had her claws out, she was also tuning-out every diplomatic, soothing word her friend Sharon tried to whisper into her ear. ?If you only knew Sharon, then you might understand.? she thought privately.

    Tasha got more to drink from the bartender and observed William?s face, she saw that Sharon?s brother was somewhat tipsy from drinking, which meant his drooling over that Italian Anglo-Saxon bitch was getting out of control, yet again. But the final straw, the one that had ?broken the camel?s back?, occurred just seconds later when Darryl entered the scene. Watching that fine specimen of a Spanish man, ?obviously drunk? sent Tasha into a raging orbit as he began hitting on Erika right before her very eyes, and in front of Erika?s own boyfriend!

    ?That?s my fucking boyfriend!? It was like a punch in the gut to see him drooling over the Italian Blonde, along with that other idiot William. Tasha knew Darryl to be an ?ass man?, but oddly he often spoke in admiration of Erika?s breasts, ?He was defiantly eyeing both tonight.? she thought. His eyes were glued to Erika?s fantastic cleavage, but she caught his gaze drifting constantly to the Blonde?s ?rear? whenever he could.

    Darryl found no harm in pausing momentarily to chat with Erika and her boyfriend, before finding Tasha. He just hoped she didn?t find him first, he knew there was history between the two women, both of which he lusted to fuck. Well, he was fucking Tasha, but would love to get Erika?s hot body into bed as well. ?Maybe one day? he hoped.

    ?Fuck this!? Tasha hissed and guzzled her mixed drink. She now felt like the one eating crow, like the looser, while that Italian bitch just ate up all the attention, flaunting ?her stuff?, ?Well this shit is going to stop!?

    This would be their first face-to-face encounter since the fight, and Tasha was determined to make the encounter happen now. And yes, a part of her wanted to rub her superiorness into the bitches face.

    ?Pardon me,? She said cozying up next to Darryl, and a slight gap in the social group parted for the Spanish beauty.

    ?Hey babe!? Darryl wrapped his arm around his lover?s shoulders, ?I just got here, didn?t find you yet.? and went about smooth talking his girl. He could tell Tasha was fuming over something and immediately assumed it was his delinquent appearance at the party, and for talking with another woman, especially Erika.

    William almost lost control of drink, his fingers quickly flexed to reaffirm that control. ?Hello Tasha.? William said in the calmest tone he could muster, acting was not his primary talent in life, actually nothing was, if his family didn?t have money he would be struggling to make a career out of anything. But all of those concerns took a backseat to the spectacle before him. A shiver went down his spine as these two powerhouses squared off against each other, just a couple of feet apart. But his mind had trouble suppressing the images of the two of them, naked, locked in desperate combat. Now he wanted to run to the bathroom and jerk off. ?Maybe later?.

    Erika smirked and the smile continued to curl into the corner of her mouth, simply glaring back at the beautiful Spanish haired woman that had just barged her way into the group. Surprisingly Erika felt very little emotion at Tasha?s arrival. Any twinges of jealousy, pain, and loss since their fight were not as strong as she had anticipated. ?Must be the alcohol.? she thought.

    Bryan?s left arm hugged Erika?s waist closer, he was taking in all of the unspoken energy between the girl?s stares, and it was concerning. Especially when Erika didn?t respond to the increased tension of his hug.

    Darryl leaned over and kissed Tasha?s cheek, to maybe break the ice a little more, which she gladly turned up toward him.


    It seemed inevitable, so Erika wasn?t totally surprised when Tasha stepped into her path as she made her way from the bathroom, heading back to where she left Bryan.

    ?Don?t worry, I?ll allow you to return in one piece, and undamaged.? Tasha sneered tauntingly. That biting comment sent horrible shockwaves of embarrassment all throughout the Blonde?s now rigid body, some fear, some anger.

    ?Then start talking.? Erika?s face flushed red at Tasha?s verbal rub. Both women where in heels but the Blonde still held a height advantage. Tasha?s calve muscles went from taught, to rigid coils of muscle as she stood up on her toes, getting right up in Erika?s face with an indignant look, so quick it almost forced Erika to back up.

    ?Watch the tone you fucking bitch!?

    ?I?ll take any tone I want!? The Blonde snapped back and pressed forward causing their breasts to crush against one another. The pressure was enough to cause their cleavage to swell up out of the tops of their dresses. A familiar flood of emotions made both women blink at the new pressure, and how their bodies seemed to instantly respond with pure hostility toward the other.

    ?So you haven?t learned anything, is that it?? Tasha sneered, cocking her head slightly.

    ?I?m not going to cower, nor take your shit every time you show your face, if that is what your expecting.? Erika somehow found the resolve to snap back even as new fears she had never dealt with before kept surfacing.

    ?Well you had better cower down before me, and you had better stuff the attitude or I?ll remind you of every word you said.? The Spanish beauty hissed and then bumped the tip of her nose against the blonde?s. She watched Erika?s lips tense and her chest rise with emotion, she felt like she had started chipping away at the Italian girl?s emotions now, getting into her mind and body. Tasha could tell the girl wanted to verbally snap back, but was biting her tongue hard.

    A crimson color had also started to fully enveloped the Blonde?s cheeks, but Tasha noticed only a little of that, she had become more distracted by the pressure against her breasts. But she felt she had the upper hand with the Blonde and focused on that.

    ?Well?? Tasha sneered and tilted her head a little, enjoying the heat rising off their bodies, the violent and sexual tension that collided between them. Both women stared unblinking, a standoff between the two most beautiful and fit women around. Erika?s cheek?s trembled with emotion, she was loosing the mental war, and her confidence wained in the physical presence of this little, but tough, Spanish bitch.

    ?I know what I said.? Erika?s voice was weakening, that revelation gave Tasha the physiological upper hand she had wanted.

    Erika slowly backed off, retreating from their confrontation first. Tasha smirked with satisfaction and picked up her glass, taking a sip of her drink, enjoying the site of her rival suffering in silence. It was exciting, a new kind of excitement, the kind that comes with domination over another woman. But this time the Spanish woman now lorded over the tall, strong, Italian woman; A hated rival, a woman she seemed born to fight and conquer again and again. Tasha?s soaked in the moment, allowing that superior feeling to wash over her again, and again.

    Erika?s body was beginning to tremble, with an emotion from the embarrassing memories, the humiliating things she admitted to. But Erika was still proud of her body, and her breasts. On some primitive level the Blonde?s pussy contracted with moisture due to the sexual tension between them, but more from the urge to fight this Spanish woman. To fight her again and prove she was the stronger of the two.

    ?You need more convincing maybe?? Tasha taunted and raised a challenging eyebrow and set her glass back down on the nearby table.

    Erika swallowed hard but rallied her emotions for a rebuttal, ?Sounds like your the one who?s still unsure and needs further convincing.? she didn?t feel ready to face this girl again, and was actually surprised to feel herself fighting back on tears, but managed.

    Tasha smiled, admired how the Blonde fought to retain some dignity in the conversation, but the Spanish beauty decided to drive the knife of humiliation in a little deeper. ?I don?t need any more convincing. You admitted as much remember, and one more warning, stay away from Darryl, he?s my man. Although yes I admit he has a thing for Blonde?s, although he doesn?t realize your not woman enough for a strong Spanish man like him. In fact no Italian girl is. You couldn?t handle his dick even if you tried to fuck him!?

    Erika was now shaking from a cocktail of mixed emotions welling up inside of her, not only from the memories, but ?taking orders? from this bitch as if she was beneath her now, like some cheap tramp, which she knew she was not. A short time ago she never would have tolerated a second of this from the Spanish bitch. But Erika was wilting in the face of the now dominate Spanish woman asserting her physical and sexual dominance.

    ?Now, I?m done with you.? Tasha suddenly announced, and in a degrading snub brushed passed the taller Blonde with a firm shoulder nudge, Erika simply watched her hated rival walk away, a taunting confident sexual strut to her walk.

    Erika never thought she would meet another woman who could better her, in the back of her mind she thought if that day ever did come that she could admit she was beaten, if that day ever came. ?But why Tasha! Why that Spanish bitch, that riles every hostile thing in my body and soul.?

    The most confusing part, on some deeper level, was that it excited her to have found a woman that could match and sometimes exceed her own physical prowess. But again, how could that smaller, Spanish bitch whip her ass in the end? That only piled on the humiliation. ?I have everything it takes to win, and I did win more fights! But that last fight was so horrible, I just couldn?t take anymore.? She tried to hold back the faint sobs as she felt just how low her pride and confidence had waned, so low she wondered if she could ever face the Spanish beauty again, and if she did, would she even survive.

    ?Did I treat her that way?? Erika suddenly reflected on Tasha?s new hostile, superior attitude. ?Maybe it was karma coming back on me.?

    She brushed aside those thoughts of self-doubt, and with a sudden burst of fury Erika slammed her right fist into the palm of her left hand. Even in defeat Erika wouldn?t crawl into a hole and cower. First thing tomorrow she would be back in the gym, she would get back to training, and focus on restoring her life. If she had to swallow mounds of attitude from Tasha, so be it, but she had to remain focused on the fact that if she ever had the chance again, she would whip that bitches Spanish ass.


    The entire encounter left Tasha soaring, she had never felt so aroused and powerful in her whole life. She had conquered her fears, and her foe. Confronting the big, strong Blonde was thrilling, tantalizing, and surged thru her body with erotic sensations. Her breasts still longed to press against the Blonde?s again, those firm creamy Italian mounds mashing against her firm Spanish flesh. She knew the Italian woman would probably fight her again if she pressed the issue. The possibility of another fight with Erika was thrilling.


    Intermission - Part 28


    Tasha scaled back on the exercise, yes she still went to the gym on a regular basis, but her desire to try and match Erika?s muscular definition was starting to wane, not that she really considered it to be a realistic goal to begin with. But she accepted she was chasing a ghost, she was trying to emulate a look she didn?t need, or for that matter no longer wanted. She found it more appealing to keep a somewhat softer look. She felt sexy as she was, and besides, she had bested her Italian nemesis without having to get ?big?.

    She did give Erika credit, the Blonde looked devastatingly hot given her physical stature and muscles, suddenly she got flustered, for multiple reasons. That admiration was given by a lot of people, now she couldn?t help thinking about how she flew into a jealous rage at the party. All the victories in the world couldn?t remove those images, especially the leering gaze her boyfriend kept giving that Italian cunt, ?All fucking night long!?.

    When able to calm herself, which was actually most of the time, Tasha wondered what would happen when they came face to face again. No matter what she was doing, when she thought about another encounter with Erika she got ?turned on?. The Spanish beauty considered that with her new found dominance she should be able to easily coerce the Blonde into another fight, something less violent. Once again, the most difficult part wasn?t the actual challenge itself, but the right time, and place. ?If the Bitch accepts.? Tasha worried, she started to suspect Erika had walked away from everything. The minor confrontation at the party elicited a few challenging words, but nothing that really got Tasha?s hopes up.

    When she was alone, at night, she slept in the nude and envisioned the two of them entangled, not as lovers, but struggling, their fit bodies locked in combat against one another until one woman submitted to the other.

    ?So what now?? She panted aloud, to no one of course, as she let her body relax. The orgasm had been especially strong, it always was when she fantasized about fighting that Blonde.

    Tasha calculated that the best opportunity to see her was at the Gym, they were both members, unfortunately she rarely saw Erika, their schedules appeared to be total opposites. Tasha preferring to come earlier in the day, while Erika was normally present later in the afternoon, sometimes late evenings. It really annoyed Tasha that she was actually considering altering her schedule, just to come face to face with a women she hated and wanted to tear apart.

    ?Why the fuck am I doing all the work!? at least it felt that way at times, meanwhile she doubted Erika gave her a second thought. Part of her wanted her boyfriend Daryl to find out. Her fantasies sometimes had him as a silent observer, watching his strong Spanish woman physically and sexually defeat the Italian Blonde. ?Then he wouldn?t think so highly of her.? That scenario was extremely unlikely to ever happen, he couldn?t handle such a thing, most men can?t handle strong women.

    The expectations would rise in every part of her body as she would look along the rows of treadmills, or peak into the weight room, and for a second she would catch a glimpse of some Blonde head. Only to have her hopes crushed when it wasn?t her.


    ?More than a month gone by and my back is still a little sore.? Erika was the impatient type for sure, but the sessions were definitely helping; Yoga classes, time spent in the sauna, and a good massage therapist had her on the right track.

    Mentally she was also feeling like her old self and stretched out her left arm, rotating it to the left and right. She watched how the beads of sweat moved over her skin. She squeezed her fist together until a couple of small droplets of sweat oozed out and dripped to the wet tile flooring below.

    ?There!? she thought, using the white cotton towel she dabbed the sweat from her eyes to better focus on the scar, it was maybe about an inch long and not noticeable unless you were really looking for it. Erika knew every scar on her body that Spanish bitch had given her. She had done everything possible, using special creams and moisturizers to help the scratches heal. Most of them did heal, and then there were a few, ?Like this one.? that refused to totally vanish.

    As she examined the ?mark? left by her rival, Erika thought about that tough little Spanish bitch. Within her own realm of control Erika decided that ?There would be no bantering, no long drawn out debates, and no more stupid meetings.?

    ?Why even go there. If I ever fight that bitch again, Tasha will demand to set the time, place, and how it will go down.? Erika shook her head, baffled at the situation she found herself in.

    As always, whenever the door opened, Erika would look upward very annoyed. Cool air would rush in and disrupt the level of humidity. But a sense of amusement took over Erika?s thoughts this time, because Tasha?s expression was priceless.

    Indeed, the Spanish beauty had taken a detour from her usual schedule and came in around 9:00 PM to the gym deciding to unwind in the Steam Shower.

    Erika, feeling unusually pleased at the unexpected events, casually leaned back and propped her elbows up on the tile riser behind her, she crossed her right leg over her left and gave a very satisfying smirk. Neither spoke a word as they eyed one another cautiously. Obviously nothing would happen here Erika considered, and allowed herself the luxury of letting things unfold.

    The initial wave of humidity that Tasha had expected paled in comparison to what she was feeling now. The Italian Blonde, the bane of her existence, sat like some queen watching and judging her with ?that look? of satisfaction.

    ?Get out!? Tasha spat. The words left her mouth before she could stop them, so offended by the site of the Blonde that she lost her composure. Her command telling the Italian girl to ?get out?, of course went ignored, she even felt a little foolish for making the demand.

    Erika sighed and let her head casually roll off to the right as she eyed the beautiful Spanish woman. ?You get out. I was here first.?

    But Tasha was also well versed in this game and reached up with her left hand to give her white cotton towel a tug, exposing her naked body to her rival. Her left hand turned the latch under the handle, locking the door. Not sure why she did that, but she wasn?t even sure why she just ripped the towel off her body. Maybe she wanted to make the Blonde uncomfortable, to take back some control. She then turned her back to her Blonde rival and casually draped the towel along the seat. She also used the moment to compose herself, taking a deep breath before turning around and slowly taking a seat, eyeing Erika the entire time. Now she sat across the small room from her nemesis, mimicking her pose, arms propped and right leg over left. Except Erika still had a towel wrapped around her midsection.

    The thick, hazy steam buffered their vision slightly, but Tasha watched and thought Erika seemed to squirm in her seat just a little bit, although their stares never left the other.

    Erika slowly stood up and took a step toward the locked door, Tasha sat up a little but did not stand, not yet. But her posture, and the gesture itself was threatening nonetheless.

    ?I gave you an out. Now only one of us walks out of her you dumb Bitch.? Tasha had made her intentions clear, and now seemed poised to stand up and follow thru on her threat. She had put the Blonde into a corner and her heart pounded with anticipation. Tasha had everything to gain, and everything to lose, but what worried her was the Blonde had nothing to lose and that is sometimes all the determination and drive someone needs to overcome.

    Erika was feeling the oppressive heat more than ever now, she had been in this steaming hell for almost ten minutes and her body was drenched, she was tired from a workout, and feeling dehydrated. ?Perfect timing?, an exasperated Erika thought. Instead of retreating, as she really wanted to do, Erika shifted her feet across the slick tile floor until they were about shoulder width apart, in a much slower manner than her nemesis, her left hand reached up and pulled free her own towel, reveling her own magnificent, glistening body. The affect was immediate, she watched with satisfaction as Tasha even flinched a little. It gave little comfort to Erika though, she was nervous and scared, for the first time she felt intimidated by this smaller Spanish woman and for good reason. She wasn?t sure what was going to happen; Violent? Sensual? Both?

    Tasha had indeed hesitated for second, she immediately collected herself and stood up while eyeing the gorgeous women before her, glistening with moisture while taking in every detail of Erika?s well defined muscles standing out. But it was those breasts she eventually focused in on, those beautiful Italian breasts dripping with moisture.

    ?You want to slug it out right here you Spanish cunt?? Erika?s lips tensed, her strong jaw tensing, ?Well that?s just fine with me.? her fingers flexed a little in anticipation.

    Tasha was so excited at the prospect of their bodies touching she could barely speak, and did not notice the clenching of the Blonde?s fists. The Spanish rotated her body to squarely face the one woman she wanted to dominate and crush more than anything else. ?Instead of my fists beating you senseless again, how about we finish what we started the other night so I can teach you another lesson, but with these this time.? and she gently swayed her full breasts back and forth.

    Erika stood silent for a second, took a slight breath while trying hide her nervous excitement, she failed in that effort, in fact both women failed miserably. Erika shifted her legs apart anxiously until their breasts were close to even in height, engorged nipples of their firm breasts barely touching. ?This was it, nothing but the two of us, naked and sweating, facing each other.? she thought. It was a common thought and desire they shared, but they held those opinions in reserve, they didn?t seem to flow as naturally as threats of violence did. It was awkward stances, innuendoes, and veiled threats that communicated the sensual competitive desires between them.

    Tasha remembered the night in the bathroom, how could she not, the images came back in waves, she was getting bolder, but Erika wasn
    ?t exactly rejecting anything either. Both women felt the uncomfortable moment engulf them, the intensity of their bodies in close proximity was like a gravitational pull. It was doing things in a slow, purposeful way that made them both nervous, scared, and sexually excited like nothing ever before.

    Their bodies seemed to sway toward the other, maybe a momentary loss of balance, or it was driven by pure initiative, but the next thing Erika felt was her body starting to lean and then that warm, moist sensation of another person?s skin against her own. Their large, perfectly shaped breasts mushroomed against one other, but the Spanish woman held her ground and even pressed back a fraction of an inch. Instantly Spanish and Italian skin slipped and smeared, slick mounds pressed together. Intermittently their nipples would meet as they strained to maintain contact.
    The two slowly shifted their weight around, mostly for balance, but then the muffled gasps and faint grunts of two gorgeous women quickly Tasha indicating it was also a struggle to keep their breasts in constant, but even contact. Slowly their breasts rolled against one another, they were feeling the other out, and without a doubt each was fighting to control their lust. In some way they relished the soft, erotic sensation of their breasts coming together and rubbing. No harsh, violent motions, at least not yet, and no words after initial contact, nor eye contact for that matter. Both Erika and Tasha seemed mesmerized by the sight of their mirrored set of breasts.

    Erika wasn?t sure where this was now going. Were they fighting? She felt a little shame for enjoying what was happening in the moment, her nipples slipping over Tasha?s and the Spanish girl reciprocated the motion. It was almost like they were massaging each other?s breasts, and yet each trying to outdo the other in some manner that was very subtle.

    Tasha didn?t expect this at all, she felt the tension along her Spanish body relax a little and allowed each second to determine the next, even wondering ?Have I lost control? Did I ever have control?? her mind fretted. This was the most erotic thing Tasha has ever felt in her entire life, and her body was betraying her!

    When they allowed their senses to roam beyond the breast contact they quickly realized nothing could smooth over the hate and animosity they felt toward one another. This would no doubt be a physical confrontation as much as a sexual one, and there was no backing down now. The two beauties struggled, long hair, Spanish and Blonde, lay plastered to their heads and shoulders as they longed to feel that moment when one pair of breasts overtakes and dominates the other.
    The room itself was becoming it?s own battleground, favoring neither woman. The very air seemed to encase the women in a thick, choking fog of heat and humidity, denying them fresh air as well as sucking every bit of sweat their bodies seemed capable of producing. Strong legs flexed and strained as they slowly moved, into and around one another, Tasha would slightly push up on her toes to keep even, although the Blonde had spread her legs apart it only compensated to a point.

    Now it was no longer just their breasts, the two glistening warriors let their bodies touch from forehead to foot, it seemed the only way to keep upright, to rely on the other for support. Hands caressed the other, searching for some leverage, but the slippery sweat made every grip unreliable. Tasha blinked quickly, but the stinging sweat, and now tears would never completely clear, it almost seemed better to keep her eyes closed. She felt the body of her Italian rival intimately; hard, strong muscles, smooth skin, moving in her grasp as her hands roamed over Erika?s back. She could hear the sounds of the Blonde panting and moaning.

    The beautiful Blonde felt their bodies crush together, slowly grinding, Italian and Spanish breasts, hips, thighs, rubbing and seeking to erase any gap that might exist. Their arms struggled to tightly wrap around the other?s shoulders. They kept pouring on the pressure, trying to arouse the other, and now it seemed that Erika suspected this was also a matter of endurance. The last woman standing maybe? Who could endure and dominate. Nothing was off limits now as they seemed to move as one, undulating their bodies together, their legs and arms intertwining, struggling for position. Erika could feel Tasha?s left hand on her ass, squeezing it hard, hips thrusting for greater contact, the sweat pouring off in droplets from every part of their body.

    Tasha gasped, but it blended in perfectly with the many other gasps she was already producing due to the hellish sweat box they were trapped in. But the Spanish beauty knew these new gasps to be different, when her breasts and pussy made just the right contact with Erika?s she felt it building inside her. She tried to bury her face the Blonde?s neck and found her reaction shocking violent as well as sexual. Her teeth and lips graved Erika?s neck and shoulder, licking the sweat as she went along. The Spanish beauty could tell it was tormenting her rival, but it was driving Tasha crazy as well.

    Erika shuddered when she felt the teeth graze over her skin, she anticipated the worst, but it never came, Tasha maintained a light touch and when that Spanish woman pressed her dripping cunt directly into hers, Erika?s head tilted back letting out a moan of sexual pleasure. ?Fucking bitch!? Erika panicked, this had turned into a full out sexual assault and she had to compose herself quickly. Erika parted her luscious lips and hungrily touched them against the right side of Tasha?s check, performing her own slow taunts, baring her teeth and tongue against the salty wet skin of her nemesis. The woman she wanted to crush and humiliate, Tasha, and to gain some shred of dignity back again.

    For Erika's sake it was working, Tasha had not expected the Erika to engage in anything so intimate, it crossed too many new boundaries at once with them. Both relied on their other senses now, their eyes remained closed to keep the stinging tears out, and somehow it made what was unfolding all the more easy to accept. Erika still knew this was Tasha, and the horrible violence they had inflicted on each other previously, but this was another type of fight and she needed to commit herself to winning it. ?If I can fuck this Spanish bitch.........? but she never got to really complete the thought, their full sexy lips were touching and immediately the tips of their tongues meet, pressing, locked in their own duel.

    Tasha was experiencing complete sexual overload, she never imagined how she might react in a moment like this, but the way Erika could twist and entwine her tongue, with her own, made it a struggle for Tasha to keep up! 'God this bitch is so fucking Sexy!' she privately admitted.

    The sloppy, seductive kiss was arousing to both beautiful women. It was the perfect rhythm as their crotches mated against one another, their breasts remained equally matched, but now a new battle had opened up as they would kiss, lick, and chew on each other?s lips and tongues.
    The Italian and Spanish women strained against each other as a new sense of desperation joined the battle, both struggled to drive the other to an orgasm first. The heat of the room and the enormous amounts of fluid escaping their bodies made it very clear, such a massive orgasm, that seemed inevitable, would completely destroy the woman who succumbed first.

    Intermission - Part 28 - Continued...........


    Tasha?s body seemingly came alive, her energy boundless as the smaller Spanish fighter writhed her slippery, wet body against that of Erika?s. Any communication was reduced to grunts and whimpers as their aching, dripping mounds humped against one another. Their breast war had produced no decisive winner and both knew they were entering the final stages, no more strategy, just sheer sexual prowess.
    Gently and slowly at times, the two soaking wet women kept pressing their cunts together, along with every other part of their body, each demanding immediate attention it seemed.

    Erika felt an intense spasm of delight, she no longer tried to control the sexy Spanish woman that was trying dominate her, trying to sexually and physically put her back
    ?on her heels?. ?She?s expending so much energy, how can she keep going!? The near exhausted Blonde anxiously contemplated. It was of no use anyway, it was like trying to trying to control a powerful oiled snake, whenever Erika coiled her arms around Tasha?s body, the Spanish girl seemed to slip further from all attempts at control.

    Tasha was now horribly anxious, her hands moved all over the Blonde in an effort to stimulate and wear down her sexual tormentor. That was the appropriate word, Tasha?s whole body felt raw and sexually on edge, and Erika?s amazing body was literally torturing her, driving her mad with lust. It seemed as if her whole body was succumbing to every touch by the Italian Amazon. And so the Spanish fighter did what she knew best, went on the offensive, rubbing her own body against Erika?s, her hands grabbing the solid butt cheeks of her rival while an envious lust for that perfect ass mixed with hateful jealousy. But the Blonde wasn?t backing down! Had she underestimated Erika once again, don?t they always seem to do so? Underestimate the other in their most dire moments?!

    The moans and infrequent squeals filled the air that was thick with steam, sweat and sex. Erika admitted to herself that she had never once thought anything could feel so primal and sexually stimulating, at least never with another woman, and never with Tasha!

    For all of Tasha
    ?s renewed efforts she felt it continue to build deep within herself, she felt like she would pass out from the heat and emotion she was experiencing. The gorgeous Spanish felt like she was being absorb into the beautiful Blonde as all her aggressive clawing and squirming only expedited that feeling of drowning.

    Like two hungry animals trying to devour one another in an all out assault, hands groped and fondled, while mouths kissed and sucked on anything within range. And then Erika made her move, her left arm loosely wrapped around the base of Tasha?s writhing back, while her right hand reached down and pulled at Tasha?s left knee, thankfully their was no resistance, in fact the Spanish woman leaned into the Blonde totally while drawing her leg up and then wrapping that leg around the Blonde?s waist. Erika?s right leg then quickly moved up as her foot found support on the tile seating which lined the boarder of the steam room. Tasha was now forced up on the toes of her right foot with her left leg draped over the Blonde?s strong thigh, she didn?t seem to care that Erika?s right arm, wrapped around her back, was keeping her from falling over, all she wanted was tighter contact.

    Now, with wider access to their dripping cunts, each woman totally exposed to the other, they simultaneously flexed and strained their hips, both crying out in pleasure. Their sexy, well defined legs strained and slid against each other to maintain the position, but it was one amazing, beautiful woman, locked in sexual conquest that could no longer contain her climax any longer. Her Spanish body spasmed and contorted with pleasure, shaking and crying she held on to the strong, smooth and warm body also bucking against her. Tasha?s orgasm repeated itself several times, each one a smaller aftershock of the original, and each one signifying the energy leaving her body, leaving her in a weakened state, putting her closer at the mercy of her sexual rival.

    Erika had never managed such self control in all her life. Her mind, body and soul demanded release, her pussy wanted satisfaction so bad it actually physically hurt. But she needed the energy. Tasha?s body went almost totally limp and she had to quickly help guide her defeated rival downward, onto the tile bench. She could have let the girl go and it would have been a devastating fall to the hard floor below. But Erika knew that Power was sometimes displayed in its greatest form when some restraint was shown. And she was showing that restraint now.

    Tasha?s face exposed her confusion. The look in her eyes was one of shock and fear as she felt herself gently laid down on the bench by her arch-rival, her nemesis. The Blonde never looked more powerful and beautiful, and Tasha never felt more weak and at the mercy of this Italian Amazon. Her legs and arms were like rubber, loosely dangling off the sides of where she lay. A few twitches of pleasure still made rippled thru her. She had lost. But that thought was set aside for a few seconds, she couldn?t take her eyes off the Blonde.

    Standing fully upright, it was an impressive show of strength, Erika took a deep breath, which did little to help, Erika had to get out of the room and now. She fought to steady herself and walked over to where she deposited her white towel, picked it up casually. She could feel Tasha?s eyes studying her back, looking at her legs, her ass and broad shoulders. And she was sure as she bent over the woman would focus in on her bare, glistening cunt. Erika turned, wrapping the towel about her midsection, pausing for second and gave Tasha a stare, it wasn?t what the Spanish girl expected. Erika looked satisfied with herself, but at the same time, it wasn?t a gloating look of domination, and yet there was a hint of victory nonetheless.


    Stepping out of the Steam Shower was more satisfying and refreshing than anything she could have hoped for. The cool air over her body, and her lungs inhaled deeply. She felt totally revitalized, and began walking with one mission in mind now, she headed for the showers. Under the hot shower she bit down on the towel as she fingered her clit to a mind blowing orgasm, tears poured out of her eyes as she groaned and bit down even harder into the towel to muffle the sounds. At one point she thought for sure she would tear thru it.

    ?Now I?m done.? she gasped in the softest voice she could muster, the wet cotten slowly pulled from her mouth, her jaw muscles relaxing, but aching. Her whole body felt satisfied. She wondered about Tasha, but in a way that had her questioning if the whole thing really happened. ?Was it a dream??. No.


    ?You asked for it, you wanted it, you go it?. Tasha thought, her eyes teared up, not from the sweat or steam, but from the overwhelming emotion. Erika had shown such much control and power she found herself almost in awe of the Blonde. That feeling did not suite her at all.

    She fumbled for the towel and staggered out of the room, more exhausted then she could ever recall. The cool air had a refreshing effect. But physically and sexually she felt humbled and drained beyond any encounter she ever had with the Italian woman. Strange, the feeling of humiliation was not as strong, that might come later. She was still reeling from what they had done to one another back in the Steam room. The Spanish beauty started second guessing her skills, she had never kissed another girl before and that full blown kiss with Erika in the Steam room blew her mind apart, she could barely keep up and wanted to taste those full pink lips again. And the way Erika could work that tongue............her mind screeched to a halt.

    She paused to watch. Erika was standing fully dressed in front of the mirror, sweeping a comb thru her long blonde hair. She had this radiant shine to her face and body. Dressed in very humble attire, tee shirt and shorts, with flip flops on, Tasha found herself lusting after the girl, but not in good way. The statuesque Blonde paused and glanced over, their eyes locked and Tasha raised her head a little, adjusting her posture, but it was too late to feign pride. Erika had seen her try make the transformation from looking beaten and slouched, to that of a more proud state. It was an epic failure.

    Erika simply looked back to the mirror and began combing her hair again.

    It was as if she didn?t exist to the Blonde. More mind games perhaps.


    Indeed, Erika felt she had lowered herself in order to redeem herself, in her own eyes.

    ?One small step at a time.? She thought. Calculating everything that just happened. Analyzing what she and Tasha had just experienced. Her peripheral vision told her Tasha was no longer standing there, but she didn?t care. ?I just whipped that girl, now I?m going to kick her ass, and she is going to come to me, and ask for it.? She smiled sadistically. Her analytical side made her feel safe. Whatever is going on between her and Tasha was simply a primitive outlet, she was convinced she had no feelings for Tasha, other then beating the hell out of her.

    Her mind drifted and she had to ?snap out of it?. What they did back in the Steam shower ?Does not fall anywhere near category of making-love to someone. It was just pure sex, pure domination and power.? She told herself. Even if she did want to make love to woman, it would never be with Tasha. She could envision Tasha being her sex-slave maybe, now that turned her on!

    ?Forget it!? she shoved the brush into her bag. ?That deviant bitch!? Erika raged, angry she let herself ever get tangled up with that Spanish bitch. But Erika had to admit, the victories were so sweet and glorious, and rubbing it in Tasha?s face felt good, and the next time they meet there would be a lot of that served up.

    Hand to Hand - Part 29


    Erika was staring down, her eyes focused in on the cleavage of Tasha?s swollen breasts quivering under a low cut shirt, a nice sheen of sweat had formed all along the top.

    The Spanish haired girl, well she just couldn?t resist and looked up, just once, the Blonde?s arms looked amazing as they swelled and bulged with effort, but even more noticeable was the blonde?s own large, heavy breasts shaking from the trembling in her shoulders and chest. When their eyes met she quickly averted her gaze back down, then closed them to renew her efforts, even when she knew ?it was over?. The Spanish beauty groaned one last time and a tear streaked from each of her eyes, the pain was now getting unbearable.

    ?Fuck, she is one strong, tough girl.? Erika reminded herself. Even in defeat Tasha was still fighting and still demonstrating considerable strength. But she felt the kneeling girl?s body begin to tremble with greater intensity as she was now taking huge desperate gasps.

    ?Stop! You win!? Tasha grunted in submission as her wrists gave another millimeter, but Erika didn?t immediately release the pressure.

    ?I said stop you bitch!? Tasha glared up at Erika with pure hatred in her eyes.

    ?No! Tell me, tell me I won!? Erika couldn?t believe she was saying those words, well actually she could, it was just that they had an agreement, prior to this challenge, there was to be no violence and no humiliation. But it somehow pleased the mighty Blonde to demand the concession, and flexed her forearms a bit more causing Tasha to wrench her shoulders from left to right to ease the pain.

    ?You fucking bitch! You Italian cunt! Oh my God please stop! Your going to break my wrists!? Tasha growled in agony at her tendons being stretched to painfully dangerous angles.

    ?You?d demand no less from me!? Erika insisted. Tasha stopped trying to alleviate the pain for a few seconds and looked up, her beautiful chest heaved and her lips trembled from the exhaustion, the humiliation, and of course the pain. What little dignity she had left she used to muster up a stare that conveyed revenge for what the Italian Amazon was forcing her to do next;

    ?Fine.....? her voice cracked and was unsure, but she managed to continue, ? stronger than win.? Tasha swallowed.

    And then.....

    ?What the hell!?? Tasha shouted as Erika forced her wrists back some more, ?I apologized! I admitted your stronger, what else do you want? Yes! Fine! Your Italian muscles are stronger then my Spanish muscles, you submitted this Spanish woman! I admit it!?

    ?No! For calling me a bitch!? Erika growled.

    ?What!?? Tasha gasped in agony, and at the preposterous demand.

    ?You heard me, now tell me you?re sorry for that!?

    The fear of irreparable damage forced her to speak, ?I?m sorry for calling you a bitch.? Tasha whimpered and a sob also crept out, she was breaking down, emotionally and of course physically.

    Erika let go. Tasha instantly collapsed back on the heels of her feet and sucked in several long breaths of air as her arms flopped down to her sides, feeling like a pair of dead weights, totally numb. Her head lowered slowly as she closed her eyes, the room literally seeming to spin, but that was the least of her concerns, the most prominent being the emotionally bitter pill of humility she was just forced to swallow at the hands of this woman standing before her. Towering over her now, looking down upon her with disdain and pride.

    Slowly some feeling begin to return to her finger tips and hands, but she kept her head down. She had walked right into this challenge, like some chump. Hell, she had almost demanded it. Now Tasha was kneeling before her adversary, collecting her pride and crippled arms, trying to figure a way out of this mess with some shred of dignity.


    Hand to Hand - Part 29 - ................continued


    Erika was already in front of the large dresser putting her jewelry back on, carefully inserting each small, silver earring as if she was the only one person the room. And thats what cut Tasha the deepest, the Blonde was already back to being in ?that zone?, where she barely acknowledges Tasha?s very existence.

    But Tasha was a little more preoccupied with standing up at the moment and shifted focus back to that, which wasn?t too difficult, after all, her legs were not the source of discomfort. Wringing her hands together continued to help and then she proceeded to rub her wrists to see if it helped alleviate any of the pain there, it did some. She was pretty sure no permanent damage was done so she went back to her ?other pain?.

    It seemed like they were two complete strangers, each in their own world, doing their own thing, as if nothing had ever happened. But she knew better, it was just a matter getting the Blonde to admit as much.

    ?You were right, you know.? The Spanish girl started, trying some reverse psychology, if that was the appropriate term.

    ?I don?t need a moron like you, telling me, what I already know.? Erika huffed arrogantly.

    Now this response just about threw Tasha into a near tailspin, she was hoping to catch the Blonde off guard with the compliment, but instead, she got rebuffed in typical ?Erika Style?.

    Tasha steeled herself but couldn?t keep her expression from getting tense, even ?hard? if you will.
    ?I would have made you beg, and humiliated you had I won.?

    ?But you didn?t win, I won, and easily.? The Blonde even smirked at herself in the mirror, admiring herself.

    Tasha maintained the unflinching glare at her mortal enemy. How she ever felt even the slightest feeling of compassion for this Italian, Blonde was now impossible to decipher. It was moments such as this when all she wanted to do was unleash violence, but maybe that was what Erika wanted her to do. ?More mind games?? Tasha fumed. ?It is always mind games.?

    Erika finished attaching the earring on her right earlobe, adjusted her shirt and even adjusted a few strands of loose Blonde hair. ?Just let me know when and where you want your next ass beating. You have my email.? And she gave Tasha a subtle hand-flip as if the matter was now closed, quickly she turned and left the room before the Spanish beauty could even get her mouth open.

    Tasha slowly paced the room in stunned silence for several minutes, sometimes shaking her head with disbelief. She spent the time adjusting her outfit and checking her makeup before leaving, but did so at a very slow pace. ?The girl is delusional.? was the only conclusion she could come to at the moment. Before turning the light off she gave a glance back to where they had both once stood, facing one another. Perhaps Tasha was more in disbelief at her own actions?
    In a bold, drunken maneuver, she was the one that challenged Erika to a test, something to quench her desires. After all she beat Erika in the woods when they went hand to hand, why not now?

    ?Her aching back bullshit excuses!? Tasha huffed and shook her head, closing the door behind her. Erika was good with the excuses, always some excuse when she lost, now claiming that her back injury inhibited her abilities. ?What-The-Fuck-Ever! It was a fight! Not damn checkers!?

    ?We fought, you got hurt, I used it to my advantage and kicked your ass!? she rebuffed the Blonde?s excuses with simple logic. But the Italian Amazon seemed to enjoy the bickering that often occurred when they were around one another. It always got heated, and they both enjoyed that. Still though, it pained Tasha to admit that in a straight up challenge, like tonight, she probably can?t beat Erika. She had lasted maybe a minute before the Blonde started cranking her hands and arms back, forcing her down to her knees. ?Simply pathetic!? It wasn?t that Tasha simply dropped to her knees and it was over, not at all, the Spanish woman had fought the Blonde every inch of the way down. But down she went.

    Her buzz had worn off and she wondered if it was possible to get it back. Finally she made her way downstairs to join everyone else and of course endure the presence of her antagonist, who would surely be gloating after the victory. Silently that bitch would be glaring at her with that smug look of arrogance as she coursed her way thru the crowd like some Queen.

    It can, and does, fuck with your mind. Knowing everyone around you was unaware, but for Tasha it seemed like everyone did know and she was acting a role, and the joke was on her. Thoughts like these, paranoid thoughts, drove Tasha to verge of rages she can rarely fathom, and the object she wanted to direct of all this energy, hate, and lust was standing only a few feet away from her.

    ?Wouldn?t it make for a grand spectacle to attack the Blonde, claws out, full force in front of everyone, right here and right now, and let this be our final epic battle.? Tasha thought. ?And I would reign supreme, yet again! Victorious over her beaten Italian, Blonde rival. And then everyone in the room would know who the real Alpha Female was between them.?


    Unexpectedly, Erika kept a low profile the remainder of the evening, and took a seat next to Bryan on the couch, she crossed her left leg over her right to better lean into him, her left hand gave a gentle tug at her skirt to keep it from riding up too high. Her thoughts were taking a sour turn, but Erika went thru the motions of slipping her right arm into her fiancee?s. She had not expected such a dark mood and didn?t know what to make of it. Bryan was oblivious of course, which was a good thing.

    The Blonde?s fingers lightly grazed over her left knee while her mind drifted further from the activities occurring directly around her. It became more and more difficult to respond and engage anyone in conversation.

    The one thing she kept doing with some degree of attention, was to discretely eye the Spanish Beauty, she noticed that Tasha had a very regal walk and presence as she crossed the living room. This private acknowledgment made Erika ache for further redemption, but she wanted the kind of vengeance that was a ?slow burn?, the kind that takes weeks, maybe months to achieve. ?That leaves an everlasting impression.? she even smirked a little. But it was the ?getting there? that was the real challenge, every time she seemed on the verge of utterly destroying her Spanish nemesis Tasha managed some magnificent victory, defeating the Blonde in some humiliating fashion. And ?that? was the source of Erika?s sudden mood swing. The win over Tasha minutes ago was decent enough, but it wasn?t ?enough?, ?Not even close enough? she considered.

    While they avoided one another for the remainder of the evening, Erika?s eyes did make momentary contact with Tasha?s. There was that intensity, and then everything else around the women took on a dull, almost muted feel. They had achieved such pain and pleasure during their battles that all other things in life seemed pale now.

    Tasha stood motionless for moment and got lost in those Blue eyes staring right back at her, she looked away, unsure why, she didn?t consider it a sign of weakness. She had overestimated herself while underestimating Erika, and that was an amazingly stupid thing to do. She knew Erika was fucking strong, probably stronger than any woman she knew. Tasha let herself become overconfident by her last win, her victory in the park was so decisive that Tasha had started to believe she could overcome any weakness or doubt on her part with sheer willpower alone.
    ?Erika steamrolled right over top of that theory.? she privately admitted.


    ?What?s this all about?? Erika placed her hands on her hips as she looked at her with an eye of suspicion.

    ?It will help cut down on your height advantage.? Tasha replied. So, slowly Erika unstrapped her heels, her bare feet shifted and flexed on the surface of the cool wood flooring.

    ?Are you going to tell me what you have in mind?? Erika?s heart was pounding like a jack hammer, she knew that whatever it was, this time she was ready for another brutal test. Tasha didn?t say a word, she just held her hands out, fingers spread.* Erika sighed, trying to relieve some tension and reached out with her hands.

    ?Well,? Tasha smiled, ?Who ever puts the other on their knees first?wins.?

    ?Are you serious?? Erika smirked at the suggestion.

    This didn?t have just a physical implication of who was stronger in the test, but by putting the other girl on her knees would have a terrible psychological impact as one woman was forced to kneel before the other.

    ?Come on.? Tasha taunted and flexed her upraised fingers repeatedly.

    Erika let out a frustrated sigh as they moved cautiously towards one another, closing the distance just enough for their hands to come together while a slight bend at the elbow remained.


    Tasha shook her head and let the memories quickly scatter, ?Seemed like a good idea at the time.? Raising the wine glass to her lips brought back immediate reminders of the pain that still lingered in her wrists.

    Her next move needed to be significant and clever, because for whatever reason Tasha suspected another direct-challenge would end up in her defeat. After the Steam Bath, and then the little ?Test of Strength? debacles, her glorious moment of Triumph over the Blonde seemed to be slipping further away as a distant, even unreal moment.

    The opposite was happening with Erika, who didn?t feel so smug and victorious at that moment, and she wondered if she could ever recover her once soaring confidence and position of dominance. Regardless, glancing back up toward the beautiful Spanish woman standing but a mere ten feet away, she still wanted redemption and it would take a lot more than a couple of chance encounters to get there.


    - - - Updated - - -


    Before, During, After - Part 30


    William had been paying well for the services of the Private Investigators. Maybe too well for what he was getting in return.

    He paced the lower floor obsessively, imaging and re-imaging every possible detail. Erika had beaten Tasha several times. The number of wins was on the Blonde?s side, statistically it seemed to make Erika the better fighter, thus far. He was now talking out loud to himself, and his speech was slightly slurred from several drinks, his right hand reached down and made an adjustment to the crotch of his pants. Standard operating procedure when thinking about those two sexy women.

    He poured over all the details that the Investiagors had collected, it would seem he might be giving Erika too much credit. Tasha?s wins were substantial, while not numerically superior, they had some amount of quality to them; dominating and crushing. The first win, Tasha had slapped Erika unconscious and the Blonde never got a chance to lay a hand on the Spanish beauty, ?Amazing!? William?s mind spun at the possible imagery. Her second win William just happened to be at the right place, right time and was able to hear the beating Tasha gave Erika inside the pool house, it was vicious. And finally their was the matter of some private fight in the basement, Erika had lost that one. ?Damn it, I would have loved to have seen that!? More adjustments made to his private parts.

    William cursed regarding all the ones he missed as he gulped his drink. The last one, that he knew of, he had actually witnessed. It was an all out wrestling, catfight that had both of them slugging it out until Tasha finally crushed the Blonde, literally over her fucking knee!

    But the information about more confrontations really irritated William. He felt cheated, ?Always a day late.? But he smirked and reclined back in his chair, there was another meeting with the investigators in two days to find out what, if anything, was brewing again.

    He beginning to understand what the word ?stalker? actually meant. But it seemed this was the only way to keep tabs on things. His erection was also going full tilt, he also found himself rooting for Tasha a little, she seemed like the underdog in some ways, the idea of her scrapping and clawing her way to a victory against the bigger, stronger Blonde made him so hot. But Erika was so tough though, and so fucking beautiful.

    He spun around in the chair as he reclined with a smile.


    Swiping thru the notifications and emails on her iPhone Erika paused and smiled for a second. Bryan liked to try new places to eat, and she heard good things about this restaurant. She was also excited about a ?Date Night? with her fianc?. Suddenly nothing was falling into place as she read thru the invitation, it seemed cryptic at first, but no, not cryptic at all.

    All of her initial assumptions, all of them good, simply vanished in a few seconds as she read thru the invitation again, and again, to better grasp what it all could mean.

    Erika leaned forward on her couch, her body now tense with rage. She spellchecked the reply several times and then her finger hovered over the ?SEND? icon for a few seconds. She had thought it silly to worry about grammar and spelling when the bulk of her response was laced with profanity.

    ?No, this will not do at all.? and she deleted her reply. She scrolled thru the contacts until she found ?Bitch? and tapped on the name, Tasha?s mobile was now ringing, and Erika?s heart was now racing.


    ?I see you got my invitation.? Tasha stood up from her desk smiling.

    ?I got a stupid, retarded joke, if that is what you are referring to, you idiot!?
    Tasha pulled the phone from her ear about an inch, she wasn?t expecting Erika to start yelling right away.

    ?Are you accepting?? she cautiously placed the phone back against her ear.

    ?Of course I am not accepting.? Erika fumed.

    ?Then why did you call me??

    ?Any opportunity to insult you is a good reason.? Erika was now standing, pacing around her sofa.

    ?Fine, don?t show. In fact let?s just go ahead and agree that everything between us if done. Don?t contact me ever again, and I?ll return the favor! You got that bitch!? Tasha felt her voice waiver, that worried her, and she didn?t hang up. She didn?t hang up because she was bluffing. She adjusted her fingers on her small cell phone. She could feel her body trembling.

    Erika got flustered and wet her lips as Tasha blasted out her threat, she wasn?t expecting that, maybe three seconds of dead air, but it felt like three minutes and Erika was embarrassed to be the one second guessing things, ?I?m still here so keep talking.? That was lame and she felt a slight tremble start in her arms, she letting Tasha get the better of her, she knew it and maybe now Tasha knew it as well.

    ?You and I are going to come to a better understanding about the nature of our relationship.? Tasha was more nervous then ever she could ever recall. She was making this up as she went now, to some degree, and even scared.

    ?Then why not just McDonald?s, that?s more your speed.?

    ?You don?t know me at all.? Tasha sighed and paused in front of the mirror, Erika was trying to push her buttons, but not this time. ?Besides, if we are going to try and talk, face to face, we might as well be comfortable. Even if all we do is hurl insults at one another.?

    Tasha had a point, and the restaurant ?Luce? was a nice place, but she would never admit that to Tasha.

    ?Look, I don?t know what you think???

    ?Yes! or No! No more of your babbling you stupid cunt!? A sudden angry outburst from Tasha pierced the digital line, startling Erika.

    The Spanish Beauty woman was fed up and couldn?t take anymore, she had snapped.

    ?Yes!? The Blonde yelled back into the phone with her own, equal level of anger, and then quickly turned off her phone before sitting back down on the sofa. Nervously her fingers began to play with the device as she studied the empty space in front of her.

    Tasha was taking deep breaths and clutched at her phone, she wanted to smash it against something, she was furious, scared, and elated all at the same time. Slowly she walked into her bedroom, calming herself while contemplating the whole purpose of their Dinner this Friday night, now she was having doubts. She took a few deep breaths and considered that getting Erika to dinner was just half the battle, ?Almost there? Tasha thought.


    Erika was truly bewildered, she analyzed Tasha?s game from every angle and still wasn?t sure what to make of it. An invitation to a nice, intimate place for dinner, just the two of them. Obviously Tasha had something in mind, and the Blonde felt excited about allowing herself to be led down an unknown path, so she stopped thinking about it, well as much as she could.

    But if there was one thing in her gut that Erika could sense, was that whatever was going to go down, it was going to probably end with one of them getting their ass kicked. ?Maybe, maybe not.? she sighed. It was always a competition, everything between Erika and her Spanish nemesis was a competition. ?So regardless,? The Blonde smirked, ?I?ll at least prove there was no way her Spanish Body could out shine my Italian Body.?

    Selecting takes time, but it is all a matter of coordination and achieving the right look. Erika was determined to put on her sexist dress and humiliate the Spanish woman in front of everyone in the restaurant. She didn?t even care what Tasha was going to wear, it wouldn?t matter anyway.

    With a cocky sway to her hips she walked over and opened up the large double doors to one of her dressers and smiled wickedly.



    Dining Out - Part 31


    ?Nothing is ever simple, although most people wish otherwise, and often work very hard at trying to find the easy way of dealing with something.?

    ?Just accept me for who I am. Do not judge me alone based on my looks.?

    Two women, both extremely smart, even sharing this same inward and outward philosophy on life and self respect. And yet, place them in close proximity to one another, all those years of spiritual development and cognitive reasoning goes right out the window. A process almost akin to natural-selection takes over, and once both commit, there is no reasoning or lengths the other will not go, to win and dominate the other. Living in a so called ?civilized society? left both of these women at a loss as to how far they would actually take things.

    On this night, both of these respective women were focused on out performing the other where looks and sex appeal were concerned, and that was only the beginning. The general audience was anyone at large, but the primary concern was eliciting a response from one another, forcing the 'other woman' to betray a look of jealousy, envy, any emotion that would make the other appear weak.

    Both women arrived simultaneously, a rare occurrence with these two, since they never sought to be prompt where the other was concerned. In fact, it was an ongoing ?dig? to either be early, or arrive late. But the unique moment of their ?on-time arrival? for Dinner, just the two of them, did not even register once they came into one another?s presence. Normally snarls of insults about ?finally? being prompt would be given, but this time they had each become mesmerized.

    Erika took notice of Tasha immediately, it was as if her entire mind and body was commanded to do so. This radiant, Spanish Beauty set the Blonde back on her heels, she was impressed and intimidated. The physical simply took over, issuing it?s own commands; The rise in her blood pressure, her chest swelled with excitement, a warmth in the pit of her stomach caused her to clutch at her small purse. Fighting to maintain her pose the Nordic beauty stood firm and tilted her head back slightly to achieve a more commanding air. She even had the urge to perform a slight hair-flip, but caught herself.

    Her big Dark eyes, somehow grew a little wider, she had tried to keep them narrow in order to maintain a more alluring look, but that didn?t happen at all. Tasha then just about stumbled as she stepped into the small waiting area. Once sure she was still standing, she then almost turned around and left! This must be how men ogle at beautiful women, because she was sure she was now doing it towards Erika.

    The Blonde had made a stunning entrance, in fact it goes both ways, her leaving was just as devastating, the little black dress was pushing extremes. The lace showed around the edges and showed off every curve, the long sleeves gave her a powerful silhouette as the fabric hugged her biceps tightly until becoming loose around her forearms. But it was the dramatic, skin-baring cut-out on the back that exposed as much skin as one could be allowed to, in public. From the waist, the dress extended another 14?, at most. Sex oozed from every part of her perfect body.

    The Tasha haired, Spanish Beauty had on a burgundy ultra low-cut front with a cutout on the back. Her goal seemed to be the opposite, to show off as much frontal skin as possible, not that her back was totally covered, her shoulders were exposed but not nearly to the degree Erika had achieved. Tasha?s amazing breasts appeared to be almost fully exposed, and the cut went down to expose the hint of a firm, toned abdomen. In similar fashion, Tasha?s dress was equally as short, if not shorter, her bare legs had a radiant glow. Men and women looked, stared, making no attempts to hide those efforts, which did not sit well for significant others.

    Other women in the room seemed to collectively convey a mob mentality, as if they would come together and grab pitch forks, and then run these two upstarts right out of the establishment! Then out of town, and probably off the continent!

    Erika and Tasha could easily sense all of this hostility, and lust. But their senses were muted to that now, they had locked eyes on one another. A flush of embarrassment seemed to run thru them equally as they fought with the turmoils of lust and aggression.

    ?Are there others in your party??

    Erika knew someone was speaking to them and she forced her attention away from the Spanish Beauty that was staring her down, if took a great amount of effort to tear her eyes away and pay attention to anything else.

    He waited patiently, hell, he would wait as along as necessary, beautiful women came into this place all the time, but he was struggling to maintain all of his professional manners as these two had set the bar to a whole new level. He watched the slightly taller Blonde slowly turn from what he assumed was a companion, although the two had not spoken a word to one another. But they both had this look of recognition, it was the intensity of the stare which unnerved him.

    ?Just the two of us.? Erika was looking at him now. Her voice firm and formal.

    ?Party of two.? Tasha chimed in, also giving him a hash look.

    ?Excellent, your table is ready, right this way.? Nervously he fidgeted and walked them thru the dimly lit Restaurant. Once again the glares of admiration, jealousy and lust swept over the two women. The host felt a radiant degree of pride as he led the two amazing Beauties to their table, located in a somewhat isolated part of the restaurant. Tasha had planned ahead and asked that their table be a little more private.

    Erika was confused. She couldn?t take her eyes off Tasha, the Spanish Woman was devastatingly beautiful, and the Blonde knew she was sexually aroused to a level she could rarely recall. Hiding this fact was becoming very difficult. The horrible, violence that they had unleashed on one another was always in the forefront of their minds, the horrible violence they couldn?t wait to unleash on each other in the near future was also there. But so was the underlying sexual desires. Tasha had done her job well tonight, but there were signs, indications that the Spanish Goddess was just as nervous.

    Tasha was busy trying to figure out how the night might end as she allowed the Host to lay the napkin across her lap. Erika on the other hand was trying to figure out how things might begin.

    When Tasha looked up and their eyes locked in again, Erika gave a faint smile, as if revealing a pleasant thought.

    ?And so it begins.? Tasha thought, trying to get her mind and body ready.


    Dining Out - Part 31 - continued ...


    The initial interruptions were dealt with as the servers came and went to see to their immediate needs.

    Instead of trying to read the Erika?s mind, she went for the direct approach, ?And what do you find so amusing?? Tasha sighed as she sat back into a chair she found to be very comfortable. Now that question almost seemed to make Erika try and suppress the smile even further. The Blonde then gave the restaurant a quick, but discrete, look around.

    ?I wonder if anyone?s conversation tonight will be as interesting as ours.?

    Tasha smiled as she leaned in to pick up her glass of wine, eyeing the blonde from across the small table, ?You never know, everyone has their secrets.?

    ?I doubt anyone could rival ours.? Erika also reached in to gently touch her wine glass, her eyes looked up, locking in with the Spanish Girl?s dark pupils. There was a connection between them, but Erika could never truly understand why, and to be honest she had given up on trying to even understand.

    ?No one could rival us.? The Spanish beauty smiled and held up her wine glass. Erika was caught a little off guard by the civil gesture, but lightly touched the tip of her glass against that of Tasha?s. They both even took a sip at the same time, keeping their eye contact, but by now the smiles were gone.

    ?Correction, no one can rival me.? Erika?s look became a bit hard and Tasha focused now as the Blonde continued, ?I find all of this very intriguing, but what is your end-game tonight??

    Tasha slowly, almost in an indiscernible manner, shook her head back and forth, her dark locks framed her features making the Dark beauty look even more exotic and dangerous. She then leaned forward, placing her elbows on the table, looking Erika squarely in the eyes. The moves, ?her moves? were as smooth as silk, so much so that Erika hesitated for a second before leaning in and mimicking the Spanish woman?s posture. The arrogance of the Blonde seem limitless, but Tasha was ready for that.

    ?Who would you say,? An intentional pause to let a smirk curl out of the right side of her sensual, full lips, ?Suffered the most humiliating and devastating loss, that is, out of all the confrontations we have had?? The use of the word ?confrontations? was not lost on Erika.

    Erika forced herself to not nervously fidget, but she could not completely hide the fact that Tasha?s question did in fact put her slightly on edge. ?It would have to be the time I bitch slapped your around your own house. You remember that, or maybe not, you were pretty out of it during most of the fight as I slugged your pathetic body around the interior of your own home.? Erika felt her composure coming back, and was better prepared for what was coming next, that is why she decided to respond with a no holds barred first-volley. She had came out swinging-for-the-fences in other words.

    From any external vantage point, both women appeared in deep conversation, leaning forward, elbows forward as they picked away at the other?s emotional armor.

    Tasha seemed to take a deep breath and glanced away for a moment. Erika had struck a nerve, not so much the fight itself, but the nasty way she delivered the details of it. ?Yes, that was my worst defeat, it was bad, very bad, you humiliated me like no other woman ever could.? Tasha responded with total honesty. ?But now you tell me, what was your worst defeat?? Tasha ended with a question, trying to see if Erika would step up and be just as honest.

    The Blonde ran her tongue around the inside of her mouth, her left hand nervously fidgeted with her fork and wine glass before she regained total composure, it wasn?t so much the question that jabbed at her, it was her choice in response. She forced herself to look into the beautiful Dark eyes just a short distance away, it felt like they were right in each other?s faces.
    ?Our last ?confrontation? in the park.? Erika painfully smirked at the unpleasant admittance, ?You kicked my ass pretty bad.? The strong Blonde thought she might choke on the words. Admitting that fact out loud had another affect, she was getting very aroused. She had been excited the second they laid eyes on each other when walking into the restaurant, but the wetness in her crotch and rush of blood into her breasts was driving her crazy.

    Tasha was feeling the same effects, and she no longer made any attempts to hide it, she lustfully leered at her Italian rival and made sure she was revealing as much cleavage as she could toward the woman she so loathed, and desired. ?Now that we have both admitted our greatest loss, I think it?s only obvious to compare the two, shall we? So we understand where things really stand between, because sometimes I think you get confused.?

    The Spanish woman smiled with cruel intentions as she felt like Erika might be suffering a little as she gained the upper hand in their bantering debate. Indeed, the Blonde looked angry and was fighting to conceal it, that told Tasha she was on the right path and continued, ?My victory over you was the more humiliating of the two. I crushed you that day in the Park, ?literally? I squeezed the fight out of you, it was such a delicious and exciting rush, it gets me turned-on just thinking about it.? Tasha kept her voice low, and tried to wet her lips at just the right moment.

    Erika shifted in her seat and squeezed her inner thighs together, her left leg was crossed over her right, as an outlet of energy her left foot twitched nervously while Tasha tormented her with her recollection of events. Having to sit and endure the drawn out recollection was making Erika furious, but extremely horny with sexual lust at the same time. Seething with anger she forced herself to take a sip of wine. Nervously she fidgeted some more and then spoke firmly, ?They are about equal!? trying to calm the rapid rise of her chest.

    ?Now you are still being delusional.? Tasha smirked, ?But go ahead, keep trying to convince yourself of that.?

    Almost oblivious to both women, were the lingering stares of many men, and some women. The art of being discrete was practiced on several levels that night in the Restaurant. Some succeeded, most failed.

    As the argument got more heated Erika increasingly leaned forward, which allowed for maximum exposure of her bare back, the muscles that lined her spine rolled and flexed. The crack of her ass was only slightly exposed by the downward plunge of the dress, reveling to all that she was not wearing any panties. This lewd exposure, when exhibited by a sexual, beautiful creature such as the tall Blonde, aroused the hostility of almost every woman in the room, their male significant others would feel the wrath for hours, or even days to come, based on how obvious their ?staring? had become. But Erika wasn?t the only woman driving a wedge between several couples that evening, Tasha?s daring frontal exposure had garnered the same kind of reaction, and so both Erika and Tasha, while enemies themselves, seemed cornered into a competitive hostility from all the other women in near proximity.

    ?You are the one that needs a reality check, not only did I knock you out cold, but trashed you, your place, and took what I pleased before I left.? Erika glared hatefully across the table, ?I choked your dumb, Spanish ass out-cold, you even begged me to leave, that you never wanted see me again, that I was the better woman, the better Race, and you were no match for me. You remember those words??

    ?Hell yes I remember! Words mean something, and you begged the same of me, claiming it was over, that you had nothing left for me, that I had beaten your Italian body and was superior to you in every way!? Tasha hissed right back, but kept her voice low, which was a struggle in-and-of-itself.

    ?I meant those words, but you also admitted much of the same to me on many previous occasions, but you kept coming back for more, swearing you had more fight left in you.?

    ?And you think you have another fight left in you?? Tasha huffed arrogantly in her response, attempting to demean her nemesis much in the same way Erika has mastered the technique.

    ?I have more fight left in me than you can handle, you Spanish bitch.? Erika smiled sadistically.

    ?Maybe we?ll find out, you Italian bitch.? Tasha smiled back with equal malice. ?But in the end your going to learn no Italian woman is going to beat a Spanish woman.?

    ?This Italian woman not only beat you more times, but I?ll knock down any Spanish woman. I?ll put this Italian body up against your Spanish body any day and crush you.? Erika?s own words were driving her crazy with passion and lust and was stunned to feel herself actually shaking.

    ?I can?t wait to find out.? Tasha breathed out the word as if under a spell of erotic lust.

    ?Tonight?? Erika leaned forward eagerly.

    ?You bet tonight, but more then you can handle, and more then you think!? Tasha almost snarled as she tried to reign in her excitement.

    The silence came quickly, not because they had nothing left to say, but the waiter was there. As they were served, the two women remained focused on one another, their eyes wide, with nothing but pure hatred and lust. They had found their way back to the most primitive desires that seemed to compel them toward one another. It was like nothing could separate them, the very wood of the table could easily be smashed as they each envisioned coming at the other, lustfully attacking each other sexually at first, then violently until one proud woman stood victorious over her hated rival.

    Their server was oblivious to it all, except when he tried to sneak a look down the back of Erika?s dress, trying to conceal his attempts when he would pivot from the serving tray back to the table.


    She had gotten the last word in, and both women were aroused to the point of unleashing mindless physical aggression out on one another. Tasha had gotten what she wanted. Or so she thought.

    They ate in silence for a few minutes, they had ordered appetizers for entrees to keep the meal light and short. Again Tasha considered, everything was going according to plan, she even smiled down at her plate.

    ?It just destroys your self confidence to see me in this dress.? Erika seemed to be talking to herself, she even let out a slight chuckle of amusement. And when she was sure she had Tasha?s attention, she glanced up, but only her blue eyes traveled the distance, the smile on her lips could still be detected, just barely.

    ?The way the waiter was checking out my ass, the way Darryl always is looking at my ass, and breasts. Your own man fantasying about another woman?s ass, my beautiful perfect ass and breasts. That you can?t compete with.?

    Her smile was wiped off the face of the map, the moment of relaxing pleasure lost for good. Tasha glared back up at the Blonde, hatefully, was another emotion to be found when it came to this condescending Blonde? It was in fact a sore spot for Tasha, subconsciously she had recognized the bold design of Erika?s sexy dress, the way the Blonde flaunted her ass in the dress. Tasha knew every second of silence on her part only energized the Blonde?s nasty look of satisfaction.

    ?If you think Darryl has any real desire for you, you have no idea what a real man wants.? The Spanish beauty wanted to sideline the competitive talk and any suggestions that Darryl wanted Erika, but she was possessive where ?her man? was concerned.

    Erika couldn?t keep the blood from rising into her cheeks, but this time it was the excitement that came with watching her nemesis become flustered and agitated. ?I didn?t wear this dress to impress you.? Erika sat up straight, turned to the side just a little, and arched her back, ?But to remind you of the truth. What eats you alive from the inside, and keeps you awake obsessing over me, is knowing that I am more of a woman then you will ever be. Darryl knows this, he sees this, and he wants me desperately, and you want me as well.?

    ?You fucking bitch.? Amazingly Tasha kept her voice low, and the eye contact level. It was the quivering in her voice that betrayed the fact that she was about to ?lose her shit?. She quickly picked up her wine glass and took another sip.

    ?I can wear any dress better than you could.? Tasha spat.

    ?Apparently not tonight.? Erika smirked.

    ?I proved that I can out fuck you!? Tasha continued, leaning in more.

    ?Not that day in the sauna, wrong again. I just about fucked you into a coma that day.? Erika sighed.

    It was driving Tasha insane, insane with rage, mad with lust. ?You and I, stripped down anytime, anywhere and my Spanish Body would out shine your Italian body. And the proof is in actions, Darryl is with me, he fucks the woman he really wants. You think you could handle my man, then go for it, I dare you!?

    The wine moved from sips to almost gulps and their tongues began to become unhinged as the banter turned demeaning, hostile and racial once more. The pleasantries had come to an end quickly.

    ?The only reason I demean myself with your company is to keep digging away at you, humiliating you. No more games you Spanish Bitch. I recently crushed you in a test of strength, and then fucked you into submission. If you want me to take Darryl from you as well, fine I will.? Actually Erika had no intention of actually going after Darryl, but it sounded good.

    Tasha was done with the dinner, the talking. She reached into her purse, and then slid the card across the table.
    ?You and me. One on One tonight.?

    ?Ritz Carlton? Erika?s fingers slowly reached for the object, dragging it over to her and stared down at it.

    As Erika studied the card, Tasha made her intentions very clear, ?After I have my way with you in bed tonight, and proven my body is superior to yours in every way. You will get on your knees, kiss my pussy and admit that I am the better woman, the better race, superior to you in every way.?

    ?When we get into that bed, I am going to destroy you.? Erika breathed heavily. ?I can?t wait to grind my pussy against yours. And those Spanish tits are going to ache like you can?t ever imagine. Your going to see that this Italian Woman, this Italian Blonde, woman can out kiss, out fuck, and dominate any Spanish Woman, any day of the year.?

    Tasha said in a whisper, she made sure to accent the movement of her lips so the words were unmistakable;
    ?You are such a bitch. When my Spanish Body is on top and you?ve begged me stop, then we will be done.?


    A Night to Remember - Part 32


    Maybe enough talking had been done, a few seconds passed, neither spoke and the uneasy silence passed between their glaring eyes, both waiting for the other to say something, anything.

    There was some new amount of excitement coursing thru Erika?s body now as she pulled her credit card out and placed it on the table. All she could do was focus on the most simplistic of tasks.

    Tasha barely gave a glance over, she was eager to settle the charges and walk back to the Hotel, where things would ?be truly settled?. She almost smirked a little at that thought, would things ever truly be ?settled? between them? At one time, not long ago, Tasha thought it might be ?over? between them, but recent events proved Erika was a force to be reckoned with, perhaps Tasha had forgotten that Erika was always a powerful woman. A small sliver of doubt crept into Tasha?s mind, she was concerned she had been too focused on the significance of one fight, and blocking out everything else in their past.

    ?You ready? Or do I have to drag you kicking and screaming?? Erika was standing, adjusting her dress, it startled Tasha a little, that fact seemed to amuse Erika, which was fine, anything that pleased the Blonde only infuriated Tasha all the more.

    It was a short walk to the Hotel, just around the corner, and not by coincidence.


    Time didn?t pass as quickly as Erika would have thought, their every step seemed to drag out as their heels harshly tapped on the sidewalk, they walked side by side the whole way, barely a word spoken.

    ?A nice night.? Erika looked up to dark evening sky above.

    ?Only for one of us it will be.? Tasha knew she didn?t need to make a nasty, snide remark, their collision course seemed unstoppable, but it helped the Spanish girl stay sharp.

    Dressed the way they were, the only thing that seemed out of place was the lacking male partners. Both beautiful women appeared on a casual stroll, to the outside observer, heading perhaps to an evening at the Opera, or Art exhibit, but again, usually such radiant beauties would have men in tow to such a formal events.

    The moment they entered the elevator things took a turn for the worse. Erika could feel it, Tasha could also sense it. They glared at one another and the entire evenings previous pleasantries, few that there were, vanished. That familiar hostility seemed to rise up as they came into close proximity to one another, when alone.

    ?You little Spanish Bitch, I?m going to break you tonight.? The Italian Blonde growled.

    Tasha?s head tilted back and she smiled a little, it was a kind of condescending smile, almost looking amused as she stepped up toward her rival, ?Well Bitch, your big strong Italian Ass is going to get smacked around and fucked so hard you won?t ever be able to look me in the eyes again.?

    Erika remembered the room number on the keycard envelope, she took note of that for some reason right after Tasha had showed it to her. It was a good thing, she had bolted from the Elevator as soon as the doors opened, her eyes scanned the walls for numbers. Had she not remembered the room number she would have been standing out in the hallway looking like some fool. In any case, her goal was achieved, she wanted to walk ahead of Tasha and gave her hips a little extra sway to show off the way her dress hugged the curves of her firm ass. Her exposed bare back made her feel vulnerable, but it excited her at the same time.

    The Hotel Room looked warm and inviting, Tasha was pleased, ?They really treat you right at this place?. The lights were low and the maid service had pulled the sheets back. But sleep wasn?t in the forefront of either woman. Both were ready for some flesh-on-flesh, full body contact.

    Once again Erika made an effort to steal the moment, and succeeded. Tasha watched, what she could only describe as her ?mortal enemy? strut into the room like she owned the place. The Spanish Beauty watched Erika from behind, those tan calves and thighs of hers flexing with every step, kind of made her shiver for a second. ?That fucking ass!? Tasha fumed as she watched Erika intentionally sway her hips, taunting the Spanish woman once again. She was Spanish woman who was proud of her own perfect ass and felt incredulous that any woman, especially a Italian woman, felt she could compete with her. Beauty aside, Tasha knew Erika is one smart, tough woman. But damn, the thought of those legs, ?if she gets those babies around me? she will be fucking queen bitch by the end of the night?. Her mind was now lost in figuring out how to humble the Blonde, to teach her a lesson, make her admit that Tasha's ass was the 'finer' of the two.

    The second Erika spun around something seemed to ignite, almost propelling them toward one another. Under any other circumstances there would have been an unleashing of brutal slaps and punches. Tasha's anger swiftly redirected to a sensual outpouring instead, maybe it was the way their warm bodies pressed, and how Erika?s arms felt so strong gripping her back, and her smell, the Blonde smelled so great and her hair was so soft. Tasha was afraid of this, she was getting very hot and it was making her lose control. There was still the clothing between their chests, but that familiar competition was there, breasts pressing against one another.

    Tasha felt like she just might hyperventilate, Erika?s soft lips pressed in on her cheek and the Spanish woman knew what was coming, her whole body just flooded. Tasha wanted the kiss more than anything in the world at that moment, but she was terrified she wouldn?t measure up. She had to remind her this was a game of seduction, and sexual dominance.

    Tasha tiled her head towards Erika?s mouth, but the Blonde pulled away catching Tasha off guard. Erika smiled knowingly a little and leaned back in. The Blonde suspected she was the better kisser, but even she was caught up in the intensity of the moment leading up to another kiss between them. Their second actually. Tasha?s hot breath on her mouth, right before their lips touched, the lipstick made their lips feel sticky, but they tasted delightfully good.

    Tasha caved, she couldn?t help it, she opened her mouth and pushed her tongue deep into the Blonde?s. It may have been the right more, Erika seemed surprised by the sudden aggression, her body actually stiffened for a second, but she quickly recovered and pushed back with her own wet tongue. The two women stood there for several minutes, sometimes they swayed back and forth as lips pressed, concealing another type of violence, tongues wrestled and thrashed in and out of each other?s mouths. Initially it was total chaos between their lips as both women grunted and moaned into one another. Tasha tried to stay the aggressor, she sensed the movement of the Blonde?s own wet, slippery tongue against her own and soon gauged how to respond.

    ?Fucking bitch!? The Spanish beauty swooned, that Blonde?s pink muscle whipped around her tongue, making her feel like some novice. Several times she actually pushed it aside, she thought she might have a mild orgasm when Erika?s hands cupped her two ass cheeks and began to pull her in tighter.

    With a loud slurping, sucking sound they parted, gasping, their lips were red and covered in spit. Erika was surprised, she was panting a little harder than she anticipated, and did not expect Tasha to be so aggressive. Even so, she was more excited than she ever thought she might be, and maybe that was what scared her the most, knowing all along that kissing this woman, with their Rosetive history and so much on the line, would elicit the kind of passion she had always longed to achieve with someone.

    Tasha caught her breath and licked her lips, she was a little stunned, she had never been kissed like this, nor had she felt as aroused when kissing anyone. ?And this with the women I despise above all else! Still despised?? that ring of doubt in her mind was messing with her psyche now. ?Yes, Yes I still hate her!? Tasha reaffirmed. But those affirmations quickly fell apart when Erika moved in for another kiss, but this time it was slow, gentle, and when the Blonde pursed her lips to suck on Tasha?s wet tongue, the Spanish beauty felt her body melt into the strong Italian Woman?s arms.

    While Erika seductively began to move along the length of Tasha?s tongue, none was more surprised than Erika herself. She found herself doing things she never imagined with Tasha now. And were they still heading toward a caustic humiliating sexfight?



    A Night to Remember - Part 32 - Continued......


    Tasha tilted her head back and to the side, she got her tongue away from the Blonde?s hungry mouth. Erika leaned in and ran her tongue along Tasha?s full dark lips, but it was just what the Spanish woman had wanted. Erika gasped and almost squealed with shock, and a little fear, when she felt teeth sink into her tongue, trapping it. Tasha smiled and began to suck the Blonde?s pink muscle in, deeper. Tasha didn?t seem content to simply tease the Italian Woman?s tongue with a mere sucking, she went as far as possible. Erika opened her mouth to accept the challenge and Tasha kept going further.

    The Blonde?s legs buckled under the explosive sensations as Tasha seemed on a mission, her Spanish full, wet lips seemed to have no end to her ability to devour the Blonde?s long tongue. Erika?s body shivered with delight when she felt her Spanish foe plunge her hands down the back of her dress, those dangerous hands clutched at the Blonde?s perfect, hard buns. She also felt how sharp Tasha?s nails were and feared the damage they could do. Her body then relaxed, most of all she let her tongue relax and felt the underside of it slide over the top of her nemesis? own wet, slimy muscle, almost the way a woman would try and take a man?s penis into the depths of her throat. Erika was stunned to feel the juices almost weep from her pussy, her body weaken in the arms of her enemy. Tasha?s fingernails grazed along the Italian Woman?s bare buns threatening to do damage while the Blonde seemed only capable of clinging to the sexual, Spanish Goddess.

    Tasha had turned the tables. Erika?s mouth was wide, as wide as it would go. The Spanish Beauty had never experienced a kiss so deep, sensual, and powerful. Their exchange of salvia flowed freely, until slowly Tasha started to pull back while pursing her lips tightly around Erika?s tongue, the suction seemed to keep pulling the Italian Woman?s pink muscle further out. Erika moans increased and her body writhed against the woman tormenting her mouth.

    As difficult as it was, Tasha untangled herself and pushed away. An unbalanced Blonde fell away and sat back on the bed behind her with a look of confusion and lust. She had just been shaken by the most erotic oral kiss she had ever experienced.

    Tasha gave a faint smirk before she turned and walked away from the shaken woman, and into the bathroom. The Spanish beauty didn?t even look back for a response. It was partly a charade, Tasha felt the lining of her panties overflow with her female juices, aching for more contact with that arrogant Italian Bitch.

    Erika waited a few seconds to catch her breath, she felt the thick coating of saliva all over her mouth, but hesitated before wiping the back of her hand across her lips. ?No rush? she thought, everything was about control tonight, and she slowly made her way over to the bathroom door. Her pounding heart argued with the thought about ?control?. From the sound it was obvious Tasha had a shower in mind, insinuating that they should take one together. ?Fine, this should be interesting.? the Blonde arrogantly thought. She knew why she was here, this moment had become ground-zero for her. Still, she struggled with deeply repressed personal desires that a part of her never wanted to confront. She crossed over the bathroom threshold and felt a little offended at the assumptions Tasha was making. Yes, Erika still found it troubling to make love to a woman, and of all the women in the world she could make love to, why did it have to be Tasha?

    The most unnerving thought was when Erika considered just how important Tasha considered this fight to be. Even if no punches were thrown, this was still a fight in Erika?s mind. ?She has gone to great lengths; The Dinner, the Hotel.? She almost paused at the last thought, ?What else does she have planned??

    ?Losing to Tasha tonight would be devastating, every part of being a Italian Woman is on the line with this Spanish Bitch tonight.?

    The steam was already rolling out from the top of the shower, evidence enough that it was plenty hot. Tasha thought it funny how most Hotel showers seem to have ?instant hot water?. She carefully reached in to dial back the temperature. What surprised her next was how Erika was standing right next to her, but was pleasantly surprised, there seemed to be a moment of genuine affection in the Blonde?s look, true there was that sexual, lusting that always wanted to consume them, but the hostile vibe was now missing. ?Be careful? the Spanish beauty warned herself, but allowed herself to slowly undress.

    Taking a step back the Italian Woman pulled the straps off her shoulders and began to peel the tight fabric from her body. She reveled in how Tasha seemed mesmerized by her amazing body, soon, all that remained was her bra. As casually as she could make herself appear, Erika?s hands went up and removed her white bra, suddenly everything seemed to play out before her in a series of slow motion still frames; every breath and movement. Erika had chosen a brilliant white silk bra that was sure to be noticed, she knew everything was a matter of pride for Tasha, a matter of female and racial pride. The same feelings took hold of Erika, and now she to felt a proud representative of Italian women everywhere.

    Tasha was in the process of stripping down, she had elected to wear no bra, just as the Blonde had worn no panties. Tasha slowly pulled down on her Spanish thong satisfied by how the Italian woman eyed her fantastic figure. The hot, steaming air instantly had an effect on both pairs of breasts as nipples, already stiff, appeared to harden even more. Two sets of perfect breasts now swung free and each woman was able to behold the others bare chest, as they had done many times before. Tasha stared at Erika?s beautiful tits, they sat up so very firm and high on the Blonde?s chest, the way they protruded outward was an intimidating sight and it worried Tasha. But the Spanish beauty was more confident now, and after all, she had wanted this, she had asked for it. She was determined to know.

    It was obvious Erika?s smirk and arrogant posing had struck some nerve, a twinge of anger flashed across Tasha?s face and her smile faded just a bit. Both girls straightened up, the contrast in their bodies was striking. Tasha?s Dark, Spanish body was leaner, still with very toned definitions and lethal muscular strength, and she thrust out her two large, Spanish breasts.

    Both girls moved awkwardly as they stepped forward. The humidity from the shower was causing a light sheen of sweat form all over their bodies. But in a surprise move, Erika turned toward the mirror and purposely accented the way she leaned over the edge of the counter, making her ass stick out as far as possible, she appeared absorbed in brushing back the long strands of Blonde hair from her cheeks, but her posture told another story. Tasha?s eyes moved along the curvature of the Blonde?s muscular back, until she stopped, focusing in on the amazing contours of an ass that surely rivaled her own.

    ?You want a piece of this ass tonight, well honey you better show me more than what you?ve put out thus far, more than some fancy kissing and fondling.? The tone and arrogance of the Blonde knew no bounds, and it struck all the right cords with Tasha, in this case ?all the wrong cords? may be more appropriate.

    A loud smack echoed off the bathroom walls, the gasp that accompanied it seemed to come almost simultaneously as the Blonde flipped her head to look over her right shoulder. Her face was more one of shock than pain, probably because the smack wasn?t near as hard as it could have been, but it was hard enough. Erika didn?t appreciate the way Tasha took liberties with touching her, an amazing thought of contempt considering the history they have together, and how they both stood naked.

    ?Wipe that look of surprise off your face Bitch, that?s just a taste of what I?m going to do to your inferior ass tonight! My Spanish ass will outshine and out fuck your Italian ass any day!? Erika was stunned at the Spanish?s bravado, but was turned on by it as well. ?First your going to find out what a real woman?s tits feel like.? Tasha challenged. She didn?t like redirecting the argument, but it was a control tactic, oh how she desperately wanted to put the Blonde in her place when it came to proving who had the best Ass, ?But all in due time.??

    Erika spun around and started to tremble, this was it, she was going to go against her arch-nemesis right-here and right-now. ?If you think your Spanish tits can handle mine?? Erika taunted ??.then you come and get them.? Erika tried to disguise the nervousness in her voice, proudly she turned her chest from left to right.

    Although totally naked, their obsession was now focused on the other?s breasts. Tasha?s eyes seemed to glaze over, she looked over at this girl across from her and bit her lower lip trying not to mix up her emotions. Without taking her eyes off Erika for a second, Tasha reached over to the sink countertop and dipped into a an small overnight bag, she briefly felt for something and then raised up her right hand up, holding a small clear bottle of body oil. Still starring Erika in the eyes she proceeded hold the bottle above her cleavage.

    ?No!? Erika smirked, which caught Tasha by surprise. ?We do each other, then you will know what a real woman?s breasts feel like.?

    ?Love to.? Tasha seethed and moved the bottle over to the Blonde?s breasts, squeezing the large droplets of oil over Erika?s heaving chest.

    Erika was a little slower, maybe on purpose, taunting the Spanish beauty as she let the oil drizzle over the top of Tasha?s chest. She closed the lid and tossed the bottle back to where Tasha had retrieved it. With total conviction Tasha made her move, her hands came up to the Blonde?s breasts, she could read the fear and excitement in the Blonde?s eyes as her fingers squeezed, it took a lot of control not to crush her enemy?s Breast flesh, but she managed. It wasn?t at all what either girl expected, both engaged in a sensual manipulation of the other?s mammaries. Gently Tasha began to glide her fingers around and under the Blonde?s breasts, it was making Erika so horny as she watched Tasha gently pluck her nipples. Erika focused on the same, and was impressed with the Spanish?s full round breasts, taking the time to explore another woman?s breasts was having an effect on Erika she had not anticipated. Even when she began to squeeze, her oily fingers going deeper into Spanish skin, working the oil over and under the magnificent Spanish breasts, the prior air of hostility continued to dissipate, leaving both women in a state of aroused sexual lust.

    Sometimes Erika gasped when Tasha strong Spanish fingers squeezed her breasts, but the firmness quickly fell away as she returned to soft caresses. It was such an erotic sight and feeling that shook both women to their very core. It would never leave their memory. Two women that hated each other, engaged in a very careful and erotic exploration of each other?s breasts. It almost became a contest to see who could arouse the other more.

    Tasha began to worry if she could measure up, but she felt equal to the Blonde and was sure she would reign supreme before this night was over. The breathing had now turned to soft moans as each began to probe a little deeper. The caressing became that much more arousing, first one hand and then the other squeezed the slippery liquid over one another?s chests. Their efforts seemed to culminate around their nipples, as they each began to twist and pull as long nipples were bent and pinched by finger tips. A fair amount of oil flowed down between their boobs and over stomachs.

    Moving closer, both women could feel the sexual attraction which now seemed to dominate the entire evening, it had always been there, but it had also been at the core of why they hated the other, and why they fought. Without a word spoken two athletic bodies, starkly contrasting skin tones, crossed over into the waiting spray of warm water. The loud smack of flesh resonated through out the room, not so dissimilar to that of a facial slap, something each seemed also eager to do, but the source this time was a pair of heated bodies colliding together, breasts and stomachs hit one another with terrific force, arms wrapped around each other as their mouths opened to try and devour the other?s lips and tongue. The Blonde's strength was suddenly back in the forefront of Tasha?s mind.

    Entwining their long legs together they began to writhe within the tight confines of the shower which had become their own sweat box, the steam appeared to rise from their very bodies. Their hard bodies turned into a grinding primal competition as lips remained locked around one another. In a moment of glorious success, Tasha felt as if she could taste the Blonde?s grunts of frustration and arousal, as if her Italian woman was struggling now as a Spanish Body started to dominate.

    Tasha let loose a squeal of pain when nails dug deep into the flesh of her taut ass cheeks, causing them to spasm. Seconds later, she sunk her own claws into the Blonde's ass and their kiss parted, ?You fucking slut.? the words seemed to slither off the end of Tasha's tongue as they dueled, each girl coiled their arm about one another, probing the other's body, searching.?feeling.?exploring fingers looking for some new stimulation. Tasha buried her head into Erika's neck, whimpering and biting to suppress her moans, surely the Blonde would have the marks of this battle for days if not weeks to come. Blonde and Spanish hair became intermingled and strewn about face, neck and back.

    Erika bit into her own tongue and lips to suppress her moans. Their breasts and muscular abs were flat against one another, hard nipples digging and grinding mercilessly against one another, Erika lost control for a second but found the strength to swallow her gasp as Tasha massaged her rectum, and then, not one but two fingers probed at the entrance to Erika's searing cunt. Erika felt like her body had just had a surge of electricity shot thru it. In furious retaliation Erika returned the prodding by moving two fingers toward the entrance of Tasha's dripping pussy. Soon both women squirmed at the mercy of a rival's invading fingers.

    Desperately Tasha pushed away, Erika also quickly withdrew and the two stood opposite one another, gasping, as they finally released each other from their intense embrace. The cause of the sudden separation was evident, both women were flushed in the face, breathing thru open mouths. Slowly Erika licked her full lips and Tasha eyed those lips with pure lust. But her wanton stare didn't stop there, her eyes traveled the full length of the Italian Girl?s hot body not more then two feet away from her. For a moment hey both seemed to be sizing the other up, it was unnerving to see they both were as sexually aroused as either could ever imagine, for Tasha it was a confirmation that this encounter was meant to be, a real test to put everything behind them.

    Tasha felt deep in her belly, the source of that warmth she knew, like an inferno, the womanhood that lay between her legs oozed with desire and lust to beat Erika's pussy into a final humiliating defeat. Like Tasha, Erika was no longer willing or able to deny what is she wanted to do, where moments ago she felt like it was merely an act that 'had' to be done, but she knew now to beat Tasha woman-to-woman she would have to let all of her inhibitions go. The blushing in her Tasha colored cheeks was surely a mix of hot blooded lust and part embarrassment at the wanton display by her body. Erika had her pelvis tilted outward towards the Spanish beauty as if putting it on display? a challenge.

    Tasha's eyes soaked in every inch of the Blonde's hard body. She had never seen Erika's outer labia so engorged, flared outward and glistening with more then just sweat and water, but her female juices. Most of all, Tasha's pupils locked in on the now exposed clit of the Blonde and felt her body, once again, react on it's own, her mind had shutoff long ago as it was running on pure hostility and lust. Her own clit was also exposed and stiff. Droplets of sweat and water, even under the dull lighting of the shower, seemed to radiate off their healthy, muscular frames. There was no doubt in her mind that Erika's body was more muscular and stronger, but Tasha felt totally confident in her own athletic abilities, as well as she should.

    With a slow, measured step, each girl moved toward the other.

    For a moment the two bosomy rivals stood and stared in awe at each others' taut heavy breasts. Neither would admit that the other's breasts were equally as shapely as her own, so they gaped silently at the impending act they were about to comment themselves to. The two beautiful women impulsively pressed their warm firm mammaries against one another to experience the special sensation and then quickly pulled apart. Slowly again they came back together as their nipples closed to within an inch, the four breast ready for the impending collision.

    They moved forward carefully; neither moved up, or down, or sideways, but remained rigid, chests out, nipples fully extended. There wasn?t a sound, not a breath as they kept the forward pressure up. Their breasts were too firm to permit the straining nipples to retreat into the flesh from the protracted pressure. Erika and Tasha trembled with effort as their nipples were stabbing into each other, struggling to make progress to no avail. Still they applied more pressure, the shafts gave way and slid past one another it sent off a chilling signal as both women began moving they're shoulders back and forth. With each crossing of the tips of their breasts Tasha whimpered as quietly as she could. They rotated their breasts and continued the very one sided duel and Tasha began to moan ever so softly and slowly shake her head back and forth, and she began to whisper just audibly, ?No?. Tasha?s nipples were now clearly swollen in size from the constant rubbing, sticking out like two thick bullets from her cleavage, pressing painfully into Erika?s breasts. Exploiting this advantage, Erika crushed her tits against her Spanish rival in a slow, hot grind. A few minutes of this had Tasha groaning out loud, her own breasts and nipples trying to perform their own retreat from the Blonde.

    Tasha tried to thrust her breasts repeatedly into the Blonde?s, as Erika thrust back and the fleshy bags mashed and swelled against each other. They held them together for some seconds and then parted. Then they carefully thrust them together a few times, each gasping with excitement in what was turning into the climactic showdown between their breasts. They sidled up as close as possible and embraced, they did everything slowly, carefully now; cautiously entering into what both girls knew would be and epic comparison of their breasts. As they embraced their oval udders met, swelled, and spread against each other; taut and glossy in the dim light of the room. The eager women carefully slid them back and forth under tight compression, feeling them yield and distort under pressure. For long, delicious minutes the Italian and Spanish breasts rolled and smeared together. Their thick taut nipples stroked together with each pass. They were firm and distended in their forced arousal as the two women increased the intensity of their comparison, they smeared their breasts more violently yet their nipples still stroked. Tasha didn't want to just beat Erika's breasts, she wanted to crush and smash them flat, and thus began to smash her breasts into the Blonde's.

    Erika just about screamed in agony and her body rocked back against the slick tile wall as Tasha seemed to recover, and then pile drive her left breast into Erika's right. The brutality to come had arrived and Erika lunged her chest towards Tasha as both women attacked one another, back and forth, dancing in an erotic embrace.

    Tasha's anger and frustration seemed to reinvigorate her efforts and launched into a renewed ferocity. The two women were astounded by the brutality of the breast fight and suddenly both realized how devastating the outcome would be. Their nipples, scraped right, ripped left, tore up and down, and harder as the sweat at times made it like their breasts were embracing,

    "Fucking bitch" Tasha whimpered.

    "I'm going to beat your Spanish tits in the worst way possible.? Erika moaned.

    Tasha shuddered because for one brief moment, she actually believed that Erika would allow herself to pass out and even die before surrendering.

    The Blonde pushed her thigh in between Tasha?s, bringing it against her rival?s throbbing cunt. Their arousal explicitly acknowledged, the two rivals continued to struggle against one another, legs tightening around their counterparts, snaking in and around one another.

    "I'm going to make you hurt like you've never experienced you Italian whore and when I'm done with you,? Tasha lifted her head until their eyes met.

    "I'm going humiliate and ravage your body and then you?ll see how much better this Italian Amazon is!? The Blonde bantered back.

    Tasha seemed to smile with a pleasure that caused Erika's confidence to waiver at the prospect. But Erika responded and the breast smashing restarted again, but less ferocious. Adrenaline pumping, breasts quivering, flesh smearing against flesh. The struggle was taking another toll, the fight to suppress all the grunting and groaning between the two women, combined with the sound of flesh striking hard on flesh. At this juncture, both women were gasping for breath, gulping oxygen, perspiring profusely, waging their breast battle with grim seriousness and the battle slowed, the end near for one as breast massaged breast.

    Erika suddenly broke from the nipple stroking and moved her nipples left to right across Tasha's nipples. Totally catching Tasha off guard, her mouth fell open and emitted a groan. But it was not a groan of despair or pain or fear ? was it a groan of pleasure? And both women immediately began moving their shoulders slightly back and forth, causing their nipple shafts to grind back and forth across one another. Never had Tasha seen her nipples so long and hard, fighting for their very survival it seemed and never in so much pain. Their abs, and thighs ground against one another. While their nipples and breasts suffered the worst encounter of either girl's lives, their flesh was beginning to boil as the bloated vulva of each woman pressed against the other. Erika gasped every time their breasts crossed, and was begging to doubt herself, that she just didn't have the stamina or firmness to match Tasha's, for Tasha seemed just as determined as ever.

    While Tasha seemed almost expressionless at times, almost trance like, it was a facade to the storm of pain and humiliation brewing inside of her, watching with emotional shock as she had yet to push back Erika's breasts sufficiently and the duel had been going on for some time now. Tasha's forehead butted up against Erika's and they used that to ease the pain in their neck. The Spanish seemed to gulp for air, her face now contorted from the incredible effort she was putting forth. Erika was floored at Tasha's stamina and desire to win as tears streamed down from the Blonde's eyes clouding her vision.

    ?Give up you fuck!? Tasha moaned.

    Tasha suddenly squirmed and felt her two firm ass cheeks smear against the tile wall as her hands were forced and held above her head, nipples being pummeled, breasts being bashed. Erika had used every ounce of her strength to control the Spanish beauty, and so far had control of her now.

    "Oh gaawwwwddddd!? Tasha croaked out her plea as her body was crushed. Her sore eyelids closed to what was happening below. Tasha felt herself loosing the battle, her breasts and nipples humbled before the Italian amazon, it was unbelievable.

    Erika moaned and her body felt the shudder ripple thru her body. It had started from between her legs, the source of her strength. Tasha drank a lung full of air, she slowly ground her long clit up into Erika's slit, until it raked against the blonde's own hard extended clit. The contact was unexpected, yet the effect massive as the Blonde had no idea that she was so aroused and so vulnerable. 'That was just enough' Tasha's dizzy mind swooned as she felt every muscle in her body burn into oblivion and slowly regain ground.

    The searing heat from Tasha's vulva burned into Erika's, challenging her, pussy to pussy, clit-to-clit. Erika shuddered again and moaned at the intruder inside of her most private of female places. Erika prayed it wasn't an orgasm that had just shot thru her body, and totally panicked that her pussy was so hot and her clit so sensitive that Tasha was able to fend her off so easily.

    "My how the tables turn.? Tasha hissed into Erika's open, gasping mouth. With another tilt and flex of her tight buns, Tasha burned her clit deeper into Erika's folds and the Blonde's body jerked suddenly forcing her back into the middle of the shower stall. Tasha's Italian teeth beamed with an evil sneer as she felt the fear and tremble return to Erika's body. Their two wet cunts pressed together as they started massaging the fleshy lips into one another. Italian and Spanish pubic mounds entwined harder and harder they pushed as their cunts opened up wide and sucked together. Sliding back and forth wrapping together, pushing harder and harder each woman tried to force the other back and use her cunt to devour the other woman's cunt. They had propped up their legs on a corner ledge, trying to gain better access, awkwardly they scissored their wet, slippery thighs together.

    "Can you feel my cunt eating yours bitch?" Tasha gasped.

    "Fuck you!? Erika whimpered and desperately tried to engage the Spanish, fearful this battle would end with her humiliated again, beaten and she seemed to sure of victory only minutes ago. Erika's eyes watered with tears at the very prospect of what defeat would be like this time around. Tasha felt Erika's cunt press back and was not disappointed, she wanted the Blonde to fight back.

    "That's it bitch,? Tasha sighed into Erika's mouth sealing it with a kiss. "I want you fight me with everything you have, that way when I wring out this pussy of yours and your shriveled clit retreats from mine, you'll know I'm the better woman between us."

    So hard they pressed and opened up, so wide that each woman could feel the wet inner labia of the other. Clits bathed themselves in a pool of mixed juices as they entwined tightly together. Both girl's reached down to cup the other's rock hard ass checks and to focus all their attention on a match of pining cunt against cunt. The effect was immediate as the groaning, moaning, and grunting intensified. Desperately they attacked one another's mouths, sealing their lips together and Erika and Tasha's tongues shot out, to suppress each other's cries of anxiety, fear, and excitement. Surely Tasha thought she would be crushed to death in the Blonde's embrace as their bodies molded into one another. A subtle orgasmic ripple would shudder thru one girl and then the other as a series of preludes to the eruption that was to come.

    The grinding that Erika's cunt was taking was horrendous, and her legs now tensed as every muscle flexed trying to put greater pressure on Tasha' body. But Tasha was fighting with every fiber of her own being, tapping and sucking any and all energy reserves, no matter the cost or pain inflicted to her body and it was just enough. Tasha dragged her clit viciously upward sending a jolt thru Erika's pussy the likes she had never felt, a mix of pleasure and pain that caused the Italian Blonde retreat as Tasha drove her into the corner of the shower. Erika was now shaking from an orgasm that left her disoriented when she realized all too late that Tasha had wedged her legs apart, her labia wide open, her clit fully exposed to the ravishing attention that Tasha's own powerful clit was about to inflict. Tasha didn't waste a precious second with the momentum going her way. The first contact she felt was their rock hard bellies sliding together.

    Erika struggled from her prison, her long muscular legs were useless as her feet slipped against the wet tile flooring as while her back lay wedged into the hard tile walls. Tasha's probing clit invaded the wet folds of Erika's dripping cunt causing the blonde to whimper as she frantically struggled to free herself. With no choice seemingly available, Erika braced herself for the battle and stiffened in fear as their two clits bent and prodded against each other. A sudden orgasm shot out thru Tasha's body and second later Erika let go her own, but for Tasha the sudden orgasm and it's intensity was unexpected, and alarming, ?Damn it, be careful,? she told herself, afraid she was getting swept away in the moment and loosing her concentration. The joy of riding this Big, Blonde, Amazon to the best orgasm of her life and with every passing second she felt Erika fall into her arms. Defeat was at hand and Tasha smiled as her head tilted back feeling the Blonde gasp quickly...deeper...longer...

    Her clit licked and whipped Erika's over and over and Erika shuddered small releases towards another orgasm that would most likely leave her wasted and humiliated. "Oh god yes,? Erika moaned over and over, "You fucking bitch, what your doing to my pussy?..? the words grunting in rhythm to her harsh breathing as she found the rhythm she wanted. Giving in to the sweet surrender was heartbreaking as it was mind-blowing and erotic, not even the pain of Tasha's nails raking down Erika's leg could penetrate the volcanic pleasure that was ready to be released.

    'Oh yes! Oh yes!' Tasha's mind soared and she heard her own orgasmic shrill and her head flew back in sync to the outcry; her body was rocked like it never had been, it was as if they were sharing the same orgasm, more then that it was as if Tasha herself could feel every ripple deep in her own body from where their clits seemed to be fused as one.

    Erika?s mind swirled into the after-glow, her breath still coming in gasps, her shoulders smacked into the wet tile wall behind her.

    Tasha was standing there, as the Blonde slipped from her, her body going limp.

    Erika was almost on her knees by now, her body dripping with perspiration, slithered down the wall. Her thighs weak, a sudden shiver charged thru her body as her right hand quickly, but gently, prodded her pussy.

    Tasha stood fully upright, but then wavered back a step, finally feeling the warm spray of water washing down over her body, her right hand reached down and felt her own clit and her body almost doubled over. Her entire pussy was hot and aching as her body and mind still felt on fire. She lowered her head almost mechanically and looked down at Erika, who was still kneeling.

    ?Ahhh!? the Blonde gasped and her head was jerked back. Tasha had a fistful of Blonde hair, Erika?s eyes traveled up from the floor, following the fantastic female curves of the Spanish Goddess that stood over her, her eyes came back down, stopping on the beautiful mound that lay between the Spanish?s lean, strong thighs. It looked incredible, never had Erika seen a woman's vulva so engorged, so swollen, so strong and healthy.

    Tasha let go of Erika?s head with a firm jerk of disdain as her left hand lashed out at the shower control. The water seemed to stop instantly. She was more than a little surprised when Erika?s gaze met hers, there was no fear, no anxiety, only a simple smoldering look of pure hatred from the Italian Woman. Even her cheeks, stained by tears had stopped trembling.

    "Get the fuck up, I?m not done with you.? Tasha hissed before stepping out of the shower.

    The Blonde looked up and watched as the amazing Spanish Beauty stepped from the shower, her body still soaking wet, and when she was gone Erika slowly got to her feet and began to collect her thoughts, she steadied herself and considered what just happened. She walked from the bathroom dripping wet and found Tasha setting a box on the nearby dresser. She didn?t open it but left it there and walked back toward the bed before turning. Hands on her hips, the Spanish Woman never looked more strong, healthy, and sexually alive. With her hands on her hips she had a very commanding presence indeed.

    The air in the room was warm, even given the fact they were sopping wet from head to toe. The open air and wet skin only seemed to invigorate their over heated, sexually aroused bodies. Both women looked like they had been thru a war, not the bruised and battered kind, but they stood looking sexually expended to some degree, more so the Blonde, and each shook slightly from fear and lust at what the next few ticking seconds might bring. Even given all of that to consider, Erika let lose a vicious, evil sneer.

    Tasha slowly kneeled on the edge of the bed, and sneered right back, ?You ready for more of this Spanish Body to whip that Italian Body? You can't beat me, you're just some weak, pathetic Italian Bitch. Nothing more than a scarred, insecure little girl on the inside. When you get you in this bed, I?m going to fuck the rest of that fight out of your pussy, and you?ll beg me on your knees, to never fight again.?

    Although aching from their battle in the shower, Erika was outraged, but bit her tongue into silence.

    Their gleaming bodies, sexually aroused, sweat, water and oil dripping from every inch, hair plaster all over their back, face and necks. The one missing piece of this ultimate scenario would be if this was set in the outdoors, in the ?spot? where they had so many previous glorious battles. Before Nature itself.

    Erika had wanted to make some snide comment about what was in the box, but Tasha?s last verbal volley was cutting and she refocused on the epic climax that was soon to come. Her body was aching for another release, they both were, but with each magnificent orgasm came the irony of exhaustion, and then defeat.

    In an act that surprised Erika probably even more, she lunged for her Spanish nemesis, barely a couple of feet separated them, so the momentum of the impact was not impressive, but the viciousness that these two women attacked one another was staggering in itself. Tasha growled, uncaring if anyone knew they were fighting in this Hotel Room now, and she clawed at the Blonde as Erika tried to drive the Spanish Bitch down to the bed. Tasha twisted about, but the slithering of their naked bodies was driving Tasha insane with lust, she suddenly with almost an animal snarl wrapped her arms and legs about the Blonde. Erika couldn?t resist, she wanted their bodies to crush into the most intimate position possible. Both women were enjoined in a gnarling, death hug, as Spanish and Italian arms snaked around one another, they rolled slowly, as oily limbs navigated for position and some form of control. For several minutes, as both of them whimpered and moaned, they took on the look of a lovers embrace. Erika ran her fingernails down Tasha's back and bit her earlobe and cheeks, the scratching was light, and bites gentle, but it was a warning. Tasha in turn bit into Erika?s shoulder, neck, and face. Meanwhile, Tasha?s claws dug in fiercely into Erika?s bare buns, she kept working them into Erika?s butt, making the Blonde clench them nervously over and over.

    Erika was getting anxious, Tasha's body was so alive, so electric, fighting and wrapping itself around her own as she struggled to use her superior weight and strength against the Spanish. But every turn was met with a slippery arm or leg from the Spanish Woman, Erika felt like she was grappling Tasha for her very sexual life! Like a phoenix pumping thru her veins Erika could feel her adrenaline, her biceps flexed, and she twisted her arms free, quickly wrapping them about Tasha's torso, trying to trap the Spanish Goddess in a painful hug.

    Tasha arched her body to accommodate the hug, an embrace that was more sensual than painful, but there was pain all right, but it didn?t seem to be the primary objective of her Italian Rival.

    Erika struggled with the grip, the sweat and oil hindered her every effort, but it would have to do. She closed the vice in now. But her own body felt the power of Tasha?s lean legs, closing in around her waist and squeezing, soon both girls were moaning. Their squeezing was not constant, both seemed to relax and then tighten. Erika?s face moved down and began to suck on Tasha?s right nipple, it was so hard and long, raw and sensitive, that the Spanish Woman groaned loudly.

    ?You Bitch! Suck it harder!? Tasha taunted her, in fact she loved the sensation, but just not too hard she hoped.

    This was about domination and control. Erika didn?t like having sex with this Spanish Woman, it offended ever part of her ?Superior Italian Body? but she had to see this till the very end. Erika?s expression changed and she moved her face up as she got this incredibly seductive look on her face, she leaned in and kissed Tasha softly, the Spanish girl wasn?t ready for that, her tongue slid past Tasha?s lips, gently caressing her mouth and lips and then she relaxed her hug so her right hand could come up to Tasha?s left breast and gently her fingers massaged and played with Tasha?s hard nipple. The reaction was what Erika was anticipating, Tasha?s constricting Spanish legs slowly loosened their grip, and their bodies almost on their own accord, began to read just so as to get their soaking love canals into closer contact. Tasha was grunting and moaning, melting away as the Blonde roamed over her, slowly, gently worked her fucking magic, only to pull away, and then come back in making the Spanish Beauty moan, Tasha even arched her chest upward for more contact.

    Amazingly at the same time Tasha was also getting pissed, the Italian Girl had her aching for more and she hated her for that. Erika had managed to get the upper hand, as Tasha laid their stunned and moaning like her little bitch in heat.

    The tips of their tongues pressed and seemed to drive into one another. Erika seemed to abandon any tactics and was consumed by the passion between them, arms and hands grabbing and clinging, grunting. Every time Tasha dug her claws into Erika?s biceps or forearms she wanted more, sexually, physically, in every way, shape and form. Their kiss broke again and the two women rested cheek to cheek, the Spanish Female heard the Blonde gasping and groaning, maybe as much as she was. Tasha couldn?t believe it, did she actually stand a chance of emerging from this as a victor? An odd thought when she had so proudly predicted her victory at the beginning.

    Tasha turned her head and lunged in, both women went lip-to-lip, Tasha this time seemed determined to bite and chew the Blonde?s lips off, not in a gentle kiss but it was harsh and aggressive. Tasha had caught Erika?s tongue in her mouth and bit down, sucked on that thrashing pink muscle, the tongue fight went back and forth, until Erika got just enough advantage and decided to use her tongue like a plunging snake, as if trying to drive it as deep down the Spanish girl?s throat as possible. Tasha gurgled desperately as her tiring tongue muscle was brushed aside, both of their mouths were stretched as far as they could go, spit trickled out of the corners. The Blonde pulled away slightly, taunting and teasing, dodging Tasha?s frustrated kisses.

    ?Fuck you.? Tasha groaned.

    ?I can out tongue fight you any day of the week bitch. So admit it, or I?m going to wear your mouth out some more!? The Blonde lightly kissed and spoke into her enemy?s trembling mouth.

    In a shocking move came a confession, ?I admit it. You are the better kisser, but I have the better pussy, and I?m going to fuck you until you openly admit it!?
    The honesty in Tasha?s voice, and look, took Erika by surprise for just a minute. Didn?t make her admire the pathetic Spanish Bitch any more, but still, she honestly felt the desire to prove Tasha wrong about which one of them was the better Woman, and could use their Sex better than the other.

    Erika felt Tasha spread her legs under her and sit up, she preceded to do the same, this is what Erika was expecting, a direct Italian Cunt-vs-Spanish Cunt all out duel. However Tasha had other motives and slowly scooted to the edge of the bed, she stood up and walked over to that mysterious box. Erika?s heart beat with some excitement and she watched as Tasha casually lifted on the top, the box itself was of no distinct design, it had an almost light violet color, but it wasn?t flashy at all. The Blonde took a deep breath by what Tasha withdrew, she subconsciously anticipated a move like this, but still, seeing the object made her scared, yes ?scared? is the right word, she didn?t know if she was ready to handle such a challenge.

    Tasha pivoted in place, holding the sex toy in her right hand, and gave a leering smile toward her rival.
    ?It all really comes down to this.? And Tasha arched her back, squared her shoulders and smirked as she took a step forward, ?Which one of us has the stronger pussy.?

    Erika had to force her eyes to remain on the object, it offended her as well as worried her. It was an outrageous challenge and terrifying, yes there was some degree of fear in her eyes, and Tasha?s smile reflected the fact she picked up on Erika?s fear.

    Embarrassed by her obvious emotions, Erika got a little angry, ?Come on then you Spanish Bitch!? she snapped and scooted to the middle of the bed. Tasha gently laid the long Spanish Dildo in the center, she then crawled over the king size bed to take up her opposite position. She had used no lubricant, both women were already drenched with their own juices, that would be enough.

    Erika had never been with a man large enough to rival the size of this Spanish Cock that lay threateningly between her legs. Her sex quivered with the fear of pain, and the unknown. By her estimate, it was at least 18? long and maybe two inches in diameter.

    ?It?s simple. If your pussy can handle this, then we each take half. Once we are ready, its then simply a matter of who?s cunt has the stronger grip as we pull away from one another. Right there before both our eyes, we will see who can pull this Big Spanish Cock completely out of the other, using only our pussy muscles.? Tasha was enjoying every second, she even spoke a little slower as Erika?s eyes nervously traveled from the object between them, back up to Tasha?s dark eyes.

    They slid their hips close together. Erika?s fingers trembled a little when she touched it, it had a strange soft feel to it. She noticed Tasha seemed to handle her end with an air of confidence. ?You piece of gutter trash, I bet you use all kinds of whoring toys like this!?

    It shouldn?t have mattered, the words that Erika was now uttering, but the way she said them, and that superior look just made the Spanish Woman angry each and every time. ?I?m going to beat the hell out of you when we meet again. And when I yank this Cock out of that pathetic Italian Pussy, I?m going to fuck you to an orgasm so hard you?ll pass out, and then we will see who the Whore is!?

    No response, it had become all about shutting the other woman up. Erika was about ready to press the tip against her aroused, outer pussy lips when she took notice of just how flared the head was, and there was even a small hole at the tip, she wondered if it would actually ejaculate some fluid, or if there was such a design feature. The rest of the shaft was even more detailed, with small and thick veins running along the length of it, and it felt even bigger in her hand then when she first saw it.

    Each began to work their own end into their pussies. Neither girl had done anything special to lubricate either the long Spanish dong or to try to make their pussies any juicier than they already were. Each wanted their pussy to have as much gripping power as possible for their upcoming battle. Their bodies trembled, more so Erika, she wanted to win so badly, the going was slow, she had never been so filled in her life and it was both painful and exciting at the same time.

    ?It?s a monster Spanish Cock you Italian Bitch, and more than you can handle, I?m so going to love winning this battle.? Tasha purred sexually. As Tasha finished guiding the dildo?s nine inches into her pussy she jumped on the chance to taunt her rival, who appeared to be suffering to accommodate not only the girth, but the length of it.

    ?What?s the matter, already too much for you, you have another three inches to go before we seal our pussy lips together and really go to war.?

    Erika suffered the words, she didn?t want to get upset and cause herself to become more stressed, not when she needed to relax. But she couldn?t let the comment go totally unanswered. ?Your pathetic! Your pussy is pathetic, fucked by so many nasty Spanish men that you could probably snake a fire hose up inside that filthy cunt!?

    ?No you Bitch! All wrong, it takes a real woman to handle real men, and your going to find out just how much stronger and healthier my Spanish Pussy is than that Italian pussy when I pound the fight out of it and submit you!?

    Erika gave her best smirk, it wasn?t fake either, she was amused, more so by the retort she had ready, ?If that?s your idea of a decent Pussy, then you really have been sleeping around a lot. This,? And Erika spread her lips wide with her two fingers, ?This is the purest, cleanest and strongest pussy in the world, tighter and better than yours. And it?s all Italian and Pink you bitch, not all Spanish and Nasty, and loose, like your polluted cunt!?

    Tasha sat up a little more but suddenly stiffened a little and looked down, Erika had done it, the lips of both cunts were stretched wide around that huge Spanish shaft, in fact the Spanish cock was no longer visible, their mating lips were flattened against one another totally. The battle was ready to start.

    With a final wiggle from both girls, their labia lips smeared over one another, approximately 18 inches had disappeared into their bodies, and neither girl had ever been so impaled before. The depth of this intrusion caused their wombs to recoil from the pressure. Tasha intended to not just keep the Spanish Cock for herself, but to humiliate her mortal enemy by keeping every inch up into her deep pussy. But Erika was just as determined, but she was having a more difficult time adjusting to the girth of this huge Dildo, in fact she had never had a Dildo inside of her. She was more preoccupied with what it was doing to her vagina, stretching it, filling her up like she never felt before and then their was the incredible sensation of their toned, long legs scissoring together, trying to maintain the delicious kiss of their pussy lips.

    Tasha did have the advantage here, her boyfriend Darryl was a well hung Spanish man, but not this big. ?You ready to have your Italian cunt obliterated by my more Powerful Spanish Pussy?? Tasha sighed.

    Erika nodded ?Yes?. Actually no she wasn?t ready, but Erika squeezed down with her vaginal muscles the best she could.

    ?Let?s do this bitch so I can shut your mouth once and for all.? Tasha?s dark eyes flew open with excitement as she applied as much constriction around her end as possible.



    A Night to Remember - Part 32 - Continued.........


    All eyes became fixated on their mated crotches, watching with intensity, already their hearts pounded as both girls slowly inched backwards. This was one battle that both could see the progress visually. At first, the Dildo slid out of Erika about half an inch causing her heart to race and stomach to knot with anxiety, but the very next second it began to slide out of Tasha?s too. Eye contact did not happen, both girls were intently watching the area between their legs to gauge their progress and to evaluate, and they would even stop movement to reset their grip before progressing back some more.

    Erika made sure to keep her breathing even and measured, she panicked when she felt the tug, and then the thick shaft slipped inside her tight love cove, but there was some relief to be found, some pressure was now taken off her cervix. ?Oooohhh? Erika let out a little moan as she watched the Spanish cock slide out another two inches from her pussy, now she was really beginning to panic, almost three inches lost, and Tasha had only lost maybe an inch and a half, at most!

    Tasha?s heart ramped up with anticipation, the anticipation of a quick victory, just as she imagined. Her sexy dark eyes became wide as she contemplated making a bold move, pulling back quickly to take the win. She still almost had about seven inches in her and a good grip, if she scooted back at just the right time while gripping the shaft will all the power in her vagina, she would win! And it would be over!

    Both women were feeling another instinct taking over, their hormones, and the desire to slide back onto the shaft and feel it?s size fill up the void it was leaving. This had the potential to become a good fuck, after their duel was over that is. Tasha watched Erika shift around and rotate her crotch, it looked like she was having trouble holding it inside her, ?Now!? Tasha?s voice told her, the voice that had never let her down before. She almost growled as she clamped her love canal around the shaft and slid back.

    Erika gasped as her whole vaginal cove felt the harsh tug, but it was Tasha that suddenly froze and blinked, she watched almost three inches slip from her pussy! ?But how!?? She sat up a little in disbelief, the move didn?t work, the whole setup seemed perfect!
    ?What the Fuck!?? but mouthed the words silently, such a major mistake on her part did not need to be highlighted any further.

    In fact Erika did notice Tasha?s loss, but was too preoccupied with her own efforts and the sexy scene unfolding between them. Both were bathed in new sweat, only minutes had ticked by, their toned abdominal and lower muscles undulated in a sexy slow motion dance. They had stalled a little prior to pulling some more, they knew that the end was near, and both were getting so wet from the struggle it was even harder for each of them to maintain a good grip.

    Erika immediately clamped down as hard as she could and pulled back, in an instant, half the Spanish Cock was out of Tasha and Tasha immediately strained to keep the remaining three inches inside of her. Desperate to end this, Tasha gave a final squeeze, her head went back as she let out a long moan, pulling back, ?Please!? radiated off her lips to the ceiling above, and even to the Heavens for some final assistance. Tasha considered herself to be spiritual, so if there was a God, or Goddess to be called upon, she hoped her prayers were answered.

    The Blonde, in a similar do-or-die pullout also clamped down and could feel the large bulbous head moving in her, she tried to latch on to it with all the energy she had left, and then her body shuddered as a strong orgasm ripped thru her body causing her head also fall backward. Something had changed, the direct connection between their sopping wet pussies would radiate every movement, but the connection suddenly felt broken. Erika jerked her head up to the sound of a loud gasp, which did not come from her. She looked, although it didn?t require a visual confirmation, about three inches were still inside of her. Her eyes rapidly blinked, taking in the site between their legs, the large head of that Spanish dildo had slipped totally free from Tasha?s pussy. The final results of their pussy duel.

    Tasha was flabbergasted at the loss! It was her fucking dildo! ?I even picked this mother fucker out!? She had even secretly practiced with it for days leading up to this. She looked up and found herself sick to her stomach, there was her hated rival, Erika, glowing from ear to ear in a giant smile. A tear drop fell from her eye as she realized what Erika had accomplished, and the ramifications that were soon to come. She couldn?t cope with what delightful bragging, and demeaning words the Blonde must be ready to unleash.

    The look of rage was now easy to recognize, there were even the tell-tale signs, of course. Erika remained unmoving, and complacent, which only seemed to fuel Tasha?s boiling rage.

    ?Wipe that fucking smile off your face!? Tasha would have been better off making sure the actual slap connected first, but Tasha had good reason for such confidence, she was quick, and usually quicker than Erika in most cases. In most cases. But Erika blocked Tasha?s arm by catching the girl?s left wrist mid-swing, the look of shock on Tasha?s face was almost as wonderful as when she lost the Dildo fight.

    ?You want to go this way? You got it!? Erika jerked the blocked attack down just a few inches so she could retaliate, and landed a hard, clean slap to Tasha?s left cheek, sending the stunned Spanish beauty onto her back. ?No!? She cried out, more music to Erika's ears.

    ?You were saying how you were going to fuck me senseless? Well then, let?s fuck until one of us can?t fuck anymore!? Erika sat up and reached for the Dildo, pushing it deeper back into her, a feeling her pussy now seemed to welcome. The other end she pointed toward Tasha?s gaping, wet hole, and drove it into her savagely, making the Spanish Beauty?s whole body lurch upward.

    ?You fucking cunt! My Pussy!? Tasha wailed.

    Erika grabbed the Spanish Girl?s ankles and pushed them up, and then proceeded to fold Tasha in half, pinning her ankles to either side of her head, uncaring of the Spanish?s flexibility. The main goal was ultimate access, and she achieved it. Tasha, looking down in horror, watched as the Italian Blonde pounded her cunt from above, her hands reached up and clawed at her Enemy, trying to break free, but her pussy was taking her somewhere she didn?t want to go. Her body betrayed her and she started trying to grind back against the massive Spanish Cock. It was a shocking thing to behold, Erika, an apparent novice with big Dicks was totally controlling the action, plowing into her Spanish pussy at will. Every time she tried to grip at the shaft is was ripped right from her searing cunt!

    It wasn?t just Tasha feeling the building orgasm when it broke, both women writhed and cried out loud in the most powerful orgasm either had experienced and it happened almost simultaneously. Their pussy lips totally sealed around the shaft, as their female juices flowed freely, but because of Erika?s dominant position her juices seemed to leak down and coat Tasha?s pussy. Erika?s oozing cum was leaking past the shaft and then into Spanish woman?s own cunt, it felt amazingly erotic to the stunned Spanish Woman, but horrible at the same time knowing full well that she had just had her Spanish Pussy whipped by this other Italian Woman.

    The pressure eased as did the intensity of the orgasm. Erika slowly relaxed her hold as her body collapsed on top of this Spanish Bitch she truly despised. Tasha?s reaction was shocking, to herself and Erika, she had reached up and kissed Erika on the lips forcefully, it was a passionate kiss, and they both sensually sucked and slurped on each other?s tongue and lips. Shocking to both women was how gentle, tender, and passionate the kiss remained. Their tongues began dancing inside mouths. Hands caressed backs, buttocks, and heads. Breasts wiggled erotically in soft contact. The two girls bodies were melding together, almost as one.

    They remained connected by the long Spanish cock, their crotch?s slowly rotated and against one another, making the exposed shaft appear to move and writhe on it?s own. Like a oiled, living Spanish Snake.

    Tasha looked up into the Blonde?s Hazel, ?We have one last fight, you have to out fuck me, ass to ass. No Italian woman can beat a Spanish woman.?

    ?You got it.? Erika confidently smirked, maybe that was a little too much bravado, but her confidence was soaring.

    They each turned carefully, rotating their bodies, the lengthy dildo never left the velvety confines of their amazing pussies, several inches became exposed as they rolled over and got to their hands and knees, but when they were ass to ass, the two women pushed back, consuming the shaft totally once again. Erika rested her right cheek against the soft bed spread as they prepared for their final fuck fight.

    Among the mangled and soaked sheets, Tasha found a spot that was still cool to the touch and rested her left cheek. Her eyes, along with her rivals, had fixated on the large mirror that hung across from the bed, putting the entire scene on display. It wasn?t just a dildo, fuck fight, this was them going ass-to-ass, going at one another until one pleaded the other to stop. Tied together their two pussies did not immediately start grinding against the other, instead both women allowed some soft pressure and enjoyment take over as they swayed their hips. Their pussies rubbed for several minutes, gradually building by degrees the intensity.

    Erika was indeed tired, she felt spent and was actually feeling appalled, yes appalled, that she had been fucking Tasha for ?How long now?? she wondered, ?Feels like hours?, her mind still rattled around in amazement that such a large Dildo was deep inside her. ?How am I going to get thru this last battle, Tasha is a fucking Beast when the odds are stacked against her,? The Italian Amazon worried, knowing that no matter how sensual one moment between them could be, Tasha would do anything to win this last fight. Anything. The satisfaction of knowing that she had pushed herself to a new limits of endurance in controlling herself, even under the intensely erotic onslaught made Erika feel confident in her chances.

    But Tasha was spent as well, she felt maybe she had enough left in her body to pull out a victory, but couldn?t think about any of the previous events, not dinner, not the shower, all that mattered was right now. The erotic feeling of their asses touching was soothing, but unnerving at the same time, it wasn?t a first for either one of them, they had felt their backsides grind against one another in the past when fighting, but now, it was all about just that.

    ?Now, you wanna try fucking me again bitch?? Tasha gave her enemy?s butt a firm thrust causing Erika to angrily clench her teeth. The strong, beautiful Spanish?s body tensed and seethed, her pussy throbbed around the hefty Dildo as her breasts felt the flow of blood pump into them. Play time was over.

    ?Stop talking you stupid whore, just bring it!? The Blonde challenged, she spread her knees a little more across the sheets, and arched her ass up a little higher for maximum exposure.

    Tasha took a deep breath, their buns relaxed and rolled against one another as they felt each other out, probing and testing almost tenderly as they rotated their hips. Invitingly their faint sighs filled the room. The Spanish Beauty gripped the shaft and tensed her butt cheeks and thrust back, she was rewarded with a faint groan from behind her as the Blonde?s ass gave up ground to her firm butt.

    Erika?s mind had soon lost track of the previous victory only minutes ago, she was contemplating every possible outcome, each one flashed the ultimate consummation of their naked ass muscles, sweat covered, slapping and punching into one another, until one of them couldn?t take anymore. Erika repeated Tasha?s efforts, she tensed and pressed back, evening up the struggle.

    ?Ha, for a minute I thought this was going to be a challenge; if that?s all you?ve got, I?m going to flatten that Italian ass with my Spanish ass in a few more seconds? The Spanish girl moaned.

    Droplets of perspiration began peaking out from the back of their mashed thighs. Erika didn?t say a word, but waited and upon feeling the slightest relaxation on the part of the Spanish Haired Beauty, she shifted her hips to the right and gave a firm thrust. Her left butt cheek firmly parted her foe?s Spanish Butt cheeks, eliciting something between and gasp and a moan of discomfort. The Dildo had also shifted during the move, and while the struggle wasn?t about controlling the long cock, it was having a tremendous affect on both girls. A distracting affect.

    Tasha grunted as she tried to flex her firm buns, thus close her cheeks back together from where Erika had firmly wedged her tight, left ass check into her crack. ?I told you bitch...? Tasha taunted while dragging her left ass cheek vertically, up and down, parting the Blonde?s yielding glutes ??This Spanish Ass is more then your Italian Ass can handle.?

    Tasha looked in to the mirror, she smiled wickedly when she saw the look of sexual frustration and infuriation on the Erika?s face.

    Erika bit down on her lower lip and winced, uncontrollably a whimper escaped from her mouth as she felt Tasha deliver another vicious grind into the crack of her ass, and pressed the Dildo deeper into her. Another sensual stimulation was how her tight rectum reacted to the sweat and oil of Tasha?s firm ass muscles, rubbing deep into her crack. Her eyes teared up as she looked straight ahead, mustering all the strength her muscles could offer and clenched her butt cheeks back together. A low grown came from behind her, and she felt Tasha?s sweaty, lean legs tremble with effort, both seemed to groan in unison now. Tasha let out a frustrated sigh as she was forced out of Erika?s ass, the Dildo sifted violent inside of her as well, and her tiring muscles were having a difficult time controlling her end.

    Simultaneously both girls glared over their shoulders and locked eyes, a renewed sense of hatred transpired between the two.
    ?Damn right, this Italian Body is too much for your Spanish Body to handle!?

    There was an impromptu pause in the action as the struggle had taken something out of each girl and they now leaned into one another. ?I beat you tongue to tongue, cunt to cunt, and I?m going to finish you off tonight, ass to ass!? Erika spat.

    Tasha bit her lower lip but still whimpered as felt her own ass muscles parted as the blonde?s left buttock pushed it?s way into the crack of her ass. ?You like that bitch? How does it feel now?? Erika taunted and proceeded to wildly grind her buttocks into the Spanish Woman. All Tasha could do was moan as the sweaty, hot body of her rival was like a writhing, twisting and turning against her ass, while the Dildo felt alive inside her pussy. Tasha's buns felt like they were on fire, a steady trickle of perspiration was not only running from their mated legs, temples and chests, but from between her own legs.

    The Spanish beauty was now struggling to keep up, the Blonde was like a live wire evading her every move. Their muscles were now cramping as bodies would sometimes lean and rest against one another until the battle began to slow into a desperate grind of burning buns, legs and back muscles. Tasha closed her eyes, taking a deep breath and managed to move her enemy backwards several inches. Erika grunted and was shocked feel herself loosing ground. ?No!? she screamed.

    Tasha?s body was on fire and barely heard the moans of pain from the Blonde. Taking several desperate gulps of air she flexed her arms and braced her legs, fighting back as best she could, both the Italian and Spanish girls struggled and moaned against one another, sometimes in unison as their bodies waged a war of pure strength now.

    The smacking of ass cheek against cheek was loud enough it echoed all around the room.

    Erika was actually shaking from exhaustion now, it was the most demeaning, and yet erotic thing she had ever done, and being with her sworn enemy it added an underlying desperation to every action all the more intense. Both girls shook with exhaustion, lust and hatred as the movements slowed to pure grinding attrition.

    Her mouth now drew in every bit of air she could inhale. Droplets of sweat were hanging off her eyebrows, nose and chin when she suddenly stiffened and moaned aloud. Her body went momentarily rigid as she felt her swollen pussy crush against the wet cunt of her Italian rival. She felt Erika give up her own reaction as the Blonde?s body actually buckled slightly and then gasped at the erotic contact of their two pussies fully enveloping the long Spanish Dildo. Panting and shaking Erika barely recovered and pressed back. She glanced a look to the left and found the entire reflection to be obscene, they both looked like two horny, porn stars, locked in some graphic sex fight. Well, all of that was true except for being porn stars.

    Tasha found herself getting desperate, she reached back and clawed at Erika?s sweat coated skin until finally, ?You fucking bitch! You did it!? the Spanish Woman shook her head in amazement, ?You Italian Bitch, your pounding the hell out of my Spanish Ass!! Stop!? Aching from head to toe, the Spanish Goddess collapsed, sobbing into soft sheets of the bed she couldn?t move another muscle.

    Erika felt every ache as she pushed up, her shoulders burned. If Tasha had offered any resistance at this very second, Erika would have fallen back down defeated, somehow she outlasted her Spanish Nemesis by mere seconds. It was more than just symbolic as the Italian Goddess sat astride the defeated Spanish Goddess, her firm ass pressing down over the exhausted beautiful Spanish Ass below. For one brief minute. Her Italian breasts covered in sweat, glowing and heaving Erika found some energy to turn around, at this point there were no graceful actions to be found, her left hand reached back and fumbled, but was able to pull Tasha by the hair, rolling her head towards the mirror.

    ?There, look and see, remember this moment. My Italian Body sitting dominantly, triumphantly over your defeated Spanish Body.? Erika spoke in between heaving breathes.



    Settling Down - Part 33


    Her fingers gripped the ornate handle and made sure the door closed firmly, but not loudly. It was around 2 A.M. so she made an effort to be mindful of people sleeping. ?Maybe if I am quiet enough I can pretend I was never here, and this never happened.? It was a silly thought of course. Erika continued to try and comfort herself on the elevator ride down, ?It?s over. Done.? and took a deep sigh while holding her head high, she almost let herself smile, ?Well over and done where tonight is concerned?, now she was frowning again. Erika expected those thoughts to be more comforting, even exhilarating, but oddly enough there was a somber feeling that was coming over her. Not because she now missed everything that had just taken place, but because she felt some shame and embarrassment for doing such things, and her body ached horribly, like from some bad workout, and her crotch was raw to point she had to force herself to walk normal.

    The elevator door opened into the lobby, ?The Final-Act, and then I am home free.? She pushed her shoulders back and with long confident strides began moving forward. Just as she feared, the lobby had people still milling about, coming and going, even at such a late hour. She didn?t want anyone looking at her as some tramp, slinking out of the Hotel as some unseemly hour, so she carried herself with an air of commanding confidence, even letting a faint smirk form over her lips. She thanked the man when he held the door open for her.

    Her car wasn?t far away now, ?Thank God for small miracles?, and the cool night air was refreshing, Erika even thought about looking back up to see if she could spot the hotel window where she had just come from. ?Where that Spanish Bitch still is.?


    Perhaps five minutes after he heard the door shut, he opened his, cautiously he looked looked up and down the corridor. It gave him the creeps, lately everything he did gave him the creeps, ?Have I turned into a creepy person? Maybe I have always been a creepy person.?

    Everything was deathly quiet and so still. He carefully closed the door and turned back to where he had been awake, all day and night. His right hand touched the wall, a wall he had become all too familiar with over the past several hours. William had canvased every inch of it, trying to obtain the best point to listen from, ?But this damn hotel, the walls were so dense it made it almost impossible.? Almost that is. Some of the tools he borrowed from the Investigators, like the parabolic microphone, actually helped, while his imagination filled in the rest.

    He fell back onto the bed exhausted, which he found amusing, as all he had been doing for hours is just eavesdropping.

    Why was he doing this?
    He really didn?t care anymore, he just wanted to stay ?in the loop? from a safe distance.

    Looking out the peep-hole he had watched Erika walk past his door, she past within a couple of feet of him, might as well have been miles away. ?They can?t know that I know.? But it was torture to be so close to something so amazingly glorious and exciting.

    He lusted after both women, they are both stunning beauties with no equal. ?Maybe that?s why they do it, could it be that simple? Something so basic?? His eyelids were closing on their own now and still his mind began to calculate. From all the information collected, or as current as he could be on events, it seemed Erika was on a roll. Tonight was their most significant and intense duel since their fight in ?The Clearing? several months ago, back at the end of the Summer. That was the last time Tasha had won a fight. He hoped and prayed that as the weather got warmer they would once again meet in the Park, in that Clearing, to ?throw down? and he could witness another one of their savage fights. He could only hope.


    Soaking in the large tub Tasha simply stared out over the rising water. Her entire body ached horribly, there wasn?t a part of her body that didn?t ache, even her eyeballs ached, her nose, lips, and neck. She expected the Blonde was suffering the same.

    And yet she admitted ?Those were the best orgasms I have ever had.?

    She decided to stay the night, after all, she had paid for it, ?Paid the price for a lot of things.? smirking at the thought. Her tongue, also sore, ran along the inside of her mouth, it was now hard to imagine that the Blonde?s tongue was inside of her mouth but only minutes ago. But what disappointed her the most was the fact that Erika had left, she had expected, no hoped, the Blonde would have stayed the night. Those expectations didn?t make any sense of course, not in the overall scheme of things. But there were moments tonight, and previously, when they seemed to be having great sex and all of the hostility lifted away. Tasha didn?t know how to only make ?that? connection with Erika, to simply enjoy the amazing, explosive sex between them without the aggression, and violence resurfacing. And then there was the fact that Erika always turned her back on Tasha, thumbing her nose, looking down on her. She thought at one time she had beat that attitude out of the Blonde, that day in the park when she thoroughly trashed the Blonde, that gave her a glimmer of hope she had broken the Italian Girl?s spirit for good. ?So close? Tasha thought. But the Blonde did not stay down long.

    ?That Italian Bitch returned with a vengeance I never anticipated.? Tasha was amazed that Erika could erase a whole evening of excitement and great sex in a mere matter of minutes, the last few minutes right before she left??.


    It wasn?t the response that made Erika angry, it was the lack of one. They had just spent over an hour fucking one another relentlessly, and now Tasha just lay there, almost without expression. In fact, the Spanish Girl?s right arm and leg were beginning to slip off the end of the bed, as if she was borderline unconscious.

    But the Spanish Beauty was not unconscious, physically depleted yes, and in stunned disbelief. She was also trying to summon the mental fortitude necessary to endure the dreadful demeaning verbal thrashing to come. She moaned softly as Erika forced her head up to look again into the mirror.

    It was difficult to convey true celebratory joy, but the outcome seemed to demand it from the victor. Erika also believed that if she failed to rub Tasha?s face in this it would be perceived as a sign of weakness. There was enough adrenaline left that the Blonde allowed herself to glow in the aftermath of her victory over her Spanish nemesis. She arched her back and sat up a little more.

    Tasha was still waiting for the words, Erika seemed primed for a volley of insults, her body language conveyed supreme victory. But the Italian Blonde remained silent, her smug look of pride drove the humiliation just a little deeper then any cutting remarks ever could, maybe that was the point. Oddly Tasha began to long for some verbal rebuke. ?She is torturing me, dragging this out.? If she could get up and fight back she would have, in fact she already tried and her body failed her again, it was a shocking thing to feel so exhausted. The Spanish Goddess was spent, defeated, and began to weep as her gloriously naked body remained submissively on her stomach, all the while Erika slowly, even lightly, rubbed her victorious firm Italian Ass all over Tasha?s perfectly shaped rear.

    ?Who has the Superior body and ass?? Erika finally growled with a sadistic look of joy.

    ?You do.? The words tumbled out of her mouth as she wept.

    Now that was the reaction Erika was looking for, next she moved her left leg down until her foot found the floor to brace herself. Her Italian calf and thigh muscles flexed, the coating of sweat and oil wasn?t totally smooth, there were scratch and bruises that showed, Tasha took some solace in knowing she had given the Blonde those marks.

    ?Watch this you weak Spanish Bitch.? Erika crowed, she slowly stood, eliciting a groan from both of them, more so from Tasha as the black weapon was dragged from the confines of her crotch. A tool of pleasure not long ago, but it was unpleasant in all respects now. The Italian Woman had used her vaginal muscles to clamp onto her end of the shaft, pulling it free and holding it trapped as she stood before her defeated rival. It felt vulgar, and looked obscene, the long Spanish shaft hung between the Blonde?s strong thighs, but Erika felt it was necessary to demonstrate, once again, how much stronger her pussy was than Tasha?s. When satisfied the point was made, she reached down and gently pulled it free from her crotch, letting go a mixed sigh of relief and pleasure. Casually she tossed it back onto the bed before walking over and giving Tasha?s head a real jerk, hard, toward the mirror with more force, pulling back on her hair making the Spanish woman cry out loud. ?Hear it comes.? Tasha thought with despair.

    ?Now you Spanish Bitch, you wined-and-dined me all night, got me back to your Hotel room, and for what? Just look how pathetic you are!?

    Tasha?s eyes filled with tears, she was angry and tried to retaliate, her right arm came to life and tried to reach up to grab at the Blonde, anything would do. But that didn?t work out well at all. Erika?s right hand grabbed Tasha?s right wrist and forced it behind her back into a painful arm lock.

    ?You had better start talking! Who has the better pussy? Who has the sexier body and the better ass??

    Tasha?s hesitation resulted in her head and arm being jerked to such a painful degree that she began spouting forth anything and everything. ?Please! Okay! Okay! Please stop Erika, you whipped my Spanish Ass tonight! Your Italian Body sexually defeated by Spanish Body! Please! Whatever you want me to say I will say!?

    ?No!? Erika suddenly dragged Tasha down to the floor by her hair, crying and begging. ?Shut up you sniveling little Spanish cunt, I don?t want to hear all your bullshit.? Erika stepped back and placed her hands on her hips.

    Tasha thought she had surrendered too easily as she tried to quickly get to her feet, but physical reality intercepted those efforts. Physically, and sexually, she was tapped out and fell back to her knees, almost falling over to her face. That was the harshest blow, not being able to even get to her feet.

    ?Look at me.? The Blonde?s voice wasn?t loud, but it was harsh, and commanding.

    Tasha stared up into the eyes of the woman that had done things to her tonight that she never dreamed any man, or woman, could ever do. It all seemed a foregone conclusion in Tasha?s mind, her victory, the Blonde kneeling before her, bowing to her Supremacy, as the superior Woman, the dominant Spanish Woman.

    ?I can feel it in my nipples and clit every time I think of you, every time I am around you, how inferior you are. I look forward to submitting and humiliating your Spanish ass again. Your not worthy enough to crawl over and kiss my superior pussy, not yet. I?ll keep humiliating and humbling you until you beg it from me.?

    Erika took a deep breath of prideful air and looked down at her Spanish foe.

    Her full Spanish lips trembled. The arrogance, and audacity, of this Italian Bitch was staggering and never ending.
    ?Fuck you. You have a long way to go you Italian Bitch before I ever willingly ever submit to you. There will come a day when one of us crawls and kisses the other?s beautiful cunt, and you will be the one bowing down to me and kissing my pussy! Begging me!? Tasha found enough energy to keep some of her composure as she spoke. But she didn?t have enough left to withstand the smack that Erika gave her across the cheek. Immediately she was on her side softly sobbing, fighting to get back to her knees.

    Surprisingly, Erika began to dress in silence as Tasha swallowed her pride, counting every second that ticked by, watching the clock, hoping the Blonde would hurry and leave the room already. Erika made sure to stand in front of Tasha as she took the Spanish girl?s panties and slipped them on, slowly, one leg at a time, but still she made no comments. ?That look? on Erika?s beautiful face, it forced a vengeful sneer from Tasha?s lips. They eyed one another the whole time, staring each other down.

    Neither spoke a parting word, not even when Erika took the dildo. Erika wasn?t even sure why she took it, she was in the mood to take anything she wanted. Maybe it was the action itself, taking something that Tasha had so self assuredly tried to use in an attempt to fuck Erika into a humiliating submission. But it didn?t work out that way, in fact just the opposite, Tasha had gotten fucked hard.


    She sat in silence as her mind caught up to the present and her eyes focused back over the now still water that enveloped her body in it?s hot, soothing embrace. Tasha always felt ?hate? was a strong word, but it felt right where her rival was concerned. The two women hated one another and everything else in life was a backdrop to when they would once again ?fight?.

    The Hotel bathrobe was warm, comforting, and relaxing. She now just sat on the edge of the bed for a few minutes knowing sleep would soon completely take over her body, but the memories of those last few minutes that she and Erika shared, well, they were not so comforting.

    For Tasha, there was no ?If? about it. There was going to be another fight. She couldn?t dwell on past victories or defeats any longer. She just needed to beat that arrogant Italian cunt. And yet she also dreaded another fight with Erika.

    When and if the time came, and win-or-lose, Tasha swore that she would dish out her own severe punishment to that Blonde Amazon in a knock-down brutal fight the likes neither girl had experienced before.



    Spring - Part 34


    The music was a little louder then what she was used to, but perhaps that was because it was 11:00 am on a Friday and not as many people were packed into the Cafe? as usual. But still, Erika considered getting up and complaining as she sat tapping away on her iPad. She thought the name of the device was a joke at first, iPad, ?Sounds like a feminine hygiene product? she smirked a little thinking herself clever.

    ?Well. I?m here.? Tasha said in a tone that was less then the usual enthusiasm Erika had come to expect. And her antagonist was still standing, leaving the empty chair across from the Blonde looking very out of place.

    When Erika finally locked her screen and looked up, the radiant Spanish beauty was already speaking again, ?This is a day off from work for me and I plan on enjoying it, not wasting time sitting here bantering with you.? Erika could tell the ?you? was pronounced with a great amount of contempt, perhaps Tasha had really wanted to use a more colorful word. The Blonde admired the way Tasha lightly brushed a few strands of hair away from her cheeks, so carefully and gracefully it was hard to imagine those same hands could unleash some very brutal punishment.

    ?Get on with it then.? Tasha sighed, bored, and seemed to relent to the inevitable by letting herself drop into the chair, now looking even more bored.

    ?Oh, I?m sorry, does my company now bore you? Are we done then??

    Tasha rolled her eyes and crossed her legs, exposing her impressive legs even further from under the short skirt. Erika knew Tasha packed a lot of power in that small frame of hers, and she had lately wondered what kind of contest those legs might give her own now, since Tasha was spending considerable time in the gym. But enough of that?..

    Erika braced her elbows on the table and interlocked her fingers letting her chin come to rest in the cradle of her now interlocked hands. ?Well, proceed. Start telling me that I am your better. That you can?t take anymore and submit to my?..?

    Tasha?s sudden chuckle interrupted, and it was genuine. Her right hand came up and covered her smile as it faded into a slight giggle, ?Do you know how stupid you sound?? Tasha let out a deep sigh and shifted in her seat to now give Erika her full attention.

    Erika was reclining back into her chair, although given it?s fixed structure, she did the best she could. Her smile now gone, she wasn?t mad, but she was irritated. ?Well I must have really knocked you stupid in our last fight, if that is even possible.?

    ?You call that a fight?? Tasha then leaned in close and whispered, ?We fucked! You will know when you?ve been in a fight with me.?

    Erika felt the passion warm her whole body, her cheeks flushed bright crimson and she was glad that Tasha could see that. ?The last three?..?

    ?Shut up with that counting crap, I am not keeping score on this any longer. You know all that matters is the last fight and the next one.? Tasha snarled, her voice still low.

    ?I know, counting is a challenge for you. But it matters even if you choose to pretend otherwise. You know what?s coming next, you asked for it and that?s why I suggested we meet. You want a straight up fight between us, until one of us doesn?t get back up.? Erika?s healthy strong body was so aroused she could barely contain the fire burning inside her whole body and mind.

    ?That?s exactly it. I?m going to tear you to pieces and humiliate you in that clearing so badly?..?

    ?Tomorrow!? Erika suddenly leaned forward with a hiss.

    Suddenly Tasha whole body relaxed and she leaned back into her own chair letting out a deep sigh. ?I can?t, I have plans this weekend. Next Saturday.?

    The Blonde?s sails deflated and she was disappointed, but a little relieved at the same time. ?Let me check my calendar.? As Erika swiped at her tablet, Tasha shook her head disapprovingly and annoyed, their fights had to be scheduled now?

    ?You had better not be writing these things down.? Tasha glared at her, ?There is no privacy these days.?

    ?Of course not you idiot.? Erika snapped, ?But you are in luck, I will be free, and happy, to indulge in kicking your ass next Saturday.?

    ?Well, now that is settled I have to go shopping, as I intended to do today.? Tasha suddenly stood up. Erika was slipping her tablet back into her purse and standing up as well.

    ?Where are you going??

    The normal sound of the tone, even the question itself threw Tasha for a moment, ?The Large Mall, right next store.?

    ?Want some company??

    ?Are you joking??

    ?No, I enjoy shopping. If you can?t handle my company and feel my body is a threat while we shop and try on clothes, then I understand.?

    ?Oh dear girl,? Tasha sighed with a genuine smile of joy, and then stunned the Blonde by looping her left arm into Erika?s right arm pulling her close. ?I would love to shop with you. Be prepared to get schooled.?

    In a bizarre alternate reality that seemed to be taking place, the two rivals stood like best friends, arm linked in arm, and proceeded to walk to the expansive Mall together. There was an electric force that radiated and enveloped their bodies as they kept close to one another. Tasha was pleased, there was a sexual tension that she longed for, and they had all day together. Although she was sure this would also be an interesting adventure in sexual torment as they would inadvertently try to one up each other.

    ?Keep your enemies closer.? Erika turned and spoke softly into Tasha?s left ear.


    Erika wasn?t even sure why she made the offer to shop with Tasha, she thought for sure it would be rejected. But when the Spanish beauty accepted, very eagerly at that, she had no choice but to accept. What really bothered the Blonde, a full two hours into the the afternoon, was that she was actually enjoying herself, they both had good taste in clothing and their Beauty was unrivaled, giving them ample attention from male and female shoppers.

    There were plenty moments of tension to be had if the conversation strayed,
    ?Why did you leave that night? You could have stayed.? Tasha asked as they walked towards H&M, their next destination.

    ?I was disgusted by what we did. It was vulgar and beneath me.? Erika sighed right back, her hands clutching at the shopping bags.

    ?Keep telling yourself that, but we both know you would do it again in a heart beat.? Tasha was surprised she managed that response, she knew Erika was needling her for a reaction. From the corner of her eye she caught the statuesque Blonde give away a faint smirk.


    Holding up a dark blue, ribbed tank top to the front of her Tasha turned toward Erika and smiled. ?This would nicely show off my cleavage, I?m sure it would look good on you as well, but my breasts are much sexier than yours so I am not sure you could pull it off as well as I could.? And those little digs went on thru the afternoon. Dresses and lingerie, they each would taunt the other with how much better they could wear something. The dressing room had also become a battle ground of sorts, as they paraded their bodies in front of each other, showing off as much skin as possible. Both women were enjoying the attention, and the bantering, as it was driving them both into a sexual, lusting frenzy. The competitive hostility was there for sure, but by late in the afternoon a more sexual competitive nature between them seemed to take over.

    Erika was feeling warm, flustered and unsure of herself. She had seen Tasha in some very revealing outfits and the Spanish Goddess was stunning in each of them. Erika thought for sure she would easily outshine the Spanish beauty, but this day proved that they each could hold their own, and that worried the Blonde with an unease she couldn?t brush off.

    The same feelings inhabited Tasha?s mind. She had longed and dreamed of moments like this with the Blonde, for the two of them to directly compete in an arena where mind and body were on display, and she surely got it. But after a few hours of watching the Italian Amazon strut around in underwear, and dresses, Tasha was now more conflicted then ever before. She lusted after Erika?s hot sexual body, but she had also come to doubt her own abilities and looks. She would never admit these things of course.

    Both wondered how the night would end, but neither woman was prepared for what happened at the last store.

    Browsing in Saks Fifth Ave, Erika detected it first. It wasn?t a unfamiliar thing, but the subtle glances from afar were becoming more frequent, and challenging. The Blonde sensed the girl?s presence before Tasha probably because she recognized her, she was almost as tall as Erika, maybe an inch above Tasha at most. Her name was Carrie, she had a very fair skin tone with long red locks that fell down past her shoulders. Erika knew she was a member of the same gym she and Tasha went to. In fact, she was more then just a member, she was also a Yoga instructor. Erika sidled up to Tasha and was about to speak. ?I see her.? Tasha interjected while browsing, acting totally oblivious to matter. The difference now was that every man and woman this evening had wilted under the presence of the two stunning Italian and Spanish beauties. But this girl, seemed unaffected, no doubt because she was stunning herself, but she carried herself in a way the Blonde had rarely encountered.

    ?I?m not sure I am able to believe my eyes, or either I shouldn?t listen to rumors.? The soft voice caught both the Blonde and Spanish haired women by surprise. Carrie had walked right up to them, catching them both off guard, she extended her hand in a friendly gesture.

    Tasha was surprised to find the girls grip to be very light, and very feminine, and had to immediately dial back the tension in her own handshake. Obviously the Spanish beauty had become accustom to the way Erika always seemed to want to rip her arm out of her socket whenever they shook hands. The Blonde noticed the same which struck her as odd, since the redhead was no slouch in the gym and had a great physique. Up close now, both admired the Redheads almost porcelain smooth, fair skin, she was about 5? 8? and probably about 135lbs. Erika had a slight height advantage.

    ?Well I guess you can?t believe everything you hear.? Erika gave a wry smile and glanced over at Tasha.

    The pleasantries seemed over with but Carrie narrowed her eyes and her posture became a little rigid, as if she had more to say, and then she said it, or asked it, to be precise. ?So how did you go about settling your differences??

    ?I?m sorry?? Erika?s brain spun in confusion, while Tasha stood in silence, at least for the moment.

    ?Don?t be sorry. I just want to know how you decided to go about settling your differences? And to be more to the point, which one of you is the better at it?? She then smiled a little and seemed to know more then she was letting on.

    ?That?s none of your damn business.? Tasha fumed and glanced around to be sure that, even in hushed tones, no one else was nearby. Erika was already doing the same.

    ?Okay then,? Carrie smiled and seemed resigned that the conversation wasn?t going much further, or at least not as far as she wanted to take it. ?Have a nice evening.? and the beautiful Redhead walked away, with a casual stroll as if she didn?t have a worry in the world.

    ?Unbelievable.? Erika gasped and looked around obviously irritated.

    ?She?s bullshitting, just guessing, she has no clue. Unless you ran your mouth to someone.? Tasha looked up at the Blonde, nervous herself, but her companion now had a very strange look on her face, and it worried her. In fact all of Tasha?s anger wanted to chase after that Redheaded bitch for disturbing their evening, and maybe even wrecking everything that she and Erika had managed to keep secret.

    ?Fuck no I haven?t told anyone, you ass.? Erika hissed and appeared to get her composure back, her eyes were now fixated in the direction the Redhead was last seen.

    It was dark as the two walked in silence across the parking lot, they were parked close together, but Erika?s car was the first one. Both women were agitated now, it was obvious, even in their silence. Tasha was anxious more then ever, she had contemplated challenging another woman in the past, but now that a veiled invitation had been laid at the doorstep, by an ideal opponent at that, Tasha found her herself suddenly rejecting the idea. Her whole body tensed at the thought of loosing the privacy she and Erika had. An odd twinge of jealous rage also boiled up inside her at the thought of Erika fighting another woman.

    Erika?s mind was on a totally different course. The short walk was enough time for her mind to analyze every possible conversation, and action that might have led Carrie to suspect. ?Hell, she might have even seen us! But how? Where? When??.

    That was how their minds worked thru the new information. Tasha worried about how the intimacy of their relationship might be affected, while Erika worried about how the special nature of their relationship might have leaked out.

    Erika took a deep breath of fresh air and slowly exhaled, opening her eyes to let the stress leave her body and not worry about it anymore tonight. She was standing at her drivers side door, looking down at Tasha, ?Goodnight Tasha, it was,? she gave an ironic smirk, ?enjoyable. Never thought I would use that word where you are concerned.?

    Tasha hands let go, her bags dropped to the ground, along with her purse, she wasn?t sure what else and didn?t care, her heart raced as she made a leap of faith, and another leap to bridge the couple of feet between her and the tall Blonde.

    Erika was startled to say the least, Tasha was coming at her, she felt hands gripping her waist pulling her in tight. The Spanish?s face was right up in her face, the subtle perfume, scent of a woman that riled her anger at it?s most primitive level, but could also arouse her sexually like no one else. The Spanish Tiger was kissing her lips softly, and then passionately and Erika felt her knees buckle under the overflowing spontaneous and sensual moment, but she was quickly kissing back now, equally as passionate as they grabbed at one another, pulling tighter.

    Tasha had made a daring move, she didn?t want the Blonde leaving tonight with that Redheaded bitch on her mind, she had to take control of the situation, to bring the focus back on just the two of them. Erika opened her mouth and their tongues met, rolling lazily around one another, softly exploring, complimenting one another, both seemed to relax into each other?s arms. Tasha felt relief, ?My gut was right.?

    But Erika suddenly stiffened and pulled away, then was pushing away, the back of her hand came up and dabbed at the area around her lips to clean up the spit from their kiss, ?Don?t ever do that again, get control of yourself you slut.? Erika?s shell of arrogance and control began taking over.

    The Spanish beauty was devastated, ?Stay strong, don?t have an emotional meltdown now.? She fought to maintain a cool exterior and leaned back, giving the Blonde a slight smile, but her eyes couldn?t help but convey some irritation. Indeed, she had gotten Erika?s mind off the other woman perhaps, but couldn?t connect with her yet again, so she would have to settle for what always worked, ?I do what I want, when I want, you Italian Bitch and don?t you forget it. I?ll see you next Saturday,? She quickly scooped up her shopping bags and walked away, ?I look forward to laying your ass out flat!?

    As Tasha slowly walked to her car, she expected follow up taunts, like on some school yard, issuing dire threats of retribution on the other?s face and body.

    It was a day of unexpected events, but it ended probably where it was probably meant to. Both women still recognizing and acknowledging the hate they had for one another. Erika didn?t want to over analyze Tasha?s bold move in the parking lot, or why she had initially enjoyed the kiss. But she had taken control and pushed the Spanish Beauty away. For the Blonde it was still about control, it was about finding her way back to that Supremely confident woman she was prior to ever speaking with Tasha.


    Making love to her boyfriend never felt so good. Erika felt Bryan moving inside of her as she sat on top of him, slowly grinding away and then up and down the length of his shaft. His hands were roaming over her breasts and tweaking her nipples. ?Harder.? She moaned, which she rarely demanded. They were usually so sensitive, but thoughts of whipping that Spanish Bitch?s ass seemed to arouse and push her further.

    Bryan couldn?t contain himself. He loved fucking Erika, they had recently become engaged and it excited him to think of making love to this amazing woman for the rest of his life. She rarely allowed them to have sex, she held it over him like some special treat, telling him he would get a lot more access after they were married. He knew he groveled for her affections, it wasn?t just her beauty, but her pussy was so velvety smooth and tight, it felt like a warm oily hand gripping and massaging his cock. And while he wasn?t well endowed, but that didn?t seem to bother Erika too much.

    She felt the pleasure rising inside of her and she hoped he could hold out, not likely. A few seconds later he was panting and rigid, his dick releasing his sperm inside of her. She kept grinding away until she had her own release, at one point Bryan feared she would snap his cock off at the base. She looked like some wild Amazon, so unlike any love making they had ever had before. It actually scarred him, but reinvigorated his dick, making it become rigid almost immediately.

    They lived apart, another condition of hers until they were married.

    So later that Sunday night, when Erika got home she was ready to compose the email.

    ?Your on a loosing streak you Spanish Bitch. So don?t be coward and back out now. This next fight is going to prove that you can?t handle me at all! I?m going to finish you off once and for all.?

    Tasha?s response was even more explicit, if that was even possible between these two, ?There won?t be any sex or pleasure this time, this will resolve who is the Superior Female Fighter between us. So you had better plan to take a lot of sick days off from work to recover, if you even survive you inferior Italian Whore!?

    ?This is so fucked.? Erika sighed, reclining back in her chair, reading Tasha?s response and knowing she meant every word of it. Erika meant every word she said as well. A passionate, tender kiss in the parking lot would normally ease into something more pleasurable, but not between them, they could flip over to raging hatred the next second. Erika thought she might have been harsh pushing Tasha away, but Tasha didn?t hesitate in her own retaliation. Actually, Erika would have been disappointed if Tasha had caved, making her hate the Spanish even more for showing weakness. ?Perhaps we are just a couple of juvenile?s in adult bodies.?


    Tasha had slight traces of tears welling up in her eyes as she sat there. ?This is the way it must be, it will always be.? She wasn?t sure what part of her found that sad. Neither of them will voluntarily submit to the other, or admit to the fact that one was the better, at anything. Tasha full sensuous lips curved into a smirk as another thought traveled thru her consciousness, ?Only by force and humiliation had either of them submitted to the other, of course that never lasted long.?

    ?And so here we are again.?


    The Other Woman - Part 35


    Tuesday evening and she was running laps on the indoor track at the gym. The track was located on the second level of the building. She was feeling good, beyond good, great. She was looking forward to the fight with Tasha this weekend. She didn?t really expect the fight to get as bloody and nasty as Tasha threatened, primarily because Erika was planning on knocking the Spanish girl out quickly. ?A quick finish is more humiliating then a long drawn out fight.?

    One of the turn offs was coming up and she slowed to exit the track, as she came around the corner another reality with a head of Red hair was standing their, talking casually to another woman. Erika just about froze, unsure of the proper response, or if she even needed to give one. She had barely acknowledged Carrie in the past. Their eyes met and locked, Erika let reactions take over and she gave a very faint nod. Maybe that acknowledgement was the wrong thing because the Redhead broke off from her previous conversation.

    ?Erika, you have a minute.?

    The clueless third woman, not unattractive but average and had a rolled yoga pad under her left arm, got the hint and said her goodbyes to Carrie.

    Erika had indeed stopped, turned, watched, and now waited for what Carrie had to say next, as well as the other woman to leave earshot range. Erika had no real interest in what Carrie had to say but wished this would be over quickly.

    ?Can I speak to you, in here.? Carrie stepped up to the doors of the Yoga room where she taught class. Erika was very familiar with this room, she and Tasha had fought a few times in this very room.

    ?Sure, whatever.? Erika shrugged casually trying to down play the whole situation and to try and appear clueless.

    Carrie walked over and finished collecting her things, she rolled up her matt, and once neatly set that next to her gym bag she stood up and gave her full attention to the Blonde. She felt like she had collected her thoughts on the matter and launched into what she had to say. She had practiced this speech many times over, in various formats. Her eyes studied the tall beautiful Blonde, who was dressed in very modest attire. Long grey sweat pants, and long sleeve sweat shirt. Dark spots dotted the neck, shoulders, and arms indicting she had worked up a very good sweat.

    ?If you wanted some privacy in this room, what would you do?? Carrie asked and took a few steps towards the Blonde.

    ?I have no idea what you are talking about, so get on with it.? Erika crossed her arms in front of her impatiently, even giving the standard leaning to one side for added affect.

    Now the Redhead gave a faint smile, clearly indicating she was humored by Erika?s response, if this angered the Blonde further, Erika was going a great job of hiding it.

    ?Oh, I think you do know.? Carrie?s right hand came up and pointed toward the double doors. She walked over and locked them.

    Erika shifted her weight from one leg to the other, and back again. She wondered if Carrie wanted to fight, she wasn?t expecting that at all, but her heart started beating a little harder with anticipation.

    ?But wait, there?s more!? Carrie smiled and walked across the room toward a row of plastic racks that held various yoga accessories; blocks, blankets, balls and so forth. Erika watched as Carrie veered toward the far corner of the room where the racks stopped, there was about a five foot gap between the corner and the end of the racks.

    ?This should actually be wider, for safety reasons.? Carrie paused and looked at the gap.

    ?What the hell are you babbling about, just spit your shit out already, your wasting my time!? Erika?s hands dropped to her side, she was getting pissed now.

    Carrie?s air of calm and light humor evaporated, her left hand reached into the corner and turned something, a mechanical click echoed which caused Erika?s heart to jump several beats.

    ?You see, there are two ways in and out of this room, this door exits to the track which runs the perimeter of this building, as you well know, but right outside this door is a fire escape as well, but you probably pay little attention to that fact, most people pay little attention to those details. It?s required by code. But the door you see is not very obvious.? Carrie was walking her way back to where Erika was standing, their eyes locked in tight, it was obvious she had the Blonde?s full attention now.

    ?So what.? Erika spat with contempt.

    ?So, imagine my surprise when I walked in and found you and Tasha wrestling in the middle of where I teach class. Nude, and in what I can only describe as all very violent.? Carrie?s heart raced with anticipation of what this woman might do, but that was the whole point, she had not been able to shake the image of Erika and Tasha, locked in vicious combat, naked and sweaty. She wanted a part of that action, she couldn?t stop thinking about it since she saw it months ago, no matter how hard she tried to shake it.

    ?It?s none of your damn business.? Erika fumed.

    ?It is when you come into my class and I stumble upon it.? Carrie felt the beads of sweat roll off her temples, under her arms and the excitement boiling inside her body. She was almost trembling, she had never done anything like this and never seen two women engaged in such a spectacle.

    ?Then we will be sure to stay clear of your precious room!? Erika snarled and walked away, she got about five feet when the sleeve of her right arm was sharply tugged. The Blonde spun around and jerked her arm free. ?Don?t touch me.?

    ?I want to know how you two got started??

    ?Why?? Erika smirked and raised an eyebrow, deciding to challenge Red?s new found curiosity.

    ?I want to fight.? Now Carrie?s nervousness could not be hidden so well, her body was trembling and her voice shook.

    ?Fight whom?? Erika stepped up close to the nervous woman.

    Carrie?s blood was pumping so hard, harder than she ever could remember, she can?t recall this level of excitement in all her life. ?You, or the other girl maybe.? She licked her upper lip and could taste the beads of sweat that had quickly formed.

    ?Then pick a fight you bitch, that is how you start a fight.? Erika eyed her up and down with contempt, ?But we are way out of your league anyway.?

    The look of condescending contempt coming from the Blonde enraged Carrie, but Erika was partially right, Carrie had no fight experience, none. In fact she even felt a little sick to her stomach her nerves were getting the better of her. When the Blonde shook her head ?no? in a further expression of disgust Carrie didn?t know what else to do and reached up to grab Erika, and then do what? She really had no idea. But she couldn?t just stand there and take the demeaning look and trash talking a second longer.

    She figured something like this would happen if she turned on the ?bitch? attitude and pushed Carrie?s buttons, sure enough the girl snapped. Months of fighting that Spanish hellcat Tasha had heightened her instincts, she easily sidestepped the Redhead?s advance while stinging her right cheek with a vicious smack.

    Carrie cried out loud and felt herself stumble to her left, it happened all so quick, a blinding flash of light, pain shooting thru her jaw and cheek, her vision was blurred from the significant tears. She had never been hit so hard in her life, hell she can?t recall ever being being hit, and she had been knocked off her feet! She pushed up with her left hand while her right covered there right side of her face.

    ?You fucking bitch! You hit me?!? Carrie looked up enraged, the tears kept streaming out of her eyes, she blinked furiously but it did little to help.

    ?Your pathetic! One little smack and your on the ground? Forget we ever met, and forget ever fighting, you don?t have what it takes, I?d crush you.? Erika wheeled around and strutted off, she unlocked the doors.

    ?What about your little friend?? Carrie called after her, choking back the sobs.

    Erika chuckled as she opened the door, ?She would rip you to shreds.?

    Carrie sat up a little more and shook her head, letting the reality of what just happened sink in. ?Shit that hurt.? She sighed. She was scared now, really scared, and for some reason that made her all the more excited. Her whole body was now aroused and all she could think of, over and over, ?I want more!?



    Solid Victory - Part 36


    The clearing, well covered by trees was all very tranquil, one of those sunny late spring days. Erika was eager to fight again, but leery of such eagerness now, she knew all too well how badly things could go. She needed think positive, to do it for her own sanity it seemed, she paced about anxious with a million thoughts racing thru her head, not all different thoughts, most were the same ones rolling over and over again. Things were getting out of control, now with Carrie knowing, and her relationship with Tasha was so complicated it was impossible to know where they stood one minute to the next. And yet it was clear where they stood the second they saw one another this afternoon, there would be no second guessing how this meeting would go down.

    Would there be any banter? No. No discussion of any kind. No words.

    Tasha?s eyes looked wild and furious, it was obvious she had worked herself into a real frenzy. At least from Erika?s perspective that seemed to be the case. The Spanish beauty was focused, and felt a sense of relief, she wanted to get this over with, to rub a victory in the Blonde?s face, force her to grovel. If that was what it took to make the big Nordic Beauty submit, then she would beat it out of her. Her expectations were accurate enough, Erika seemed to have little interest in anything but fighting, ?So be it.? Tasha told herself.

    Both girls stripped down, as usual it was the Blonde who looked intimidating with her bigger muscular physique. But that intimidation value had lost its actual affect on the smaller Spanish Woman. While Tasha was not Erika?s equal in strength, she had proven herself to be the Blonde?s equal in determination and stamina, and proven perhaps even more-so in several of their previous fights. She had beaten the Blonde enough to know that the saying was sometimes true, ?the bigger they are, the harder they fall?.

    A deep groan came out of Tasha as she fell on her ass, she cursed herself, forgetting that while Erika was big, she could also be quick. The Blonde had wasted no time charging in and driving her shoulder into Tasha?s gut, lifting her right off her feet. But Tasha got herself up swiftly, she didn?t contemplate why Erika had relinquished the charge and backed away. The Blonde took the initiative and landed a fist on Tasha's tummy which had her doubling up with pain. ?There?s my answer? Tasha thought, so anxious to get to her feet she walked right into that punch. Meanwhile Erika's face showed a glance of victory, but Tasha used both fists for a upper cut, one hitting Erika's left tit hard, the other her chin.

    There was no reprieve, both were still fresh enough that they shook off the blows and fell toward one another and were now struggling, they punched each others midsections and tits. The two women then began to pull and push themselves across the clearing, each taking care not to lose their balance while each also struggled to find a dominant position.

    The Big Italian and The Smaller Spanish, hated rivals, each able to overpower and crush the other given the slightest opportunity during any one of their brutal fights. They seemed to now live to destroy the other, totally.

    Each locked up with one another, trying to muscle into one another, body to body, trying to prove who the stronger one was. They continued to stagger around the clearing, grunting and cursing, slowly their bodies started to come together. Their struggling dance continued, but it was Erika that found the better balance and was pushing the tough Spanish woman down to her knees. Erika suddenly backed away and launched a barrage of vicious slaps, hitting Tasha's face with such savagery that the stunned Spanish girl, staggering her back from the painful blows. She was knocked on her ass for a second time, but Tasha was still quick to recover, she was enraged and set about mounting her own brutal response, she was going to slap the hell out of the Blonde?s pretty face. It was her only focus and she had the Blonde within striking distance, her right arm coming around, and then all the air in her lungs was forced out as sharp pain radiated out from her gut. Tasha never saw the knee thrust.

    Erika had timed the attack perfectly, right as Tasha was coming at her leaving her whole midsection exposed. She had launched her right knee up and forward, now she stepped back on that very leg for balance while watching Tasha?s body crumple to the ground, gasping for air and groaning in agony.

    ?I bet that hurt like hell!? Erika yelled with a glowing smile of satisfaction.

    Tasha could hear the groans leave her body, as if some disconnected experience was now occurring. She could feel the cool earth and smell the grass, so she knew she still needed to get back up. Her hair matted with sweat, fresh tears streaming from her eyes, and shocked that she was knocked down a third time. She had walked into another punishing attack, ?Fuck!? that Blonde bitch was fighting smart, moving in and out, timing her attacks while Tasha just threw caution to the wind and was fighting with emotion.

    ?I told you, you Spanish cunt! I told you I would beat your ass down!? Erika crowed with delight, ?Who?s the better fighter now! Answer me that!? The Blonde couldn?t believe the thrilling charge shooting all about her insides, it was electric, erotic. Sweet victory to be standing over her fallen Spanish Adversary. Her fingers clenched into fists repeatedly as she watched Tasha struggle to get up.

    In a risky move, Erika decided to taunt and humiliate the Spanish Beauty, she stepped back and placed her hands on her strong hips. ?How come you aren?t laughing now! Do I still sound stupid? So come on you bitch, get up so I can finish you off!?

    Agonizingly, Tasha turned and took a few more deep breaths. She was struggling to focus and couldn?t believe Erika was getting the better of her so quickly, but fought thru it and blocked out the humiliation of struggling to get back up to her feet as her Italian nemesis stood waiting, taunting her, begging her to get back up, telling her that ?she was going to finish whipping her Spanish ass.?

    Two glistening bodies, Spanish and Italian, although it was now obvious that the powerful smaller, Spanish Woman was moving much slower and looking the worse. Slowly they moved closer together. When their eyes met again, it was as if two mortal enemies had found one another and they both knew what the other wanted, nothing short of total female domination would quench their aches to conquer one another.

    Erika cautiously started to stalk her opponent, like some powerful, Italian Cat closing in on it?s wounded prey. The two naked warriors studied one another. Erika felt a trickle escape from her pussy lips as she was getting turned on by the whole thing.

    Quickly Erika took the offensive, snatching two handfuls of Tasha?s soaked Spanish hair and pulled her all the way into her. Tasha did the same. With their hands firmly implanted in one and other's hair, the two glistening embattled women pulled one another inward and then wrapped their arms around each other in mutual bearhugs. Their breasts were crushed together, each took in a deep breath and causing each fighter to groan in even more agony. Moans escaped constantly from each of their lips as the pressure between their breasts increased to a point that the pain was almost unbearable, and yet they refused to stop grinding. Both were determined to destroy the other, in a desperate battle of supremacy, knowing that a loss this time to the other would be shattering to their very soul, humiliating and devastating.

    ?I?m going to crush your tits.? Erika seethed.

    Tasha didn?t respond, normally she would love this type of contest, to prove her breasts were the better, but she was actually a little scared, she was locked in what she knew was a desperate struggle with her worst advisory. No one to help her, knowing that if Erika won, it would be the worst punishment yet. Tasha tried adjusting her footing, but that was a mistake and both women sensed the fall starting, and both began scrambling before even hitting the forrest floor. The grassy earth offered minimal protection upon impact.

    The fall, and mad scramble for position, seemed to happen all at once as the two came face to face, Erika was slightly quicker and as she had spun around the back of her right fist smacked Tasha across the face, hard. The Spanish was more startled than stunned, and shook her head from the blow, she didn?t retaliate, instead she spit some bloody saliva out of the side of her mouth and smirked, "Come on, honey! Is that the best you?ve got!? she knew she needed to fight a psychological war as well and needed to get into the Blonde?s head.

    The verbal response actually made Erika hesitate, she was expecting a physical one, not some verbal taunt. In any case, Tasha used the opening to her advantage and lunged at the Blonde.

    The two women, still on their knees, fell sideways grappling on the ground in a vicious all out assault. Their eyes periodically locked with the other?s as they grunted and sputtered. Hatred and even death was the only unspoken connection that either wanted to convey.

    Erika released her grip on Tasha?s hands and went for a hair pull, and managed to push Tasha?s head, face-first into the grassy Earth. Erika kept Tasha?s head pressed to the ground as she maneuvered herself up on Tasha?s back. Erika then used her arms to full-nelson Tasha?s neck, and brought her up for air, ?Any more mouthy comments you stupid Spanish bitch??

    Tasha said nothing but gasped for breath, straining and testing Erika?s hold. Slowly she was getting her bearings back and felt like she might be able to make a comeback. Both women found the moment totally exhilarating, pure female body against body. Their strong limbs grinding into and against one another. Biceps, triceps and forearms were slick with sweat and swelled from effort as Italian and Spanish skin ground against one another.

    Erika yelled in anger and pressed Tasha?s face against the ground again. Tasha responded with her own yell of anger and pressed her arms into the ground, and tried to leverage her chest up. Tasha attempted to get to her knees?but couldn?t do it completely. Erika pressed her pelvis against Tasha?s butt, while maintaining the nelson hold.

    Suddenly she was free of the nelson, Tasha didn?t think to question why or how, but she was free and immediately rolled over to get up, but found herself in another well planned trap. The Blonde quickly encircled Tasha?s mid-section with her legs to perform a scissor hold. Erika pushed against the ground with her arms to apply more leverage to Tasha?s mid-section. The Blonde?s victim screamed in agony, it was a brutal hold.

    In fact, Tasha felt like she had been subjected to one agonizing, punishing hold, one right after the other. Pretty soon any thought of a comeback seemed utterly ridiculous. ?Those amazing legs!? she looked down, eyes stretched wide in horror as Erika?s white cords of muscle constricted around her torso.


    William couldn?t help but admire Erika?s powerful, trembling legs squeezing the poor Spanish woman between her Italian muscular thighs. The sounds of their struggle was so sweet. There was grunting and snorting from the both of them as Erika seemed like she trying to crack Tasha?s ribs, and then what?


    The Spanish turned and shifted her weight, her naked body was bathed in sweat as she fought to break the scissors. She threw her head back several times, the veins along her neck bulging as she would scream in pain and defiance against the power of the Italian woman?s powerful thighs. She was on the edge, ready to give up and cry for mercy.


    William marveled at Tasha?s fierce determination to free herself. His penis was about to burst out of his shorts as well. He even allowed himself to close his eyes and let only the primal sounds of the two women fighting fill his head, it was a totally different sensation, trying to discern what was happening based on sound alone. The grunts, moans, and pants from both women was much more exciting and erotic than he anticipated. But he wasn?t foolish, he snapped his eyes open to allow his visual senses to soak in the sight before him.


    ?You weak cunt! You can?t match me muscle-for-muscle!? Erika roared and felt the Nubians hands feebly slap at her rippling thigh muscles. Deciding to conserve her energy and let the hold go, quickly she rolled to the side. Tasha let out a whimper of relief as she collapsed to her left, clutching at her torso.

    Erika?s powerful form, glistening in a sheen of thick sweat, got back to her feet, ready to renew her vicious attack. Beads of sweat drip down Erika?s muscular back, down her lovely toned buns, and down to the dirt.

    Tasha scooted away from the Blonde to a safe distance, and slowly got to her feet, she was calculating every possible option, buying any amount of time she could. She appeared as weak as possible, which wasn?t a real stretch of effort given the fact she felt exhausted and crippled by the painful holds she had been subjected to.

    To be continued.............


    Solid Victory - Part 36 - Continued ??.


    Erika stood across from Tasha, her erect nipples jutting out, her eyes radiated fury. She was starting to feel a little tired, but elated at the same time. On the rare occasion they had been lovers, but more often they were enemies, in total the animosity between the two women never really subsided. Animosity is too sensitive and kind a word, Hatred, that was the more appropriate. They had no hesitation about trying to destroy, humiliate and submit the other, in a way that transcended all physical, emotional, and even spiritual levels.

    Erika crouched, and began to circle her tough little Spanish opponent. Her nemesis. The woman she seemed destined to fight forever. Even wounded she knew Tasha was deadly and eyed the girl cautiously.

    Tasha, still semi-crouching, watched Erika creep closer. She seemed like some giant from her low angle, her left hand was still touching the ground for balance as she slowly, very slowly, Tasha up. Her right hand was still clutching her aching torso, Erika?s scissor hold had really crushed the hell out of her midsection, it still hurt. Tasha, never being one to take things half-way decided on a bold maneuver, she jumped up and executed a high roundhouse kick. Her foot came whizzing a breath away from the Blonde?s nose, Erika leaned back just in time. Tasha winced in agony as her leg fully extended, the muscles all along her ribs screamed in rebellion. ?Thats not good.? The Spanish Beauties mind warned.

    If Erika had the time she would have mockingly laughed out loud at Tasha?s lame kick attempt, but time was a luxury, Tasha had quickly followed up with punches and actually landed a solid right in Erika?s stomach, but with little effect to the Blonde?s washboard abs. Erika retaliated with a fury of blows that rained upon Tasha?s face and chest, at least two solid ones making contact. Tasha?s nose started to bleed.

    Tasha now had tears in her eyes, with a hint of desperation. The punches had been solid and shaken her confidence even more. She debated her next move carefully. That was a mistake.

    Anger exploded from Erika. She mimicked Spanish?s earlier roundhouse kick with one of her own. Suddenly Erika shifted her weight and kicked upward with her left foot, it slammed perfectly against Tasha?s mouth and jaw. It was a kickboxing move that Erika had performed many times over, but never thought as to why she rarely employed it against her rival.

    The Spanish?s head rocked to the side and she stumbled. Erika did not hesitate and fired off a couple of hard blows to Tasha?s face. This time, real cries of pain and blood sprayed out from the Spanish?s nose and mouth as her head was knocked left and-then right.

    And then, the mighty Spanish woman, stumbled backward before crumpling to the ground. Erika took several deep breaths thru her open mouth indicating her own winded physical state. She stood there at the feet of her fallen adversary, fists clenching, Italian pride now coursing thru her body, feeling strong and hard as her powerful chest expanded to suck in as much fresh air as she could.

    Tasha rolled to the side and tried to scramble back on her feet, but she was still stunned physically, and psychologically. Shocked that she had just been put on the ground and nearly knocked out by that fucking Italian Bitch! Tasha blinked furiously and couldn?t believe the kick slipped thru her defenses. Their fight, like all of their recent fights, had quickly turned terribly wrong for her.

    This was the part Erika admired, Tasha?s epic determination to keep fighting until the bitter end. She stood back and let the Spanish woman get to her feet, the reason ?why? was an unfathomable question even now, was the Blonde interested in further taunts? Humiliation? Prolonging the inevitable? All of the above perhaps.

    In a very wobbled effort Tasha lunged for her opponent, growling with hatred. Their hands locked again as they wrestled for control. With the pace slowing significantly, both women breathing openly thru their mouths. Flaring nostrils deeply inhaled the musky smell of sweat soaked bodies as their contrasting skin tones slipped against each other, perhaps the fact that both women found the scent of the other to be sexually intoxicating all the more reason to keep the fight going, and in close proximity. Both women never felt more alive, so electric. The fighting and wrapping of arms and legs around each other. Erika used her height and weight against her Spanish nemesis, who twisted and turned to try and counter every move. Tasha was panting and moaning from her open mouth and found she was still wobbling from the kick to the head, and desperately tried to brush aside the cobwebs, still sure full-recovery was seconds away, but those seconds kept ticking by.

    ?You fucking bitch.? Tasha gasped with sob, ??I?m going to kill you.? sounding out of breath and indeed desperate.


    William was sweating from head to toe, but he had barely moved a muscle. He watched the battle and could barely contain his excitement. He could see panic settle in on Tasha?s face as she struggled, her body contorting and coated in sweat. His eyes detoured to Erika and poured over the sexy muscles rippling up her butt and back.


    A Italian fist powered upward, the uppercut found it?s mark and slammed into Tasha?s chin. The stunning blow almost knocked the Spanish Powerhouse off her feet!

    A simple groan went up from the Spanish?s chest. More dramatically was the way her head snapped back, her knees buckled and her whole torso arched backward. Her hands fell away and seemed to go limp as she kept falling. She lost count, but Tasha once again felt herself knocked down and this time hovered in and out of consciousness. Her mouth uttered faint whimpers as her limbs twitched.

    ?Oh God.? were the first words that came out of her mouth after she hit the ground.

    The Italian beauty dropped to her knees and quickly climbed on top of her fallen adversary and was getting more excited over the prospect of dominating the Spanish Woman. She pinned Tasha?s arms out to her side and slipped her legs around the Spanish?s lean, strong legs. Securing a grapevine, making sure her feet were tightly hooked in.

    Tasha felt her legs spread apart as Erika forced them to stretch wider, and now Tasha could feel her cunt spread wide open as she struggled under Erika?s grip. Erika was getting hot and horny the way Tasha?s sexy body slowly writhed to life and started to struggle.

    "Bitch!" Erika growled and began tensing her muscles, ?I?ve got you now!?

    Their two muscular, young bodies slid slowly back and forth. Their straining arms and legs appeared to be hardly moving aside from the ripple and quiver of their aroused muscular bodies. Tasha?s arms were tightly pinned to the ground as the Italian woman used her weight and strength to keep her dangerous enemy down.

    Slowly Tasha sputtered even more to life, she could feel hot breath panting into her face and knew immediately she was in trouble. She was still reeling from the punch, but couldn?t believe she was pinned to the ground.

    ?Come on bitch, this is it! Show me what you?ve got!? Erika spat tauntingly, sweat dripping down on Tasha?s own bloodied and bruised face. Grunting and hissing with effort as the Spanish Beauty slowly, agonizingly fought against the hold.

    ?Fuck you!? Tasha seethed and imagined herself working free, pushing the Italian girl off of her, but those thoughts stayed locked in her dreams as her body kept struggling, her brain seemed to slosh around in a daze from the kick and punches unable to properly will her body to respond. Smooth, shaven legs continued to clench, sometimes eliciting a faint moan or whimper from both women. Yet it was Tasha that began to moan the loudest, she fought to free herself but started to feel her exhausted leg muscles weaken, her inner thighs being pulled further apart. The pain and humiliation of the one being submitted was beginning to sink in. She started to hope the wet and slippery skin from perspiration would help aid her struggle for freedom. Yes she was that desperate, unable to get free from under her hated rival, and hoping for pure luck to intervene.


    William?s view was amazing, not always so, but this time it was perfect; Gleaming naked bodies, sweat highlighting every ridge of their superbly sculpted female muscles. The layer of perspiration coating their flesh accented rounded layers of muscle. The Blonde?s muscular Italian butt flexed with power, but all Tasha could do in response was arch her back, letting out a scream, unable to keep her legs from being spread further apart. He knew Tasha to be flexible, but the angle and torque of the split forced upon her seemed even beyond her abilities to endure.


    The reality settled in, tears streamed from the Tasha?s fearful eyes. Amazingly their legs were almost in a full-split and Tasha had bridged up as far as she could to alleviate the pain, but it was too much to endure.

    Erika pinned her forehead against the Spanish?s to keep her head still and their eyes locked and focused.

    ?Go to hell!? Tasha suddenly screamed and started fighting back, but the cause was lost. It was an humbling moment she knew the Italian woman would never let her live down.

    Erika on the other hand was even more furious, but saw a chance to take things further and in a bizarre twist of judgement, let go of the grapevine. But right as she did, she quickly smashed her right forearm into Tasha?s throat, pinning her against the ground, using it as leverage to roll off her beaten rival.


    His eyes studied every detail, almost as feeling like a scientist, observing two animals in the wild. He was amazed at the power women possessed. He couldn?t wonder about things too long, everything was already changing. Tasha was still flat on the ground, rubbing her wounded throat with one hand while massaging her inner thighs with the other.

    He had not expected any of this. How vicious the attacks were getting. At this stage of their battles he always became concerned for the safety of both of them.


    ?I beat you! I am the better fighter, the better woman between us!? Erika spat down at the devastated Spanish while jabbing her pointing finger with excitement.

    For Tasha, she now felt fear like she had never known, but struggled to her feet anyway. She was barely upright when a powerful blow was delivered into her gut. Tasha simply curled around the punch and fell back down, groaning, stunned, her gloriously Spanish body gasping for air as she clutched her devastated and wounded torso.

    The powerful Italian took her time as she walked around her fallen adversary. ?Okay bitch, now you see how much stronger a Italian woman is!? She grunted like some wild animal, her Italian body dripping with sweat.

    Tasha had made it to her knees, but now the pleading began, ?No more please! I surrender, you win, I can?t take anymore! You beat me!? Tasha sobbed and tried to feebly wave off her attacker with her right hand. She had snapped, her body and mind broken by the Italian powerhouse of a woman standing over her.

    ?Nice of you to say so.? Erika smiled, but continued to lean over and with a powerful grunt, hauled the dazed foe up to her feet by her matted, Spanish hair.

    ?What are you going to do? No! Please! I?m begging you,? Tasha sobbed, looking totally scared. ?Don?t hurt me any more! I submit!? Her shoulders and arms slumped forward in resignation to her situation. Unable to alter whatever the powerful Blonde Amazon wanted to dish out.

    But the screams and pleas did not phase the powerful Italian woman. She was already turning her dazed nemesis around so Tasha?s back was now to her. Tasha felt a forearm hook in-between her legs and press up unto her crotch, Erika had hooked her right forearm between the Spanish?s thighs, the Blonde then hooked her left arm under Tasha?s chin while squatting down behind her, pulling Tasha over her back.

    ?Oh God!? The Spanish Beauty cried, a cry of fear and pleading for help and mercy. Her once powerful body, once resilient and full of energy was now helplessly hoisted over her sworn enemy?s back, over Erika?s strong shoulders like some limp rag doll, arms and legs dangling. Tasha was exhausted and drained from the ferocious battle waged thus far today, and it showed clearly now in her inability, and in some ways an unwillingness to fight back.


    William felt a shiver run thru his body. Erika?s strong, powerful body never looked more amazing and sexy, muscles cracking with power and rippled under her skin as she hoisted the dazed Spanish Goddess into the air and positioned her over her shoulder with a mighty groan. Leaning forward she positioned Tasha in a devastating backbreaker, strapping her across her shoulders.


    Tasha screamed. Humiliating as the screams were, she was unable to take the torture any longer. She had never felt such agony as this Italian bitch stretched her out, her chin and thighs being pulled in opposite directions. She could not believe this, no woman had ever punished her body so severely in a battle. Tasha knew the damage to her body was severe and would only get worse and she cried out for help and begged for mercy.

    But it didn?t stop. Erika got-off on the sounds of her tormented nemesis being brutally beaten. Humiliated. She found the whole thing erotic as Tasha sobbed out her pleas. Thus the Italian woman continued to contort the Spanish body for all it was worth. She envisioned Tasha?s strong six pack of abs, flutter in pain, as her body twitched in the clutches of this superior Italian woman.

    ?Feel that you Spanish cunt!? Erika growled, spit dripping from her trembling lower lip to the ground below, ?Feel how your Spanish female muscles are bent to that of a Italian woman!? She hissed and took a few steps around the clearing, every step eliciting a grunt of pain from Tasha?s body.

    ?Yes! Yes! Please your too much for me! Stop!? Tasha sobbed.

    ?I want to hear you say it over and over again!? Erika demanded and flexed her powerful arms, her muscles strained as Tasha screamed out loud, stretched and bent to her will, like a prized trophy. The rows of tall trees encircling them looking on as massive spectators to the battle taking place, and the winner parading with the body of her defeated adversary draped over the shoulders of the victor.

    Tasha?s body failed her and would not respond, her arms and legs hung limp, her long Spanish hair swung back and forth as her body was contorted at the whim of her Italian Nemesis; ?Your killing me! Your breaking me in two, my back?.oh my back! Its going to snap! Your going to break me into pieces! I?m beaten! You?ve won again!?

    Indeed, she felt like her back and neck might snap any second, it was humiliating, feeling her naked Spanish body laid bare over the shoulders of this Italian bitch. Erika had broken her, just as she had broken the Blonde over her knee that many months ago. ?What comes around, goes around? her mind wondered even amongst the agony she was suffering.

    ?Please Stop!?I?m begging you for mercy, you win!?

    Tasha screamed as pain shot thru body, ?You Italian bitch, damn you! You won! I?m defeated! Your Italian body whipped my Spanish body! You?ve proved your point that you can beat my ass in a fair fight! I can?t take you on, my muscles are inferior to yours!? Tasha babbled out her submissions. Crying and pleading for mercy. Saying anything, no matter how degrading, to appease the Italian Powerhouse of a woman that held her prisoner, that had the power to break her in two.

    Erika did ease up on the pressure, Tasha?s body lay draped over the Italian?s strong shoulders, like some broken rag doll. In a show of pure posturing Erika raised her fists up in the air symbolizing her victory. Her legs trembled, but held out, with Tasha?s beaten Spanish body hanging there, it was a powerful symbol of superiority for the Italian woman over the Spanish. ?The naked body of my rival conquered? thought Erika ?I only wish some body was here to see this magnificent victory!?. For now it was enough.

    Erika lowered her arms and rolled her shoulders letting Tasha?s body free fall to the ground, crashing in a pile of limbs. With a wild animalistic look in her eyes Erika slowly turned around and stood over top of her fallen opponent, placing her hands on her strong hips. Feeling gloriously confident, victorious and redeemed in forcing the Spanish Bitch to submit to her.


    William?s whole body was frozen, riveted to what was transpiring before his eyes. The devastation that Erika was inflicting on the Spanish had only been alive in his wildest dreams, but now was happing before his very eyes. The sheer display of dominance!


    Erika had heard the words before. She had heard Tasha submit and cry out similar things, fact was, both women had submitted and said humiliating things to each other as they brutally fought over the past several months. That now seemed to be part of their ongoing battle for Supremacy. It was also part of the thrill; a long, brutal, hard fought war with each other, until finally one woman emerged victorious. Both began to wonder if the last fight would in fact ?be the last?. Often times it seemed that way. But something kept drawing them back together, a lusting, combative urge that was rooted to something primal.

    Erika looked down at the woman she hated and loathed. She watched as Tasha clutched her throat and abs as her pain wracked body shook with sobs, she listened to the words that made her pussy moist, her nipples hard and a shiver of excitement run up her body; ?You won, please no more. Your the better woman! Your muscles out matched mine! Now stop!? Tasha moaned, the tears streaming down her face.


    Deeply demoralized and exhausted, Tasha slowly sat up, her hair was a twisted mess, tangled with dried sweat. She wasn?t crying anymore, but simply sat there, kneeling, head down taking slow breaths. It was a struggle that humiliated her every step of the way. ?There was no recovering this time. I?ve met my match and been soundly defeated.?

    Every painful ache in her body and joints spoke of another physical reality. Her back felt crippled, muscles cramped and bruised, all along her body in ways she had hoped to never experience. The Italian Bitch had a real talent for fucking up her body when she gained the upper hand.

    She knew more humiliation was to come. Erika had taken pictures of her sprawled out, it was nauseating to think how the Italian woman had paraded around her like some conquering warrior, gloating over her like a defeated trophy. Taking pictures and other personal belongings.

    Her right hand reached out to steady herself against the picnic table. There were no tears, she was more exhausted then she ever could recall and wondered if she would even make the drive home. Worse she questioned her own sanity. She didn?t feel well physically, or emotionally. The Blonde Amazon had really worked her over??.Tasha truly felt like she had hit rock bottom. She had no pride or dignity left.

    Nothing looked the same. Or even felt the same. It was a traumatizing experience she was still going thru.

    Settling Down - Part 37


    She broke with tradition and reclined back into her sofa, arms resting along the back of the cushions. The Blonde sat perfectly still, or at least tried to, it didn?t seem to matter that she was still dressed in her sweat pants and shirt, dried sweat and dirt still covering her body, face and hair. Her eyes looked out into the dimly lit family room, it was a small room, a small house in fact, but in a very nice part of town. Normally she would head right for a cozy, warm bath and reflect on her victory over her Spanish nemesis. But for the first time she felt like something was oddly routine to the entire affair. ?Routine?? that thought disturbed her, that such fighting could ever enter the realm of that word.

    ?Whatever happens next between us will probably be far from routine.? Erika smirked. She had no clue what that thought meant, there wasn?t even an idea behind it, but she was open to all possibilities now it seemed.


    ?Fucking Bitch.? Tasha looked at her face in the mirror and put the ice pack back up to her face. Oddly enough she had the urge to fuck that Blonde, not ?fuck her up? but to have amazing sex with her. ?Not looking like this.? Tasha sighed and walked back into her bedroom. The Blonde once told her, ?You look Sexy as hell all beat up?, but Tasha failed to see that from where she was standing, not to mention she wasn?t amused by the comment.

    It messed with Tasha?s brain, ?Why does she taunt me with compliments only to insult me a minute later.?

    ?Maybe I?m going about this all wrong. Whatever that might mean.? Looking around at the several bags of melting ice only reconfirmed those thoughts. If she was on a winning streak, well things might look different. But having her ass handed to her so badly was making her options look very, very narrow, ?Whatever options I even have.? She had no clue, and proceeded to lay her aching body back on top of the bed.

    Everything seemed to come second to her relationship with Erika, she sometimes didn?t even care if Darryl was pissed over their extended ?breaks? while she recovered.


    - - - Updated - - -


    Not so Fast - Part 38



    The Blonde?s shoulders slumped in an exaggerated display of frustration, all before she even turned around, but she knew the voice, it was unique, clear, feminine, but sharp.

    ?What?? Erika turned and continued to parade her irritation at having to stop and talk with Carrie.

    There had been no contact since that night, when the Redhead confronted Erika several days ago, revealing knowledge of Erika and Tasha?s extracurricular activities, and then making it known she wanted to be involved. But that inquiry was met with a physical smack upside her head by the tall Blonde. Since then Carrie had been giving a lot of long distance and sideways looks, cutting eyes included just for added drama.

    This moment was coming, and while Erika probably had given little thought to it, the Redhead had done nothing but think about it.

    As the two women approached Carrie spoke more softly, ?I wanted to invite you to my class, tonight, right now.?

    ?A yoga class?? Erika gave her diva smirk, she made sure it was a condescending look of amusement. She had done a few, and they had been helpful to some degree but considered it a form of exercise for the lazy at heart, thus had never pursued it with any degree of real interest.

    ?My class, it?s an Intermediate Hot Yoga class, but you look in good shape, you might do fine.? Carrie gave her own arrogant smirk back, but quickly reigned in the attitude, she didn?t want to appear too confident. Her high cheek bones seemed to radiate confidence on their own, even without the smile. She had a model?s features for sure. Fine, but strong.

    Erika had never taken a Hot Yoga class and her interest was peaking, there was a challenge in Carrie?s words, no doubt. She looked the tall Redhead up and down, in typical bitchy judgement, ?I didn?t bring my matt.?

    ?You can borrow one of mine.? Carrie fired right back, again offering an agreeable smile. ?How can she resist??.

    Erika was already tired from a long workout that night, but was amused by the offer, excited even and that might give her a ?second wind?.

    ?Why me? Why not Tasha??

    ?I want you.? Carrie leveled her eyes with the Blonde, she was almost equal in height so both women were posturing their strong, young bodies for all they were worth.

    ?I see, you want to start at the top. I don?t think you will like where this will end up.? Erika huffed as if she knew a secret, ?You would be better working your way up from the bottom, where you really belong.?

    ?My goodness, you are very confident. You also seem to have little regard for Tasha.? Carrie gave a faint smile, her full lips curled just a little as she reached up to pull her hair into a tight pony tail.

    ?I just crushed her pathetic ass recently, and she could easily take you.? Erika reached up and adjusted her own pony tail. ?You have no clue how unpleasant a real fight can be, or you wouldn?t be so eager.?

    ?Then what better person to teach me a lesson, than yourself.? Carrie cocked her head slightly before turning to walk back towards her class. The Redhead wasn?t infuriated by the Blonde?s arrogance, in fact it intrigued and aroused her. She felt it in her heart she was making the right decision, after all, she had thought long and hard about this. This moment, this time, it was all falling into place. Carrie was glad she was facing away from the Blonde when the wave of insecurity washed over her, and took a deep breath to settle her nerves.

    Erika swallowed hard, she was admiring Carrie?s amazing physique from behind. Her black tights and light, blue tank top was so form fitting the material looked painted on. ?My God, what an ass.? she thought. The distraction was short lived, she almost walked into Carrie when the girl stopped short of opening the door.

    ?I warn you, a lot of bodies in a sweaty room can produce a lot of body odor. Just one downside.?

    Erika was in study mode. She watched the ?usuals? enter and take up their places. Carrie walked over and handed the rolled matt to her. ?I want you up front and center, so you can be sure to follow along.? After that it seemed the Redhead was ?all business?.

    Thirty minutes into the class and Erika was feeling every bit of the 110 degrees, and 50% humidity. She had droplets of sweat hanging off every stretch of exposed skin, the areas covered by clothing were totally damp. ?This is no fucking Intermediate class.? and she began cursing herself, and Carrie, it was an Intermediate Class in name only tonight as Carrie seemed determined to push the limits of everyone?s abilities. Her early admiration of Carrie?s long legs, toned arms, all accentuated by her limber poses was truly beautiful to behold, but that admiration turned to amazement at the way Carrie could hold a side-angle-pose, or eagle-pose for an almost indefinite period of time.

    Carrie?s spirit soared with anticipation, and confidence. She watched the strong Blonde struggling, her muscles quivering to maintain the inverted plank-pose. Her hazel eyes couldn?t linger too long, she didn?t want them to, it might give away her emotions.

    Erika questioned how this amazing Redhead, truly a force to be reckoned with, flew under the Blonde?s radar. Both had been members at this very gym for years. Barely a nod, or a word, and now? Now what? The Blonde couldn?t take her eyes off the curve of Carrie?s thighs, calfs, the smooth way her hips moved into a position. When she bent her back, her shirt would ride up and expose a subtle six pack of abdominal muscles, all of her muscles were defined that way; smooth and no doubt strong. And yet different from Erika?s, not as etched and muscular as her own body.

    As the class came to an end Carrie was out of her mind with anticipation, her eyes had roamed over every inch of the Blonde?s hard body, a body that was impressively flexible and strong. She ached to feel her own legs and arms tightly wrapped around that glorious body, and hoped they would test themselves tonight.

    Erika did her best to rally her aching, tired body, standing up straight and not taking breaths too deep, keeping them measured.

    ?Please wait.? Carrie asked, she didn?t want the Blonde to get away just yet.

    Erika suspected what was coming next, and she enjoyed the sense of anticipation as she paced around the room spending more time recovering, and drinking water. She was in a new place emotionally, and physically with Carrie. There wasn?t the same level of irritation and anger she had with Tasha, but there was a strong competitive desire between them. Very strong, but more on the sensual side, not so much the violent.

    Every second was an agonizing drag in time, her eyes shifted to where her opponent waited. The word ?opponent? rattled her, and she could barely follow the basics of the conversation one of her student?s was attempting to conduct with her. ?These can drag on painfully long.? How people wanted to come up and talk to her, about how great the class was, and what they are feeling, or what they could maybe focus on in the next class.

    All she wanted now, all she craved was to be alone with the Blonde, in this very room, just the two of them.
    With the doors locked.

    The seconds kept ticking.

    ?You must be feeling pretty confident.? Erika smirked and caught herself right before blurting out some nasty addition to her statement. Maybe some leftover effect from her history with Tasha, but things with Carrie threw her off in a manner she didn?t fully know how to deal with, just yet.

    Carrie turned the lock on the door and then walked over to the ?other door?, nestled in the far corner of the room.

    ?In what way?? Carrie asked as she returned to the middle of the room, still appearing very unassuming, but confident.

    ?That something is going to actually happen, in here, tonight, between the two of us.? Erika took a step forward.

    Both were drenched in sweat, the heat and humidity had not dissipated as much as the Blonde had been hoping. The bottle of water had only barely quenched her thirst and she felt like she could consume another two. The Redhead eyed the Blonde in a lingering silence that almost reached into the uncomfortable.

    ?Closer bitch.? Carrie seemed to almost sigh the command, her voice breaking from it?s usual calm, high tone.

    Erika tilted her head back a little, caught off guard by Carrie?s sudden aggression. Instead of responding with anger, which was her usual protocol for dealing with situations like this, the Blonde sensed this was different, very different, and that she wasn?t dealing with someone like Tasha.

    ?Close enough?? Erika narrowed her eyes suspiciously as she stepped in, still on-guard, assuming that Carrie might lash out violently any second. Carrie gave no indication of such a response, only giving a slight smile of satisfaction.

    Maybe a total of two inches separated their bodies, the calming silence of the room and lack of trash talking made the whole moment enter into the surreal. Both tall women were deeply affected by that fact, where confrontations are settled one-on-one, in an isolated, private manner. Their eyes locked onto one another and Carrie?s big beautiful eyes beckoned for the Blonde to follow her lead, if she dared. Carrie?s beautiful body glistened with nervous, anticipating sweat as she witnessed a flicker of doubt in Erika?s eyes, a beautiful moment as far as Carrie was concerned and one she aimed to capitalize on. This was a private confrontation that Carrie?s super heated body was primed and ready for, taking a deep breath her chest swelled with pride and anticipation.

    As if on some silent signal, both women inched forward, their breasts almost lining up evenly, although Erika?s were just a hair bit higher, and larger. But Carrie had something completely different in mind and suddenly stepped forward again, just enough, that her nipples came into contact with that of the Blonde?s, just the nipples - nothing else. It took Erika a moment to remember to breath as her body shuddered defensively. Obviously, she could see a similar effect on Carrie body and face. Erika felt a bead of sweat trickle down the back of her neck before stopping at the strap of her sports bra. Erika?s head lowered, her eyes peering up cautiously as if she was about to speak.

    Carrie?s own head came down, her eyes looking upward with an expression that mirrored that of her opponent?s, that?s all she saw standing across from her now, ?an opponent?. But a faint, knowing smile crept onto Carrie?s full, moist, pink lips, accompanied by a look that told Erika everything she needed to know; no matter what, this girl would never let up on her, for whatever reason she had picked her and she would never stop until they had it out.

    Carrie kept her position so that only the nipples remained in contact as their eyes stayed locked, though her expression had changed, Erika trembled as she felt her own momentum slipping away. And at the moment she felt her pink, long nipples grow and harden, as hard as she could ever remember. The tips of her hard nubs resisted the restraints of the undergarment, aggravating them even further sending a shudder thru her body, deep into her loins as she felt like she might have swooned for a second at the moisture building within her vagina. Carries?s nipples bored against her own, harder than ever, and she felt herself respond in kind. Erika?s nipples were so hard they began to hurt.

    ?You have beautiful arms and legs, I?m dying to know how flexible and strong you really are.? Carrie finally said.

    ?I guess you?ll find out soon enough.? Erika forced a smirk to curl out of the right corner of her mouth.

    Carrie brazenly began to undress, pealing off her sweaty attire, right in front of the Blonde. Erika was slightly shocked at the presumptuousness of the Redhead, that whatever challenge she had in mind would be done nude. But Erika relented and slowly began to pull off her top. She wasn?t opposed to fighting this girl in the nude, actually she was aching to feel her nipples against the Redheads without any clothing in between.

    Just when Erika was anticipating more warm breast contact, Carrie suddenly turned and walked toward the podium from where she taught class, easily one step up, only a few inches, but enough to give her a view of everyone in the class. The wall of mirrors lining the wall left nothing to hide. Erika truly admired the view of Carrie?s tall, athletic body, fair skin even all about, no hint of tan lines anywhere, in fact Erika suspected Carrie avoided the sun totally due to her very, fair skin. Barely a bounce in those perfect, round butt cheeks as the girl walked, Carrie?s calf muscles bunched tightly as she stepped up.

    ?You sure you want this?? Erika tilted her head as she joined the woman up on the podium, but tried to keep a smile in check although a slight cockiness slipped thru her comment. The Blonde didn?t have to wait long for her answer as she watched with bewildered amazement as Carrie?s lean, toned arms tensed. The girls glistening, toned body tensing for whatever upcoming test she had in mind. Perhaps it was for show and intimidation factor?

    ?I want anything you have to offer, if your up to the challenge.? The excited Redhead snarked right back.

    Erika hesitated as if still not convinced this was all playing out in front of her. She breathed deeply, but still felt like she was loosing the control she needed, her lungs filled with as much oxygen as she could take in. The Redhead?s amazing body, her long strong legs, seemed so distant from what she was familiar with. Tasha?s own incredible body was different in so many ways.

    ?She?s planned well for this.? Erika smirked to herself, and she kept letting the girl lead the way, ?After all, this bitch is a total novice, she had no clue what she is starting with me.?

    Carrie turned and walked not far away to a small gym bag, retrieving what appeared to be two cloth belts, red in color, about two inches wide, and a little over five feet long perhaps. The smirk left Erika?s lips quickly, she wasn?t prepared for some kinky form of bondage, or ?Whatever in the hell Carrie had planned.?

    ?Yoga straps.? Carrie said with a smile before Erika could speak, ?You?ll see, but first, back-to-back? Carrie sighed and for the first time seemed out of her element, nervous, but driven by the excitement of what was unfolding. She only hoped the Blonde kept following along. She had never been in a ?duel? before with another woman, ?a test?, and it excited her, in fact it shook her to the very core of her being. Every second the excitement kept building and with it, Carrie was finding it difficult to maintain her composure.

    ?Tell me what you have in mind.? The Blonde started to turn around, but hesitated.

    ?We are going to find out which one of is the more flexible, and stronger. You still interested??

    ?Of course.? Erika paused looking into the, ?Your the one that seems desperate.? Erika felt her bare left shoulder press against that of the Redheads.

    Carrie paused, she did so consciously, she enjoyed the touch of their sweaty, bare shoulders and studied the Blonde?s blue eyes, never thinking that this moment in time could actually be happening. The intimacy of the moment almost displaced every bit of underlying tension and hostility. Almost, but not entirely.

    ?You think your body can really match mine, no matter the contest?? Erika words carried as much sexual lusting as they did competitive banter, but the effect was immediate. Both women adjusted their posture a little, letting the sides of their full breasts brush against the other. ?Last chance.? Erika smirked a cocky look and curled left arm up into the air, causing the muscles in her bicep to swell up tight, and it was significant indeed.

    ?I intend to find out.? Carrie looked back into Erika?s eyes, and let the outside of her right breast continue to press into Erika?s left, she wet her lips with her tongue nervously even though there was no lack of moisture in the air. She started to worry she was beginning to suffer from the same levels of fatigue that Erika was, but quickly blocked that out of her mind. Again thinking about how exhausted the Blonde looked after their class.

    She knew her looked betrayed everything she had fought to conceal; lust and fear. Carrie eyed the Blonde?s amazing body up close, the swell of muscle was intimidating, her left hand even came up and caressed Erika?s flexing arm, a move that seemed to excite Erika just as much. Carrie was worried now but reminded herself she might just have the edge on this amazing Blonde today, the timing of everything had been perfect thus far.

    Turning around, back to back, seemed to heighten the anxiety that rushed thru both of their views. The Mirrors along the wall kept everything in perspective, they were not blind to anything.

    Erika?s eyes grew a little wider, feeling her heart pounding harder, deep within chest as her tongue came out and wiped a fine mist of sweat off her upper lip. Initially only their shoulders and butts touched, reaffirming the toned fitness that both of their bodies contained. Both paused for a minute to actually enjoy the feeling, strong female body against strong female body, head to toe, backed against one another. Adjusting only slightly with nervous glances in the mirror to admire their own physique, and that of the opponent.

    Erika?s curiosity about the straps only grew as Carrie had still made no mention of them. She felt like asking, wanting to know now instead of being led along, normally she would have taken charge of something like this, but it was such a curious difference from what she was used to. But still, ?Anything that involved being tied, or restrained is sure to become violent.? anxiously she thought.

    ?Now sit, and then spread your legs out wide. Almost as wide as you can.? Carrie eyes averted the mirror as she spoke, almost looking embarrassed as the request came out from her. Speaking these thoughts out loud for the first time was much more unnerving than she had anticipated. Would the Blonde laugh at her? Reject the whole thing totally?

    Amazingly Erika remained very quiet.

    Erika was busy noting Carrie?s uneasy manner and felt a similar blush fill her cheeks as well. It almost seemed as if they were going to engage in some spiritual type of meditation. But Erika was still the more nervous, her body was perspiring again as they inched their way down, first to a kneeling position, as Carrie requested, she then spread her legs apart into about a 45 degree angle before stopping. She felt Carrie?s back against her own, they intimacy of their bare skin, wet from sweat made it slippery in some areas. Soon it seemed they would be using the other for leverage of some kind.

    The Redhead?s eyes swept from left to right and watched as their long legs slid over the smooth sweat covered matts. Her eyes appreciated the light blue color of those matts for some reason, and if only for a second it soothed her anxiety. Looking at the bundle of red cotton piled in front of her suddenly had the exact opposite effect, fear took hold and she quickly reconsidered the whole venture. But that strong desire to compete, test herself, and in the process to teach this arrogant Blonde a lesson took hold of her again. There was always room for doubt, especially now, and Carrie wondered if it would soon be ?she? that would be the one screaming for mercy.

    Considering all of that, it was no surprise Carrie kept the trash talking to a minimum. Both women adjusted their legs wider, their asses were pressed up tight against one another and then there was the touching of their outer thighs, close to their hips. The skin separated the further you moved toward their feet.

    ?Now what.? Erika snapped, a slight impatient edge to her voice now. The answer came when she felt something soft land on her left ankle, which was only inches away from Carrie?s. The red yoga strap lay draped across both of their calves, where Carrie had casually tossed it.

    ?Simple. Lash our legs together, right above the ankles, but loosely so we still have the same amount of space now. I?ll do my left leg and your right. You do the other.? Their legs were spread almost 180 degrees, almost. Each girl leaned down, toward their goal, as if performing some simple stretching routine. Yet the outward simplicity of the effort and task failed to carry into the action itself; Fingers nervously looped the straps, this wasn?t a real effort as both women were flexible enough by any standard, but Carrie noticed her fingers shaking as she attempted the simplistic of knots.

    ?Your making a big mistake.? The words carried over from where Erika was leaning, making her own final adjustments. ?No matter what you have in mind, my legs are going to rip yours apart.? She had to redo her knot twice as her own nerves rattled her concentration.

    Now loosely tethered together by the straps at their ankles the two girls sat up straight and pushed heavily into each other, shoulder blades dug into one another and soon enough there was some tension along their bonded legs, relaxing muscles naturally wanted to contract.

    Carrie?s heart hammered so hard she started to pay attention to that alone and her mind went blank, she could feel Erika?s head turn and she mirrored the effort, her right cheek was pressed against Erika?s left and they both could see one another in the mirror. They were well matched, height, legs, and arms, both arched their backs some, this proudly lifted their breasts up, while Carrie?s were slightly smaller, they were prominent and her nipples thick and hard. Erika?s own larger breasts sat up firm, her own nipples harder then when they started. A glistening layer of sweat covered all parts of their bodies.

    ?Your move bitch.? Erika whispered. Tasha would never go for something like this, it?s too intimate and sensual, or maybe she would? The other glaring fact, this wasn?t Tasha, made the experience all the more foreign for the Blonde.

    Carrie made sure the corner of her mouth brushed up against the Blonde?s. She couldn?t get the smell of the Blonde?s body and sex out of her senses, she loved it and craved to dominate this Bitch. ?Let?s just see who has more endurance.? and she raised her arms up, extending them outward, crucifix style.

    Their arms carefully intertwined, not as awkward as either initially thought, until their palms pressed together, lightly at first as Carrie could feel the tremble radiate out from Erika?s hesitating touch and it was electrifying, unlike anything she had ever experienced, she could actually feel all of the energy within there bodies waiting to be released. It scarred and excited her at the same time as she compared their bodies; Erika?s tan skin, with her defined muscles, just oozing sensual female strength, while Carrie?s own fair skin, with tawny, tight, lean arms tensed in comparison.

    Erika on the other hand was doing all she could to just fight off the nervousness in the pit of her stomach and the trembling in her fingers, hands and arms as she watched Carrie?s fingers spread wide before clenching tight again.
    Erika followed suite and watched as her twitching, nervous fingers open, allowing Carrie?s fingers talons to slip back in-between her spread fingers.

    The contact was a little too intimidating then Erika had anticipated and her lips trembled. Carrie let go her own deep sigh as she eagerly glanced again toward the mirror, fingers now pressing tightly into the back of the others palms.
    The two women could feel the faintest bit of resistance as they continued to adjust and readjusted their bodies, preparing themselves. Their legs muscles contracted, and as they did, the straps pulled tight again, indicating that any further ground to be gained would be done by sheer strength, and endurance.

    Their backs arched trying to compensate as their heads tilted back a fraction of an inch. Facial and neck muscles knotted in frustrated determination, both women trying to equally counter the other.

    ?Just a little more.? Carrie kept telling herself, pumping herself up, trying to make sure she had the best position possible. Her eyes glanced toward the mirrors to better judge, but it was not very encouraging.

    As planned, and stated, it started out as a test of endurance. It remained that way for several minutes. Arms and legs spread out wide. And for long moments the two sat this way, legs spread in a wide ?V?, arms out straight, parallel to their legs that were almost spread just as wide. ?Motionless? is not an accurate word, yet they attempted to remain perfectly still while maintaining their posture, but the fatigue was becoming more apparent as subtle tremors would radiate along their arms, spine and back.

    The anticipation was getting the better of Carrie?s emotions, she contracted her arms, legs, and stomach muscles, and then felt Erika?s body give some ground, until amazingly, she was stopped dead in her tracks telling her that she might have gone too far, too soon. A faint grunt slipped from Erika?s body as she had brought Carrie to a dead stand still. Erika?s strong inner thighs rippled with strength, as did her shoulder and biceps, she not only pulled their crucifix position neutral again, but gained an inch or two in her favor just to let Carrie know the consequences of trying to turn this into a battle of strength.

    Carrie immediately relaxed just enough, waited, and hoped ?patience would be a virtue?.

    Both women experienced the same annoyances as time dragged on. Minor things became painfully annoying; Every droplet of sweat became a tormenting trickle down their back, arms, legs. Muscles that were no concern at first were now cramping, requiring subtle changes in position to relieve the pain. Subtle rotation in arms and legs were made to alleviate the discomfort. Erika?s eyelids fluttered, as she let her mind drift away, pretending she was elsewhere in the gym, working one of her routines, she quickly tried to zone-out and let her body focus on the task at hand, while her mind was elsewhere.

    Initial soft sighs were now giving way to deeper breaths. When one girl inhaled, it was as if the other could feel every molecule of air coming in and then leaving the other?s body. This intimacy was more then just a physical connection between both women; it was challenging and it was a sexual, both could feel the attraction rising up between them, even back-to-back. One of them would emerge as the stronger female when this was all over. Erika?s eyes fluttered open with those erotic thoughts and images, she was loosing her concentration, glancing into the mirror and seeing her sweat soaked body struggling defiantly made her pussy ache and she wondered if Carrie had ideas of trying something sexual. That struck Erika with real fear for some reason! Some form of sexual domination made the Blonde squirm, her vulnerable pussy pressed against the soft matt, she even looked down for a second, watching as her crotch seemed to almost contract involuntary.

    Carrie gritted her teeth, a fine jaw line flexed as every muscle running the length of her arms wanted to coil with every bit of power she had left, before it was too late. The Redhead also found the power and energy radiating between their connected bodies to be as thrilling and dangerous as she had hoped for. She could almost feel the momentum building as Erika was indeed beginning to live up to her reputation of being so strong. She dared to glance over again to the mirror and felt embarrassed to see Erika?s own gaze looking back at her, but she wasn?t so sure the Blonde was seeing her, a kind of disconnected haze seemed to cover the Blonde?s expression. Carrie quickly looked away and fought to control her own sexual urges, almost impossible when their naked bodies were so tightly intertwined. ?And the pain? she thought, ?The pain? was unreal, it was exciting in ways she didn?t understand and craved more of it.

    Hair had become plastered down their cheeks, the back as their heads rolled in a slow motion effort, eyes sometimes searching the ceiling as if relief was to be found out in the distance.

    At least thirty minutes crept by, both women sitting back to back, arms straight out, interlocked and palm to palm, while their long, strong legs were spread almost fully apart, a soft yoga strap tethered around their ankles. A trembling upon closer inspection was coming primarily from one of the women. Both yes were shaking some, but one woman was fairing better than the other. The Blonde?s body was cramping and near total exhaustion, but she struggled on, arms and legs feeling almost numb now.

    The back of Erika?s head tilted back, pressing into the back Carrie?s. Even her neck muscles needed relief it seemed. The Blonde tilted her head off to her right just a few inches, Carrie must have been on the same wavelength as she tilted her head in the opposite direction, this allowed them to recline their heads back even further, the left side of Erika?s face pressed against Carrie?s left and soon both were looking up toward the ceiling, their mouths open wide, allowing a steady stream of gasps to rush in and out of their aching, sweat soaked bodies. They seemed to now share the agony together, in some connected way. Their eyes, just mere slits now, could make out the face of the other girl, and it brought some strange consolation to see and hear ?the other? suffering almost equally.

    Pain was overriding all of Carrie?s senses now, but still with the Blonde?s face so close to her own, the rhythm of their moans and sometimes cries of discomfort was an underlying sexual force that seemed to bind them together and they struggled against one another as if the excitement of the torture itself propelled them to keep struggling against one another.

    Carrie didn?t know what had changed in her mind and body, but she couldn?t make any further calculations, she knew the limits of her endurance and was starting to become desperate, that the Blonde had more reserves then she had anticipated. She gambled, and poured every last bit of effort into what she had to do, what she wanted to do. Her eyelids squeezed shut and her fair white skin glistened with droplets of sweat that seemed to pop from the surface of her skin. ?Fuucckkkk? trembling lips mouthed silently the profanities as her arms began to feel a new burning sensation, almost immediately followed by a fearful shudder throughout her aching legs as all her muscles contracted. For so long now her muscles had been forced to remain perfectly still, now her will power and brain was sending signals to move, and move quickly, her body wanted to rebel against these commands, in some ways Carrie felt like she was fighting herself now as she tried to turn the battle into straight-up ?test of strength?.

    It didn?t register at first, but Erika felt her arms and legs being pulled further apart and then she instantly knew what was happening. ?You Bitch!? Erika cried out as she gasped, her head rolled back and further next to Carrie?s as her chest thrust upward. Erika suspected this moment might be coming and tried to throw her full strength at trying to momentarily stop what was happening, nevertheless her gasps and grunts came louder, even a trickle of spit escaped out of the corner of her mouth when her arms were achingly pulled back against her will. Her head rolled off to the right and she watched with envious, lusting hatred as Carrie?s amazing muscles, rippled and danced with power from along her shoulders all the way thru her arms, glistening like a well-oiled machine.

    ?You fucking Bitch!? Erika cried again, but wasn?t about to simply give in, she had been in worse situations before, much worse, and was going to teach the Redhead a painful lesson she would never, ever forget.

    Carrie almost screamed, and then she did scream, and felt her arms and legs cramping. Erika was fighting back, no surprise there, but the Blonde was holding her own and seemed on the verge of reclaiming all lost ground, ?I can?t let that happen!? Carrie fretted, knowing she could not rally should that indeed happen. A pitiful, whimpering ?No!? came from her lips as their sweat soaked bodies squirmed against one another. Each were now desperately fighting for control of the other. Erika?s head fell forward and she watched her etched abdominal muscles clench desperately under a glowing sheen of fresh sweat. Her legs were now spread a full 180 degrees. Every body part now fluttered and trembled with anxiety, and eminent exhaustion.

    Under the glow of the overhead lights their battle climaxed as the two women cried in agony and desperation.
    One proud, strong woman let out a verbal ?No!!? and began to sob.

    The Blonde?s hands continued their backward slide, her tendons on the inside of her thighs were being stretched dangerously beyond their limits, Erika?s whole body burned, sweat pouring over her legs and over her heaving chest as her entire frame was slowly bowed backward and stretched, her eyes flickered helplessly at the ceiling. The reflection in the mirrors only added to the humiliation, the way her proud breasts jutted out from her chest, nipples pointed outward and hard.

    Carrie continued forcing Erika?s arms and legs to spread wider. The cries of her foe grew louder.

    The Redhead gave a moments glance to the reflection as well, seeing the powerful Blonde staring back at her in a trance like state of horror and panic. This told her she was winning, and in a few seconds it would be over!

    Erika?s groans and cries coming faster and louder, while Carrie?s own heavy breathing was coming in some sort of rhythm. Erika?s heart pounded harder in her chest as she tried to block out everything, in fact both women struggled now. Carrie held on, pulling the Blonde?s body tighter across her back, watching her legs pull in, knowing she had forced Erika?s long, strong legs past the point of a full split, the Blonde was in hellish agony. She wondered what was next? Would this girl actually beg her to stop? The thought made Carrie so aroused she wondered if the pool of sweat collecting underneath her her was mostly her female juices.

    Erika?s head rolled back, eyes closed. She felt her mighty legs quivering, she had lost, every passing second was just a humiliating statement on the part of Carrie. It was the closest she might ever encounter to what being on a ?torture rack? must feel like; having your arms and legs spread apart, helpless to stop the momentum and your muscles useless, feeling on the verge of being ripped and torn apart.

    Carrie felt the Blonde?s back, arm and legs twisting and turning, ?She?s desperate to free herself!?. The Redhead hoped to end the duel soon, the straps were burning against her skin. Her lungs burning, she had no idea how the Blonde had not screamed out some plea of surrender yet!

    Erika?s body sobbed shamelessly, her rippling lats popped under the stress. She felt a renewed effort on Redhead?s part as Carrie leaned forward. The Blonde?s whole torso was arched toward the ceiling, pulled over the Redhead?s quivering back. It was just a matter of seconds after that. "I submit!" Erika screamed.* "Please!* I give up! Stop! Your ripping me in half! I can?t take it anymore! You win! My legs! Your killing my legs!?

    She was at the humiliating mercy of this Redheaded bitch; ironically she felt lust fill her body along with rage. It was a strange mix of passion and pain that radiated thru her. She knew it well. Something she and Tasha had shared for months now.

    Suddenly, Erika felt her whole body slump forward, strands of hair falling in front of her face, her body shaking and quivering from exhaustion and emotion. Her left hand came up to cover her face, trembling so bad from Carrie?s painful hold she didn?t know how she managed to control it, but more so to cover the tears that were washing down her cheeks. Feeling her own body and strength overpowered by this other woman was too much.

    Carrie fell forward as well, taking a moment to collect herself, but crying herself. There was pain of course, but she was surprised that the stress of the contest was far more emotional then she had anticipated.

    Erika turned her body just enough and slipped her legs free from the straps now that the tension had eased up. Automatically her hands went down to her crotch and massaged her inner thigh muscles, she had no inhibitions at this point and practically curled up onto her left side, cradling her aching, exhausted body. Slowly she would roll, back and forth on the matt, seeking some additional form of relief from where every tendon and muscle cried out in agony.

    Carrie wasn?t without consequences of her own. Her legs and arms felt unsteady and weak, so much that she also remained collapsed on the matt, massaging her aching body. She could hear Erika?s whimpers, mingling with periodic sobs, telling her she was either hurt, emotionally devastated, or both. While both of them lay only inches apart, moaning, whimpering and crying in relief that the contest was over, only one women, the Redhead, felt a sense of pride and accomplishment in knowing she had won. That sense of victory did little to overcome the pains she now struggled with.

    The Redhead began the long struggle to get to her feet, first getting to her knees where she almost fell over, feeling lightheaded. Once on her feet she swayed for a moment on unsteady legs, her arms and fingers partially numb. She stood silently and looked down at her opponent. She considered saying something but wasn?t sure what to say, oddly enough, this was the most awkward moment of the entire experience. Part of her wanted to continue to enjoy the moment, to even belittle the proud, cocky Blonde. And then, there was a part that wanted to help her up, and make sure she was okay. Even more troubling was the desire to drop down to her knees, crawl over and fuck her wounded opponent, she wanted to feel their bare pussies rubbing against one another. But no matter which path she decided to take she knew she definitely hoped there would be another contest between them.

    Carrie picked up her towel and attempted the simple task of wiping the sweat from her brow, chest and legs. She did so proudly because she knew Erika could see her. It was an epic struggle for Carrie, the contest had taken a lot more out of her then she realized, and any thought of indulgence, especially fucking the Blonde, seemed totally unrealistic. Her whole body was on the verge of collapse.

    She flicked the towel at the still fallen Blonde, it landed on her legs. ?So there.?
    That was the only thought she could verbalize toward her opponent. Simple in it?s nature. She had proved herself.

    The Blonde?s reaction wasn?t totally surprising.

    ?Fuck off!? Erika quietly snapped and kicked the towel away, her aching body squirming on the matt in pain before rolling over onto her stomach, her face buried in the crook of her right arm, softly sobbing.

    With Erika?s body pointed away from where Carrie stood, she admired the girl?s strong athletic body, powerful muscles, and her sexy ass that seemed to be just there for the taking. Again Carrie had the urge to go up and fuck the girl.

    She ended up dressing in silence, leaving her opponent there, naked on the floor, beaten, facedown and crying.

    Erika wasn?t oblivious to what was happening. She felt the Redhead looking down at her the longest time, in smug victory. Her mind couldn?t really process that she had two enemies to contend with now, Carrie and Tasha. She wanted revenge on the Redhead for sure. But she knew Tasha wanted revenge on her, so it really came down to who initiated a challenge first.

    The emptiness of the room closed in, and Erika felt ashamed for walking into such a duel, so sure of herself. Quietly she dressed and left the room, her head hung low in defeat. Her steps felt unsure, her legs wobbly and her mind swimming with a mixture of confused hatred while a bitter taste of humility Tasha in the back of her throat, bordering on nauseousness. The image of her being forced, by another woman, submitted to admit defeat.

    She couldn?t wait to get that Redhead alone in a room again.

    A Rough Night, Gets Rougher - Part 39


    Tasha sat silently in her car in the all but empty gym parking lot as her dashboard clock edged toward midnight. The lights in the parking lot were by now off and Tasha?s dark eyes darted back and forth slowly between the gym entrance and the familiar SUV in the middle of the lot: Erika?s car.

    It had been a few days since their last, brutal fight and Tasha?s body was just beginning to recover. But she knew that if she didn?t keep working out that she would lose whatever edge she had left against the white blonde. And if she was being honest, she would not have minded running into Erika at the gym and seeking her out for another confrontation, even if it was only verbal. Their war had been going on for month after harrowing month, and Tasha knew that she bore a lot of the responsibility for keeping it going?maybe most of it, she thought. She always had the feeling that Erika could walk away from their feud at any moment?and maybe that was what kept Tasha going back at her again and again. It infuriated her to think that she wanted their confrontations more than Erika did. She had caught sight of Erika at the gym earlier in the evening, but then lost her. After 45 minutes of skulking through the facility, checking out every weight room, shower and sauna, she had left?only to see Erika?s car still parked outside the gym. So she had waited, until the parking lot had slowly cleared of cars and the lights had grown dim. Only a handful of staff cars remained?and Erika?s. Maybe she was taking a class, talking with an instructor?giving one of them an earful of her bullshit, Tasha thought. That wouldn?t surprise her.

    Then the hour got closer to midnight. So whatever the blonde bitch was doing in there had nothing to do with classes at the gym or anything else legitimate. And what else would a hardened white cunt like Erika be doing in an all-but-closed building this late? She was with someone, Tasha knew. Maybe a male instructor, giving him a good ride?she wouldn?t put that past the big blonde whore. It was the other possibility that nagged at her and kept her from simply driving away. Because there were other women at that gym, other competitive, arrogant white girls, tall white bitches proud of their toned bodies, eager to flaunt, who might have crossed Erika?s path. Tasha had prided herself that she was the only woman who could draw the snotty, full-of-herself Erika into the all-but forbidden kinds of confrontations and contests she had engaged in with the blonde. She had never crossed the line like this with another woman herself, and as for the high and mighty Erika, it was astonishing that even Tasha had been able to draw her into the gutter for their low-down and dirty engagements.

    But what if there were someone else? ?Like that tall red-headed bitch? Tasha?s heart skipped, she had all but forgotten about the girl, more like wanted to forget about her, maybe she ?that much of a real threat??

    The thought made Tasha?s body boil. She could almost laugh at herself that this of all things would make her jealous, but she truly believed she OWNED Erika now?or maybe it was the reverse. Accounts between the two women had not been settled?maybe they never would be?but until that day, neither of them should dare to step outside their private ?relationship.? All the more reason she kept dismissing the red-head Carrie or any other woman as a threat.

    ?But what if?? Tasha kept thinking over and over as the minutes ticked by, she tried to convince herself she was imagining things. There must be an explanation other than her worst case scenario, she reassured herself. Then she finally saw Erika exit the gym.

    Tasha?s eyes narrowed and she felt the hot flush of rage course through her veins as she studied the white blonde?s movements and bearing as she walked slowly toward her car. She was almost limping, a look of grim disappointment and frustration on her face. She looked defeated, Tasha thought hotly. Humiliated. And only one thing could have caused that. The betrayal rocked her to the point that she sat unmoving as Erika slid into her SUV, started it, and headed toward the parking lot exit. Then the young black woman hit the ignition and gunned her own motor, almost spinning out as she raced out of her parking space to follow the other car.

    It took her several minutes to close in until she was behind Erika?s SUV, tailgating the other woman dangerously as the chase moved outside town onto country roads.

    Tasha was behaving irrationally but all she cared about now was confronting the blonde bitch over this?whether she did it at her house or out here in the middle of nowhere didn?t matter. She wanted this now. In a storm of fury she jammed her accelerator and began to pass Erika, turning to look at the blonde?s shocked but enraged face as their two cars raced one another side by side. The look of hatred on Erika?s face was like a hit of crystal meth to Tasha. ?PULL OVER, YOU WHITE CUNT!? she screamed, while in her own car Erika screamed lethal obscenities that Tasha couldn?t hear at her.

    Erika hit her brakes, dropping back, and Tasha immediately swerved back into the right lane, hitting her own brakes and forcing Erika off the road in a screech of tires and dust. Tasha turned off her engine and exited the car immediately, grimly happy to see Erika doing the same. Both women were still in gym gear?sports bras and yoga pants, their two bodies well displayed, still soaked with sweat from their workout, and Tasha felt the night air chilling her bare midriff and the brown cleavage bulging out of her low-cut sports bra. Erika was dressed almost the same, and the lights from their cars gleamed off her creamy, intimidating cleavage as her heavy, round breasts quivered as she violently slammed her door shut and approached Tasha.

    The black girl moved sideways, between the front of Erika?s car and the back of her own, away from the highway, as the two cars were stopped dangerously close to the road in a narrow turnout.

    ?You fucking psychotic bitch!? Erika snarled, approaching dangerously as Tasha backed into the small clearing on the other side of their cars until the two women were away from the freeway and more or less hidden by their two vehicles from oncoming traffic. There was a forest nearby and Tasha realized now that they were near the park and clearing where they had fought so many times before. ?Now you?re trying to kill me too? Or commit suicide??

    Now Tasha moved forward, her own dark face twisted in hate. Now with Erika in front of her she could see the pain and exhaustion in her face, in the way she moved. Tasha?s own body was still stiff and sore?they were both wounded and weakened, she realized. That thought excited her. She had thought it might take weeks before she would feel capable of facing down Erika again woman to woman, but clearly both she and Erika had been beaten and humiliated. They might very well be meeting on even terms. But that thought also added to her own rage?if anyone was going to humiliate Erika, make her weak and vulnerable, it was going to be Tasha.

    The two women closed and both women hesitated, their chests thrust out brazenly, only a few inches apart, heavy bosoms rising and falling with each labored breath hissing from their lungs. Hesitancy, uncertainty, even fear flickered across both faces as their eyes searched each other?s bodies and expressions for weakness.

    ?Who is she?? Tasha growled finally, glaring down at Erika?s heaving bust as she took a step forward. To her great pleasure Erika took a step forward too so that Tasha could press her sports bra and its heavy load of mahogany cleavage up against the blonde?s firm and overheated rack, the two women eagerly testing their breast?s sensitivity, weight and firmness against each other as they moved nose to nose.

    ?Who is who, you deluded whore?? Erika snarled as she stared Tasha down fearlessly. ?Are you stalking me now, following me home after my workouts??

    ?The gym closes at ten,? Tasha said slowly, staring coldly into Erika?s eyes. ?You weren?t doing any fucking workout in there?you were fighting or fucking like the white slut you?ve always been.? She could already feel her nipples angrily stiffening against the weight of Erika?s breasts, and when the blonde?s own rods began to respond and invade Tasha?s sports bra fabric, teasing the fronts of her brown boobs and beginning to nestle closer to Tasha?s hardening nipples, she knew it was on at last.

    ?What I do with my time and WHO I do is my business,? Erika growled, glaring down into Tasha?s brown eyes from her slight height advantage. The white bitch was panting, whether out of lust or exhaustion Tasha wasn?t quite sure?maybe both. The two women pressed together and Tasha could feel the uncertainty in their balance, the way they almost stumbled as they maneuvered breast to breast. She couldn?t help feeling out Erika?s tits with her own, easing first one, then the other dark gland against Erika?s white ones through their joined, dark sports bras, damp and hot with sweat. She remembered the way Erika had promised to crush her tits only a few days ago, and their all too brief bearhug before their fight had descended into all-out barbarity. After all their encounters there still remained a lot to prove between them, she realized.

    ?You cheap bottle blonde pussy,? Tasha breathed against the white woman. They continued to press against each other and she could feel real pressure on her breasts now as their foreheads touched and shoulders approached one another. Erika?s sweat-slick belly kissed Tasha?s gleaming brown abs now, the thrill of bare skin and coiling abdominal muscles teasing her senses even as her dark cleavage bulged upwards to meet the tops of Erika?s mushrooming tits as the two women mashed hotly front to front. Erika?s breasts felt impossibly hard, yet she could tell from the way they squirmed and adjusted against her own that they were very much real and as natural as her own bulging pair of glands. Her nipples were now rock hard and they had found their opposites nestled underneath and tenting Erika?s sports bra, struggling to free themselves as if eager to duel with Tasha?s stiff weapons. As she spoke she took care to direct her hard rods directly against Erika?s so the four erections tangled in hot knots of rubbery flesh and enclosing stretch fabric, trapped between their heavy, warring boobs.

    ?You?re the only cheap trash out here, black bitch,? Erika said. ?You must enjoy being punished and humiliated. Don?t you remember me wrecking you just a few days ago? Do I have to break every bone in your black body before you understand your place??
    Tasha took the threat?it might have even scared her a little a week ago, but not now. She could gauge the strength in the tall white woman?s body and she felt it very even with her own?and she knew her own strength was fading. There would be no kicks and punches, no brutal, back-breaking holds in this fight.

    ?Your not woman enough to break me, you big whore, especially not tonight!? Tasha growled against Erika?s face. ?You wasted it all on whatever cheap slut taught you a lesson back there at that gym. She wore you down to nothing and now I?m going to finish you off once and for all.?

    ?At my worst I?m twice the woman you are,? Erika breathed, seemingly not intimidated in the least. ?Physically, sexually, you?re not in the same league as me and you know it.?

    ?I can feel your muscles and I can tell you right now you?re worn down to nothing,? Tasha murmured.

    ?I?d take pleasure in handing you another humiliation,? Erika purred as she pressed ever harder against Tasha?s body. ?You?re nothing but a jealous tramp running after her betters. Just keep pressing those brown tits of yours into mine, if you?re looking for comparisons. I?ll press yours out of existence.?

    ?Did she do the same to yours tonight?? Tasha goaded the blonde, taking her up on her challenge by nudging her compressing boobs even tighter against Erika?s. ?Did you press tits with some cheap cunt in that gym??

    ?If I matched up against anyone she was better than you,? Erika hissed. ?Any pair of breasts at that gym would outclass yours.?

    ?Fuck you,? Tasha growled. She had had it with this white bitch. Reaching down between them, she found the bulge of Erika?s pubic mound with her fingers. Glaring coldly into Erika?s eyes, she squeezed the blonde?s big cunt, gripping the tender sexual flesh and feeling it out thoroughly as she stared Erika down. ?Did you fight with this big blonde snatch back there? Match it up against another white pussy??

    Erika breathed deeply against Tasha, her breasts swelling hard against the black woman?s pair as the two women maneuvered against each other. Tasha could feel the other woman twitching with pleasure but also shivering in pain as she gripped her cunt. Suddenly Tasha felt the blonde?s fingers on her own swollen sex, squeezing and feeling her through her yoga pants. ?Take your fingers off me unless you want me to crush your black pussy here and now.? But despite the threat the other woman?s grip wasn?t destructive?it was explorative, feeling and gauging the hot softness of Tasha?s sex while Tasha explored Erika?s.

    ?You threaten my snatch, I?ll threaten yours,? Tasha purred, reaching up to press her palm against Erika?s belly just under the navel, then dipping into her yoga pants and curling her talons into the blonde?s skin, squeezing bare shaven vulva, fingering the girl?s labia.

    ?Bitch,? Erika moaned, quickly pressing her own hand down into Tasha?s pants to invade the black woman?s crotch and grip her rival?s sexual anatomy. The two women probed, tugged slowly and agonizingly, pinched and squeezed while they twitched and groaned against each other?s faces, baring teeth as their hot mouths blasted breath into one another. ?Go ahead and feel the bigger pussy. And we already know whose is stronger.?

    It hadn?t passed Tasha?s notice that Erika had not really responded to her questions. She was admitting nothing. But as her dark fingers probed into the blonde?s cunt she quickly found the other woman?s labia splayed, slick and aroused?too slippery with lubrication to have just gotten hot and bothered since they?d exited their cars. The blonde had been turned on by something?by someone?in the past hour.

    Tasha was slippery herself, her own cunt becoming sticky with sex as well as sweat, and as the two women stared at each other nose to nose their expressions acknowledged what both hands were uncovering?pure, hateful lust. ?She must have been good, that bitch. To get you so hot and beat you so hard.? With her free hand Tasha grabbed the front of Erika?s sports bra and tugged it up until the blonde?s heavy, creamy breasts tumbled out, her stiff nipples popping free from the confining lycra. She twisted and pressed against the blonde, backing her up against the SUV as both women jerked and squeezed at each other?s cunts.
    ?She was better than you,? Erika moaned as Tasha?s body assaulted hers. The blonde struggled to pull Tasha?s sports bra upward until the black?s dark breasts with their deadly-looking black nipples and aureoles emerged, nipples almost pointing skyward with arousal as they faced Erika?s equally stiff and sensitized pink rods and her massive, creamy round breasts. The two women slowly wrestled against each other, Tasha bracing one hand against the car while Erika arched her back, daring Tasha to meet her tits. Tasha hungrily jabbed her nipples against Erika?s and the blonde hissed, using her shoulders to flick her own pink weapons back against Tasha?s black ones. Then Tasha jabbed her chest forward, burying her weapons in Erika?s pink aureola, tangling her rubbery rods against the blonde?s. Slowly thrashing her upper body against Erika?s, she raked her nipples across the enemy glands, pausing to stab and thrust while Erika pressed back against her, moaning in agony and arousal.

    ?Better than this?? Tasha demanded, grunting with each thrust against Erika?s tits. ?Better than these? No woman can match up against you like I can and you fucking know it!?

    ?Then prove it!? Erika snarled, reaching behind Tasha and yanking her yoga pants downward until her gorgeous, muscular brown ass was revealed to the night. ?You?ve never been my equal, physically or sexually, but you obviously need more lessons!?

    Tasha angrily tugged at the waistband of Erika?s yoga pants, her knuckles scraping against the SUV door as she struggled against the blonde, slowly working the stretch fabric down Erika?s pelvis. Erika thrashed against her until the two women were on their sides against the car, still pressed together?the blonde was struggling to get out of her inferior position but the change made it easier for Tasha to strip her enemy?s hips and ass bare. Glancing down between their bare, clashing breasts she saw slightly spread thighs, both women exposed to one another now. In the night?s cold air she could feel the heat roiling off of Erika?s naked crotch, and before she knew it the blonde had Tasha?s back and ass pressed against the cold metal of the car. Erika?s heavy breasts smacked down onto Tasha?s quivering brown glands, her flat, muscular stomach pressed against Tasha?s mahogany abs and her blonde cunt found Tasha?s, hot and waiting.

    Tasha gripped Erika?s superbly muscled glutes, both women panting against each other as Erika pressed her hot pussy into Tasha?s. They had met sex-to-sex before, but now the sole intent was matching their most sensitive, overheated, sexual centers in a brazen comparison and competition. ?Go ahead and feel it, bitch,? Tasha moaned, ?You want to feel a superior pussy against yours so now?s your chance.?

    ?Maybe I already felt a superior pussy against mine tonight,? Erika goaded her. ?I don?t think yours is going to measure up no matter what.?

    ?My clit is stronger than yours,? Tasha groaned. ?And hotter. I?ll give you more friction than you can handle.?

    ?I?ve got the superior pussy and I always have,? Erika hissed, jabbing her aching wet lips of her pussy into Tasha?s to illustrate the point. The muscular blonde delivered pounding pussy blows to Tasha?s cunt and Tasha gripped the other woman?s white ass, digging her nails in deeper with every thrust Erika put into her. She could tell from the blonde?s labored breathing and high pitched moans that the effort was costing her, almost if her groin muscles had been injured earlier in the evening. Tasha braced herself against the car, trying to spread her legs as much as possible with her yoga pants bunched around her thighs, and flexed her abs and pelvic muscles as she fought to twitch her own pussy back hard into Erika?s, matching her blow for pounding blow. Gasping, Erika quickened the pace, and smacking sounds echoed into the night as she punched away at Tasha?s cunt.

    The black girl took it, feeling her snatch burning with friction and pussy heat, until she sensed the blonde?s big body weakening slightly against hers. Seizing the advantage, she flipped their positions, forcing Erika?s body against the car, hearing the thud of the blonde?s naked ass and back hitting the metal as she positioned her body against the other woman?s and took aim at Erika?s pussy and breasts. She smacked her breasts into Erika?s sweating mammaries, finally flattening them as she pressed close into the blonde?s body, then jammed her pelvis against the other woman?s. Erika?s hands found Tasha?s magnificent black ass as the Spanish beauty began relentless thrusting, cunt against cunt, digging her crotch deep into Erika?s as the big blonde desperately fought to return each pussy punch. The blonde smacked viciously at Tasha?s big ass, then tugged her hair, forcing their faces into close contact.

    ?Your pussy superior to mine?? Erika snarled against her mouth. ?Don?t make me laugh.?

    ?Feel it, bitch,? Tasha said as she pounded at the blonde. ?Feel the better, hotter cunt!?

    ?Mine?s bigger, hotter and harder!? Erika growled.

    ?I?ll show you harder,? Tasha snarled against her, grabbing Erika?s chin and forcing her mouth open, then slowly thrusting her long, hot tongue deep into Erika?s mouth. The blonde gasped, then immediately snaked her own serpent-like tongue back against Tasha?s. There was no hesitation now, no protests about how sexual and dirty this was getting. The blonde wanted it as much as Tasha and there was no turning back. Tasha licked at the other woman?s hungry mouth angrily, smearing spit across the blonde?s lips, and Erika swiftly twisted against her and dug her teeth into Tasha?s generous, lush lips, chewing on them ravenously as the two women writhed in sexual madness against each other?s bodies. Tasha twisted out of the bite and then delivered vicious, slow bites of her own against Erika?s soft, hateful mouth and cheeks, attempting to devour the other woman?s beautiful face in a torment of envy and lust. Finally the two women reached a paroxysm, a violent frenzy of slaps, bites and scratches until shoving free of one another.

    They rested against the car, panting, breasts, stomachs and pussies exposed and ravaged from the furious tussle, now fully acknowledging each other?s violent, sexual power. Erika spoke raggedly after a long, silent moment, her voice full of hate. ?This is all you love, you low black whore,? she snarled. ?Rubbing pussies and tits with better women then you?violent, desperate fucking for desperate sluts like yourself!?

    ?You wanted it and I will give you more,? Tasha growled, slowly peeling off her sports bra to stand before Erika topless. ?I?ll show you there?s no woman on earth who can outclass your white body the way I can.?

    Erika stared at her, almost unbelieving, it seemed. Then her face hardened and she too stripped her top away, then went Tasha one better, kicking off her shoes and leaning down to slowly peel her yoga pants off and toss them into the grass. Tasha matched her, stripping her own pants off until both women stood magnificently nude in the shadow of the highway and their two stopped cars. ?I will finish you once and for all and you know where this will be settled,? Erika whispered. She opened the rear SUV door to reveal a spacious back seat, easing herself inside, still facing Tasha as the black woman, cat-like, followed her, both women cautiously gauging their surroundings and positions against one another.

    ?Bare cunts,? Tasha breathed quietly as the two settled down on the seat cushions, easing their breasts back into hot contact once more as they stretched out on their sides, chests, bellies, and soon pelvises pressed against one another. Tasha lifted her left knee toward the ceiling while Erika mirrored her, raising her right thigh as the two women maneuvered their hips and cunts into close contact, each spreading her thighs as wide as possible in the confines of the back seat, opening each other?s cunts to each other, vulva and labia together in an exercise in vulnerability.

    Erika?s blue eyes seared into Tasha?s brown ones as her body silently caressed and pressed into Tasha?s and the two women measured their most intimate, inflamed regions gently against one another, silently exploring, gauging, touching flesh to flesh. ?Bare clits,? Erika whispered threateningly.

    ?Bare clits,? Tasha agreed. ?If you?re willing to match up against a clit that?s longer and harder than yours.?

    ?In your wildest dreams you haven?t a clit to match mine for length or strength, you cheap black bitch. No matter that yours is as pink as mine is.?

    Tasha probed Erika?s cunt, both girls wincing as their pubes nestled. She was impressed by the thickness of Erika?s vulva, no doubt, and the dense, slick flesh of her labia already sliding against Tasha?s pinkness. Already the two women began to thrust and tease gently, each looking to goad her opponent?s engorged clit out into the open for battle.

    As she pressed her sex more fully against Erika?s, Tasha flexed her kegel muscles, squeezing the blonde?s vulva briefly between her own. She hadn?t forgotten their dildo gripping contest, supposedly Erika?s proof that her cunt was stronger than Tasha?s. ?I could crush your cunt,? she whispered, before Erika?s pussy flexed with equal strength against hers, getting Tasha?s vulva in a slippery pinch before releasing.

    ?I?d crush yours first,? Erika responded.

    ?Then after I?m through with you I?ll find the fucking bitch you were with tonight and finish her too,? Tasha promised. The threat added the final bit of arousal necessary to tease both her own and Erika?s clits out of hiding?she felt the blonde?s erect, slick sex horn flicking out of its nest of flesh centimeters from her own.

    ?You?ll have to finish me first, whore.? Erika?s mouth moved forward and crushed against Tasha?s, the two women?s tongues clashing just as their clits moved into close, intimate contact. Tasha gasped against Erika?s tongue as she felt the blonde?s aroused clit slash and wrestle against her own, and her dark buns flexed as she propelled her own stiff clit back against the blonde?s. The two women moaned as the clit duel slowly accelerated, friction against friction, slickness against slickness and stiffness against stiffness in an intimate fencing match, both women matching each other thrust for thrust and slash for slash. Tasha groaned and trembled, focusing on a microscopic level as she measured her hard clit against Erika?s and probed the enemy sex horn for weakness and sensitivity. Every thrust of Erika?s clit against her own was like a lightning bolt delivered directly into her cunt, but she felt and heard the blonde twitch and hiss with every attack Tasha launched against her fierce, stiff little weapon too. The battle was even, and it raged on with both women?s bodies becoming drenched in sweat, steam rising from their smooth, supple, glistening skin as they dueled, mouths sealed against one another while their hot tongues waged their own erotic war, both women almost strangling one another as they licked and sucked against hot, raw lips.

    Tasha had never believed her war with Erika would go this far. Somehow despite every brutal, violent, bone crushing battle they had waged, this muffled skirmish in the back of a car seat seemed more desperate, more grueling. They held one another closely, tears streaming from their eyes as they still glared at each other at close range, breasts still pressing, mushrooming against one another, nipples still stabbing and scraping together unbearably, while their asses danced and pelvises twitched as each woman pressed and adjusted her pussy position to allow for the most intimate, teasing contact. And clit jabbed, stabbed, slashed and bent against clit with Tasha and Erika squealing and moaning at every exquisite attack.

    Tasha?s body was in agony but she never dared back down from Erika. She knew the blonde must be experiencing the same pain but the arrogant white bitch kept her clit pressed tightly against Tasha?s as both women stroked their tongues into and out of each other?s hot mouths, striving to overwhelm her enemy with pure erotic force. Tasha felt herself come in a tidal wave of awful pleasure, then felt Erika writhing violently against her as she too came violently. But the war raged on, spent clits still flicking against each other, now producing as much pain as pleasure. Tasha held Erika close, her soaked tits sliding slickly against the blonde?s sweat-drenched boobs, moaning against her mouth. Finally the two women released their hot, hateful kiss, withdrawing tongues and pressing cheek to cheek, making one last, desperate attempt to force their bodies closer together, match every inch of flesh against her enemy?s.

    Erika?s flaccid clit ground against Tasha?s softened organ, still with enough friction to force waves of agonized arousal out of the black woman?s body. She wanted to scream, but both women simply moaned as they pounded the final atoms of sexual resistance out of each other.

    They rested, gasping and moaning, for what seemed like an hour, flesh glued together by drying sweat and sexual fluids, and then, finally, bitterly, the two women peeled themselves away from each other, regarding each other sullenly, hatefully in the night. There were no victors here.

    Tasha held Erika?s silent stare for what seemed like more endless hours, each woman returning the other?s hate, before the black woman slowly crawled free of the car, silently gathering her clothes, donning them sullenly. She did not look back as she got back into her car and drove away.

    Erika?s eyes surveyed the expanse of the back seat, her own nakedness. ?This is getting out of control.? she mumbled as she struggled to get herself together and head home. Looking forward to recovering from one of the most bizarre and exciting nights of her life.


    - - - Updated - - -


    Something Missing - Part 40


    Something was missing, but that wasn?t a bad thing really.

    Erika was exhausted, even after a refreshing shower, the warm robe only made her long for sleep all the more, and rightfully so, it was around 2a.m. in the morning. A hard workout at the gym, followed by a grueling duel with Carrie, only to end up getting fucked by Tasha in the back seat of her own car. She shifted uncomfortably on the bed, sitting upright with her back resting against the headboard, her right hand gently held a cold compress on her crotch. Her muscles and tendons would be suffering for days to come. But what was missing was the lack of several other things that really caught her attention; ?No bite marks, no scratches, no bruises, or bruised knuckles, and no blood.? These were all the usual telltale signs after a typical fight she had come to expect. Carrie was a different breed of woman, and Erika appreciated that, but also found herself intimidated by those very characteristics. There was also something different in how Tasha seemed to act tonight, ?Or maybe I?ve overlooked it all along?? the Blonde doubted herself on so many levels now she wasn?t sure where to begin.

    The Redhead had a quiet but intense nature, and that affected Erika on a very intimate level she wasn?t used to. After her loss earlier in the evening to Carrie, Erika now felt a different kind of humiliation and defeat that she also wasn?t used to.

    ?A slight adjustment.? and once again told herself that while Carrie was a different type of woman than Tasha, they both ?Preyed on my arrogance.? Erika was not above admitting she was a very conceited and cocky woman. It was a part of her personality she actually liked. What she enjoyed even more was thinking about humiliating that Redhead in ways she probably never dreamed of.

    Her eyelids closed on their own now, even exciting thoughts of the amazing fuck fight that Tasha had given her later in the evening wasn?t enough to keep her awake. ?Best sex of my life.? she mumbled while allowing her body to roll off to the left into the soft pillows. ?Best sex of my life?, that had to mean something, but that final thought tumbled away into her subconscious as sleep never felt so welcome.


    Carrie was amused when Erika was absent from the Gym for a few days, she wasn?t absolutely sure, but suspected their contest had Erika still nursing some sore muscles, and pride. ?Maybe for the better? since the Redhead spent the days after her contest with Erika in a haze, unable to concentrate?anxious, disturbed, excited?seeing the world, and her little world of the gym, in a new and unsettling way. Carrie wondered if the tall Blonde had ever been dominated in a confrontation like that before. The Blonde?s natural arrogance and hostility made her seem undefeatable, and she had clearly been stunned when Carrie had won out in their contest of strength.

    Carrie was stunned herself at how far she?d taken the contest. She knew enough about the operations of the gym to assure herself that no one could possibly find out about her confrontation with Erika. She was proud that she had executed the encounter on her terms?but a little shocked at herself that she?d stripped nude in front of Erika, that the two women had brazenly displayed their naked bodies to each other before settling their test of strength. There was no denying the sexual element that had added to the confrontation, and Carrie wasn?t quite sure why it had seemed so inevitable that they settle their differences that way. Yes, she had seen Erika and Tasha fighting nude?but to risk her job by dipping into that cesspool herself?it wasn?t like her.

    She had changed. She was bursting with pride that she had triumphed over this striking, Amazon bully, even if it hadn?t been an all-out fight. She had taught Erika humility and she had a feeling very few women had done that to the Blonde. Her nerves still felt raw from the encounter, although her well-trained muscles had already shaken off their soreness. She knew she had not seen the last of Erika. The Blonde might be off licking her wounds, she might be too ashamed to show her face right now?but she would be back, and Carrie knew she would have to be prepared the next time to meet Erika on the Blonde?s terms. Would she be ready for that?

    Carrie strolled confidently across the gym?s large workout floor, full of men and women lifting weights, striding on treadmills or cross trainers, stretching and sweating. Her snug outfit of yoga pants and a midriff-revealing, cleavage-baring top pushed the limit for what was allowed for the staff at the gym but Carrie had gotten away with it for a while now. She had gotten a few negative comments from supervisors at first, but even they could see that it benefited the gym to show staff members that were in fantastic shape like Carrie. Her creamy abs rippled, toned biceps gleamed, and her taut buns pulsed confidently as she strode the floor, and her striking red hair and bright blue eyes drew plenty of looks from both men and women. Showing off her supple, bulging cleavage was really pushing it?the size and appeal of her breasts had nothing to do with how in shape she was, that was purely good genes and she knew it. But it was part of the whole package and she took pride in showing off her superb chest. She had a redhead?s marble-like, beautifully creamy skin, and that made her slightly quivering cleavage all the more dazzling.

    There were plenty of obvious boob jobs in the gym?it often seemed like the more women got into bodybuilding, and especially those that took it far enough to compete and probably get into steroids, the more they needed to enhance their busts. That only raised the cache of women with real boobs, especially women as fit as Carrie.

    Her gaze fixed on another tall, athletic woman walking toward her?Kristin, the other lead yoga instructor and trainer at the gym. She had brown eyes, pale skin like Carrie?s, long dark hair, and a whiskey-soaked, provocative voice. Like Carrie, Kristin showed off her supple abs and cleavage. Carrie liked to think she had pushed Kristin into the display. They had been competitive ever since they?d been hired by the gym, each trying to outdo the other in terms of filling their classes and appointments, and both women knew that looking their best, their hottest on the gym floor was the key to getting ahead. It got them more customers?but Carrie knew she decked herself out almost as much to put it to Kristin as to get ahead at her job. Over the past year their relationship had gotten more and more catty and it had now devolved into a silent, simmering feud.

    She watched Kristin?s creamy boobs quiver as the brunette approached; their eyes met and both women?s lips curled slightly in a derisive sneer, their glances flicking up and down each other?s bodies, measuring and comparing. In a second Kristin was past and Carrie turned briefly?both women caught each other checking out each other?s asses before they snapped their attention back to the walk in front of them.

    Kristin felt a glow as she realized she now felt far less intimidated by the brunette. Her contest with Erika had changed everything. As her feud with Kristin had developed, she had always toyed with confronting the other yoga instructor in private somewhere, but had never dared push things in that direction. There was too much chance one or both of them would get fired if anything happened and she didn?t want Kristin to have anything on her that she could use against her. Obviously a real fight was out of the question?Carrie had never even considered such a thing anyway. At worst she?d been itching to exchange a few choice words with the brunette. But now she wondered if she might lure her into a situation where she could demonstrate which one of them was really stronger, who had more endurance. Something that would leave no marks, she thought wickedly.

    ?Excuse me.?

    Carrie felt a warm grip on her arm and turned to see strong, dark fingers on her bicep. Instinctively she pulled her arm free and turned, half glaring, half smiling politely into the face of a striking black woman almost as tall as Carrie. The warm glow she?d been feeling turned instantly to a cold chill as she faced Tasha. Almost without thinking her eyes flashed down the dark-skinned woman?s figure, hotly displayed in a pair of blue yoga pants and a tight blue sports bra that showed off the other woman?s gleaming, dark chocolate-colored cleavage. Below the heavy burden of her top, Tasha?s smooth, toned stomach showed off flat, powerful abdominal muscles and a large, dark navel. Her pelvis flared sexily in her skintight yoga pants, sleek and muscular. It was almost a trend at the gym to show off lavish ?booty??some of the women even looked like they had implants there, which Carrie always found silly. But Tasha didn?t have the usual ?junk in the trunk??her pelvis was womanly, her butt magnificently toned and sexy, but athletically so?just like Carrie?s.

    Carrie finished her microsecond mental inventory and met Tasha?s eyes, matching the other woman?s fixed, strained smile. However beautiful Tasha was, the situation was dangerous. She still wasn?t sure what she had stepped in by tipping off Erika and Tasha that she knew about their ?activities??and she had no idea if Tasha knew about what had happened between Carrie and Erika. But it was obvious Erika and Tasha had an intense, undefinable relationship.

    ?Carrie?? The Spanish beauty half sneered, the name was surrounded with contempt. There was no hiding it, in fact Tasha tactfully allowed some unpleasantness to slip thru.

    ?Yes?Tasha, right? How are you?? It sounded stupid, but she didn?t know what else to say.

    ?I?m very well,? Tasha said with an ongoing undercurrent of something Carrie couldn?t put her finger on. ?I?m very well. But I have a question for you.?

    Carrie glanced around the gym for a second, wondering where this was going. ?Sure, go ahead.?

    ?I just wanted to know if I might join your little yoga class. I?ve heard there?s an opening or two.?

    The two women stared at each other for an uncomfortable second as Carrie gauged those last few words. It seemed like a clear reference to Erika?s attendance at her last class.

    ?Actually my last few slots were filled, I?m sorry,? Carrie said. ?It?s a very popular class.?

    ?Oh if you?re teaching it I have no doubt of that,? Tasha said, looking Carrie up and down. Carrie squirmed a little, again unsure how to read the Spanish woman?s tone. Jealous? Hostile? Sexual? It seemed a mix of all three. ?Things do seem very competitive around here,? Tasha continued, glancing around the gym at the other hot bodies in workout gear, her gaze finally settling on Kristin as the brunette consulted with another young woman. ?Almost seems cutthroat sometimes, all these strong, athletic women strutting their stuff around each other. You know how girls can get sometimes.?

    Carrie almost brushed off the comment, then found herself saying, ?It can get a little aggressive. Girls will be girls.?

    ?Ever get in any trouble with people pushing your buttons?? Tasha asked coolly. ?You being a ginger and all?I?ve always heard women like you have anger issues.? Tasha stared at Carrie, letting the comment sink in. Carrie looked the dark-skinned woman over. What was she playing at? Carrie wasn?t a bigot?she worked with men and women of every stripe at her job. But she hadn?t had another woman call her a ?ginger? since high school.

    ?Well that?s funny,? she said, again speaking almost without thinking. ?You?re a black girl, I?ve always heard you ?sisters? are the ones who have problems keeping your tempers.? She had kept her voice low and now Tasha responded in a low, sexy growl, both women pitching their voices so the other people milling about the gym wouldn?t be able to hear.

    ?Let?s just say we?re serious about our ?turf.? We know what?s ours and we know how to keep it.? The Spanish woman took a leisurely glance around the gym before returning to lock eyes with Carrie. ?Sure you haven?t had anyone join your class recently? Any tall, athletic blondes??

    Carrie?s throat went dry as the tension between her and the black woman ratcheted up. ?Like I said, my class is full.?

    Tasha was eyeing the Redhead as she abruptly walked away. She wasn?t even sure what she was looking for, but felt confident ?her message? had been received loud-and-clear.


    Erika spun the dial on her lock, she was looking forward to the workout tonight. It was in Tasha?s nature to be direct, to ?call it? as she ?she saw it?. They had exchanged curt emails, and Erika asked for some time to sort things out.

    It meant something to Tasha that Erika had asked for a break, instead of demanding it in a belittling, condescending way. Maybe something was changing? So she gave the Blonde some space. It served Tasha just as well, she had to get her own life?s priorities sorted out.

    Erika?s jaw flexed a little, getting more angry with herself for avoiding the beautiful Spanish Woman, but she had to keep things under control. Control? ?Really, the word sounded absurd now?. Dealing with Carrie and Tasha was becoming a maddening effort. That familiar hostility was there, as was the conflicting sexual attraction she had with the Spanish beauty. But she needed to deal with Carrie first. That was a bitter loss for Erika to take and wanted revenge on that Redhead.

    ?Fate is cruel.? Erika thought when she saw the Redhead only moments later. Carrie had this radiant expression on her face as she talked with people as they left her Yoga class. A glance, probably just one of many, finally caught Erika?s eye and as the two women fixated on one another from a significance distance across the gym.

    Carrie let a faint smirk slip out, on purpose. That was enough, and suddenly she saw Erika walking toward her. ?Here it comes.? she thought, her heart racing with anticipation. This would be their first ?talk?, assuming that?s what the Blonde had in mind. ?She might haul off and deck me.? Carrie worried for a second.

    ?I haven?t seen you in class recently.? Carrie smiled a little. Erika seemed to smile a little herself, but it was forced. Both women looked like they had been through healthy workouts. Carrie?s tight fitting pants and top accented the curves of her fit body. Erika?s attire was more modest but showed a healthy amount of skin, although she was in loose shorts and a tee shirt.

    ?Let?s you and I have a drink. Tonight.? Erika got right to the point.

    ?You can always be counted on to be direct.? Carrie smirked.

    Erika narrowed her eyes and was no longer smiling.


    Tasha mouthed the words silently ?Fucking Bitch.? as she eyed Erika from good distance across the gym. She was on her way out, or had been. But seeing the two of them was like walking into an invisible wall, and then getting punched in the gut. Mass confusion swirled around inside her body and mind, like some jealous monster created from feelings of betrayal and anger all mixed together.

    The Spanish Beauty was furious, she felt righteous indignation coursing thru her veins.
    ?First I?m going to beat the crap out of Erika.?
    ?Then I?m going to kick the crap out of that Redheaded cunt.?
    ?And I?m going to do it right now!?

    Of course she didn?t move. Physically attacking someone in a crowded Gym would come across as being crazy. Police would be called and a lot of explaining would have to be done. ?It would be worth it.? An equally crazy voice called out in her head and Tasha smirked at the image of her kicking the crap out both of those Women. It felt very satisfying to image the carnage. Her fingers clinched at the strap of her gym bag and imagined wringing the crap out of the Blonde?s neck. By sheer force she moved once again toward the exit, thinking about not what she had to do, but what she wanted to do. One thing was abundantly clear, Carrie either totally disregarded Tasha's warning, or, and this part really annoyed Tasha, it served only to make the Redhead even more determined to go after Erika. 'Fuck' she should have known, 'Those stupid veiled threats never work.' Which left only one other option when the time for 'talk' is over.

    Thoughts of dominating and humilating that tall, creamy skinned redhead gave Tasha some peace on the drive home. Maybe she was fooling herself, but she also felt foolish for turning into a raging jealous Bitch moments ago at the Gym. Sometimes she doesn?t even recognize the girl she used to be before meeting Erika. Was that a good thing? or bad thing? Did she know or care enough to even tell the difference anymore.


    Carrie pulled the brush thru her long Red hair as she ran the hair dryer along the strands. She was simply going thru the motions, she was a nervous wreck, not because of the run-in with Tasha earlier, if anything that only spurned her on even more. It also was not because of the upcoming drink she had agreed to have with Erika tonight, what had her totally on the verge of a panic attack occurred just moments ago. Erika had put on one hell of a show, flaunting her tall, strong body for Carrie to see, stripping down totally nude, walking by her so their bodies barely grazed on her way toward the showers. Carrie was shortly behind her and thanked God the showers had partitions. The thought of the Blonde being right next to her, naked and wet, was having an effect on Carrie she wasn?t anticipating, her hands reached up and cupped her full breasts, ?What if I simply walked in and grabbed her?? That?s what she wanted to do, desperately, to feel their bodies press against one another, possibly as lovers. An intense duel inside the shower had her head spinning, but what kind of fight?

    ?This is insanity. I've already fought her nude! Have I no decency left? To become so unraveled around this Blonde!?
    She wrapped the cord around her small compact dryer, tucked it in her bag, but was startled from her day dreaming.

    ?I?m looking forward to tonight.? Erika smirked, now standing next to Carrie in front of the mirror, running a brush thru her own long Blonde hair. Except in this case, Erika was standing next to her, still totally nude, and partially wet. Her strong arms, and shoulders flexing as she worked the brush along the back and sides of her head. Her large breasts, ever perfect, liked the rest of her, moved only slightly. Carrie was already dressed and thankful for that fact, she was becoming a nervous wreck as the seconds ticked by and even began to second guess having a drink with this Blonde.

    ?You okay?? Erika stopped brushing her head and turned toward Carrie. She was fucking with the Redhead, and would keep fucking with her as long as it seemed like it was working. She now had her answer, Carrie wanted to fuck her, ?Of course she does, all men and women want to fuck me.? Erika thought amusingly.

    Because of the lack of privacy, Carrie kept her response short, ?I?ll be waiting out in the lobby.?

    ?Great, I?ll be right out.?

    The stare lingered between the two, and it would have remained that way as the two women studied each other. Eye to Eye. Carrie disengaged first, she didn?t care if she came off the weaker, she knew full well that mind games were underway and was thankful to have a few minutes to organize her thoughts in the lobby.


    She didn?t have much time to herself. Carrie was somewhat of a social butterfly at the Gym and people coming and going would stop to chat with her, she found the chatting to be extremely irritating which threw ?her game? off even more, she never felt irritated talking with friends and people she taught Yoga to.

    Everything was planned out, and everything fell into place when her duel went down with Erika that night. Like it was meant to happen. But now she had no plan, no Act-two to follow up with now. She knew the Blonde would come right at her if she lost, and she did, but Carrie was also hoping something else would also fall into place, another plan? ?Maybe that will come over drinks??

    ?What ever you do?.?

    The thought vanished and Carrie?s brain exploded into a million fragments when she saw the Blonde striding out of the Women?s locker room. Her long flowing Blonde hair, tall, shoulders square, and radiant looking. She had on knee high black boots, a short gray skirt and a loose fitting tan blouse, but it was low cut in the front showing off a lot of cleavage. Quickly Carrie tried to reassemble those broken thoughts and pull on a mask of cool complacency, she just barely managed. ??..just keep your wits about you and don?t agree to anything you know you can?t handle.?

    ?You ready?? Erika stepped right up into Carrie?s face and that?s when both women felt it, a competitive, sexual rush between them that needed immediate attention. Would it be tonight? Erika wondered, Maybe not. But seeing this gorgeous creature, with her long flowing Red river of hair, and even longer, strong body made the Blonde?s most inner private parts twitch with pleasure.

    ?Always ready.? Carrie full pink lips smiled back.


    Coming Together - Part 41


    The Wine Bar was only half a mile down the street from the Gym, and it was Carrie?s idea. The Redhead even offered to drive them both there. She made it as a nice gesture, but also felt like it gave her some control over the situation which she desperately needed. Maybe the real desire was to control her own emotions. Yoga had given her balance in her life. ?But ever since I stumbled upon Erika and Tasha locked-up I an intense wrestling match??.? her thoughts strayed again, she glanced over to the passenger sitting next to her. Nothing seemed complete or at peace in her life now.

    The Bar was a cozy environment of dark wood paneling, a long, very long, bar with row upon row of wine bottles displayed prominently along the back wall. Male and Female eyes followed them as the Hostess took them to a private table near the back.

    ?So, this is nice, I?m glad you suggested a drink.? Carrie settled in her chair. She wanted to sound accommodating and relaxed, she thought she sounded that way.

    ?I?m glad you suggested this place. But you might not be so glad, after we are done talking.? Erika gave an unfriendly glare at the girl across from her.

    ?So, how are you feeling? A little sore?? Carrie instantly threw a comment back into the Blonde?s face, looking up from the menu, making sure the jab resonated with the Blonde.

    ?Just fine. I recover quickly.? Erika smiled, but looked down at the menu, evading the Redhead?s eyes.

    ?Let?s talk about something pleasant, just thru the first glass of wine, then we can get down to business.? Carrie leaned forward as she spoke. Letting her own cleavage show for Erika?s entertainment.

    ?Sounds good.? Erika spoke confidently, but she was leading a double life now, which wasn?t an easy task. She knew Tasha and Carrie walked that same line, enjoying this new private side of their lives, but still maintaining that air of decency and normalcy most everyone expects.

    Carrie was trying to hate Erika, but it wasn?t easy. ?True she was an arrogant, condescending woman, but then again so am I. That and the fact that I already have one victory over her helps.? She smiled at that thought, and looked up to see the Blonde smiling right back at her, as if her mind was an open book.

    Erika sighed and set her glass down, ?Close enough.? referring to the nearly empty contents and eager to get down to what she really wanted to talk about. ?Not that I don?t enjoy your company, I do. But you need to know that what happened the other night, will never happen again.?

    Carrie leaned back in her seat and seemed surprised, ?I intimidate you that much??

    A slight chuckle came out from Erika?s throat and she shook her head ?No?. ?You ever winning another contest between us. ?That? is what I am talking about.?

    ?That self assurance didn?t seem to carry over the other night.? Carrie felt the calm leave her body. She was annoyed, and rightly so. How and why this Blonde was able to get under her skin was more perplexing then every before.

    ?Any time, any place, and I guarantee the outcome will be different. You won?t have the benefit of my exhaustion to count on.? Erika sat up a little, her cheeks blushed with a little anger. The blushing was always something she tried to conceal, but it was a futile effort and decided it was a good way to let those around her know when she was pissed.

    Carrie tried to give Erika a bored look and raised the glass of wine to her lips, sipping it in a lazy manner, maybe she was contemplating what Erika had just said, maybe not. ?I would never thought you would be one for making excuses. You should accept your loss like a Woman, and move on.?

    ?Fine,? Erika was now getting truly angry, ?Then lets you and I do that contest again.?

    ?No.? Carrie said flatly and firmly, in such an non-emotional way that Erika was caught off guard.

    ?No?? Erika truly couldn?t believe her ears.

    ?No. I already won that contest, pick another.? Carrie smiled a little, watching how annoyed the Blonde was getting. She was liking this form of bantering, it excited her and Carrie felt her body become more aroused by the second.

    Truly, Erika was furious, her left foot twitched under the table as she tried to control her impulses. She crossed her left leg over the right to try and reign in her twitching.

    ?I understand you feel the need for redemption, but a win, is a win.? With grace and cat like skills, Carrie placed the empty glass down on the table just as the waiter showed up to pour more wine.

    ?Okay.? Erika leaned forward, resting her forearms on the table, almost seething the words out from between her lips, ?Since you won, you pick the next challenge.?

    Carrie leaned forward placing her elbows on the table, similar to Erika?s. She tilted her head a little to the right and let her eyes casually roam up toward the ceiling as if in deep thought. The Blonde was not at all amused by this, evident by how her fingernails began to clutch at the fine linen table cloth.

    ?Let me see. I think it should be?..? Carrie?s eyes refocused back on the Blue eyes of the woman across from her, ??..something that really pushes everything we could possibly endure. A real test utilizing every part of our amazing bodies.?

    Erika wasn?t expecting her anger to diffuse so quickly, but the way Carrie was speaking in such a soft, sensual tone rippled excitement up the Blonde?s spine. She was already turned on, but now with her anger subsiding some, she was getting very ?wet? thinking about the numerous possibilities here.

    ?You up for the challenge?? Carrie wet her lips, lightly rubbing them together in a manner that was like an invitation for a kiss.

    ?Keep talking.? Erika breathed out her response. She let her chest rise and fall with anticipation, she wanted Carrie to see her womanly lust, and know, that she was going to come at her with everything she had.

    ?You and I. Something very basic, but a time tested ritual that is sure to bring us closer together.?

    Erika?s face seemed to light up with anticipation.

    ?Wrestling.? But the Redhead quickly added, ?But no submission holds. This will be a test of endurance, who can outlast the other, we keep going until one of us verbally submits from sheer exhaustion.?

    Erika seemed to mull the idea over, holding back her own response. Of course she would agree to this.

    The Blonde glanced up mischievously, ?Nude??. Knowing that it seemed to be a sensitive area for the Redhead.

    ?Of course.? Carrie blushed, ?Unless you object.? She tried to hide the excitement that filled her body, but it was a futile effort.

    ?Not at all.?

    ?And, covered in oil.? Carrie timed the last word perfectly as she brought the tip of the wine glass up to her lips. She studied Erika?s expression and body language as she sipped on the cool alcohol.

    ?Oil?? Erika didn?t know why she blurted the word out, and yes, it caught her off guard. She was a little uncomfortable now, maybe because she was so accustom to Tasha sitting across from her, or perhaps it was how easy this conversation flowed. With Tasha there was always a large degree of back and forth verbal battling that led up to some physical confrontation.

    ?Body Oil, I know your a skilled grappler, it will make for a great equalizer.?

    ?I?m way more than a skilled grappler.? Erika taunted sipping her own wine.

    ?Oh I hope so.? Carrie smiled lustfully. ?Because I know I can outlast you at anything. Now, I named what we will be doing, you can pick the place and time.?

    ?I know the perfect place, and time.? Erika smiled devilishly.


    Resistance - Part 42


    ?You and I need some private time together. Right now.? Oh yes, Tasha made sure her look, tone and stance conveyed that this was indeed a very real threat.

    The furious Spanish woman had stepped deep into Carrie?s private space, her dark hands on her hips as she struck an aggressive pose, brazenly displaying her body, chest thrust out and dangerously near Carrie?s own heavy, intimidating chest.

    Carrie realized that she had arched her back and slowly shoved her breasts forward bit, a natural reaction to Tasha?s abrasive, intimate, and sudden presence. She glanced down at the Spanish woman?s lush bust, her flawless chocolate skin and the two dense orbs of dark flesh pointed at her own creamy, throbbing boobs. Her breasts were reacting vividly to the presence of Tasha?s dark boobs: she could feel them flushing with blood, stiffening in excitement as she could almost feel the warmth of the Spanish woman?s dominating bosom, now mere inch away from her own.

    Carrie?s glance moved from Tasha?s bust to the black woman?s intense, dark eyes. She wondered if anyone else on the floor noticed the two tall women facing each other intently.

    ?Just what sort of private time?? Carrie asked remaining calm, and aloof. In truth she was irritated by the fact that this was the second-time Tasha had approached her in the gym, out in the open. Running on treadmills, stair-machines, whatever, people always tried to look busy but the gym was an area where the art of discrete observation was practiced. And if you were two tall, beautiful women, standing face-to-face, it would be noticed. Tasha knew this, Carrie knew this, and soon both wondered if Erika was also around, lurking, taking notice. ?Maybe that was Tasha?s plan? the redhead wondered.

    Tasha glanced down at Carrie?s creamy cleavage, her dark fingers and red nails suddenly probed forward to touch Carrie?s bare abs, her claws gently but thrillingly scraping Carrie?s bare skin as the redhead?s belly tensed at the touch. ?I wonder how your fine abs would match up against my own.? She glanced down past the standoff between her and Carrie?s breasts.

    An electric tingle ran up along Carrie?s body and she nervously glanced around the gym, and made a decision. ?So your looking for a quick one-on-one lesson then?? she said, nodding across the floor to the management offices. She was fed up with the Spanish?s demanding tone, attitude, and her daringness to touch her in the open like this. Perhaps it was her upcoming contest with Erika that had her female juices already riled up, but whatever, she was willing to put this spunky Spanish girl down as well.

    ?There?s a lesson to be learned here, for sure.? Tasha said quietly.

    The two women strode across the gym in silence, Carrie furtively checking out Tasha?s body as the black girl walked confidently alongside her, occasionally matching keen glances with the Redhead. Whatever Tasha wanted needed to be contained before she embarrassed Carrie or worse. The Spanish girl was pushing things and was not to be denied, and Carrie frankly was unsure whether she wanted to put a stop to this interaction or push it even farther. What would Erika think if she saw her talking to Tasha? And how would she react if anything happened between them? She found her heart pounding as she passed the office work desks with Tasha in tow, briefly explaining that she had a client appointment before walking into her office with Tasha behind her.

    As Tasha entered Carrie closed the door and the Spanish woman turned to face her, hands returning to her hips as she brazenly put her curves on display, abs flexing as she pivoted her pelvis into a cocksure, aggressive pose, her breasts thrust out blatantly. Carrie tried to retain at least a little professionalism as she faced Tasha, but she couldn?t help placing her own hands on her hips and matching the Spanish woman?s pose subtly. The smell of Tasha?s perfume, the hint of woman-sweat from the Spanish girl?s workout, and the warmth of their two bodies filling the little office was dizzying.
    Carrie stepped forward, glaring at Tasha challengingly. She felt determined to change the balance of this encounter and take back control, but she had to temper her urge to get directly in Tasha?s face. The Spanish girl?s tits were like magnets drawing Carrie?s creamy pair forward, and she had to hold herself back from the urge to push her quivering pair right up against those black boobs. She had seen that dark body nude at least briefly and knew Tasha?s nipples were black, long and thick, her aureoles apricot-sized, dark targets that would contrast wildly with Carrie?s Tasha red nipples?if she let them.

    Carrie reached out and touched Tasha?s supple, warm stomach and felt the abdominal muscles coiling under her fingers. Her nails weren?t as long as Tasha?s but she managed to scrape the dark girl?s skin lightly as she spoke. ?Nice, but you need some more work.?

    Tasha instantly retaliated, again dragging her nails against Carrie?s firm stomach muscles. ?Maybe I can help you firm up this pasty belly too,? she said. Without warning her hand slipped back, brushing Carrie?s bare flanks and making the redhead shiver before reaching down to grip her left ass cheek and giving it a firm, explorative squeeze. ?Of course I?m really interested in seeing if I can match these toned buns of yours.? Her dark fingers splayed to grip more of Carrie?s ass and the Redhead?s eyes narrowed as she flexed her buttock muscles under Tasha?s fingers, showing off proudly while she let the black woman feel her out.

    ?It?s common knowledge I have the best ass in the gym,? Carrie said as she stared challengingly into Tasha?s dark eyes. She slid her fingers down and around Tasha?s midriff, her fingers lingering on the enticing, deliciously smooth black flesh before reaching back to sink her fingers into Tasha?s meaty, muscular ass in retaliation. ?Yours is certainly toned and sexy. You don?t go in for that big black ass look, do you??

    ?I find I have to keep my butt under control in order to compete with skinny white women,? Tasha purred back. ?It drives them crazy to see a black ass as toned and firm as their creamy white ones.?

    Both women eyed each other for a moment in silence as they felt each other?s abs and asses, and Carrie let her expression harden with contempt as Tasha?s face grew equally hateful. It was all too clear the black woman had come here to settle things, Carrie had dared to mess with Tasha?s ?woman? Erika?but neither woman yet dared to put their cards on the table and in honesty Carrie was getting a sick enjoyment from this twisted little game.

    ?I think you?ve got a little ways to go before you can match your ass against the best white ones out there,? Carrie sneered.

    ?Oh I?m not concerned,? Tasha said, giving Carrie?s ass cheek a long, firm squeeze. ?If you?re the top of the line the competition must not be too fierce where firm, hot buns are concerned.?

    Carrie glared down at Tasha?s brown cleavage and her own creamy cleavage facing it. Her nipples were hard and throbbing now, tenting the material of her top, and Tasha?s were matching them as they hardened into long erections, threatening hers from barely an inch away.

    ?I wasn?t aware it was a competition,? Carrie said, ?But if it really came down to it I doubt yours could compete with mine.?
    ?And I seriously doubt yours could handle mine in direct competition, muscle to muscle,? Tasha purred. ?I guess it?s a good thing for both of us we?re on friendly terms and not fighting tooth and nail.?

    ?Good thing,? Carrie agreed, staring down at Tasha?s bust. ?I?m afraid there?s one area I can?t help you with, though,? she said. There was no point in pretending any longer and if she was going to continue this charade she was going to continue to take the competition directly to Tasha. She brought both hands up and cupped the black woman?s plush, brown mammaries, centering her thumbs on Tasha?s jutting nipples and pressing down on them and eliciting a shiver and a muffled gasp from the black woman as she closed her fingers and felt the limpid, dense breast tissue in her hands, slowly squeezing first one, then the other ripe gland as Tasha squirmed against her. She pressed her forehead against Tasha as she felt her out and continued, ?We don?t do big black tits here unfortunately.?

    Tasha sighed as her hands left Carrie?s ass and abs and reached up to slowly caress and squeeze Carrie?s breasts, giving her exactly the same slow, teasing treatment that Carrie was giving her. Carrie twitched as Tasha?s dark fingers splayed like spiders over her creamy cleavage, her thumbs nudging and plunging into the redhead?s aroused nipples, bending and pressing them back into her aureoles, twisting them in circles as the two women slowly danced against each other. ?I?m not exactly in the market to copy fat, pasty titties like these,? she said, eyeing Carrie?s bulging breasts critically as she squeezed. ?I?ll rate my proud Spanish pair over a Italian girl?s boobs any night of the week.?

    ?I think you?re sadly mistaken from what I?m feeling,? Carrie purred as she continued to squeeze. ?These chocolate knockers just don?t measure up to any white girl?s chest as far as I?m concerned?certainly not mine.?

    ?Then I guess you?re right, it?s a good thing you and I aren?t headed for some kind of competition or fight,? Tasha said, before hissing, ?Because my ?chocolate tits? would beat your whipped cream in just about no time.?

    ?The only thing ?whipped? between our four boobs would be yours,? Carrie retorted as she gripped Tasha?s tits firmly. ?I?m not feeling anything my girls couldn?t crush flat, and I don?t care how black your nipples are.?

    ?Let?s cut the shit,? Tasha growled into Carrie?s face. Her hands left Carrie?s breasts and reached up to grab two handfuls of her long, thick red hair and Carrie instantly responded, letting Tasha?s quivering boobs drop from her hands and gripping the black girl firmly around the waist.

    ?Agreed, I?m sick of this little game,? Carrie snarled, hugging Tasha close and groaning as the bone of contention, their two firm, throbbing bust lines suddenly met full on and for the first time, mushrooming under the material of their sports bras as the four firm glands struggled to arrange themselves in the hot and cramped quarters available between the two athletic women as they pulled each other close together. ?You and I obviously have a problem,? Carrie groaned, bravely grinding her sports top into Tasha?s.

    ?You have a problem, honey,? Tasha growled back against Carrie?s face, her hot, sweet breath assaulting the redhead?s lips. ?I?m your problem and I don?t plan on going away.?

    ?You?re just the sort of problem I?m starting to enjoy,? Carrie breathed, pressing her chin against Tasha?s as she felt the black woman?s silky cleavage bulging over the top of her sports bra to caress the bare, creamy tops of Carrie?s breasts.
    ?A hot and bothered black bitch who doesn?t know when to quit.?

    ?I don?t quit until I dominate white bitches like you,? Tasha snarled against Carrie?s mouth. ?Body to body and breast to breast.?

    Carrie felt her abs tensing against Tasha?s, and the black woman?s hot yoga pants beginning to collide with her own as their pelvises pulsed and tested one another angrily. They had wrestled up against the wall of Carrie?s office now, testing muscle against muscle in a struggle for dominance, panting while they pressed their bulging breasts against one another, each still striving to flatten the other woman?s boobs once and for all. Carrie?s nipples were on fire, almost bursting out of her sports bra as she felt Tasha?s branding iron rods attacking hers, tangling and bending against one another even through the stretch material of their tops. Her nipples ached to get at Tasha?s, to teach them whose were truly stiffer and longer, and Tasha?s nipples seemed to throb in their own eagerness to fight out in the open with Carrie?s.

    She knew this was all over Erika, even though neither woman had spoken the Blonde?s name. And she also knew that this showdown with Tasha had already moved far beyond her contest with Erika. Even though they had stripped nude for their test of strength, Carrie had managed to keep their competition strictly muscular, a formal test of flexibility and stamina. But Tasha had pushed her buttons and torn away any shred of professional discipline she had left in just a few minutes of hot, exchanged words. Carrie already hated the black girl, and wanted nothing more than to defeat and humiliate her now.

    Even as they slowly fought and wrestled, however, Carrie knew this was no simple catfight, and despite her brave words she had never before entered into an all out contest of breasts with another woman. Instinctively she knew how a contest like this must be settled?breasts and nipples were weapons, to be matched head to head until one woman submitted. The pressure of Tasha?s breasts against her own was both painful and wildly erotic, and the more aroused she became the stiffer and more sensitive her nipples became. The stiffer they became, the better weapons they made?but they also became more vulnerable, more abraded, more alive with raw nerve endings as friction and pressure took their tolls.

    As Tasha groaned against her she knew the black woman?s breasts were no less sensitive and vulnerable than hers. That was what was so shocking about this bizarre, intimate contest, she realized. They were attacking some of the most sensitive, delicate parts of each other?s bodies?using those very same sensitive, delicate targets as weapons against their opposites. Every attack produced its own pain and pleasure, while every assault from Tasha against Carrie?s breasts forced moans of agony and arousal from the black girl. How could anyone possibly win this fight? She thought desperately. Yet she hugged Tasha closer, struggled to control the other woman?s squirming body, and Tasha did not retreat, matching every thrust and crush of Carrie?s breasts against hers with another volley of hot, smashing action from her brown, aroused boobs.

    She managed to wrestle Tasha?s back against the wall and began to drag her breasts hotly up and down across Tasha?s bulging globes, both girls hissing as their erect nipples encountered one another, jabbing and twisting briefly together before Carrie?s boobs continued their journey upward or downward. She felt the weight of Tasha?s tits on her own as she pressed them upward until it seemed like the brown glands would explode out of the top of Tasha?s bra, then topped them with her own and pressed the full weight of her firm breasts down onto Tasha?s, crushing the enemy orbs under her own. Soon she had the black girl moaning, and she gladly stabbed her hardened nipples deep into Tasha?s breasts only to be met by equally stiff weapons desperate to match her rubbery stiffness.

    Then Tasha managed to switch their positions, forcing Carrie?s back against the wall now and giving her the same slow, agonizing treatment. She could feel her top being stretched to the limit, loosening its hold on her heavy breasts, and she felt the material of Tasha?s bra too sliding as her bra material caught it again and again. Soon she could feel the bottom of Tasha?s boobs slipping out from the bottom of her sports bra, mushrooms of brown flesh quivering nakedly, while Carrie?s own cherry red aureoles were beginning to peek out of the upper hem of her bra, almost half her breasts exposed over the top of the snug garment.

    Both girls fought desperately now as if sensing their nearness to full exposure, to bursting their rival?s boobs right out of their straining tops. Carrie wrestled close to Tasha, her breath blasting over the black girl?s gaping, panting mouth as she forced her boobs underneath Tasha?s. She hissed as she felt her red nipples pop free and stab into the naked, exposed flesh of Tasha?s emerging boobs underneath her stretched out sports bra. Tasha snarled as Carrie forced her breasts upward, her bare, stiff nipples catching on the bottom of Tasha?s bra and dragging the fabric upward as their breasts ground together hotly, exposing more and more beautiful brown breast tissue even as Carrie felt the top of her bra catching against the fabric of Tasha?s. With a final, upward thrust she managed to yank Tasha?s bra fabric off her glorious brown breasts and felt them tumble free and quiver against her.

    Now it was Tasha?s nipples? turn to catch the loose fabric of Carrie?s sports bra and tug it downward as Carrie?s breasts moved upward. Tasha?s bra material was bunched over the top of her bare breasts while Carrie?s bra gathered around her waist. Her naked nipples found Tasha?s and the two cherry red rods angrily poked and stabbed against their black, erect counterparts, burying themselves in contrasting aureoles as Carrie?s creamy tits now smacked brazenly against Tasha?s dark brown globes.

    ?My chocolate against your cream, you ginger bitch!? Tasha snarled against Carrie?s mouth. ?How does it feel??

    ?You fucking bitch,? Carrie groaned against Tasha?s plush lips. ?Feels like cream fucking chocolate!?

    ?You should have never let me get you alone, you white bitch,? Tasha moaned against Carrie?s mouth. ?I?m going to beat your creamy tits like it?s never been beaten before.?

    Carrie could already feel Tasha?s hot crotch grinding into hers through the fabric of their yoga pants as she wrestled hotly against the black girl. She had never felt flesh as soft and hot, skin as silky and arousing, as Tasha?s. The pressure of her bare tits gliding over Carrie?s, the electric shock of her dark nipples dueling with the redhead?s, the kiss of her chocolate abs caressing Carrie?s was unbearably erotic. This was everything she had suppressed in her confrontation with Erika, and she could feel herself losing control as Tasha held her closer and pressed her pubic mound aggressively into Carrie?s.

    ?Try and beat me,? Carrie gasped, ?You wanted it?you came after me?? She matched Tasha?s pubic thrusts, and for a few moments Tasha?s gasping, desperate breathing matched her own. The two women were well matched in strength, but Tasha was an experienced fighter, and from the naked struggle she?d witnessed between the black girl and Erika, Carrie guessed she was probably experienced in other ways as well.

    ?I wanted you,? Tasha panted, her hungry lips caressing Carrie?s as their breasts continued to smack and squirm against one another. ?And I?ll have you.? With that her soft mouth gripped Carrie?s and before the redhead could react a hot, delicious tongue snaked into her mouth. Her eyes closing, she slowly licked and tasted Tasha?s tongue in retaliation, struggling against the pink invader with her own strong tongue, teeth and lips clashing in a mix of anger and arousal, hate and obsession.

    She felt a flame ignite in her chest, spreading through her breasts, shocking through her nipples to wash through her back and ass as she jerked against Tasha. She felt answering jerks rocking from the Spanish girl?s body as the two women began to sink to the floor in a tangle of sweating, flexing flesh. Tasha gripped Carrie?s wrists and hooked her ankles behind the redhead?s, spreading her out on the floor as she pounded and bucked away at her Italian enemy, both women biting, licking and sucking at each other?s mouths as they continued to expend waves of bitter pleasure until Carrie?s strength was expended completely. She lay at Tasha?s mercy as the Spanish woman sucked slowly and hungrily at her raw lips and tongue.

    Finally Tasha pulled loose with a smack, breathing heavily in exhaustion on top of Carrie as the redhead squirmed slowly underneath the black girl?s body, still twitching in ugly pleasure as Tasha pressed the life out of her.

    ?Now you answer me, miss ginger bitch,? Tasha growled, ?Did you tussle with Erika like this? Did you lay one hand on her??

    Carrie stared up coldly into the eyes of the victress above her. ?That?s between Erika and me.?

    Tasha glared down into Carrie?s eyes as if she would devour the redhead. She released Carrie?s wrists and then slowly closed her fingers around Carrie?s neck, increasing the pressure until breathing started to become difficult. Carrie gripped Tasha?s wrists with enough power almost to break them but Tasha continued her hold, glaring into Carrie?s eyes nose to nose.

    ?Stay away from her,? the black woman growled.

    ?Fuck you,? Carrie said hoarsely. The standoff continued in silence for almost a full minute, both women staring death into each other?s eyes as they lay together on the floor. Finally Tasha released her grip roughly and slowly stood, taking a brief, dominant pose, her brown breasts bared as she stood over Carrie, before purposefully tucking her big tits back into her sports bra.

    ?I will fuck you,? Tasha said quietly. ?I?ll dominate you whenever I please.?

    Before Carrie knew it Tasha was gone, leaving the redhead drained and humiliated on her office floor.

    Carrie admired the view as they hiked up the path, which soon turned into mostly overgrown brush. But mostly she admired the wide, strong shoulders on the Blonde woman she followed, amongst her many other attributes.

    Wherever they were heading Carrie was pleased with the choice, surprised by it, but pleased. There was a calming force that she found being in nature, and thought it odd that someone like Erika would be so comfortable in the open air. But again, her mind began to anticipate what was at the end of this journey. She pictured the Blonde?s pair of heavy melon-solid breasts, her 6-pack abs. Erika was one of the most beautifully muscled women Carrie had ever seen and she now felt her own natural instincts lusting to tangle with this powerful woman once again.

    ?Not far now.? Erika said, but never looked back.

    Carrie considered asking how Tasha and Erika ever found, or thought of, using such a place to ?settle things?, but she didn?t want any distractions, she wanted this afternoon to be about just the two of them. The intimacy of what was about to happen. To achieve such intimacy required trying to block out what happened the other night with Tasha, and the humiliation of being on the receiving end of a loss. The Spanish beauties warning, ?Stay away from her?, only spurned Carrie onward, her anticipation for this match with the Blonde was at a level of excitement she had never known, or experienced, and yes that included all recent events. Her duel with Erika, and sexual grinding with Tasha, were just small steps to what was about to take place. The back of her right hand brushed the sweat off her brow, fingers nervously trembled in that effort.

    Erika couldn?t help but smirk to herself, she smiled sometimes even, knowing the Redhead behind her could not see the expression on her face. She thought about how Carrie must assume that the outdoors was some unifying force, a natural force that drew her to a place like this to fight and duel other women. ?Perhaps some truth to that.? Erika thought, but she wasn?t some Environmentalist, One-with-Nature kind of person. She believed Nature was violent and unmerciful. Only the strong survive. That?s why she loved fighting outdoors. She would fight pretty much anywhere actually, but this always seemed to be ?The most Natural place.? People like Carrie probably saw the beauty of the sunset and sunrise, the gentle way a wind blows thru the trees. Erika considered all of those moments, indeed beautiful, a harsh conflict taking place as all of the elements of nature struggled against one another. Just as she would soon be struggling against Carrie.

    By now Carrie?s mind was playing tricks on her. She wondered if Erika was taunting her by drawing out the seconds. The Blonde was wearing tight shorts, showing off her long legs that were as strongly built as any Olympic runner's, with powerful thighs that tapered down to solid calves and narrow ankles. But Carrie knew her own legs were probably equally as powerful. She didn?t have the same bulk and definition as Erika, but she knew strength was more then muscle mass, and that muscle mass could be a hindrance when it came to endurance. Carrie often prided herself as having the best ass in the gym, but another glance upward and the doubts crept in again, the contours of Erika?s perfectly round ass, sculpted by nature and exercise caused the Redhead to fall into a trance like state, admiring the movement of the Blonde?s backside. ?Amazingly perfect? she thought. A jealous sneer curved up into the corner of her mouth.

    As they entered the clearing Carrie immediately took in the new surroundings, while Erika?s own eyes roved over the curves and crevasses of her Carrie?s own superb muscles, although much more subtle in appearance than her own.

    A lot of communication was taking place between them, just not verbally, something Erika didn?t share with Tasha. With the Spanish woman there was always a lot of loud bantering. With Carrie there more of a lusting dialogue with their eyes, and the posturing, each letting their bodies put on the display whose was the stronger, the better developed woman, who skill set would reign supreme regardless of what challenge lay before them. The undressing of shorts, tank tops, and underwear was a slow taunting process. Carrie was very graceful in everything she did, her balance was amazing. Erika loved showing off her body to the Redhead, and wanted to make the girl envy her, all the while she was mesmerized herself by the deceptions of Carrie?s long legs, arms, firm torso. Just a quick movement would reveal layers of sinewy power under the Redheads perfect, smooth pale skin. Erika was eager to finally humiliate this new upstart, and then, when she was done with her, maybe let Tasha have what was left over. In truth, Erika knew Tasha was a ticking time bomb where Carrie was concerned. Tasha and Erika had an odd possessive relationship, and they both had let the Redhead into their private realm, soon enough Erika and Tasha would have a massive coming-to-terms over the matter. ?I?ll worry about later.? The Blonde Amazon decided with some degree of anxiety, knowing that Tasha, while smaller, was a powerful woman to be taken seriously.


    Erika was pale compared to Tasha of course, who had a deep, Spanish skin tone, but Carrie was far paler then even Erika. The Blonde almost seemed to have a nice tan compared to Red?s fair white skin.

    As agreed upon over dinner several nights ago, each took a bottle of oil from their bags and began to liberally squirt a stream all over their bodies. Erika was wishing at this point she had suggested they oil each other up. A thought that they both shared now. Fingers slid across legs, arms, and chest, each women marveled at their resilient firmness of every part of their bodies.

    The bottles dropped to their sides, almost empty, and quickly forgotten. The moment had come as the two women approached slowly, an excitement building in their eyes as they neared one another. A strange unknown enveloping both as they wondered how the first few seconds would unfold.

    Erika was of course anxious to begin, both women were, ?You have a screw loose to challenge me in a wrestling match, even both of us oiled.? It was the first serious volley of the afternoon and Carrie thought about her response, she wasn?t one to quickly give away something. Carrie?s bright, toothy smile came into view as she stood to her full height, her own broad strong shoulders glistening in the afternoon sun that filtered thru the scattered trees. When Erika only smirked in response Carrie felt a little anger rise up inside of her.

    ?Then let?s embrace, and let our bodies do the talking.? The redhead spoke as she raised her arms up, challenging the woman across from her. Her eager confidence was all the trash talking Carrie felt she needed to do.

    Carrie hands came up higher and noticed Erika?s posture was already rigid with energy, it took all her self control to remain calm knowing the Blonde looked ready to explode toward her. Carrie softened her look and her smile faded slightly.

    Erika was fighting that primal arousal as she blocked out the perfect white skin of her opponent, clean shaven everywhere, both women had made sure the coating of oil covered every inch. The Blonde wanted to attack, to brutally grab and throw Carrie to the ground and crush her, those instincts were ready, the trigger only need be pulled.
    Soon she felt the warm fingers of her opponent lightly touch her finger tips, grazing over the back of her knuckles. The tension in Erika?s belly constricted her abs, making them look chiseled out of wet granite, she was still unstable and ready to pounce.

    Carrie was prepared for the worst sort of attack, but she wasn?t going to be the one that initiated it. She knew she was a strong woman, maybe a match for the Blonde in every area. Maybe more so even. Especially where their endurance was concerned, but for now she wanted to flow like water around the hard edges of her enemy, to draw Erika into her. But the Redhead kept misjudging just how strong her sexual attraction was toward the powerful, big Blonde. And this was giving her doubts about her plans, and abilities.

    The Blonde played along, letting their fingers dabble and explore, rolling over hands and up forearms as they moved slowly, mostly standing, but knees bent, while they cautiously drew one another in closer. Carrie seemed to want this to start off in a very slow manner, Erika decided she was willing to oblige the Red Beauty and play along.

    ?You remember the way back, right?? Erika subtle smile betrayed something mischievous in nature.

    ?I?ll be fine.? Carrie let the remark go, she wasn?t inclined to worry about word games at the moment, she wanted her whole body and mind focused.

    Finger tips left faint trail marks over oiled skin, it seemed to accentuate the heat their bodies were putting off as their hands hand made their way to the other?s biceps, and still, they continued to explore one another almost as gentle lovers. The Blonde was suddenly aware of how sensual her feelings had become, she had indeed miscalculated the effect that the oil was having, not only the way it enhanced the sexual energy between them, but even with all the years of her wrestling experience, it would make insanely difficult to force Carrie into a hold, and then once there, to keep her there.

    Carrie sighed as their long, hard nipples brushed against one another, again the anticipation of how arousing this experience would be was quickly and totally exceeded, it was difficult to focus. Utilizing every fiber of control she had, Carrie?s fingers kneaded the muscles of Erika?s strong shoulders first, she smiled to herself as their faces got closer hoping for an impending kiss. Their oily full breasts slid over one another in whatever direction they desired, Erika moaned as Carrie massaged her shoulders, slowly Carrie began to move, her legs and thighs looking for more contact. Erika immediately countered, but they continued engaging in a slow series of probing touches. Their thighs, calves, bellies, breasts, and arms all slipping in and around one another as the two strong women, their perfect, oiled bodies sought more contact, and some elusive advantage.

    With every movement now they were becoming inseparably clamped together in a sweating embrace, as the heat and excitement produced pellets of perspiration. Writhing lewdly their heads moved, foreheads pressed and slid across one another when their eyes met and locked for a brief second communicating a mutual arousal. Each woman felt the frustration as well, their hands could find no grip. Carrie turned her head toward the Blonde?s face, both were frustrated in their own efforts, their cheeks touched and lips seemed to close in for a moment, but they both refocused on trying to find some advantage. Kissing, if it ever came to that, would have to wait.

    From head to toe, their slippery skin pressed, breasts forced together as their bellies and pelvises went for more contact. Carrie tightened her grip around Erika?s torso. They stood grinding each other's oily breasts, muscular torsos clamped together in a sweating embraces. Carrie got a determined look on her face and began to slowly rotate her torso back and forth, causing an inflaming mutual breast massage. Their eyes drilled into one another as they tried to read who was feeling the intense rubbing more. Erika suddenly felt a tremble ripple thru her body involuntarily as Carrie?s erect nipples flicked hers harshly, proving she wasn?t afraid of Erika?s stiff nipple flesh.

    Carrie somehow slithered her calf into the crook of Erika?s left knee and forced her to bend, or Erika let the bend happen, but no matter, their bodies were slowly going down, Erika?s left leg flexed to keep them from falling, but she didn?t resist too hard, she knew it was only a matter of time before they ended up on the ground and she wanted to conserve her energy for now. They continued to move in a slow motion tangle, competitive juices were flowing and leaking out of their aroused sexes, it seemed only a matter of time before one of them tried to exert some real power over the other.

    The pants and grunts increased, Carrie tensed her forearms and thighs trying to take control. Suddenly Erika twisted her torso, throwing her right arm around Carrie?s back as her left reached out to brace herself against the ground. When her right palm landed against Carrie?s back with a loud smack, Carrie reacted with explosive power and the two girls drove into one another as a violent eruption of twisting arms and legs. Grunts of female power filled the woods as any attempt for a dominating hold appeared futile due to the abundance of oil. But that did not slow either woman as they twisted and turned against one another. Their bodies wrestled and writhed together, just when it felt like Carrie might maintain her top position, Erika?s body, like a snake, slithered out of the bottom. Their bodies at times seemed locked together so tightly that arms and legs became a maze of glistening body parts, Red and Blonde hair strewn about neck and faces, plastered by sweat and oil. It was as if both sought to expel any space between.

    ?We wrestle to exhaustion, no submission holds.? But the Blonde had no intention of allowing that to happen, if a submission hold presented itself, she would take it, yet apply the hold sparingly. She smiled a little, feeling the woman squirm in her grasp.

    Carrie wasn?t stupid and could feel Erika maneuvering, she could not stop it, she didn?t have the wrestling and grappling experience to do otherwise. But she did have enough knowledge of balance and flexibility to hinder Erika just enough that she could draw out this duel until she gained the upper hand.

    Erika managed to lock in a combination half-nelson and scissor lock, with Carrie?s strong, lean body captured and pinned beneath Erika?s own weight. Carrie tried to pry the crushing limbs apart. The effort made Carrie?s oily hard-flexed shoulder muscles bulge as she strained to escape Erika?s devilish hold, but the Blonde merely scissored her powerful thighs even more tightly around the woman, drawing the Redhead even more tightly against her oily-sweat-soaked body.
    They were breathing heaver now, faces that were slick with sweat as they strained together, soft moans coming from both women and neither could tell if the sounds were from pleasure or pain, or perhaps a combination of both.

    Erika grunted as she applied even more pressure to her scissor hold. Carrie answered with a tortured groan, half muffled scream, half gurgle of effort as she continued her attempt at escape from Erika?s clutches. Their magnificently muscled bodies were shining with the wetness of sweat and oil, a slickness that made it ever more difficult for Erika to maintain her hold. The aroma of perspiration pervaded their nostrils, mixed with the subtle scent of female sexual arousal.

    The Blonde could feel Carrie slipping free of the hold, she slowly let the tension in her legs and arms relax. Her plan was to punish the Redhead in a variety of holds, just tight enough to make her gasp, but not enough to make her submit. She walked that fine line for almost twenty minutes, and then began to worry she was expending more energy applying the holds than Carrie was trying to escape them! ?Maybe not the best plan!? And even worse, she was so sexually aroused it was becoming almost comical to remain focused on straight-up wrestling.

    Granted, Erika had been inflicting the more damage, but Carrie?s powerful body fought on with never-ending resources it seemed. Similar thoughts were floating around inside the Red?s beautiful head, worries of expending energy, listening her herself moan louder as the minutes wore on, even letting a scream of pain out when she had to torque her body free of a hold. She was starting to taste some humiliation at being dominated, ?But I agreed to this!? she told herself, and she had achieved something else, the ultimate goal, to find herself in a grueling duel with another powerful woman. The sexual energy coursing thru her body was more powerful than anything she had ever experienced. Even her tangle with Tasha paled in comparison to what was taking place, and what was yet to happen. But Carrie was falling under a spell slowly, she wondered if she should just surrender and hopefully have sex with this amazing Blonde right now? Or Fight on, somehow? The desire for sex was dominating her every move and thought.

    Somehow, due most likely to the slickness of their bodies, Carrie was able to twist her body until she was face-to-face with Erika. Their breasts were crushed together again, flat belly hard against the other's rippling belly, their loins jammed together, hips undulating up and down in a slow sensual rhythm. They looked more like a pair of lovers than two wrestlers, although at this point in their struggle for mastery it might have been a bit of both. Their two nude bodies hardly moved as they struggled in ultra slow-motion. Everything about the moment seemed pure and natural. Their hard bodies, arms locked around each other, muscular legs flexing and scissoring around each other?s thighs as they panted in each other?s face, nose-to-nose.

    Then it happened, they each initiated the kiss, it was light at first, even tender. Erika felt Carrie tilt her crotch for more contact with her own and she obliged the Redhead, they had to loosen and adjust their scissor hold as their lower lips, clean shaven, rubbed against one another and both enjoyed the moaning that it illicit from their bodies. The groans coming now were in no way similar to the ones seconds ago, Carrie knew her body ached for a sexual release and kept kissing the Blonde, their tongues exploring each other much in the way two lover?s would. Erika expected biting, and harsh lashing from her opponent?s mouth and tongue, but Carrie kept it soft, they both did and the embrace of their contracting arms loosened to allow the sexual desires to take control of their next actions.

    They rolled slowly over the ground, the Blonde slowly moved her hands up to Carrie's breasts. She began fondling her and lightly rubbing the nipples. Carrie began to respond and moved her hands up to Erika's breasts. Their lips were still glued together and their tongues began to duel in their mouths.

    She felt the Blonde?s protruding clit rub the length of hers, like a tongue, over and over, slowly matching Carrie?s grinding with equal effort. Carrie was caught off guard as she involuntarily shrieked at the sudden waves of pleasure, and gasped in horror at how close she was to suddenly cumming! And then she did cum!

    Their embrace started to tighten again, their clits grinding and dueling against one another.

    ?This is what you want! To feel my superior pussy against yours? You?ve never felt another woman?s bare pussy before. And I just forced you to have an orgasm.? Erika pulled away and breathed into Carrie?s mouth, a mouth that did not immediately answer. Carrie was beside herself with gasps, she lifted her head, trying to get her bearings, she was on her back and moved her hands down to the Blonde?s amazing ass, two firm, round, flawless globes. The muscles flexing as she felt them ripple under her finger tips and then felt the blonde-bitch ground her mound down over her. Carrie?s finger tips roamed the firm meaty buns of the Blonde, grazing the tiny puckered asshole and then that beautiful cunt; yes, Carrie was shocked and ashamed to admit her admiration for another woman?s pussy, and it made her hate the Blonde. Desperation drove Carrie into action, knowing she had to break free from the Blonde, who was quickly in the process of mounting her. Carrie reached around and dipped her fingers into Erika?s pussy, parting her lips.

    Erika moaned at the unexpected but welcome intruder, her body responded in Carrie?s favor. With seemingly expert agility, the pale Redhead dragged her wet fingers up the crack of Erika?s ass and then slid them back down into Erika?s pussy, and dragged them up again. Each time she dragged more pussy juice up onto her ass.

    "God?.my god?? Erika moaned with distress, the Blonde?s pussy was being teased with Carrie?s nimble fingers, and then all of a sudden she pushed a whole finger into her. Carrie then began to fuck the girls cunt with her middle finger, Erika was panic stricken, she couldn?t conceive that her body would have reacted this way. Carrie suddenly stopped and pulled her finger out from between Erika?s tight pussy lips. Erika?s body had defied her when she realized her ass was sticking up in the air and her head was down. More fluid was dribbling from her pussy, then she felt herself suddenly being rolled over, the momentary distraction was all Carrie needed and Erika groaned feebly as she was now on her back. The poor Blonde grunted when she was the one mounted!

    Erika drew her knees up a little and coiled her legs around the the Yoga instructors long, powerful legs, inner thighs crushed against the outer muscles of her formidable opponent and they groaned, testing their leg strength against one another as another battle waged, pussy to pussy, and leg to leg.

    ?Come on bitch!? Carrie moaned, ?Dare to test your legs against mine again.? Carrie tightened her legs around Erika's and started using them as leverage to lift her upper body. Erika bridged up even further to gladly accept this added pressure between their cunts. Carrie's upper body Tasha until she was arching her back and the two women suddenly clasped hands with interlocking finger while their legs entwined tighter than they had ever been. Erika exploded with powerful upward thrusts as Carrie arched her back even more in an attempt to force the blonde?s cunt back down. Their cunts were receiving all the pressure between the two and they started to open up to one other as silky, smooth lips spread out against the other. Their intermingling juices created a warm, sticky bath in which their dueling clits found one another, eliciting sighs of pleasure from each girl. Carrie was practically thrusting her full weight down into Erika, when suddenly another powerful orgasm was closing in, causing the girl to heave.

    ?Fuck!? Carrie cursed at being taken by surprise by yet another orgasm, it was so sudden and powerful. Erika felt a subtle warmth flow over her pussy. Carrie, still in the middle of her orgasm, lost her balance and fell off to the side with a loud grunt.

    ?Leg to leg, pussy to pussy, my clit against yours. I have you beat!? Erika moaned. It took some effort, but Erika quickly looped a leg up and over Carrie's waist as they began to roll, attempting to scissor their legs together. Carrie whimpered as she felt her legs forced apart, her vaginal lips tightly flattened by the Blonde?s as Erika began a rhythmic rocking motion back and forth. To capitalize on the position further, she pinned Carrie's arms out above her head and moved her lips and searching tongue to the girl?s nipples and breasts that lay wide open before her. Every hold, touch and press felt warm and alive, but the motions and timing had calculated efficiency behind them as the Blonde took control now.

    "Now its my turn, you fucking stupid slut." Moaned Erika as she sucked and bit on Carrie?s nipples, causing the girl to arch up and squeal with ecstasy. But her cries soon turned to panic as she was in the last position she ever expected to be in.

    "Go ahead bitch, I can take it!" Yelled Carrie, trying to sound ever defiant. To oblige, Erika started thrusting her pubic mound with greater effort and looked up to locked eyes in a hated stare down as they ground their pussies against one another. ?Oh God!? Carrie panted as she felt her legs and arms failing against the Blonde?s power. They pushed forward crushing their wet folds together, their cunts opened fully creating a passage that allowed the exchange and mixture of cunt juices while two clits twisted tightly together.

    "Can you feel my cunt lips swallowing yours, dominating your pussy?? Erika moaned as the two ground into one another, a tear streaked from her eye. Carrie tilted her head in and went for an aggressive kiss, to throw the Blonde off, their faces tilted to align their mouths and the two women attacked each other as tongues flicked out, wiping over lips and teeth as they engaged in an all out tongue battle. Their kiss was fully consummated when their lips sealed together and they darted tongue from mouth to mouth in a hot, steaming battle. Carrie both heard and felt Erika?s deep breaths quicken as their pussies continued their glorious grind, the smell of their sexes so permeated the area now they felt bathed in it. Suddenly, Erika?s kissing became intensely sensual and soft, her tongue and teeth played and nibbled.

    Carrie struggled to maintain her composure, but with so many battles being fought it was getting more and more difficult. She could feel herself shaking, her heart pounding, as she tried to psychologically get back into the fight. Carrie arched her back and pressed her nipples back against the blonde?s and both woman tried to duel nipples and breasts, all the while they slowly gyrated their pussies together. Glossy spit covered lips continued to dodge one another as Carrie seemed at times to chase the Blonde and vice versa. Each knowing this was becoming an escalating game of seduction. Hot breath flowed over and into each other?s mouth as they would part lips and tease one another, hands cupping and stroking breasts, neck and cheeks.

    Carrie pulled away and smiled, ?Your one hot bitch?.

    ?So are you.? Erika moaned back.

    ?Still not as hot as me though.? Carrie sneered, suddenly her lips found Erika?s and overwhelmed the Blonde with a passionate kiss, causing her to moan and writhe in her intensifying hug. Erika was gasping and immediately hugged Carrie back, curling her tongue around her opponents. The girls screwed their tongues together for a few seconds before breaking off again, gasping. They continued to lunge and feint with their tongues, sighing with pleasure and frustration as one girl would penetrate the other?s mouth for a few vicious seconds. Erika managed to snake her tongue deep into Carrie?s mouth, almost choking the girl as it coiled around her tongue like a python, but Carrie managed to slide her own tongue past it, grunting as she rammed it deep into Erika?s mouth. Carrie continued to ravage Erika?s mouth, eliciting moans of panic as the tide had suddenly turned, Erika?s tongue was growing tired and was now easily brushed aside.

    Carrie suddenly found herself moaning louder, as the Blonde kept grinding her pussy against hers. She had already had an orgasm and was shocked Erika had not cum yet! ?She has to be close! How can she hold out so long!?

    Given their near state of exhaustion, both girls were shocked to feel as if every sensory was still alive within them, as every movement of an arm or leg had some new sensual effect. Each girl had used, and was continuing to utilize, every trick and sexual ploy they knew to out maneuver the other. Erika felt Carrie?s kissing slow, her lips and tongue while abused had recuperated enough to fight back and Carrie froze when she felt the Blonde?s lips form a evil smile. Erika?s tactic of playing possum had aided her and she began to viciously have her way with the Redhead?s exhausted mouth, causing Carrie to gurgle and cry out as her lips were bitten and tongue licked under and over by the blonde hell cat.

    ?Oh fuck yes!? Erika arched her whole body and threw her head up into the air as the orgasm shook her, every muscle strained as she writhed on top of her foe. ?I?ve won! I beat you bitch!? Erika crowed with delight.

    ?Never!? In raging frustration Carrie reached up and grabbed a handful of Erika?s blonde hair, and yanked her head back until the neck was arched into excruciating pain. Erika gave a cry and tried to roll over to relieve the pressure. Carrie, like an eel, slid free of the muscular limbs of the Blonde, spun around behind Erika, and slipped her arms up and under Erika's armpits to secure a full-nelson. ?Bitch!? Carrie growled into the back of Erika?s head. She didn?t know what had come over her, she was frantic in her efforts. She pressed her bare upper body against Erika's sweaty back, pushing the Blonde's head down as she cinched up her neck hold. The sharp pain caused Erika to cry out in agony. Now it was the beautiful Redhead who was very much in-charge. ?From where I am, you don?t look to be winning!?

    Erika writhed face down, recovering from her powerful orgasm and trying to assess her situation as the sexual haze cleared.

    ?Forget the rules Bitch!? Carrie snapped. Now, right now, she really did want to force the big strong Blonde to verbally submit. She had been subjected to painful hold after hold by Erika for the last hour, forced to cum repeatedly by the big, strong Blonde. And then, when Erika finally screamed out her own orgasm, it was like she was mocking the Redhead?s efforts. She had enough humiliation at the hands of this Blonde bitch!

    Erika flexed her powerful body and twisted a little. She smiled as her face pressed against the soft green grass of the earth. The problem for Carrie was that Erika was far more skilled then most people gave her credit. She often threw that skill aside in order seek out a more brutal and primal domination over her opponents, that tactic did not always work out so well, sometimes it made the fights more exciting, but sometimes she got her ass handed to her by the Spanish beauty. In any case, helped by the slickness of the oil that still remained all over their bodies, the Blonde squirmed within the Yoga Instructors grip, at the same time dragging her arms down against the bulging biceps of her opponent, forcing her arms apart. Carrie lost her grip, just as Erika twisted around to face her captor and shove her own hard-muscled body against Carrie's. A split-second later, the stunned Carrie found herself back beneath Erika's weight, her own hold broken and now a prisoner within the big blonde's hard-locked wrestling holds again.

    ?Not ever again,? panted Erika into Carrie's ear. "You're not woman enough to fight me, or fuck me, and now sweetie, let me show you how it's done."

    Once again Erika wrapped her long legs around her opponent, and at the same time put the young Redhead into a crushing neck-lock. This time the scissors was not applied to Carrie's waist, but rather they were locked around the woman's muscular thighs. Erika then pulled Carrie's body backward, at the same time holding the other woman?s lower body down with her encircled legs. The result was that Carrie was pulled tight.

    Carrie fought the hold, even with the help of sweat and oil, her whole body squirmed helplessly, it was humiliating as the Blonde taunted her.

    ?You give sweetie?? Erika seethed

    Carrie then felt her body shake and convulse from the exhaustion closing in on her, finally a wave of emotion overcame the redhead, it was like another voice inside her was calling out, ?Enough!? spit running down her chin, "I can't go on!? Carrie?s whole body seemed to go limp in her tormentors clutches.

    Carrie lay in what felt like a semi comatose state, their bodies were sweat soaked and slid over one another, she moaned softly at first and then unexpectedly began to sob, tears streaking down her cheeks.

    "Well you Bitch, I guess we know who the better woman is now." Erika sighed with pride.

    Carrie was trembling all over like shivering, she had never been so exhausted in her life. Erika slowly stood up and drew her tired naked body to it?s full height. She took a long look at the vanquished Redhead. Carrie wasn?t one to look away in shame. She pushed up, somewhat feebly, and looked into the Blonde?s waiting eyes, ?You won, you beat me. Your the better woman.? The trickle of fresh tears stunned her, admitting that in the open caused a lump to swell up into the back of her throat and she almost choked out a sob as the Blonde placed her hands on her hips arrogantly, triumphantly.

    Erika watched the beautiful yoga instructor struggle to get to her feet and was even more impressed as the girl walked and stood toe to toe with her. Both women, exhausted, drained, and sexually spent stood staring into each other?s eyes. There was competitive fire, a hate, and a lusting desire to fight and fuck one another once again.

    As a challenge, Carrie stepped in until their raw nipples, harder and aching worse then ever before, touched and rubbed against one another. It was painful to the touch, evident in a subtle grimace both women failed to stifle, much to the amusement of the other. To feel the tips of their breasts challenge one another after such an exhausting match was exhilarating to say the least.

    ?I challenge you to another duel.? Carrie said pressing her nipples into the Blonde?s. Neither yielding and each feeling the contest between their breasts, as if their nipples and breasts were eager for their own battle to take place. Erika steadied herself, letting her own long, hard nipples press into Carrie?s, and that is how they stood, each struggling to keep only their nipples touching, letting the extreme tenderness be the only feeling connecting their two bodies.

    ?Oh there will be another duel all right. But I get to choose.? Erika smirked and then gave Carrie?s nipples a quick swipe as she turned away. Immediately they both missed the contact and wanted more.

    As she watched the Blonde walk away, her eyes drifted down, lustfully soaking in the Blonde?s perfectly shaped ass, flawless in shape, glistening to the point sweat almost seemed to drip from her buns as she walked. And then it amused the redhead to see Erika?s body suddenly tilt to the left as if her foe was about to fall! The Blonde was going to pass out! But it wasn?t just Erika, No, it was as if the whole earth was tilting. Carrie suddenly felt as if she was on a rocking ship and instinctively knew what was happening, she was the one on the verge of passing out! Her once strong legs buckled and she let herself simply drop to her knees. But the ground kept spinning and she took a few deep breaths, it helped. But not enough.

    ?You remember the way back, right??
    Erika?s words were the first thing she remembered. Time, day and place were all a slight haze as she came around. Some things she was very sure of, ?I am naked and alone.?

    Sprawled out on the forrest floor she struggled toward a pile she recognized as her clothes. Carrie gasped as her whole body seemed wracked with pain, every muscle cried out as she tried to sit up.

    Humbled, beaten, and hurting, she found it odd that she never felt more alive in her whole life.


    All in Place - Part 44


    The smile of satisfaction stayed with her all the way home, into the shower, and as she relaxed on the edge of her bed, brushing her hair with a relaxed motion. It had waned slightly, but her body language still conveyed her sense of pleasure, even happiness.

    Bryan had just arrived at her house, he didn?t live there and she didn?t stay with him, Erika wouldn?t hear of it until after they were married. This was simply one of the many sleep-overs they frequently enjoyed.

    ?This kind of satisfaction requires something more.? Erika thought as the emotional and sexual high still coursed thru her body after her dominating victory over Carrie. She had been keeping her fiancee at arms length for some time now. When that Spanish Bitch Tasha, and now Carrie, were not put ?in their place?, nothing in her life felt ?in proper order.? Erika craved that kind of order in her life, and that order required dominance over men, and especially other women. She wasn?t at all sure how the next few days would play out, but none of that worried her mind now. At this very moment she was focused on one thing right now, making love to her fiancee.

    Bryan was kicking off his shoes, he looked exhausted from a stressed day at work and his perplexed look amused her. Was she going to scold him again? Turn him around and send back him to his own house?
    He hesitated waiting for what might come next.

    Erika placed the brush down next to her and stood up, her hands tugged at the straps of the white, full length robe. She slowly pulled back revealing that she was totally nude underneath. Giving an alluring smile she turned on the bedroom eyes and smiled just a little, it was her wicked sexy smile that he loved. His actions became frantic now, pulling at socks, tie, and belt. Her left hand Tasha and pointed toward the bathroom, ?Shower first?, she wasn?t a clean freak by any means, but she had just showered and wanted him freshly washed as well.

    Dropping the robe in the middle of the floor she then strolled over to dim the lights, Erika enjoyed making love with some lights on. Easing down onto the edge of the bed she crossed her smooth strong left leg over her right. The sounds of Bryan making a hasty exit from the shower kept the smile on her lips.

    He was anxious, so very anxious to make love to his fiancee, his prick was very erect, as hard as he could ever recall, she sat almost perched on the edge of the bed as he walked straight up to her, water dripping along the way, he had done a sloppy job drying off but didn?t care. He watched as Erika gently touched the head of his penis with her finger tips, playing along it?s shaft and pulling down on it making the muscle strain, he loved when she ?went down? on him, Erika practically made love to his dick, kissing it and licking it before taking it all the way into her mouth. On a rare occasion, she would take it deep into her throat allowing him to cum as she swallowed all of his sperm. He wasn?t unique in any way, and figured he was average in size, whatever that amounted to.

    He had almost cum when her hands cradled his balls, squeezing at just right moment as her lips sucked along the shaft. Deftly she retreated back on the bed and drew her legs up, allowing him to clearly see the most beautiful pussy in the world, and it was all his for the taking, just waiting for his male organ to plunge deep into her wetness. Carefully he climbed on top as her long, strong legs wrapped around him, pulling him in, and with a deep moan he pushed into his girl?s tight, smooth vagina. He fought the urge to cum, he was struggling too soon, but Erika was immediately controlling the tempo, she always had control, her pussy was just to powerful, too dominating, she could squeeze his shaft and head so hard it made him stiffen with fear. And when he did cum, her muscles seemed to be able to milk ever drop from his balls. In the past Bryan had tried to exert his male power over her, trying to grind and drive his shaft from tip to base, trying to pound her pussy into submission, but it was a futile effort, leaving him spent and exhausted. He eventually accepted her sexual dominance in their relationship. Even when she writhed and screamed out an orgasm, it always seemed as if it was on ?Erika?s terms? when and how the orgasm came.


    Erika sat comfortably, picking at the fresh blueberry muffin with careful, meticulous effort. Her entire body felt fresh and clean, a whole day spent at the full service spa can do such things. She had even shopped for new clothes and underwear. She felt reborn in some ways, having dominated the two women in her life that dared challenge her. She smiled most of all thinking about making love to her fiancee Bryan the night before. Bryan, under her guidance, had become expert in the art of cunnilingus which made the Blonde extremely happy.

    However, the next few minutes would determine if this happy mood would continue, or turn sour. Tasha could have that affect on people. The Spanish Beauty had called, and emailed, leaving very curt messages, wanting a meeting. ?Demanding? was more of the tone Erika interpreted, fine with her, she was expecting it and was excited to hear what the small, Spanish, fire-cracker of a woman had to say.

    She had dressed in a thin, cool, loose summer dress that stopped mid thigh and barely hung on her shoulders. She felt aroused leading up to this meeting, and more so approaching the table. Eyeing the radiant Blonde, the Italian girl?s skin seemed silken smooth and fresh.

    As the gorgeous Spanish beauty approached, Erika could sense Tasha was a furious mess, the complete opposite of her very sexy, lose flowing attire. What caught the confident, powerful Blonde off guard was the unblinking stare that Tasha was giving her. Those beautiful dark eyes that were large and could be very menacing, were not, at this moment Erika clearly felt the waves of ?hurt?, even a strong degree of ?sadness? from those eyes. But Erika stayed cautious, she wasn?t ready to give Tasha any trust just yet.

    She had barely sat down, ?I am going to get a drink.? Tasha abruptly stood up and walked over to the counter.

    ?Now something is way off? and Erika decided to be magnanimous, maybe she was overlooking something that could be the root cause of Tasha?s sudden melancholy. Erika knew she was arrogant and tended to be selfish most of the time, she really didn?t want to be weighted down with petty little issues that so many people liked to indulge themselves in.

    ?Why the long face?? Erika asked when Tasha sat back down, casually folding her hands in her lap watching the girl sip on the coffee.

    Tasha slowly stirred the stick around the edge of the cup, ?The end is usually sad.?

    ?The end? End of what? What are you talking about?? Erika winced in irritation, she didn?t like these word games, it annoyed her.

    ?You and Carrie can continue having your little battles, one-upping each other, but I am out.?

    ?You were never really competition material to begin with.? Erika snarked, taking a quick irritated sip of her own coffee, expecting a nice edgy retort would get Tasha back into her usual mood.

    But the biting rebuke seemed to fly over Tasha?s radar, she wasn?t engaging, instead simply shook her head as if frustrated and looked up with eyes that remained in a fixated state of sadness, the exact same she had walked into the cafe with. ?Really? A common, nasty put down, I was expecting more.?

    ?What were you expecting?? Erika leaned forward with an angry hiss, ?We have been fighting for months now, beating the crap out of one another. Now you suddenly want to have some pity party??

    ?Does it bother you to have a third woman involved in something that used to be between us? Just us! Something extremely private and unique that only we shared!? Tasha?s eyes were a lot less sad now, replaced with a great deal of anger.

    ?Are you jealous?? Erika smiled that clever little smile, which really annoyed Tasha, it makes the Blonde look like she is a lot smarter than everyone else. She even does it up with a nice flip of her long Blonde hair.

    ?Are you jealous?? Tasha fired right back. Both women sat across from one another, eyeing the other suspiciously, with some amount of hate, and sexual longing mixed in. Their pride seemed to rise and fall as carefully as stacking a deck of cards, neither wanting to show any more emotion than necessary, not fully trusting what the other would do if one of them truly allowed their defenses to wane.

    The silence continued until Tasha played another option she had been considering, ?Maybe you are the one that?s out.? Tasha sipped on her cup and smiled.

    ?Maybe what?? Erika just about chuckled.

    ?In fact,? Tasha began collecting her purse and keys, ?I am heading over to the gym now, I will enjoy fucking that hot Red-headed bitch into submission. You and I both know what an amazing body she has.?

    ?Wait, what? Now! Right now?!? Erika sat up straight, flustered, which went hand-in-hand with her blushing face and now agitated demeanor.

    But Tasha was already walking toward the door.

    Tasha had every intent on following thru on this impromptu plan, she wasn?t just talking here. Although she didn?t know if Carrie was even teaching tonight and couldn?t think straight enough to calculate what nights she taught Yoga, and so forth. All she cared about??..


    Already at her car door, but the Spanish Beauty pauses, shaking her head in frustration.

    ?I said wait you Spanish Bitch!? The taller Blonde briskly walked right up to Tasha and was indeed furious, her eyes drilling down into the Spanish girl?s. Erika?s firm jaw line flexed as if her mouth refused to speak another word although Tasha could tell something was now boiling over inside of Erika?s brain.

    ?Who?s playing games now?? Tasha spat with disgust at Erika?s sudden inability to speak. Tasha was so furious she wanted to spit in the Blonde?s face.

    Erika fumed, her nostrils flared and she glanced around the dark parking lot cautiously, before leaning into the Spanish?s hot body, ?Yes!?

    One word was all she managed to get out, for now. The Blonde?s mind and tongue could not come together, nothing was making sense. Not her chasing Tasha out into the parking lot, not her sudden emotional state of mind over the thought of Tasha and Carrie tangling with one another again. They each studied the other?s expression although masked by the heavy shadows of the overhead lights.

    The Spanish?s amazing body relaxed, toned muscles released days of pent up anxiety, it felt good, what felt even better was a glimmer of hope that the Blonde was sexually and emotionally tied to her, at least she was admitting it now. It was a miserable effort to storm out of the coffee shop not knowing what would happen.

    Tasha looked up carefully, stepped in closer to invade the Blonde?s personal space, not a smile, nor hint of one as their bodies pressed in tight.

    ?Yes?? She pushed further into Italian Blonde?s emotions, seeing how much further it would go.

    ?I am jealous.?

    Erika spoke the truth now, she had felt the jealousy grip her guts when Tasha stormed out, in a way she wasn?t used to, and totally unfamiliar with. She didn?t want to feel this way, she shouldn?t be feeling this way, why should she care if Tasha wanted to sleep with other women, or fight other women.

    ?Me too.? Tasha sighed and leaned into the Blonde?s body even more. Italian and Spanish, two women in their prime and well battle tested against one another. Each eager to dominate the other.

    ?So what are we going to do about it?? The Blonde asked, her voice weak and eyes watery with mixed emotions.

    ?What we always do about it.? Tasha felt their hot coursing breath move over their full lips as the Blonde?s anxious mouth parted.
    MY SEXFIGHT E-BOOKS: Anubisx's Amazon

    MY DEVIANTART: Anubisx's DeviantART

    MY LAST SEXFIGHT E-BOOK: Resort Showdown

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    Senior Hostboard Member fett33's Avatar
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    Re: Looking for story: Supremacy

    Thanks for the repost! I always like this one because they go round after round with each other and the fights get more and more intense.

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    Junior Hostboard Member Haxor009's Avatar
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    Re: Looking for story: Supremacy

    How long must it take to write an epic like this? I keep wanting to write but even to get to 4k words can take me a couple days XD

  5. #5
    Junior Hostboard Member Austin315's Avatar
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    Re: Looking for story: Supremacy

    This story is by far one of my favorites. Live the emphasis on muscle, and how they keep going back to the gym tto get stronger for their impending rematch. Anyone know if the aither still writes? Or how to contact him/her? Of even recomend other stories like this one? Thank you!

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    HB Forum Owner AL75's Avatar
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    Re: Looking for story: Supremacy

    Quote Originally Posted by Haxor009 View Post
    How long must it take to write an epic like this? I keep wanting to write but even to get to 4k words can take me a couple days XD
    I wouldn't worry about how long it takes. Just consistently write. One great example is Jon Grey. When he first started his "Best Friend's Sister" stories, he wrote the first one in July of 2009 and by early 2014 he was already at part 28. Those were good, but he slowed down in later years, ending with part 40 in 2020. Those early stories were much shorter, but as he built out that world he was only posting 1 per year for the final few years.

    I'd even go so far as to say that the authors who never stop pumping out tons of stories are the ones whose material doesn't grab me as much.

    Just write. If your first few stories are shorter, that's probably good because you're getting something finished. Over time you'll get into the habit and just produce higher quality stories though they'll likely come out at a slower rate.

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    Junior Hostboard Member Austin315's Avatar
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    Re: Looking for story: Supremacy

    Great advice AL75. With that said is there anyone out there that knows if this is truly the end of this epic saga or is there more deep in the archives? And what about any other stories from this Author James347?

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    Hostboard Member moanalo's Avatar
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    Re: Looking for story: Supremacy

    Quote Originally Posted by Austin315 View Post
    Great advice AL75. With that said is there anyone out there that knows if this is truly the end of this epic saga or is there more deep in the archives? And what about any other stories from this Author James347?
    This is an old thread I stumbled upon, but decided to try and answer your question.
    In my efforts to maintain some degree of anonymity on the internet, I have constantly changed my alias.
    Over the years I have posted as 'Jim', 'James', 'James347', and even posted under the names of the very Characters in the stories.

    I have posted on sites like; The Valkyrie, Sexboards, ASSTR and many others. Also under various identities. Some of those sites are now offline.

    As of right now, I post only under 'moanalo'.

    All of this was done in an effort to keep my identity/gender private (as much as that can be done on the Internet).
    Writing erotic fiction is a love/hate thing for me, thus my often inconsistency with responses and postings.

    My stories, off the top of my head, include:

    A Dream of Evenly Matched (F vs F)
    Corbin (Not really a fight story)
    Dance the Night Away (F vs F)
    My Bitch (F vs M / M vs. M)
    Never (not posted yet) (M vs M)
    On The Court (F vs F)
    Off The Court (F vs F)
    Sharlene vs Shade (A Sequel/Tribute to the original - I did not write the original) (F vs F)
    Sleeping Wife Taken (don't know if it has ever been posted) (F vs M)
    Stacy and Debbie (not posted yet) (F vs F)
    Supremacy (F vs F)
    The Challenge (F vs F)
    The Club (not posted yet) (F vs F)
    Veronica vs Yolonda (Pajama Party Sequel/Tribute to the original - I did not write the Original) (F vs F)

    I am sure I am missing some, again, just off the top of what I can recall.

    Finally, the above repost of Supremacy is not the finale version, very far from it.
    So I will try and get the full version re-posted soon in it's entirety.
    The final version is far better in every aspect...grammar, story-flow, action, and so on.

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    Junior Hostboard Member Austin315's Avatar
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    Re: Looking for story: Supremacy

    Oh wow. That is pretty amazing. Supremacy and Charlene Vs Sade were my absolute favorite stories. They literally got me into finding stories like those. That led me to stories from writers like Emish and a few others that focus on muscular women. So with that being said I had no idea that you wrote on and off the court. Which easily became my 2nd favorite story of all time behind Supremacy. Wow. You're truly revered in my eyes my friend. Your stories are simply put just amazing. I'd LOVE to be able to read the final version of Supremacy if there would be any way possible. And of course your other work. Did Charlene and Sade ever have a rematch or was it just those two nights of fighting/fucking where Charlene was the victor both nights? Anyways. I. Cannot thank you enough for your contributions and your work. Like I said you are truly revered my friend. Hope all is well

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by moanalo View Post
    This is an old thread I stumbled upon, but decided to try and answer your question.
    In my efforts to maintain some degree of anonymity on the internet, I have constantly changed my alias.
    Over the years I have posted as 'Jim', 'James', 'James347', and even posted under the names of the very Characters in the stories.

    I have posted on sites like; The Valkyrie, Sexboards, ASSTR and many others. Also under various identities. Some of those sites are now offline.

    As of right now, I post only under 'moanalo'.

    All of this was done in an effort to keep my identity/gender private (as much as that can be done on the Internet).
    Writing erotic fiction is a love/hate thing for me, thus my often inconsistency with responses and postings.

    My stories, off the top of my head, include:

    A Dream of Evenly Matched (F vs F)
    Corbin (Not really a fight story)
    Dance the Night Away (F vs F)
    My Bitch (F vs M / M vs. M)
    Never (not posted yet) (M vs M)
    On The Court (F vs F)
    Off The Court (F vs F)
    Sharlene vs Shade (A Sequel/Tribute to the original - I did not write the original) (F vs F)
    Sleeping Wife Taken (don't know if it has ever been posted) (F vs M)
    Stacy and Debbie (not posted yet) (F vs F)
    Supremacy (F vs F)
    The Challenge (F vs F)
    The Club (not posted yet) (F vs F)
    Veronica vs Yolonda (Pajama Party Sequel/Tribute to the original - I did not write the Original) (F vs F)

    I am sure I am missing some, again, just off the top of what I can recall.

    Finally, the above repost of Supremacy is not the finale version, very far from it.
    So I will try and get the full version re-posted soon in it's entirety.
    The final version is far better in every aspect...grammar, story-flow, action, and so on.
    Oh wow. That is pretty amazing. Supremacy and Charlene Vs Sade were my absolute favorite stories. They literally got me into finding stories like those. That led me to stories from writers like Emish and a few others that focus on muscular women. So with that being said I had no idea that you wrote on and off the court. Which easily became my 2nd favorite story of all time behind Supremacy. Wow. You're truly revered in my eyes my friend. Your stories are simply put just amazing. I'd LOVE to be able to read the final version of Supremacy if there would be any way possible. And of course your other work. Did Charlene and Sade ever have a rematch or was it just those two nights of fighting/fucking where Charlene was the victor both nights? Anyways. I. Cannot thank you enough for your contributions and your work. Like I said you are truly revered my friend. Hope all is well

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    Hostboard Member Superson7c's Avatar
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    Re: Looking for story: Supremacy


    Can we see all of your novels??
    please can you upload all novels in this forum???
    it looks like masterpieces~~

    Quote Originally Posted by moanalo View Post

    My stories, off the top of my head, include:

    A Dream of Evenly Matched (F vs F)
    Corbin (Not really a fight story)
    Dance the Night Away (F vs F)
    My Bitch (F vs M / M vs. M)
    Never (not posted yet) (M vs M)
    On The Court (F vs F)
    Off The Court (F vs F)
    Sharlene vs Shade (A Sequel/Tribute to the original - I did not write the original) (F vs F)
    Sleeping Wife Taken (don't know if it has ever been posted) (F vs M)
    Stacy and Debbie (not posted yet) (F vs F)
    Supremacy (F vs F)
    The Challenge (F vs F)
    The Club (not posted yet) (F vs F)
    Veronica vs Yolonda (Pajama Party Sequel/Tribute to the original - I did not write the Original) (F vs F)

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