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Thread: Coup D’etat: Part 3

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    Senior Hostboard Member YuriLesboLover's Avatar
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    Coup D’etat: Part 3

    After taking out their left over libidos from their respective matches on each other, La Malvada and La Cazadora went back to Serena’s apartment and were able to obtain the keys to Madam Red’s office, in addition to Olivia’s master key to the prison itself. St. Lilith’s was as good as theirs but there was still the matter of the guards. There were about 50 of them. Shouldn’t be a problem for nymphos of their caliber. Not to mention their woman on the inside. Trina, the seemingly innocent and perky greeter of conjugal visitors was in fact anything but. She had impressed Olivia in person and Madam Red through word of mouth enough to land her position when in actuality she was a spy for Las Brujas from the start or rather a hopeful. She believed that her actions here would get her a position within the cartel. Their plan was a simple one and its first step involved the two narco bosses using their keys to sneak into the guards’ training ground early in the morning when no one was using it and while Trina was on surveillance camera duty. The two used their keys to slip into the training room through the backdoor.

    “Do it.” La Malvada ordered.

    Brooke got out her phone to text Trina.

    Brooke: We’re in position. Go for it.

    Trina: Understood.

    Trina had to stop herself from drooling at the sight of both of them in order to do her job properly. She pushed the button to the intercom for the guard quarters.

    “Intruder alert! Intruder alert!” Trina said with haste. “Two unidentified suspicious individuals are in the guard training grounds! Please deal with them at once!”

    The guards were surprised, not to mention wondering where Captain Brooks was but they still took it seriously and every single one of them followed protocol. They made sure every inmate was in their cell safe and secure before they all made their way towards the training grounds in order to overwhelm the intruders and leave them zero chance of escape.

    Trina: They’re on the way.

    Brooke: Good. Come find us once they’re taken care of. You can observe all you want through the cameras.

    Trina: Thank you!

    The pink haired spy watched with enthrallment as the guards piled into the training grounds and all stood in awe of their two stunning intruders. The silence was long and awkward until one guard finally spoke up.

    “Who are you and what the Hell are you two doing here?!” The guard demanded.

    “Me?“ La Malvada asked. “Well, to put it bluntly…I’m the new warden of St. Lilith’s…La Malvada.”

    The guards all went wide eyed upon hearing that.

    “La Malvada…” Another guard said. “THE La Malvada?”

    “That’s right.” Brooke said. “Show some respect as I, La Cazadora will be your new captain now that Madam Red and Captain Brooks have been captured and defeated by us.”

    “Like Hell! No one can defeat those two one on one!” A guard said defiantly.

    “Is that so?” Brooke asked mockingly as she took out her phone and showed the guards pics of both Serena and Olivia bound and gagged after their respective defeats.

    The guards all showed faces of shock and horror at what they were witnessing. None of them even knew what Madam Red looked like but somehow they could just tell it was her.

    “How do you think we got these keys?” La Malvada asked, waving them around in their faces. “Now, you bimbos all have a choice here. You can bow down to me willingly and maybe I’ll even let some of you join my concubines…OR the two of us can fuck all the necessary discipline into you! What do you say?”

    “You do realize how outnumbered you are, right?” A guard asked. “Even you two have to know a losing battle when you see it.”

    “I think they’ve given their answer, Señora.” Brooke said.

    “Seems that way.” La Malvada said.

    The two began to strip, as did the rest of the guards. Trina watched through the cameras, trying to control her drool…

    One hour later…

    Every single guard in the room lay unconscious on the matted floor while the two narco bosses stood tall, barely having broken a sweat.

    “That was a nice workout.” Brooke said, stretching.

    “Yes but nothing special.” La Malvada said.

    Trina walked into the room, carefully stepping across her colleagues’ bodies to greet her two new bosses.

    “That was amazing!” Trina said as she stood in front of them. “I’ve never seen anything like it!”

    “I think she did well here, Brooke.” La Malvada said. “Don’t you?”

    “Yes, she came through for us excellently.” Brooke agreed.

    “So am I a Bruja now?!” Trina asked excitedly.

    “Not quite.” Brooke said. Trina’s excitement died instantly. “We have just one more assignment for you. Jeffe?”

    “First, a question.” La Malvada said. “How many of these inmates would you say are useful?”

    “Honestly, ma’am…not many.” Trina admitted. “Only a handful of them, in fact. The rest are nearly as loyal to Madam Red as the guards are. They would never serve you willingly.”

    “All of them, inmates and guards will come around to me soon enough.” La Malvada said.

    “Well, which ones are useful?” Brooke asked.

    “If you want my best guess…” Trina said. “Pretty much just the special inmates that were brought in by Task Force 732. Just about all of them would want revenge against those dogooder sluts anyway.”

    “Then release them and tell them what the plan is.” La Malvada said. “Also, I have plans for three of them in particular. Brooke, send me the name of the hotel that Tamara Colby is staying at. I want to send her a message.”

    “Yes, jeffe.” Brooke said as she did so.

    “Sabrina Phillips should be the most useful to us.” La Malvada said. “She should still be able to get into 732’s penthouse. Do you have any concerns about her?”

    “None at all.” Trina said. “She lost everything because of them. If anyone wants payback, it’s her.”

    “Excellent.” La Malvada said. “For now, throw these lackeys in with the normal inmates. That’s pretty much what they’ve become now. Brooke and I will go get our…cargo. Is there any place to keep them in particular?”

    “We have actually just finished working on a giant cell for particularly difficult inmates.” Trina said. “It’s a huge plexiglass cell that Madam Red planned to throw especially erratic and troublemaking prisoners into all at once. The tight conditions would serve as punishment and they’d be left in there to go at each other.”

    “Perfect.” La Malvada said. “Free the following prisoners. Sabrina Phillips. La Rubia. La Cazadora, April, May and June. I want the latter three to go to Mexico and find Tamara Colby for me. You and Brooke will go with the others to the hotel to track down the 732 sluts and bring them to me. They’ve been a pain in my clit long enough. Tell my old sicarias that they’re welcome back to their old titles if they avenge their previous defeats.”

    “Yes, ma’am!” Trina said firmly.

    “You know your assignments.” Brooke said. “We’ll be going now.”

    “Wait!” Trina requested and the two turned around.

    “Señora…” Trina said, shaking. “Could I have..just one…?”

    “Why, of course you can, chica.” La Malvada said lovingly.

    She grabbed her double agent by her collar and pulled her in for a passionate, soul sucking kiss that lasted for a full ten seconds. Trina’s eyes nearly rolled into the back of her skull and she just barely stopped herself from cumming right then and there. La Malvada pulled away with a pop, leaving Trina panting.

    “Plenty more where that came from, dear.” La Malvada said. “Now get to work.”

    Whatever small doubts Trina had about betraying her colleagues and boss was destroyed by that. She would follow La Malvada to storm Hell itself now. The three split up to do what needed to be done. La Malvada went back to her underground safe house to find her two hostages, mother and daughter, 69ing in the cell she left them in. She smiled at the erotic display before walking over and knocking on the glass, startling them.

    “I had a feeling you two were into that kinky shit.” La Malvada said. “Trying to find some solace in your new lives as my pets?”

    The two didn’t say a word.

    “Don’t worry, I won’t judge.” La Malvada said. “Where you’re going, you won’t have to worry about hiding that from anyone. For now though, I have a new cell for you…In your own prison, Señora Roja.”

    “What?” Serena asked.

    “That’s right. My subordinate and I brought down all of your guards single handedly.” La Malvada said. “St. Lilith’s is mine now…As are both of your delectable pussies.”

    “You won’t get away with this!” Valerie said confidently.

    “Who’s going to stop me, chica? Your mommy?” La Malvada asked teasingly.

    The two looked away in shame before La Malvada opened their cell and bound and gagged them once again. She returned to the prison to find Brooke with Olivia also bound and gagged and Trina waiting for them alongside the inmates she was specified to release. All of them were in awe of La Malvada.

    “You have your own guard here to thank for this.” La Malvada said teasingly to the three of them. “She knows who the real women are in this prison.”

    Olivia glared daggers at Trina. If looks could kill…Trina just ignored her. Too busy salivating at her new boss.

    “Now, I assume you’ve briefed the fresh meat on their assignments?” Brooke asked Trina.

    “Yes, they all know what to do.” Trina said.

    “So…You’re really el jeffe?” La Morena asked.

    “That’s right.” La Malvada asked.

    “Wow…You’re even more stunning than I imagined.” La Morena added.

    “I guess so.” Sabrina said.

    “Let’s go over it again. The five of us…” Brooke said pointing to Trina, Sabrina, La Rubia, La Morena and herself. “Will infiltrate Task Force 732’s penthouse and get some payback. Afterwards, you will all be welcomed into Las Brujas. Any questions?”

    No one said anything.

    “Good.” La Malvada said. “As for you three…The Calendar Trio, right?”

    April, May and June nodded, ogling La Malvada’s beautiful body.

    “I’ll book you a flight to Mexico and I have some stolen maid uniforms ready there for you.” La Malvada explained.

    “You really came prepared.” June said.

    “I have eyes and ears everywhere.” La Malvada said. “Using your disguises, you will find Tamara Colby, incapacitate her in any manner you see fit and bring her to me. Understood?”

    “Of course.” April said.

    “And we’ll become sicarias too, right?” May asked.

    “Yes.” La Malvada answered. “I will stay here and cement my power as new warden. Now move out.”

    Everyone else left as Brooke handed Olivia off to La Malvada. The goth raven dragged her three prisoners to the single giant cell that Trina told her about and tossed them in before locking them in before untying and ungagging them.

    “You can stay here until I break all of your hot bodies and defiant minds into obedient, lustful little pets.” La Malvada said. “When I find mi amor, I’ll fuck her day and night until she joins you too. Enjoy being on the other end of a cell at St. Lilith’s for once, putas.”

    She walked away.

    “What do we do now, Mom?” Valerie asked.

    “There’s nothing we can do, honey.” Serena said.

    “That doesn’t sound like the Madam Red I know.” Olivia said.

    “I’m not sure if I can even call myself that anymore.” Serena said with a sigh. “I’ve lost it all. My freedom, my prison and my pride…”

    “You haven’t lost us.” Valerie said, hugging her. “And don’t talk like that. Dad wouldn’t want to hear it.”

    Serena smiled slightly as she hugged her daughter back.

    “There’s still 732 and Tamara.” Olivia said. “They’re really our only hope.”

    “You’re right.” Serena said. “Not much else we can do.”

    “I can think of a few ways to pass the time at least.” Valerie said, fondling her mother lovingly.

    “She’s definitely your daughter, Serena.” Olivia said.

    “That she is…And I like the way she thinks.” Serena said.

    The three embraced.

    Brooke was driving her team to the hotel that was her former home and now occupied by the very people who destroyed her life and threw her in jail.

    “You’re sure you can get us into the penthouse?” Brooke asked.

    “Yes, my fingerprints will still work on the scanner to get us in.” Sabrina said.

    “I’ll leave Jasmine to you.” Brooke said.

    “And I’ll leave Vanessa to you.” Sabrina said back.

    If only the rest of them could see the ginger crossing her fingers in between her back and her seat..

  2. #2
    HB Forum Owner JB57's Avatar
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    Re: Coup D’etat: Part 3

    Hm - I wonder what Sabrina is lying about? Great new part. Can't believe that the two villains managed to take out 50 guards in just an hour!


  3. #3
    Senior Hostboard Member Giannis-CB's Avatar
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    Re: Coup D’etat: Part 3

    I liked it. It has some exaggerations, but OK. It is well written, it has a twist, it has some interesting dialogues, it goes on with an inderesting plot, especially that last paragraph...
    As I have said many times, a very good writer of erotic stories, is also good (or very good) to write not erotic scenes.
    You do so...
    Last edited by Giannis-CB; August 8th, 2023 at 06:11 AM.

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